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Rejected on IP-SNS transmit NS RESET ACKNSEI=%u Tx NS RESET ACK (NSVCI=%u) ALIVEDEADBLOCKEDUNBLOCKEDRESETUNRESETCannot create NS-VC for already-existing NSVCI=%u NSVCI=%u Creating NS-VC with Signal weight %u, Data weight %u struct gprs_nsvcNSEI %d (NS-VCI=%u) setting %sstate [%s,%s,%s] -> [%s,%s,%s] gprs_ns.c:338gprs_ns.c:359transmit NS RESETNSEI=%u Tx NS RESET (NSVCI=%u, cause=%s) NSEI=%u Tx NS STATUS (NSVCI=%u, cause=%s) transmit NS BLOCKNSEI=%u Tx NS BLOCK (NSVCI=%u, cause=%s) transmit NS UNBLOCKNSEI=%u Tx NS UNBLOCK (NSVCI=%u) NSEI=%u Tx NS ALIVE (NSVCI=%u) NSEI=%u Timer expired in mode %s (%u seconds) NSEI=%u Tns-alive expired more then %u times, blocking NS-VC NSEI=%u Reset timed out but RESET flag is not set NSEI=%u Tx NS ALIVE_ACK (NSVCI=%u) NSEI=%u Cannot transmit SNS on NSVC without SNS active All NS-VCs for NSEI %u are either dead or blocked! Unable to resolve NSEI %u to NS-VC! msgb(%p): Not enough headroom msgb_push (allocated %u, head at %u < want headroom %u, len %u, tailroom %u) Not enough headroom for NS header %s:%uNS-VC changed link (NSVCI=%u) from %s to %s gprs_ns.c:1204gprs_ns.c:1554Ignoring NS STATUS from %s for non-existing NS-VC Ignoring NS ALIVE ACK from %s for non-existing NS-VC Ignoring NS RESET ACK from %s for non-existing NS-VC Rejecting NS PDU type %s from %s for non-existing NS-VC TX failed (%d) to peer %s Rx NS RESET Error %d during TLV Parse NS RESET Missing mandatory IE Creating NS-VC for BSS at %s NS-VC changed NSEI (NSVCI=%u) from %u to %u struct gprs_ns_instgprs_ns.c:1950%sListening for nsip packets from %s:%u on %s:%u Listening for nsip packets on %s:%u NS UDP socket at %s:%d RESET procedure based on API requestNSEI=%u RESET procedure based on API request NSEI=%u, error resetting NS-VC NSIPSGSNBSS%u,%u,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s (invalid)NSEI=%u Rx %s on unused/pre-configured endpoint, discarding NSEI=%u Rx NS STATUS Error during TLV Parse NSEI=%u Rx NS STATUS: Error during TLV Parse missing cause IE cause=%s NSEI=%u Rx NS RESET Error during TLV Parse NSVCI=%u%s Rx NS RESET (NSEI=%u, NSVCI=%u, cause=%s) Creating NS-VC %d replacing %d at %s NSEI=%u Rx NS RESET ACK Error during TLV Parse NS RESET ACK Missing mandatory IE NSVCI=%u%s Rx NS RESET ACK (NSEI=%u, NSVCI=%u) NS RESET ACK Discarding unexpected message for NS-VCI %d from SGSN NSEI=%d NS RESET ACK Uninitialised NS-VC (%u) for NS-VCI %d, NSEI=%d from %s NS RESET ACK Unknown NS-VCI %d (%s NSEI=%d) from %s NS RESET ACK Unknown NSEI %d (NS-VCI=%u) from %s remote NSEI=%u Rx NS UNBLOCK NSEI=%u Rx NS UNBLOCK ACK NSEI=%u Rx NS BLOCK NSEI=%u Rx NS BLOCK Error during TLV Parse transmit NS BLOCK ACKNSEI=%u Tx NS BLOCK ACK (NSVCI=%u) NSEI=%u Rx NS BLOCK ACK Error during TLV Parse in %s NSEI=%u Rx Unknown NS PDU type 0x%02x NSEI=%u Rx %s for NS Instance that has no SNS! recv error %s during NSIP recvfrom %s tns-resettns-alivetns-testTransit network failureO&M interventionEquipment failureNS-VC blockedNS-VC unknownBVCI unknownSemantically incorrect PDUPDU not compatible with protocol stateProtocol error, unspecifiedInvalid essential IEMissing essential IEInvalid Number of IPv4 EndpointsInvalid Number of IPv6 EndpointsInvalid Number of NS-VCsInvalid WeightsUnknown IP EndpointUnknown IP AddressIP Test FailedNS-UNITDATANS-RESETNS-RESET-ACKNS-BLOCKNS-BLOCK-ACKNS-UNBLOCKNS-UNBLOCK-ACKNS-STATUSNS-ALIVENS-ALIVE-ACKSNS-ACKSNS-ADDSNS-CHANGEWEIGHTSNS-CONFIGSNS-CONFIG-ACKSNS-DELETESNS-SIZESNS-SIZE-ACKNS-ALIVE expiredNSVC replacedUnexpected IESNS Configuredns.nsvcNSVC Peer Statisticsalive.delayALIVE response time msns:nsvcpackets:inPackets at NS Level ( In)packets:outPackets at NS Level (Out)bytes:inBytes at NS Level ( In)bytes:outBytes at NS Level (Out)blockedNS-VC Block count deadNS-VC gone dead count replacedNS-VC replaced other countnsei-chgNS-VC changed NSEI count inv-nsvciNS-VCI was invalid count inv-nseiNSEI was invalid count lost:aliveALIVE ACK missing count lost:resetRESET ACK missing count GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE  X,"'0 X,X7<<AFKtPU DZ0_8 <e<wd }0  x l@8PHd\4" 8 H   $l X 8|  $ !!' !"-< "+3\9? ,P-E l-01K$ d14 4L7 x7P; ;> 0>TAQ\W]c$ A8BiH @BlB tBotB`CP CD DM D OO4 PPH PSX\ TW$   X[D  [\ \\T X %L  ]l+| 10 7$ =l CL I Op U [L ah gD ml s yT   <      pԏ        X      .`C4SH  i sP    } 2?I_hozDx 8 8 |d P&;VcXt $8h$ ! !,6l-Id1l_f4x7;0>pA@B4C42D4B> >>>>>R > (> ,>R>>(?4?\?? @P@@@@@,ALATAXA\A`A]dA lA^pA tA]xA_|A A`A A A_A`A AA$B8BcConfigure logging Filter log messages Filter based on NS Virtual Connection Identify NS-VC by NSEI Identify NS-VC by NSVCI Numeric identifier nsvc (nsei|nsvci) <0-65535> (block|unblock|reset)Perform an operation on a NSVC NSEI to identify NS-VC Identifier (NS-VCI) NS-VC Identifier (NS-VCI) The NSEI Initiate BLOCK procedure Initiate UNBLOCK procedure Initiate RESET procedure encapsulation framerelay-gre enabled (1|0)NS encapsulation options NS over Frame Relay over GRE Encapsulation Enable or disable Frame Relay over GRE Enable Disable encapsulation framerelay-gre local-ip A.B.C.DNS encapsulation options NS over Frame Relay over GRE Encapsulation Set the IP address on which we listen for NS/FR/GRE IP Address encapsulation udp use-reset-block-unblock (enabled|disabled)NS encapsulation options NS over UDP Encapsulation Use NS-{RESET,BLOCK,UNBLOCK} procedures in violation of 3GPP TS 48.016 Enable NS-{RESET,BLOCK,UNBLOCK} Disable NS-{RESET,BLOCK,UNBLOCK} encapsulation udp dscp <0-255>NS encapsulation options NS over UDP Encapsulation Set DSCP/TOS on the UDP socket DSCP Value encapsulation udp local-port <0-65535>NS encapsulation options NS over