!!omap - ATIMER_DOWNCOUNTER: fields: !!omap - CVAL: access: rw description: When equal to zero an interrupt is raised lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 16 - ATIMER_PRESET: fields: !!omap - PRESETVAL: access: rw description: Value loaded in DOWNCOUNTER when DOWNCOUNTER equals zero lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 16 - ATIMER_CLR_EN: fields: !!omap - CLR_EN: access: w description: Writing a 1 to this bit clears the interrupt enable bit in the ENABLE register lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - ATIMER_SET_EN: fields: !!omap - SET_EN: access: w description: Writing a 1 to this bit sets the interrupt enable bit in the ENABLE register lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - ATIMER_STATUS: fields: !!omap - STAT: access: r description: A 1 in this bit shows that the STATUS interrupt has been raised lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - ATIMER_ENABLE: fields: !!omap - ENA: access: r description: A 1 in this bit shows that the STATUS interrupt has been enabled and that the STATUS interrupt request signal is asserted when STAT = 1 in the STATUS register lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - ATIMER_CLR_STAT: fields: !!omap - CSTAT: access: w description: Writing a 1 to this bit clears the STATUS interrupt bit in the STATUS register lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1 - ATIMER_SET_STAT: fields: !!omap - SSTAT: access: w description: Writing a 1 to this bit sets the STATUS interrupt bit in the STATUS register lsb: 0 reset_value: '0' width: 1