/* * (C) 2022 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH * All Rights Reserved * * Author: Eric Wild * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "GSMCommon.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ms.h" extern "C" { #include "sch.h" } #include "threadsched.h" dummylog ms_trx::dummy_log; #ifdef DBGXX const int offsetrange = 200; const int offset_start = -15; static int offset_ctr = 0; #endif template <> std::atomic ms_trx::base::stop_lower_threads_flag(false); int ms_trx::init_dev_and_streams() { int status = 0; status = init_device(rx_bh(), tx_bh()); if (status < 0) { std::cerr << "failed to init dev!" << std::endl; return -1; } return status; } bh_fn_t ms_trx::rx_bh() { return [this](dev_buf_t *rcd) -> int { if (this->search_for_sch(rcd) == SCH_STATE::FOUND) this->grab_bursts(rcd); return 0; }; } bh_fn_t ms_trx::tx_bh() { return [this](dev_buf_t *rcd) -> int { #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-variable" auto y = this; #pragma GCC diagnostic pop /* nothing to do here */ return 0; }; } void ms_trx::start_lower_ms() { if (stop_lower_threads_flag) return; auto fn = get_rx_burst_handler_fn(rx_bh()); lower_rx_task = spawn_worker_thread(sched_params::thread_names::RXRUN, fn, this); usleep(1000); auto fn2 = get_tx_burst_handler_fn(tx_bh()); lower_tx_task = spawn_worker_thread(sched_params::thread_names::TXRUN, fn2, this); actually_enable_streams(); } void ms_trx::set_upper_ready(bool is_ready) { upper_is_ready = is_ready; } void ms_trx::stop_threads() { std::cerr << "killing threads..." << std::endl; stop_lower_threads_flag = true; close_device(); std::cerr << "dev closed..." << std::endl; pthread_join(lower_rx_task, nullptr); std::cerr << "L rx dead..." << std::endl; pthread_join(lower_tx_task, nullptr); std::cerr << "L tx dead..." << std::endl; } void ms_trx::submit_burst(blade_sample_type *buffer, int len, GSM::Time target) { int64_t now_ts; GSM::Time now_time; target.incTN(3); // ul dl offset int target_fn = target.FN(); int target_tn = target.TN(); timekeeper.get_both(&now_time, &now_ts); auto diff_fn = GSM::FNDelta(target_fn, now_time.FN()); int diff_tn = (target_tn - (int)now_time.TN()) % 8; auto tosend = GSM::Time(diff_fn, 0); if (diff_tn > 0) tosend.incTN(diff_tn); else tosend.decTN(-diff_tn); // in theory fn equal and tn+3 equal is also a problem... if (diff_fn < 0 || (diff_fn == 0 && (target_tn-now_time.TN() < 3))) { std::cerr << "## TX too late?! fn DIFF:" << diff_fn << " tn LOCAL: " << now_time.TN() << " tn OTHER: " << target_tn << std::endl; return; } int64_t send_ts = now_ts + tosend.FN() * 8 * ONE_TS_BURST_LEN + tosend.TN() * ONE_TS_BURST_LEN - timing_advance; #ifdef DBGXX auto check = now_time + tosend; std::cerr << "## fn DIFF: " << diff_fn << " ## tn DIFF: " << diff_tn << " tn LOCAL/OTHER: " << now_time.TN() << "/" << target_tn << " tndiff" << diff_tn << " tosend:" << tosend.FN() << ":" << tosend.TN() << " check: " << check.FN() << ":" << check.TN() << " target: " << target.FN() << ":" << target.TN() << " ts now: " << now_ts << " target ts:" << send_ts << std::endl; #endif #if 0 auto check = now_time + tosend; unsigned int pad = 4 * 4; blade_sample_type buf2[len + pad]; std::fill(buf2, buf2 + pad, 0); memcpy(&buf2[pad], buffer, len * sizeof(blade_sample_type)); assert(target.FN() == check.FN()); assert(target.TN() == check.TN()); submit_burst_ts(buf2, len + pad, send_ts - pad); #else submit_burst_ts(buffer, len, send_ts); #endif }