UDP Encapsulation Set the UDP port on which we listen for NS/UDP UDP port number encapsulation udp local-ip A.B.C.DNS encapsulation options NS over UDP Encapsulation Set the IP address on which we listen for NS/UDP IP Address timer (tns-block|tns-block-retries|tns-reset|tns-reset-retries|tns-test|tns-alive|tns-alive-retries|tsns-prov) <0-65535>Network Service Timer (un)blocking Timer (Tns-block) timeout (un)blocking Timer (Tns-block) number of retries Reset Timer (Tns-reset) timeout Reset Timer (Tns-reset) number of retries Test Timer (Tns-test) timeout Alive Timer (Tns-alive) timeout Alive Timer (Tns-alive) number of retries SNS Provision Timer (Tsns-prov) timeout Timer Value no nse <0-65535>Delete Persistent NS Entity Delete Persistent NS Entity NS Entity ID (NSEI) nse <0-65535> remote-role (sgsn|bss)Persistent NS Entity NS Entity ID (NSEI) Remote NSE Role Remote Peer is SGSN Remote Peer is BSS nse <0-65535> encapsulation (udp|framerelay-gre)Persistent NS Entity NS Entity ID (NSEI) Encapsulation for NS UDP/IP Encapsulation Frame-Relay/GRE/IP Encapsulation nse <0-65535> fr-dlci <16-1007>Persistent NS Entity NS Entity ID (NSEI) Frame Relay DLCI Frame Relay DLCI Number nse <0-65535> remote-port <0-65535>Persistent NS Entity NS Entity ID (NSEI) Remote UDP Port Remote UDP Port Number nse <0-65535> remote-ip A.B.C.DPersistent NS Entity NS Entity ID (NSEI) Remote IP Address Remote IP Address nse <0-65535> nsvci <0-65534>Persistent NS Entity NS Entity ID (NSEI) NS Virtual Connection NS Virtual Connection ID (NSVCI) show ns (nsei|nsvc) <0-65535> [stats]Show running system information Display information about the NS protocol Select one NSE by its NSE Identifier Select one NSE by its NS-VC Identifier The Identifier of selected type Include Statistics show ns persistentShow running system information Display information about the NS protocol Show only persistent NS show ns statsShow running system information Display information about the NS protocol Include statistics show nsShow running system information Display information about the NS protocolnsConfigure the GPRS Network Service%s(config-ns)# tns-blocktns-block-retriestns-resettns-reset-retriestns-testtns-alivetns-alive-retriestsns-provGCC: (GNU) 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Tx NS STATUS (cause=%s) msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) ../../include/osmocom/core/msgb.hmsgb->l2hAssert failed %s %s:%d NSE%05u-SNSNSE(%05u) Can not create a NSE with already taken NSEI struct gprs_ns2_nsegprs_ns2.c:825gprs_ns2.c:831nsesockaddrNSE(%05u)-NSVC(%05u) %s %s RxNSE(%05u)-NSVC(none) %s %s Error during TLV Parse in %s Error during TLV Parse struct gprs_ns2_inststruct gprs_ns2_vc_bind*gprs_ns2.c:1649NSE(%05u)-NSVC(%05u) NS-STATUS.ind(bvci=%05u): cause=%s, transfer=%d, first=%d, mtu=%d NSE(%05u)-NSVC(none) NS-STATUS.ind(bvci=%05u): cause=%s, transfer=%d, first=%d, mtu=%d NSE(%05u) NS-STATUS.ind(bvci=%05u): cause=%s, transfer=%d, first=%d, mtu=%d gprs_ns2.c:665gprs_ns2.c:1517gprs_ns2.c:1518gprs_ns2.c:921gprs_ns2.c:1469bind->ll == nse->llstruct gprs_ns2_vcgprs_ns2.c:634Failed to generate reject message (%d) !nsvc[%s]:%u: Dynamic creation of NSE(%05u) via IP-SNS not permitted. Check your config. Failed to create NSE(%05u) NSE(%05u) Received NS-RESET with wrong linklayer(%s) for already known NSE(%s) Ignoring NS STATUS from %s for non-existing NS-VC Ignoring NS ALIVE ACK from %s for non-existing NS-VC Ignoring NS RESET ACK from %s for non-existing NS-VC Rx NS RESET Error %d during TLV Parse NS RESET Missing mandatory IE NSE(%05u) Received NS-RESET NS-VCI(%05u) with wrong linklayer(%s) for already known NSE(%s) NSE(%05u)-NSVC(%05u) Received NS-RESET for a persistent NSE over wrong connection. NSE(%05u)-NSVC(none) Received NS-RESET for a persistent NSE over wrong connection. NSE(%05u) Received NS-RESET for a persistent NSE but the unknown NS-VCI(%05u) %s-NSE%05u-NSVC%05u-%s-%sstruct gprs_ns2_vc_bindgprs_ns2.c:1671gprs_ns2.c:1677UDPFR_GREFRUNIT DATACONGESTIONSTATUSNSVC failureNSVC recoveryNSE failureNSE recoveryNSE SNS configuredNSE SNS failureNSE SNS no endpointsNSE MTU changedns.bindNS Bind Statisticstx_backlog_lengthTransmit backlog lengthpacketsns.nsvcNSVC Peer Statisticsalive.delayALIVE response time msns:nsvcns:nseNSE Peer Statisticspackets:inPackets at NS Level ( In)packets:outPackets at NS Level (Out)packets:out:dropDropped Packets (Out)bytes:inBytes at NS Level ( In)bytes:outBytes at NS Level (Out)bytes:out:dropDropped Bytes (Out)blockedNS-VC Block count unblockedNS-VC Unblock count deadNS-VC gone dead count replacedNS-VC replaced other countnsei-chgNS-VC changed NSEI count inv-nsvciNS-VCI was invalid count inv-nseiNSEI was invalid count lost:aliveALIVE ACK missing count lost:resetRESET ACK missing count Transit network failureO&M interventionEquipment failureNS-VC blockedNS-VC unknownBVCI unknownSemantically incorrect PDUPDU not compatible with protocol stateProtocol error, unspecifiedInvalid essential IEMissing essential IEInvalid Number of IPv4 EndpointsInvalid Number of IPv6 EndpointsInvalid Number of NS-VCsInvalid WeightsUnknown IP EndpointUnknown IP AddressIP Test FailedGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE  X 8  !@ & +  ,0d 0T5t Xp:| ? 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Maybe libosmocore is too old. NSE%05u-NSVC-%s-%s-%sBIND(%s) Failed to set the DSCP to %u with ret(%d) errno(%d) BIND(%s) Failed to set the priority to %u with ret(%d) errno(%d) GB UDP IPv4/IPv6GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE |$)8.l38= et@MR|W\Pattl|(, 8L  T @ l $t  04E[ h0~ ,P)6BLXfp}|P(";\o 8",?Mb h|l TDX/$`Ogprs_ns2_udp.c$adump_vty$d.LC1.LC3.LC4.LC5.LC0.LC2nsip_vc_sendmsg.LC9.LC6.LC7.LC8handle_nsip_sendtohandle_nsip_recvfrom.LC10.LC11free_vc.LC13.LC12.LC14.