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Set to 0 to disable regular flush (default). 0 to disable regular flush (default), 1 to flush every time, 2 to flush every 2nd time, etc disableDisable the reporter enableEnable the reporter level (global|peer|subscriber)Set the maximum group level Report global groups only Report global and network peer related groups Report global, peer, and subscriber groups no prefixNegate a command or set its defaults Set the item name prefix prefix PREFIXSet the item name prefix The prefix string no mtuNegate a command or set its defaults Set the maximum packet size mtu <100-65535>Set the maximum packet size Size in byte remote-port <1-65535>Set the remote port to which we connect Remote port number remote-ip ADDRSet the remote IP address to which we connect IP Address no local-ipNegate a command or set its defaults Set the IP address to which we bind locally local-ip ADDRSet the IP address to which we bind locally IP Address globalpeersubscriber%s(config-stats)# GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE   \ < <Xh| \'l O T Y ^ c h $m$$@ D L p | ( HH     /0 5X ;h Ax G M S Y _x   ,  < l      8 d |    @     % + 1 78 =P C I OL UT [h a| g m s y   |D PP| d tt H L` hh, @: @ F L \R\i ,o,<X hh4 4 4 4, 88 '<HA( G$ XMX4 d4, X8 pp`   l xx  T&(5((JP(hx(((((@(h(1(T(u((0(X(((-(K(j (H(p(((       "4<Xm ( - 4 J [ m        " ; F k      2 M o   \    Tstats_vty.c$astats_reset$dreset_rate_ctr_group_handlershow_rate_counters.LC2.LC3.LC1.LC0.LC4.LC5asciidoc_osmo_stat_item_group_handler.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9.LC10.LC11.LC12asciidoc_osmo_stat_item_handler.LC13.LC14asciidoc_rate_ctr_handler.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC18asciidoc_handle_counter.LC19.LC20.LC21.LC22.LC23.LC24.LC25.LC26asciidoc_rate_ctr_group_handler.LC27.LC28.LC29.LC30show_stats_asciidoc_table.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC35.LC36.LC37.LC38.LC39.LC40.LC41cfg_tcp_stats_batch_sizeconfig_write_stats.LC44.LC45.LC46.LC58.LC47.LC49.LC59.LC42.LC48.LC50.LC51.LC52.LC53.LC55.LC57.LC43.LC56.LC54cfg_tcp_stats_interval.LC60cfg_stats_intervalcfg_no_stats_reporter_log.LC61cfg_no_stats_reporter_statsd.LC62show_stats_levelshow_statscfg_stats_reporter_flush_period.LC63.LC64.LC65.LC66set_srep_parameter_str.LC67cfg_no_stats_reporter_prefix.LC68cfg_stats_reporter_prefixcfg_stats_reporter_remote_ip.LC69cfg_no_stats_reporter_local_ip.LC70cfg_stats_reporter_local_ipset_srep_parameter_intcfg_no_stats_reporter_mtu.LC72.LC71cfg_stats_reporter_mtucfg_stats_reporter_remote_port.LC73cfg_stats_reporter_disable.LC74cfg_stats_reporter_enable.LC75cfg_stats_reporter_level.LC76cfg_stats_reporter_log.LC77cfg_stats_reporter_statsd.LC78show_stats_cmdshow_stats_level_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_statsd_cmdcfg_no_stats_reporter_statsd_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_log_cmdcfg_no_stats_reporter_log_cmdcfg_stats_interval_cmdcfg_tcp_stats_interval_cmdcfg_tcp_stats_batch_size_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_local_ip_cmdcfg_no_stats_reporter_local_ip_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_remote_ip_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_remote_port_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_mtu_cmdcfg_no_stats_reporter_mtu_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_prefix_cmdcfg_no_stats_reporter_prefix_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_level_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_enable_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_disable_cmdcfg_stats_reporter_flush_period_cmdshow_stats_asciidoc_table_cmdshow_rate_counters_cmdstats_report_cmdstats_reset_cmdstats_class_strsrate_ctr_for_each_grouprate_ctr_group_resetosmo_stats_reportvty_outvty_out_rate_ctr_group_fmt2osmo_asciidoc_escapeosmo_stat_item_for_each_item_talloc_freeosmo_stat_item_get_descrate_ctr_for_each_counterosmo_stat_item_for_each_grouposmo_counters_countosmo_counters_for_each_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_hoststrtolosmo_tcp_stats_configget_value_stringosmo_stats_configosmo_stats_reporter_listosmo_stats_tcp_set_intervalstrerrorosmo_stats_set_intervalosmo_stats_reporter_findosmo_stats_reporter_freeget_string_valuevty_out_statistics_partial2vty_out_statistics_full2osmo_panicosmo_stats_reporter_set_flush_periodosmo_stats_reporter_set_name_prefixosmo_stats_reporter_set_remote_addrosmo_stats_reporter_set_local_addrosmo_stats_reporter_set_mtuosmo_stats_reporter_set_remote_portosmo_stats_reporter_disableosmo_stats_reporter_enableosmo_stats_reporter_set_max_classosmo_stats_reporter_create_logosmo_stats_reporter_create_statsdosmo_stats_vty_add_cmdsinstall_lib_element_veinstall_lib_elementinstall_nodecfg_stats_nodeH`p  <T,Th  (,04!8"<@D`l|&' (),8|-./ x23456 L|0@Px|:;<=Lt  < l     4 \ l      A   B  C   D $ E( , 0 F8 < G@ D HH L P IT X \ J` d h Kl p t x |     ;            < x   4 X    $l8` R S$(T,0U4V8W<X@DHYLZPTX\[`d\hl]pt^x|_`abc,DHgLdhg,@dhnlp r4T`d(@|D}H~PTX|}~ $(X\`d,04l|} ~HLPT@X|\}`~dhl| }~4`t|}~(`lpt$0<HT`lx  $,4@PTX\ w(,t0PTXx|plie @DMHhlp 048X\` $z(HL?Ppt x .symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rel.data.rel.local.rel.data.rel.ro.local.rodata.str1.4.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4d @PX %+4<0 @^` H D @x` [2 j03s3p3+4 D `