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(%s) ack frame %d (%s) N(R) sequence error (%s) start T200, due to unacked I frame(s) ../../include/osmocom/core/msgb.hsize >= headroomAssert failed %s %s:%d LAPD resendmsgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) LAPD RRLAPD RNR(%s) Timeout T203 state=%s (%s) T203 fired outside MF EST state, please fix! (%s) transmit an RR poll command (%s) transmit an RNR poll command HIST(%s) perform establishment with content (SABM) (%s) perform normal establishm. (SABM) (%s) perform local release (%s) perform normal release (DISC) (%s) LAPD reestablish DUMMY(%s) Timeout T200 state=%s (%s) retransmit last frame V(S)=%d LAPD I resend(%s) unhandled, pls. fix (%s) N200+1 reached, performingreestablishment (%s) T200 expired in unexpected dl->state %s) LAPD DMLAPD UAsegment (%s) %s() called from line %d (%s) There is a frame in the TX queue, not checking for sending I frame. (%s) Peer busy, not sending. (%s) Timer recovery, not sending. (%s) k frames outstanding, not sending more. (k=%u V(S)=%u V(A)=%u) (%s) get message from send-queue msgb->l3h(%s) msg-len %d sent %d left %d N201 %d length %d first byte %02x (%s) send I frame %sV(S)=%d LAPD I(%s) resend I frame from tx buffer V(S)=%d (%s) S frame with incorrect parameters (%s) S frame response with F=1 error (%s) S frame ignored in this state (%s) RR received in state %s (%s) RR frame command with polling bit set and we are not busy, so we reply with RR frame response (%s) RR frame command with polling bit set and we are busy, so we reply with RR frame response (%s) RR response with F==1, and we are in timer recovery state, so we leave that state (%s) RNR received in state %s (%s) RNR poll command and we are not busy, so we reply with RR final response (%s) RNR poll command and we are busy, so we reply with RNR final response (%s) RNR poll response and we in timer recovery state, so we leave that state (%s) RNR not polling/final state received (%s) REJ received in state %s (%s) REJ poll command not in timer recovery state and not in own busy condition received, so we respond with RR final response (%s) REJ poll command not in timer recovery state and in own busy condition received, so we respond with RNR final response (%s) REJ response or not polling command not in timer recovery state received (%s) unsolicited supervisory response! (%s) REJ poll response in timer recovery state received (%s) REJ poll command in timer recovery state and not in own busy condition received, so we respond with RR final response (%s) REJ poll command in timer recovery state and in own busy condition received, so we respond with RNR final response (%s) REJ response or not polling command in timer recovery state received (%s) Supervisory frame not allowed (%s) writing an empty message is not possible (%s) writing message to send-queue: l3len: %d (%s) perform re-establishment (SABM) length=%d LAPD SABM(dl->lapd_flags & LAPD_F_RTS)lapd contexttall_lapd_ctxlapd_core.c:347dl=%p(%s) Init DL layer: sequence range = %d, k = %d, history range = %d struct lapd_history../../include/osmocom/core/utils.h:127(%s) Resetting LAPD instance (%s) Changing RTS flag not allowed while T200 is running. lapd_core.c:425lapd_core.c:427(%s) SABM(E) received in state %s (%s) SABM response error (%s) SABM too large error (%s) SABM command, timer recovery state (%s) SABM L>0 not expected in timer recovery state (%s) SABM command, multiple frame established state (%s) Remote reestablish (%s) SABM command not allowed in state %s (%s) Another SABM with different content - ignoring! (%s) SABM not allowed during contention resolution (state=%s) CONT RES(%s) Store content res. msgb(%p): Negative length is not allowed (%s) DM received in state %s (%s) DM command error (%s) unsolicited DM response (%s) unsolicited DM response! (discarding) (%s) UI received (%s) UI indicates response error (%s) UI too large error (%d > N201(%d) or M=%d) (%s) length=0 (discarding) (%s) DISC received in state %s (%s) DISC response error (%s) U frame iwth incorrect parameters (%s) DISC in