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC20.LC21memsetosmo_sockaddr_str_from_sockaddrvty_outns2_vty_dump_nsvcosmo_iofd_sendto_msgbgprs_ns2_ip_vc_local_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_vc_driver_ipgprs_ns2_ip_vc_remotegprs_ns2_ip_vc_equalosmo_sockaddr_cmpgprs_ns2_is_ip_bindosmo_iofd_free_talloc_freeosmo_panicgprs_ns2_nsvc_by_sockaddr_bindosmo_iofd_get_datarate_ctr_group_get_ctrrate_ctr_addmsgb_lengthmsgb_datans2_recv_vcns2_create_vcmsgb_free_talloc_zeromemcpyns2_vc_fsm_startgprs_ns2_ip_bind_sockaddrgprs_ns2_ip_bind_by_sockaddrgprs_ns2_ip_bindns2_bind_allocosmo_sock_init_osaosmo_iofd_setuposmo_iofd_registerosmo_iofd_set_alloc_infoosmo_iofd_set_txqueue_max_lengthgprs_ns2_free_bindns2_ip_bind_connectns2_dialect_to_vc_modelog_check_levellogp2osmo_sockaddr_to_str_bufget_value_stringosmo_sockaddr_to_strsnprintfosmo_identifier_sanitize_bufns2_vc_alloclogp_stubgprs_ns2_free_nsvcosmo_log_infogprs_ns2_lltype_strsgprs_ns2_ip_bind_set_dscposmo_iofd_get_fdosmo_sock_set_dscp__errno_locationgprs_ns2_ip_bind_set_priorityosmo_sock_set_priorityns2_ip_count_bindns2_ip_get_bind_by_indexns2_ip_set_txqueue_max_lengthgprs_ns2_ip_bind_set_sns_weightns2_sns_update_weights$J<KLLL$M|       NPQPQhT|TPQPQUVW<X@DHL\UTXZY$[,\<[D\P[X\h[t\[\[\[]\[]\Z^ Y4_d`Nabcd$%$U<WhXl)pt*xUX Ue(TdXX/0Jfdhbc i4 j@ kP l\ m n n P Q 3 4 U p YH q r e s t u v w$ x@ b\ c X y z P { 7  | 8 %     7$ UL ~T  q  r X 8 y@ PD {H ;L T X \ d ;h | U ~  q 8r\X`yP{>>UeUeUmX4UPpXtx|E.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.str1.4.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4 @@! %+4 0 @H' D2US0\+lp++X J fX'|/73 0 0 0 644 11156 ` ELF(d)4( P/@- 0R@,@ 0 $ @-@P P00 0 |0 , O-頏@MP@Ѝxp 00`P 0x@+00@Pl 80#<@Tʶ3@7H$HS<Cb S\-T@0(@00 48# . R P 0|.48#pgprs_ns2_frgre.cllist_empty(&bind->nsvc)Assert failed %s %s:%d gprs_ns2_frgre.c:147nsvcgprs_ns2_frgre.c:129Gb/NS/FR/GRE RxBIND(%s) recv error %s during NS-FR-GRE recv msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) BIND(%s) Short IP packet: %u bytes BIND(%s) Unknown GRE flags 0x%04x BIND(%s) GRE keepalive too short BIND(%s) GRE keepalive with wrong tunnel addresses BIND(%s) GRE keepalive with wrong protocol BIND(%s) GRE keepalive inner GRE type != 0 BIND(%s) GRE keepalive from %s, responding BIND(%s) Unknown GRE protocol 0x%04x != FR BIND(%s) Short FR header: %u bytes BIND(%s) Unsupported single-byte FR address BIND(%s) Unknown second FR octet 0x%02x BIND(%s) Received FR on LMI DLCI %u - ignoring struct priv_vcnewconnectionmsgb(%p): Not enough headroom msgb_push (allocated %u, head at %u < want headroom %u, len %u, tailroom %u) struct priv_bindGB frame relay over GREGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE l\H"'0l,l`4h9`> xJOPUP[,`etkq<w,}|$< L(LT  #-9GT[ls(, *T>Tczgprs_ns2_frgre.c$a$d.LC3.LC0.LC1.LC2free_vc.LC5.LC4frgre_fd_cb.LC6.LC10.LC16.LC9.LC8.LC11.LC20.LC22.LC21.LC7.LC12.LC13.LC19.LC17.LC18.LC14.LC15frgre_vc_sendmsg.LC23.LC24osmo_fd_close_talloc_freeosmo_panicmsgb_allocrecvfromlog_check_levellogp2msgb_freelogp_stubns2_recv_vcns2_create_vc_talloc_zeromemcpyns2_vc_fsm_startsendto__errno_locationstrerrormemcmpmemsetinet_ntopinet_ntoa_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_osmo_log_infomsgb_lengthrate_ctr_group_get_ctrrate_ctr_addgprs_ns2_is_frgre_bindvc_driver_frgregprs_ns2_frgre_bindgprs_ns2_bind_by_namens2_bind_allocosmo_sock_init_osa_ofdgprs_ns2_free_bind$586X7\` d h 67  8D9:H;:; <<x:;: ;P7:;=\:;:T;>? @$A0B`Cl<=:DE;<:t;FF: ;H : ; : ; =< :| ; : ; :X ; = D E = :, ;X = = = = :P ;x = = G H:LC:==$=L=t==;=I<;LIp=xJ|K                $(!, 48 <"@ H LPT X#\ ` d h lp t"x |!#    # #    $  $$ $ LC<MNMNMN,M4N77MNMNMNMN ($(LJPPRS8@lATUUJP-0.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.str1.4.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4 @H" %(+(4( 0 @( D24S0\*lp*+X` 5 (|gprs_ns2_fr.o/ 0 0 0 644 17572 ` ELF(tB4( A-Q`(M@00pP(Ѝ@ PN 0@000+0@P(Ѝ 0R80#<@T4ʶ3@C<00@00PU P P0 0, 0  `h0` 0TT @4D0CD B|\P @-MpP10` R T7 0S9 P5@00SP-@0@@H&pD0@ DP P@Hp @0@ P @P@Hp <3lJ D PD|THr`HxT`0$|pLT4($0$ 0 Q00 / 0 0 Q/A-PP Q`! @Up@D@U@D P  P@8 88? $ $$$0 (((Yp@-P@P  0RC 08S08Sp0RCp 0 p G-PMP`p딡 PZ @PGt1 簠p`!pp 0 @ `_ 0p @P* ! pP P$ phP @0  00 0 p庑$ PЍ 0 0@PЍT TT0 @ @@@0 P|DDD000vA-P`p@P P 0 A0 PP 0 @P  :> @00S $ 0\ / 0/( Gb/NS/FR RxBIND(%s) recv error %s during NS-FR recv gprs_ns2_fr.cmsgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) UPDOWNBIND(%s) FR net-device '%s': Physical link state changed: %s BIND(%s) MTU changed from %d to %d. FR bind: %s, role: %s, link: %s%sBIND(%s) error during write to AF_PACKET: %s BIND(%s) short write on AF_PACKET: %d < %d gprs_ns2_is_fr_bind(bind)Assert failed %s %s:%d llist_empty(&bind->nsvc)gprs_ns2_fr.c:176gprs_ns2_is_fr_bind(nsvc->bind)gprs_ns2_fr.c:127struct priv_bindBIND(%s) Can not get interface index for interface %s BIND(%s) %s: Unable to create socket: %s BIND(%s) %s: Unable to get FR protocol information: %s BIND(%s) %s: has correct frame relay mode and lmi BIND(%s) Unable to bring down the device %s: %s BIND(%s) %s: Setting frame relay related parameters BIND(%s) %s: Unable to set FR protocol on information: %s BIND(%s) Unable to bring up the device %s: %s BIND(%s) Failed to setup the interface %s for frame relay and lmi BIND(%s) Can not create AF_PACKET socket. Are you root or have CAP_NET_RAW? BIND(%s) Can not bind AF_PACKET socket to ifindex %d nsinetifNSE%05u-NSVC%05u-%s-%s-DLCI%ustruct priv_vcgprs_ns2_fr.c:205GB frame relayGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE "%* /84H9"HTY^tct<"y~",0("`hh|"@ Tp p  D 4"  y " $*06 "|  < t" D4J "hPHV\\bHhn`tz,""""Td"  X""X""   $:Hbv#0#6Pamw}x T ,  )6 O `g}+~@Q_p40d%2DWlXDgprs_ns2_fr.c$afr_netif_ofd_cb$d.