#!/usr/bin/env python3
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Copyright 2022 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH <info@sysmocom.de>
import os
import re
import lib.config

def get_repo_path(project):
    return f"{lib.config.path_cache}/{os.path.basename(project)}"

def get_repo_url(project):
    if project in lib.config.git_url_other:
        return lib.config.git_url_other[project]
    return f"{lib.config.git_url_default}/{project}"

def get_latest_tag_pattern(project):
    if project in lib.config.git_latest_tag_pattern_other:
        return lib.config.git_latest_tag_pattern_other[project]
    return lib.config.git_latest_tag_pattern_default

def clone(project):
    fetch = lib.args.git_fetch
    repo_path = get_repo_path(project)
    url = get_repo_url(project)

    if os.path.exists(repo_path):
        if fetch:
            print(f"{project}: 'git fetch'")
            lib.run_cmd(["git", "fetch"], cwd=repo_path)
            print(f"{project}: using cached {url} (not cloning, not fetching)")

    print(f"{project}: cloning {url}")
    os.makedirs(lib.config.path_cache, exist_ok=True)
    lib.run_cmd(["git", "clone", url, repo_path])

    lib.run_cmd(["git", "config", "user.name", "Osmocom OBS scripts"],
    lib.run_cmd(["git", "config", "user.email", "info@osmocom.org"],

def clean(project):
    repo_path = get_repo_path(project)
    print(f"{project}: 'git clean -ffxd'")
    lib.run_cmd(["git", "clean", "-ffxd"], cwd=repo_path)

def checkout(project, branch):
    repo_path = get_repo_path(project)
    if not lib.args.git_checkout:
        ref = lib.run_cmd(["git", "log", "--pretty=oneline", "--abbrev-commit",
                           "-1"], cwd=repo_path).output.rstrip()
        print(f"{project}: skipping git checkout, current commit: {ref}")
    print(f"{project}: 'git checkout -f {branch}'")
    lib.run_cmd(["git", "checkout", "-f", branch], cwd=repo_path)
    print(f"{project}: 'git reset --hard {branch}'")
    lib.run_cmd(["git", "reset", "--hard", branch], cwd=repo_path)
    print(f"{project}: 'git submodule update --init'")
    lib.run_cmd(["git", "submodule", "update", "--init"], cwd=repo_path)

def checkout_from_review(project, gerrit_id):
    """ checkout a given gerrit ID """
    repo_path = get_repo_path(project)
    lib.run_cmd(["git", "review", "-s"], cwd=repo_path)
    lib.run_cmd(["git", "review", "-d", str(gerrit_id)], cwd=repo_path)

def get_default_branch(project):
    if project in lib.config.git_branch_other:
       return lib.config.git_branch_other[project]
    return lib.config.git_branch_default

def checkout_default_branch(project):
    branch = get_default_branch(project)
    checkout(project, f"origin/{branch}")

def get_head(project):
    repo_path = get_repo_path(project)
    ret = lib.run_cmd(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"], cwd=repo_path)
    return ret.output.rstrip()

def get_head_remote(project, branch, branch_missing_ok=True):
    if not branch:
        branch = get_default_branch(project)
    repo_url = get_repo_url(project)

    print(f"{project}: getting head from git remote for {branch}")
    ls_remote = lib.run_cmd(["git", "ls-remote", repo_url, f"heads/{branch}"])

    ret = ls_remote.output.split("\t")[0]

    # If the branch is missing from the remote, git ls-remote exits with 0 and
    # the output is empty
    if not ret:
        if branch_missing_ok:
            print(f"{project}: branch not found: {branch}")
            return None
        lib.exit_error_cmd(ls_remote, "failed to find head commit for"
                           f" {project} in output")

    return ret

def get_latest_tag(project):
    pattern_str = get_latest_tag_pattern(project)
    pattern = re.compile(pattern_str)
    repo_path = get_repo_path(project)

    git_tag_ret = lib.run_cmd(["git", "tag", "-l", "--sort=-v:refname"],

    for line in git_tag_ret.output.split('\n'):
        line = line.strip('\r')
        if pattern.match(line):
            return line

    lib.exit_error_cmd(git_tag_ret, f"couldn't find latest tag for {project},"
                       f" regex used on output: {pattern_str}")

def get_latest_tag_remote(project):
    pattern_str = get_latest_tag_pattern(project)
    pattern = re.compile(pattern_str)

    print(f"{project}: getting latest tag from git remote")
    ls_remote = lib.run_cmd(["git", "ls-remote", "--tags", "--sort=-v:refname",
    for line in ls_remote.output.split('\n'):
        # Tags are listed twice, skip the ones with ^{} at the end
        if "^{}" in line:

        if "refs/tags/" not in line:

        line = line.rstrip().split("refs/tags/")[1]
        if pattern.match(line):
            return line

    # No tag found probably means the repository was just created and doesn't
    # have a release tag yet
    return None

def checkout_latest_tag(project):
    checkout(project, get_latest_tag(project))