idle state (%s) DISC in SABM state (%s) DISC in est state (%s) DISC in disc state (%s) UA received in state %s (%s) UA indicates command error (%s) UA too large error (%s) F=0 (discarding) (%s) unsolicited UA response! (discarding) (%s) UA in disconnect state (%s) UA in SABM state (%s) **** UA response mismatches **** (%s) Frame reject received (%s) Performing reestablishment (%s) Unnumbered frame not allowed (%s) I received in state %s on SAPI(%u) (%s) I frame response not allowed (state %s) (%s) I frame length not allowed (state %s) (%s) I frame with M bit too short (state %s) (%s) I frame ignored in state %s (%s) N(S) sequence error: N(S)=%u, V(R)=%u (state %s) LAPD REJ(%s) incrementing V(R) to %u (%s) message in single I frame (%s) message in multiple I frames (first message) LAPD RX(%s) Received frame overflow! (%s) message in multiple I frames (last message) (%s) message in multiple I frames (next message) (%s) I frame ignored during own receiver busy condition (%s) we are not busy, send RR (%s) we are busy, send RNR (%s) we are not busy and have no pending data, send RR (%s) unknown LAPD format 0x%02x (%s) Message %u/%u unsupported (%s) Message %u/%u unhandled at this state %s (%s) Message %s received in state %s DL-UNIT-DATA-REQUESTDL-ESTABLISH-REQUESTDL-DATA-REQUESTDL-SUSPEND-REQUESTDL-RESUME-REQUESTDL-RECONNECT-REQUESTDL-RELEASE-REQUESTLAPD_STATE_NULLLAPD_STATE_TEI_UNASSLAPD_STATE_ASS_TEI_WAITLAPD_STATE_EST_TEI_WAITLAPD_STATE_IDLELAPD_STATE_SABM_SENTLAPD_STATE_DISC_SENTLAPD_STATE_MF_ESTLAPD_STATE_TIMER_RECOVGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE  XXH1$H4[jmr wj j0 <<j4L TTP4j Xj  , , j $), / j@TFLh j4RX^ DdD8jtu{  ||jx  j j4 jL$ TT@jd,\ j j,2 88j E$KQW]Pc4 4!i4!pj!v !|!j" "" jP,d\<<\ @-@-j0< @ x D #L ) / 5; A`GMSY$_ e k qL  =w=j?   ??jAD   Aj8BP  DBjD   p    DjHE TEjLF, hFj`GL |GjG GjW0#*1<8 ?XFL0RPY`hgn4u|| ld pt&T-P Zjt4;\BhIPV]dHkqTx4 vjv vjy <j jjj   (6J[Pl|q|AdDB +D8D\ITEWhFi|GPvGPHt.vXv`lapd_core.c$alapd_udata_reqlapd_rel_req_idlelapd_dl_flush_tx_queuelapd_dl_flush_sendlapd_stop_t203$d.LC0.LC1lapd_start_t203.LC2lapd_dl_newstate.LC3mdl_error.LC4lapd_dl_flush_hist.isra.3.part.4lapd_dl_flush_txlapd_stop_t200.LC5lapd_susp_req.LC7.LC6.LC8lapd_start_t200.LC9.LC10lapd_acknowledge.LC11.LC13.LC12.LC14.LC15.LC16lapd_send_resend.LC17.LC18lapd_send_rr.LC19lapd_send_rnr.LC20lapd_t203_cb.LC21.LC22.LC24.LC23msg_to_tx_hist.isra.8.LC25lapd_est_req.LC26.LC27lapd_rel_req.LC28.LC29lapd_reestablish.LC30.LC31lapd_t200_cb.LC34.LC32.LC37.LC33.LC36.LC35lapd_send_dm.LC38lapd_send_ua.LC39lapd_send_i.LC52.LC51.LC49.LC40.LC50.LC42.LC41.LC43.LC44.LC45.LC48.LC46.LC47lapd_rx_s.LC55.LC53.LC74.LC60.LC56.LC65.LC73.LC54.LC64.LC68.LC70.LC63.LC69.LC61.LC62.LC58.LC59.LC57.LC67.LC72.LC66.LC71lapd_data_req.LC76.LC75lapd_res_req.LC78.LC77.LC79.LC82.LC84.LC85.LC80.LC81.LC83.LC86.LC87.LC88.LC89.LC90.LC134.LC130.LC148.LC136.LC111.LC122.LC124.LC106.LC135.LC116.LC115.LC117.LC97.LC95.LC132.LC123.LC126.LC144.LC108.LC119.LC104.LC127.LC112.LC91.LC129.LC107.LC128.LC140.LC137.LC114.LC133.LC143.LC131.LC99.LC93.LC121.LC110.LC103.LC147.LC96.LC94.LC141.LC118.LC146.LC142.LC145.LC125.LC100.LC101.LC102.LC113.LC92.LC120.LC105.LC109.LC98.LC139.LC138.LC149.LC150.LC151__func__.8344l2downstatelistmemcpymsgb_freemsgb_dequeueosmo_timer_pendinglog_check_levelosmo_timer_dellogp2logp_stub_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_osmo_log_infoosmo_timer_scheduleget_value_stringlapd_state_nameslapd_msgb_allocosmo_panicmsgb_enqueuelapd_t200_timeoutlapd_dl_init2memsetosmo_timer_setup_talloc_freetalloc_strdup_talloc_zero_arraytalloc_named_consttalloc_asprintftall_lapd_ctxlapd_dl_initlapd_dl_set_namelapd_dl_resetlapd_dl_set_flagslapd_dl_exitlapd_set_modelapd_ph_data_indmemcmplapd_ph_rts_indlapd_recv_dlsap h        <T      @x  \l  $(, 48 t,48<@D LP  (D T  4| <t# $   %     $  #$  ( %t      0 t     )   ) *   *      |    Tx .. / 0  / 004384<5|  pt9x: >,H B L(Ld,48<@FD LGP XF\ ` dGhHl tIx  H I HLMP:0 < T (\dhlQp x |Q RR    |V  VW  WD|[ \ [, H $@lXl $ \      `  a  b  c  a  d! !b ! ! !c!:!e ! $! 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