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3gprs_n2_fr_ifupdown_ind_cb.LC5.LC6.LC4gprs_n2_fr_mtu_chg_cb.LC7dump_vty.LC9.LC10.LC8fr_vc_sendmsgset_ifupdownfr_dlci_status_cbfr_dlci_rx_cbfr_netif_write_one.isra.1.LC11.LC12fr_backlog_timer_cbbacklog_enqueue_or_free.LC16.LC13.LC14.LC15free_vc.LC18.LC17.LC19.LC28.LC20.LC29.LC22.LC25.LC26.LC21.LC27.LC30.LC24.LC23.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC35msgb_allocrecvfrommsgb_freeosmo_fr_rxlog_check_level__errno_locationstrerrorlogp2logp_stubosmo_panic_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_osmo_log_infoosmo_netdev_get_priv_dataosmo_timer_scheduleosmo_timer_delns2_nse_update_mtuget_value_stringvty_outns2_vty_dump_nsvcosmo_fr_role_namesmsgb_lengthosmo_fr_tx_dlcrate_ctr_group_get_ctrrate_ctr_addsocketmemsetosmo_strlcpyioctlns2_vc_force_unconfiguredns2_vc_fsm_startns2_recv_vcmsgb_datawritemsgb_dequeueosmo_stat_item_group_get_itemosmo_stat_item_decosmo_stat_item_incfr_tx_cbgprs_ns2_is_fr_bindvc_driver_frosmo_netdev_freeosmo_fr_link_freeosmo_fd_close_talloc_freegprs_ns2_find_vc_by_dlcigprs_ns2_fr_bindstrlengprs_ns2_bind_by_namens2_bind_alloc_talloc_zeroosmo_fr_link_allocosmo_netdev_allocosmo_netdev_set_priv_dataosmo_netdev_set_ifupdown_ind_cbosmo_netdev_set_mtu_chg_cbosmo_netdev_set_ifindexosmo_netdev_registerosmo_timer_setuposmo_fd_setuposmo_fd_registergprs_ns2_free_bindgprs_ns2_fr_bind_rolegprs_ns2_fr_bind_netifgprs_ns2_fr_bind_by_netifstrncmpgprs_ns2_fr_nsvc_by_dlcigprs_ns2_fr_connectsnprintfosmo_identifier_sanitize_bufns2_vc_allocosmo_fr_dlc_allocgprs_ns2_free_nsvcgprs_ns2_lltype_strsgprs_ns2_fr_connect2gprs_ns2_nse_by_nseigprs_ns2_create_nsegprs_ns2_free_nsegprs_ns2_fr_nsvc_dlciDapbcdef gLhTf`gijkl     m(eHc|nhi(oHkLlPTX `d hlpmep`hikl  q,rLsktuvwxwx wx$w,x@wHxXw`xlwtxwxyz{| |,}D}T}t~x|ue cfTehghh i g8 i@ kD lH %L  T &X  ` &d  h %l     n` u u u   n0 8 H nX cl c k  , o@ cX c` h p   j j .  / 0  1 0 p j|  / 0   j 7  8 08|{ Ty|z{|} <y\zlz|{|e }Xyle(Tetehh<iXehfegh}0z\{eh|<eHfTghfghe(e4fDg|heh} i} f,gXh`flgi}iifg(i4gXidfpgiifgi(i`hhkl|;l< =  => ? @ A B C  D  $<(E, 4B8 < @>D H@LEP T?X \C` d hFpAt x |DF kk0@Ljj M0 N0LjT X/\0q0@\jj k$(S,T8U< @/D0H L/P0lj /0Xk\\,.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.str1.4.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4` @6 %+4 0 @A D2/S0$\$lp$+ % a 0A|/91 0 0 0 644 19456 ` ELF(H4(@-@ MP40 Sp# S `(0 880080"S(000S 00"00 Ѝ0P<408P   Ѝ@<! Ѝ  4A-P@pT0M8 T# T Ѝ 0S `(08000!SGd1d0!0 0S 000"S+ 0 0 P 0S    90S 1R0 0ż00!0Rʠ !P Ϡ 0 hh0 0!PDD!\*K6=\-<? 0@- @ P MU 0QP Q l0l0!00 Ѝ0Q808 0 00  Ѝ0dA0J@-@ 0,@0@- @P0QP M 9@(0 R R  $ R 0F0"00 Ѝ0l0G0!00 Ѝ0D D   ( (((0 d<!@-@@Q0@-P M@ Q Q Ѝ0< sϠ0  Ѝ0 Ѝ0@,p@-@PM9 R A Q&  `V Q+ Q7 Q& ЍpQ QЍp@0$ 0Ѝp@ $Ѝp@ h0h 0 0 0 @ 0 0 0 Ѝp`4@-@Q0 00R 0 @A-0@8M0pP 8 T <00CS0  410l 010 000 P0 03/8Ѝ8Ѝ 0  G-`|xPA0 M@p QIYGFEDChmx= R8 Q5 R R/ $'X Z X P 70Qp'7  '0 p P7 llǟ0 0 0! Ѝ90S 090Q ǟ !P00S R 060!00 .0S0S& 0  $@&Y K Yw PK 60Qp(&(6  &0 p P 6 200S0S 5ş0 !00S %0   0 09050!00 ЍPU? 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NSE(%05u)-NSVC(none) %s %s: remote side reported unknown nsvc. alive%s{%s}: Starting Tns-%s of %u seconds struct gprs_ns2_vc_privfi=NULLNSE(%05u)-NSVC(%05u) %s %s with wrong NSEI (exp: %05u, got %05u). Ignoring PDU. NSE(%05u)-NSVC(none) %s %s with wrong NSEI (exp: %05u, got %05u). Ignoring PDU. NSE(%05u)-NSVC(%05u) %s %s with wrong NSVCI (exp: %05u, got %05u). Ignoring PDU. NSE(%05u)-NSVC(none) %s %s with wrong NSVCI (exp: %05u, got %05u). Ignoring PDU. %s{%s}: Received a %s PDU for unknown NSVC (NSVCI %d) %s{%s}: Received a %s PDU for a NSVC (NSVCI %d) but it belongs to a different NSE! NSE(%05u)-NSVC(%05u) %s %s with wrong NSVCI=%05u. Ignoring PDU. %s{%s}: NSEI=%u Rx unknown NS PDU type %s osmo_fsm_register(&ns2_vc_fsm) == 0GPRS-NS2-VCUNCONFIGUREDRESETBLOCKEDUNBLOCKEDRECOVERINGREQ-STARTRX-RESETRX-RESET_ACKRX-UNBLOCKRX-UNBLOCK_ACKRX-BLOCKRX-BLOCK_FOREIGNRX-BLOCK_ACKRX-ALIVERX-ALIVE_ACKRX-STATUSRX-UNITDATAREQ-FORCE_UNCONFIGUREDREQ-O&M-RESETREQ-O&M-BLOCKREQ-O&M-UNBLOCKGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE 8,0/ 8484,8lHl Yx,$4f4,z`,X  xx ,t,L,0 T  t ,T'| , 1` 6 ;d A F$ <L<,m s y,XD,,@ L,,,,hp,,$  |  H    D ,%L,8@ , , 8 )x 7x  ,  , Jan 0ATap})<P_sLH8PTp8" ,9P,%dgprs_ns2_vc_fsm.c$aalive_timeout_handler$d.LC0ns2_vc_fsm_timer_cbns2_vc_fsm_cleanns2_st_resetstop_test_procedurens2_st_unconfigured.LC1.LC2ns2_st_unconfigured_onenterns2_st_unblockedns2_st_blockedns2_st_reset_onenterns2_recv_unitdata.isra.5.LC3.LC4ns2_vc_fsm_allstate_action.LC6.LC8.LC5.LC7.LC11.LC9.LC10start_test_procedure.constprop.6.LC12.LC13ns2_st_blocked_onenterns2_st_unblocked_on_enterns2_st_alive_onenterns2_st_alive.LC14.LC22.LC16.LC21.LC23.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC15.LC20on_dso_load_ctx.LC24ns2_vc_fsmns2_vc_statesns2_vc_event_namesrate_ctr_group_get_ctrrate_ctr_add_osmo_fsm_inst_state_chgosmo_clock_gettimens2_tx_aliveosmo_timer_scheduleosmo_timer_delns2_tx_reset_ackosmo_stat_item_group_get_itemosmo_stat_item_setosmo_panicns2_nse_notify_unblockedns2_tx_block_ackns2_tx_unblock_ackns2_tx_blockosmo_timer_addns2_tx_resetmemsetmsgb_freelog_check_levelget_value_stringlogp2ns2_tx_alive_acklogp_stubns2_tx_status_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_osmo_log_infogprs_ns_pdu_stringsosmo_timer_pendingosmo_fsm_inst_nameosmo_fsm_state_namens2_tx_unblockns2_prim_status_indns2_vc_fsm_allocosmo_fsm_inst_alloc_talloc_zeroosmo_timer_setupns2_vc_fsm_start_osmo_fsm_inst_dispatchns2_vc_force_unconfiguredns2_vc_blockns2_vc_unblockns2_vc_resetns2_vc_rxns2_validategprs_ns2_nsvc_by_nsvcins2_vc_is_unblockedosmo_fsm_register8d@ePdXefghi fh04dedef8fffff0f8@HPX\dtjfkfk$,HlPm\jff0fTnX\`hlpopfqppjrsq8f@qpftouvn!" w x y$ fd f f z f4 w\ x y f fD fd w w f xT {l x { | v ilgdmwxyw x\y|xyxy8xl{x{x{xL{T}X~\`&d'hpx&(&(&)&*&+&)&, &,&+ $&(',0&4*8`ghwiHy\l{}~0101dede$oDj\o|rdedego\iof 0@XD:Tl |vww$xpywx<y`(T|w$8xxywx$yHXklxyx{,xp{|kwxy@x|{wx y w( h w   x y!|!w$!@!X!t!x!{!x"{"("<"xl"{"x"{"w###p###x#{$} $~$$&$G$$$&($H,$4$<$D$H$P$X$`$h$l$p$It$x$J|$$$&$K$$&$K$$&$H$$&$L$$&$G$$&$M$$N$O$$N$J$$&$L$$I$%&%M% %N%N%N% %O$%(%N 4n8X<@UDS_] $$ ( 0]_  _$(8_<@3P_TX4h_l6p5|________________.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rel.text.startup.rel.init_array.rel.data.rel.local.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rodata.str1.4.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4D% @;8 %x%+x%4x%L0 @F0F%B @FV%8R @G0 j&f @0G }2'0,,p,+,@ d 6v(Hgprs_ns2_sns.o/ 0 0 0 644 48144 ` ELF(ȸ4(@-@P <00P 0000 08A-0Px0p0U H`HHp`@ p 0@R < A-P`4T 0! 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Valid %d %s{%s}: NSEI=%u Rx SNS ACK trans %d with cause code %d. gprs_ns2_sns.c:1691%s{%s}: NSE %d: ignoring bind %s because there are too many endpoints for the SNS. %s{%s}: NSE %d: weight has become invalid because of removing bind %s. Resetting the configuration While deleting a bind the current state became invalid (no signalling weight)gprs_ns2_sns.c:2124updating weights results in an invalid configuration.no remaining NSVC, resetting SNS FSM%s{%s}: NSE %d: SGSN Config retries failed. Giving up. %s{%s}: NSE %d: Config succeeded but no NS-VC came online. SNS Procedure retries failed.Size retries failed. Selecting next IP-SNS endpoint.BSS Config retries failed. Selecting next IP-SNS endpointSGSN Config retries failed. Selecting next IP-SNS endpoint.Config succeeded but no NS-VC came online. Selecting next IP-SNS endpoint.Rx Size: Missing essential IERx Size: Invalid Nr of IPv4/IPv6 EPs%s{%s}: %zu local and %zu remote EPs, requires %zu NS-VC, but BSS supports only %zu maximum NS-VCs Rx Size without Reset flag, but NSE is unknownOn user request to free all NSVCsstruct ns2_sns_stateNSE(%05u)-NSVC(%05u) Rx %s for NS Instance that has no SNS! NSE(%05u)-NSVC(none) Rx %s for NS Instance that has no SNS! %s{%s}: NSEI=%u Rx SNS PDU type %s %s{%s}: NSEI=%u Rx unknown SNS PDU type %s %sMaximum number of remote NS-VCs: %zu, IPv4 Endpoints: %zu, IPv6 Endpoints: %zu%s%sLocal IPv4 Endpoints:%s%sRemote IPv4 Endpoints:%s%sLocal IPv6 Endpoints:%s%sRemote IPv6 Endpoints:%s ip-sns-remote %s %u%sstruct sns_endpointgprs_ns2_sns.c:2535NSE(%05u) Current in-use SNS endpoint is being removed.Closing all NS-VC and restart SNS-SIZE procedurewith a remaining SNS endpoint. gprs_ns2_sns.c:2557No signalling NSVC availablense->bss_sns_fistruct ns2_sns_bindosmo_fsm_register(&gprs_ns2_sns_bss_fsm) == 0osmo_fsm_register(&gprs_ns2_sns_sgsn_fsm) == 0GPRS-NS2-SNS-SGSNUNCONFIGUREDCONFIGUREDSGSN_WAIT_CONFIGSGSN_WAIT_CONFIG_ACKLOCAL_PROCEDUREGPRS-NS2-SNS-BSSBSS_SIZEBSS_CONFIG_BSSBSS_CONFIG_SGSNREQ_SELECT_ENDPOINTRX_SIZERX_SIZE_ACKRX_CONFIGRX_CONFIG_ENDRX_CONFIG_ACKRX_ADDRX_DELETERX_ACKRX_CHANGE_WEIGHTREQ_NO_NSVCREQ_FREE_NSVCSREQ_NSVC_ALIVEREQ_ADD_BINDREQ_DELETE_BINDREQ_CHANGE_WEIGHTGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE `#X&+`0`|#E(JYh ~t#<tL###t  T\  h1 #  O d#k@q@#88#44|#tD##`d\#|+1P#TH#$p$H#\ll0##\   #X!\!\!#D"H"H"@#x$$ $#%%&%>&V&#()d\)j\)# -XD0 - -$/#111 #3l44l#h6l6l6#77D7XZH8#89|9p#`9p9p9#:;;#0B<BB #hLl XPM$Md#dO>|OD|O#R^dj@dRpdR#S`4T4T8# Y8|\lY#dZlZ#([\8[#` t@a#cD      c#d d#f f#g"4 ( .H h#i4 i#j: @ j#kk#ll#dmF#lVX \( # #  # b8 w  88   # #0;Qat&8L[o    # 3 Q p x     "    lY Y- lZC W k 8[v   @a  c  d8 f 1 hPD ThY io  j k l gprs_ns2_sns.c$ans2_clear_elems$d.LC0.LC1ns2_clear_procedures.LC2ns2_clear_sgsnns2_sns_st_sgsn_unconfigured_onenterns2_add_procedure.LC7.LC3.LC6.LC5.LC4ns_sns_append_remote_eps.LC8.LC10.LC11.LC9ns2_sns_st_local_procedure_onenterns2_vc_create_ip.LC12.LC13nsvc_for_bind_and_remotens2_sns_st_configured_onenterns2_sns_st_sgsn_wait_config.LC14ns2_sns_st_bss_config_bss.LC16.LC15ns2_sns_st_bss_size.LC17ns2_sns_compute_local_ep_from_binds.LC18ns2_sns_st_bss_size_onentervty_dump_sns_ip4.LC20.LC21.LC19vty_dump_sns_ip6.LC22ns2_sns_st_bss_config_sgsn_onenterns2_sns_st_bss_unconfiguredns2_sns_st_sgsn_unconfiguredns2_update_weight_entry.isra.11do_sns_change_weight.LC25.LC24.LC23add_ip4_elem.isra.13add_ip6_elem.isra.14do_sns_addns2_sns_add_elements.isra.15remove_ip4_elem.isra.16remove_ip6_elem.isra.17do_sns_delete.LC26ns2_sns_st_configured_delete.LC30.LC29.LC27.LC28create_missing_nsvcs.isra.20ns2_sns_st_bss_config_sgsnns2_sns_st_sgsn_wait_config_ack.LC31ns2_sns_st_configured_add.isra.21ns2_sns_st_configured_change.isra.22ns2_sns_st_configuredns2_sns_st_bss_config_bss_onenterns2_sns_st_sgsn_wait_config_ack_onenter_sns_failed.constprop.25.LC32ns2_sns_st_local_procedure.LC34.LC33.LC35ns2_sns_st_all_action.LC40.LC37.LC39.LC36.LC38ns2_sns_st_all_action_bss.LC41ns2_sns_fsm_sgsn_timer_cb.LC42.LC43.LC44ns2_sns_fsm_bss_timer_cb.LC47.LC45.LC46.LC48ns2_sns_st_all_action_sgsn.LC53.LC50.LC49.LC51.LC52.LC54.LC57.LC58.LC56.LC55.LC59.LC60.LC61.LC62.LC63.LC65.LC66.LC67.LC69.LC68.LC70.LC72.LC71on_dso_load_ctx.LC74.LC73gprs_ns2_sns_bss_fsmns2_sns_bss_statesgprs_sns_event_namesgprs_ns2_sns_sgsn_fsmns2_sns_sgsn_states_talloc_freegprs_ns2_free_nsvcgprs_ns2_ip_bind_sockaddr_talloc_zeromemcpy_osmo_fsm_inst_state_chgosmo_panic_talloc_realloc_arraylog_check_levelosmo_fsm_inst_nameosmo_fsm_state_namelogp2logp_stub_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_osmo_log_infons2_tx_sns_addns2_tx_sns_change_weightns2_tx_sns_delgprs_ns2_ip_connect_inactivegprs_ns2_ip_vc_remoteosmo_sockaddr_cmpns2_vc_is_unblockedosmo_timer_delns2_prim_status_indns2_tx_sns_config_ackosmo_timer_scheduleget_value_stringgprs_ns2_cause_strsosmo_sockaddr_local_ipns2_tx_sns_sizens2_ip_bind_connectinet_ntoavty_outmemsetinet_ntopmemcmpgprs_ns2_ll_strgprs_ns2_nsvc_by_sockaddr_nsegprs_ns2_start_alive_all_nsvcsmemmovens2_tx_sns_ack_talloc_memdupns2_tx_sns_config_osmo_fsm_inst_dispatchgprs_ns2_free_nsens2_tx_sns_size_ackns2_vc_force_unconfiguredgprs_ns2_nse_sns_remotens2_sns_replace_nsvcns2_sns_bss_fsm_allocosmo_fsm_inst_alloc_osmo_fsm_inst_termns2_sns_rxmsgb_freegprs_ns_pdu_stringsns2_sns_dump_vtyvty_out_fsm_inst2ns2_sns_write_vtyosmo_sockaddr_str_from_sockaddrgprs_ns2_sns_add_endpointgprs_ns2_sns_del_endpointgprs_ns2_free_nsvcsgprs_ns2_sns_countns2_sns_notify_alivegprs_ns2_sns_add_bindgprs_ns2_is_ip_bindgprs_ns2_sns_del_bindns2_sns_update_weightsns2_sns_sgsn_fsm_allocosmo_fsm_register<X\  P@L x<l@L\ |L       8 H X t x %|  & &  %     <  T       8 L 8 `     $(.,08Px|2 3$2(,04Hpt7 37 $(,`x0@l| L8Hltx|;;Tl 3$BCDH|BCDH33X\`.d @Xht $4@| X \ ` d Xh Xl p x | Y   Z  !0!X!!""D""" # #T###$x$|$Z$$$|%%%%%&L&&&|' ''''((0( X(((((($)(),)0)l4)l8)<)@)D)YH)L)P)ZT)*0*d*$+P+h+++T,t,,-p-q-r-sD-P../t//t000001(1P111111131111H2`2p22223<3d3h3x3333333{33333.33{345506`67@77$8 8 8 8883849 \9`9d9.h999!::P:p:"::::::::::;;;;;<<<<=T====>> >\>>?\@@@@AB B0B4B8B P 1 pa|!|1  t!0 p `0 41 `,!,1 $!00`0 D0CD B0 pa0p000` 0 X0 `l0`00`0 0P ЍXtlX$ dXLO-PP$MPHpL SZ `@ T (0S 80#̠<!,L\ڶ3 0< 380#<AQ}ڶ3 03<  }0080#<AQuڶ3 0V3< # )"(R80 00P ! 8!  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Not configured by vty.%sNS-VC is not part of this NSE!%sNS-VC doesn't have a nsvci!%sNS-VC has a different nsvci (%u)!%sThis NSE doesn't support UDP with dialect static alive.%sNSE doesn't support NSVCI.%sNo NSVCs configured%sCan not find NS-VC with NS-VCI %u%sNS-VC with NS-VCI %u is not part of this NSE!%sCan not create NS-VC.%sSpecified NSVC is already present in this NSE.%sSpecified NSVC is already present in another NSE%05u.%sThis NSE doesn't support frame relay.%sCan not find fr interface "%s"%sCan not find a NS-VC on fr interface %s with dlci %u%sThe specified NS-VC is not a part of the NSE %u!%sTo remove this NS-VC go to the vty node 'nse %u'%sCan not find fr interface "%s". Please configure it via fr vty.%sA NS-VC with the specified DLCI already exist!%sA NS-VC with the specified NS-VCI already exist!%sFailed to create the NS-VC%sfr can be only used with frame relay bind%sInterface not found.%sThe specified interface is not bound to this bind.%sbind %s does not exist!%sgprs_ns2_vty.c:156frnetInterface %s already used.%sFailed to bind interface %s on fr. Err: %d ip-sns signalling-weight <0-254> data-weight <0-254> can be only used with UDP bind%sdscp can be only used with UDP bind%slisten can be only used with UDP bind%sCan not parse the Address %s %s%sA bind with the specified address already exists!%sFailed to create the bind (rc %d)!%sInvalid ID. The ID should be only alphanumeric.%sA bind with the specified ID already exists with a different type (fr|frgre|udp)!%sstruct vty_bindgprs_ns2_vty.c:140Can not create bind - out of memory%sip-sns-role-sgsnFailed to create vty NSE!%sFailed to create NSE!%sA dynamic NSE with the specified NSEI already exists%sgprs_ns2_vty.c:327struct vty_nseNo NS-VC by that identifier%sNo NSE by that identifier%sno listen can be only used with UDP bind%sbind->ll == GPRS_NS2_LL_UDPnse->ll == GPRS_NS2_LL_UDPnse->dialect == GPRS_NS2_DIALECT_SNSNULLPERSISTDYNAMICALIVEDEAD(blocked by O&M/vty) (cause: remote) NSVCI %05u: %s %s %s %s %ssince %s %s sig_weight=%u data_weight=%u %s %s %ssince NSEI %05u: %s, %s since %u NS-VC:%snseiNo such NS Entity%slogging filter nsvc nsvci <0-65535>Configure logging Filter log messages Filter based on NS Virtual Connection Identify NS-VC by NSVCI Numeric identifier logging filter nse nsei <0-65535>Configure logging Filter log messages Filter based on NS Entity Identify NSE by NSEI Numeric identifier nsvc <0-65535> (block|unblock|reset)NS Virtual Connection NS Virtual Connection ID (NS-VCI) Block a NSVC. As cause code O&M intervention will be used. Unblock a NSVC. As cause code O&M intervention will be used. Reset a NSVC. As cause code O&M intervention will be used. nse <0-65535> restart-snsNSE specific commands NS Entity ID (NSEI) Restart SNS procedure nsvc nsei <0-65535> force-unconfiguredNS Virtual Connection The NSEI Reset the NSVCs back to initial state show ns (nsei|nsvc) <0-65535> [stats]Show running system information Display information about the NS protocol Select one NSE by its NSE Identifier Select one NSE by its NS-VC Identifier The Identifier of selected type Include Statistics show ns persistentShow running system information Display information about the NS protocol Show only persistent NS show ns entities [stats]Show running system information Display information about the NS protocol Display information about the NS protocol entities (NSEs) Include statistics show ns binds [stats]Show running system information Display information about the NS protocol Display information about the NS protocol binds Include statistic show nsShow running system information Display information about the NS protocol no ip-sns-bind BINDIDNegate a command or set its defaults IP SNS binds Name of NS udp bind whose IP endpoint will not be used as IP-SNS local endpoint ip-sns-bind BINDIDIP SNS binds Name of NS udp bind whose IP endpoint will be used as IP-SNS local endpoint. Can be given multiple times. txqueue-max-length <1-4096>Set the maximum length of the txqueue (for UDP) Maximum length of the txqueue no ip-sns-default bind IDNegate a command or set its defaults Defaults for dynamically created NSEs created by IP-SNS in SGSN role IP SNS binds Name of NS udp bind whose IP endpoint will be removed as IP-SNS local endpoint. ip-sns-default bind IDDefaults for dynamically created NSEs created by IP-SNS in SGSN role IP SNS binds Name of NS udp bind whose IP endpoint will be used as IP-SNS local endpoint. Can be given multiple times. no ip-sns-remote (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) <1-65535>Negate a command or set its defaults Delete a SNS Initial Endpoint SGSN IPv4 Address SGSN IPv6 Address SGSN UDP Port ip-sns-remote (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) <1-65535>SNS Initial Endpoint SGSN IPv4 Address SGSN IPv6 Address SGSN UDP Port no nsvc ipa BIND (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) <1-65535> nsvci <0-65535>Negate a command or set its defaults Delete a NS Virtual Connection NS over UDP A unique bind identifier created by ns bind Remote IPv4 Address Remote IPv6 Address Remote UDP Port NS Virtual Connection ID (NS-VCI) NS Virtual Connection ID (NS-VCI) nsvc ipa BIND (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) <1-65535> nsvci <0-65535>NS Virtual Connection NS over UDP ip.access style (uses RESET/BLOCK) A unique bind identifier created by ns bind Remote IPv4 Address Remote IPv6 Address Remote UDP Port NS Virtual Connection ID (NS-VCI) NS Virtual Connection ID (NS-VCI) no nsvc udp BIND (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) <1-65535>Negate a command or set its defaults Delete a NS Virtual Connection NS over UDP A unique bind identifier created by ns bind Remote IPv4 Address Remote IPv6 Address Remote UDP Port nsvc udp BIND (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) <1-65535> signalling-weight <0-254> data-weight <0-254>NS Virtual Connection NS over UDP A unique bind identifier created by ns bind Remote IPv4 Address Remote IPv6 Address Remote UDP Port Signalling weight of the NSVC (default = 1) Signalling weight of the NSVC (default = 1) Data weight of the NSVC (default = 1) Data weight of the NSVC (default = 1) nsvc udp BIND (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) <1-65535>NS Virtual Connection NS over UDP A unique bind identifier created by ns bind Remote IPv4 Address Remote IPv6 Address Remote UDP Port no nsvc nsvci <0-65535>Negate a command or set its defaults Delete NSVC NS Virtual Connection ID (NS-VCI) NS Virtual Connection ID (NS-VCI) no nsvc fr NETIF dlci <16-1007>Negate a command or set its defaults Delete frame relay NS-VC frame relay frame relay interface. Must be registered via fr vty Data Link connection identifier Data Link connection identifier nsvc fr NETIF dlci <16-1007> nsvci <0-65535>NS Virtual Connection frame relay frame relay interface. Must be registered via fr vty NS Virtual Connection ID (NS-VCI) NS Virtual Connection ID (NS-VCI) Data Link connection identifier Data Link connection identifier %s(config-ns-nse)# no fr NETIFNegate a command or set its defaults Delete a frame relay link Delete a frame relay link Interface name(e.g. ep0) fr NETIF (fr|frnet)frame relay Interface name(e.g. ep0) fr (user) is used by BSS or SGSN attached to UNI of a FR network frnet (network) is used by SGSN if BSS is directly attached ip-sns signalling-weight <0-254> data-weight <0-254>IP SNS signalling weight used by IP-SNS dynamic configuration signalling weight used by IP-SNS dynamic configuration data weight used by IP-SNS dynamic configuration data weight used by IP-SNS dynamic configuration no accept-dynamic-ip-snsNegate a command or set its defaults Disable dynamic creation of NS Entities by IP-SNS PDUs accept-dynamic-ip-snsAllow to create dynamic NS Entities by IP-SNS PDUs no accept-ipaccessNegate a command or set its defaults Reject NS Reset PDU on UDP (ip.access style) accept-ipaccessAllow to create dynamic NS Entity by NS Reset PDU on UDP (ip.access style) socket-priority <0-255>Set socket priority on the UDP socket Priority Value (>6 requires CAP_NET_ADMIN) no dscpSet DSCP/TOS on the UDP socket DSCP Value dscp <0-63>no listenNegate a command or set its defaults Delete a IP/Port assignment listen (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) <1-65535>Configure local IP + Port of this bind Local IPv4 Address Local IPv6 Address Local UDP Port %s(config-ns-bind)# no bind IDNegate a command or set its defaults Delete a bind Unique identifier for this bind bind (fr|udp) IDConfigure local Bind Frame Relay UDP/IP Unique identifier for this bind (to reference from NS-VCs, NSEs, ...) no nse <0-65535>Negate a command or set its defaults Delete a Persistent NS Entity NS Entity ID (NSEI) nse <0-65535> [ip-sns-role-sgsn]Persistent NS Entity NS Entity ID (NSEI) Create NSE in SGSN role (default: BSS) timer (tns-block|tns-block-retries|tns-reset|tns-reset-retries|tns-test|tns-alive|tns-alive-retries|tsns-prov|tsns-size-retries|tsns-config-retries|tsns-procedures-retries) <0-65535>Network Service Timer (un)blocking Timer (Tns-block) timeout (un)blocking Timer (Tns-block) number of retries Reset Timer (Tns-reset) timeout Reset Timer (Tns-reset) number of retries Test Timer (Tns-test) timeout Alive Timer (Tns-alive) timeout Alive Timer (Tns-alive) number of retries SNS Provision Timer (Tsns-prov) timeout SNS Size number of retries SNS Config number of retries SNS Procedures number of retries Timer Value nsConfigure the GPRS Network Service%s(config-ns)# frfrgreudptns-blocktns-block-retriestns-resettns-reset-retriestns-testtns-alivetns-alive-retriestsns-provtsns-size-retriestsns-config-retriestsns-procedures-retriesGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE 47 < A F|4]D  b 4|z| |4 4 l44    4  D   H (  T h | ! ' -` 3 9 ? D Jp  P 4 ` f  l h4  } \4,    4  X   hh40DD`|4L  (  40* 0 6 < hBh|4T4Tn0 tP z   L4x  H x    D4 DD4 4 <<4!) /` !5!@4%L R X ^` d j8 p v &|&40) ))4+ L l  P+P+ 4. \.\.41$  222L024|4K\ Q W ] 4c447v |H   \7\74D8 X @ l8l849  09094:   8;8;4; ;;4<#l <)<4=$==$=4==N=4d?a g n u ?|?4@@@4A< p    AA44C X   @ $ CC4D  DD4LE% \E,\E4EB I F4FP8 WT F4H^ e l s z    , | IIT4LJ4 P T pJpJT4JJJd4$K(K(K4L L L4Md l M4N N4P4 !40(<((NP(cx(t((((@(h((T ( 4(\(,(<(O(n($(LT((( ( @(2 h(P (i ( ( ( 0( X( T ( (" $(A L(Y t(y ( ( ( ( <( d( (4 4    = E [ s    8`     ! 7 W q |           7 I c t        :Ts%3Sq1IZtFF,#8QM k Ngprs_ns2_vty.c$acfg_nscfg_no_ns_bind_accept_sns$d.LC1.LC0.LC2cfg_ns_bind_accept_sns.LC3cfg_no_ns_bind_ipaccess.LC4cfg_ns_bind_ipaccess.LC5show_ns_binds.LC6cfg_ns_timerconfig_write_ns.LC9.LC10.LC11.LC12.LC19.LC13.LC20.LC21.LC24.LC7.LC23.LC28.LC14.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC25.LC29.LC27.LC8.LC22.LC26nse_restart_sns.LC31.LC30vty_bind_by_namensvc_block.LC33.LC37.LC38.LC40.LC34.LC36.LC35.LC32.LC39nsvc_force_unconfnsvc_force_unconf_cbcfg_no_ns_ip_sns_default_bind.LC42.LC44.LC41.LC43cfg_no_ns_nsei.LC46.LC47.LC48.LC45vty_nse_check_snscfg_no_ns_nse_ip_sns_bind.LC49.LC50.LC51.LC53.LC52cfg_ns_nse_ip_sns_bind.LC55.LC54.LC56.LC57.LC60.LC58.LC59cfg_ns_ip_sns_default_bindcfg_no_ns_nse_ip_sns_remote.LC61.LC62cfg_ns_nse_ip_sns_remote.LC64.LC63cfg_no_ns_nse_nsvc_ipa.LC65.LC67.LC66.LC69.LC70.LC68.LC71.LC72cfg_no_ns_nse_nsvc_udp.LC73cfg_no_ns_nse_nsvci.LC77.LC74.LC75.LC76cfg_ns_nse_nsvc_ipa.LC78ns_nse_nsvc_udp_cmds.LC80.LC79cfg_ns_nse_nsvc_udp_weightscfg_ns_nse_nsvc_udpcfg_no_ns_nse_nsvc_fr_dlci.LC81.LC84.LC82.LC83cfg_ns_nse_nsvc_fr.LC86.LC85.LC87.LC88cfg_no_ns_bind_fr.LC89.LC91.LC90cfg_no_ns_bind.LC93.LC92cfg_ns_bind_fr.LC94.LC95.LC96cfg_ns_bind_ip_sns_weight.LC97cfg_ns_bind_priority.LC98cfg_no_ns_bind_dscpcfg_ns_bind_dscpcfg_ns_bind_listen.LC99.LC100.LC101.LC102cfg_ns_txqueue_max_lengthcfg_ns_bind.LC103.LC104.LC105.LC106.LC107cfg_ns_nsei.LC108.LC111.LC113.LC112.LC110.LC109logging_fltr_nsvc.LC114logging_fltr_nse.LC115cfg_no_ns_bind_listen.LC116.LC117.LC118.LC119.LC122.LC121.LC124.LC123.LC125.LC127.LC126.LC128.LC129.LC120dump_nse.LC130.LC131.LC132show_ns_persshow_ns_entitiesshow_nsshow_nse.LC133.LC134vty_nsiip_sns_default_bindsnsesvty_fr_networkshow_ns_cmdshow_ns_binds_cmdshow_ns_entities_cmdshow_ns_pers_cmdshow_nse_cmdlogging_fltr_nse_cmdlogging_fltr_nsvc_cmdnsvc_force_unconf_cmdnsvc_block_cmdnse_restart_sns_cmdcfg_ns_cmdns_nodecfg_ns_timer_cmdcfg_ns_nsei_cmdcfg_no_ns_nsei_cmdcfg_ns_bind_cmdcfg_no_ns_bind_cmdcfg_ns_ip_sns_default_bind_cmdcfg_no_ns_ip_sns_default_bind_cmdcfg_ns_txqueue_max_length_cmdns_bind_nodecfg_ns_bind_listen_cmdcfg_no_ns_bind_listen_cmdcfg_ns_bind_dscp_cmdcfg_no_ns_bind_dscp_cmdcfg_ns_bind_priority_cmdcfg_ns_bind_ip_sns_weight_cmdcfg_ns_bind_ipaccess_cmdcfg_no_ns_bind_ipaccess_cmdcfg_ns_bind_fr_cmdcfg_no_ns_bind_fr_cmdcfg_ns_bind_accept_sns_cmdcfg_no_ns_bind_accept_sns_cmdns_nse_nodecfg_ns_nse_nsvc_fr_cmdcfg_no_ns_nse_nsvci_cmdcfg_no_ns_nse_nsvc_fr_dlci_cmdcfg_ns_nse_nsvc_udp_cmdcfg_ns_nse_nsvc_udp_weights_cmdcfg_no_ns_nse_nsvc_udp_cmdcfg_ns_nse_nsvc_ipa_cmdcfg_no_ns_nse_nsvc_ipa_cmdcfg_ns_nse_ip_sns_remote_cmdcfg_no_ns_nse_ip_sns_remote_cmdcfg_ns_nse_ip_sns_bind_cmdcfg_no_ns_nse_ip_sns_bind_cmdvty_outgprs_ns2_bind_by_namevty_out_stat_item_groupget_string_valuestrtol_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_gprs_ns_timer_strsget_value_stringget_value_string_or_nullgprs_ns2_fr_bind_netifgprs_ns2_fr_bind_rolegprs_ns2_fr_nsvc_dlcigprs_ns2_ip_vc_remoteosmo_sockaddr_str_from_sockaddrgprs_ns2_ip_bind_sockaddrosmo_panicns2_sns_write_vtyvty_ll_namesvty_fr_role_namesgprs_ns2_nse_by_nseigprs_ns2_free_nsvcsstrcmpgprs_ns2_nsvc_by_nsvcins2_vc_unblockns2_vc_resetns2_vc_blockgprs_ns2_nse_foreach_nsvcgprs_ns2_free_nsens2_vc_force_unconfiguredns2_vc_fsm_start_talloc_freegprs_ns2_sns_countgprs_ns2_sns_del_bindns2_nse_set_dialecttalloc_named_constgprs_ns2_sns_add_bindosmo_sockaddr_str_from_strosmo_sockaddr_str_to_sockaddrgprs_ns2_sns_del_endpointgprs_ns2_sns_add_endpointgprs_ns2_nsvc_by_sockaddr_bindgprs_ns2_free_nsvcgprs_ns2_ip_connectgprs_ns2_fr_bind_by_netifgprs_ns2_fr_nsvc_by_dlcigprs_ns2_fr_connectgprs_ns2_free_bindlogp_stubgprs_ns2_fr_bindlog_check_levellogp2osmo_log_infogprs_ns2_ip_bind_set_sns_weightgprs_ns2_ip_bind_set_prioritygprs_ns2_ip_bind_set_dscpgprs_ns2_ip_bind_by_sockaddrgprs_ns2_ip_bindgprs_ns2_is_ip_bindns2_ip_set_txqueue_max_lengthosmo_identifier_valid_talloc_zerotalloc_strdupgprs_ns2_create_nse2log_tgt_mutex_lock_implosmo_log_vty2tgtlog_tgt_mutex_unlock_implns2_sns_add_sns_default_bindsns2_vty_dump_nsvcosmo_fsm_state_namegprs_ns2_ll_strns2_vc_is_unblockedvty_out_uptimevty_out_newlinevty_out_rate_ctr_groupns2_sns_dump_vtygprs_ns2_lltype_strsosmo_fr_network_dump_vtygprs_ns2_vty_init_reducedosmo_fr_network_allocinstall_lib_element_veinstall_lib_elementinstall_nodegprs_ns2_vty_initH\l]   \]  D\h]|  \]  t^_`ab<\tc\\Ld|\]efd \h\h\eg$\\hli\ji\L\\\\ \$ h4 ip \ k lH \ k a   " b    # 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Only %d are supported! uint16_t%s: Could not create DLC %d %s: Rx STATUS: Could not create DLC %d %s: Rx unsupported LMI message type %u frame_relay.c:574%s: Rx short FR header: %u bytes %s: Rx Unsupported single-byte FR address %s: Rx Unknown second FR octet 0x%02x %s: Rx Unsupported FR DLCI %u %s: Link is not reliable. Discarding Rx PDU on DLCI %d %s: DLCI %u not yet active. Discarding Rx PDU %s: DLCI %u doesn't exist. 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