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BIOS vendor: %s; Ver: %s; Product Version: %s 4DMAR: [Firmware Bug]: Your BIOS is broken; RHSA refers to non-existent DMAR unit at %llx BIOS vendor: %s; Ver: %s; Product Version: %s DMAR: [Firmware Bug]: Invalid 0-length structure 4DMAR: [Firmware Bug]: Record passes table end 6DMAR: DRHD base: %#016Lx flags: %#x 6DMAR: RMRR base: %#016Lx end: %#016Lx 6DMAR: RHSA base: %#016Lx proximity domain: %#x DMAR: Unknown DMAR structure type %d 4DMAR: No handler for DMAR structure type %d 4DMAR: Can't validate DRHD address: %llx DMAR hardware is malfunctioning 4DMAR: Failed to locate _DSM method. 4DMAR: [Firmware Bug]: No DRHD structures in buffer returned by _DSM method 3DMAR: DRHD: handling fault status reg %x 3DMAR: [INTR-REMAP] Request device [%02x:%02x.%d] fault index 0x%llx [fault reason 0x%02x] %s 3DMAR: [%s NO_PASID] Request device [%02x:%02x.%d] fault addr 0x%llx [fault reason 0x%02x] %s 3DMAR: [%s PASID 0x%x] Request device [%02x:%02x.%d] fault addr 0x%llx [fault reason 0x%02x] %s 6DMAR: Host address width %d 4DMAR: [Firmware Bug]: No DRHD structure found in DMAR table 4DMAR: Unsupported device scope 3DMAR: Failed to allocate seq_id 6DMAR: %s: No supported address widths. Not attempting DMA translation. 3DMAR: Cannot get a valid agaw for iommu (seq_id = %d) 3DMAR: Cannot get a valid max agaw for iommu (seq_id = %d) 6DMAR: %s: reg_base_addr %llx ver %d:%d cap %llx ecap %llx DMAR: Cannot alloc PMU for iommu (seq_id = %d) 6DMAR: [Firmware Bug]: RMRR entry for device %02x:%02x.%x is broken - applying workaround 4DMAR: Device scope type does not match for %s 3DMAR: Failed to find handle for ACPI object %s 3DMAR: Failed to get device for ACPI object %s 6DMAR: ACPI device "%s" under DMAR at %llx as %02x:%02x.%d 4DMAR: No IOMMU scope found for ANDD enumeration ID %d (%s) 6DMAR: Parse DMAR table failure. 6DMAR: No DMAR devices found 3DMAR: VT-d detected Invalidation Queue Error: Reason %llx3DMAR: VT-d detected Invalidation Time-out Error: SID %llx3DMAR: VT-d detected Invalidation Completion Error: SID %llx3DMAR: QI HEAD: %s qw0 = 0x%llx, qw1 = 0x%llx 3DMAR: QI PRIOR: %s qw0 = 0x%llx, qw1 = 0x%llx 6DMAR: Invalidation Queue Error (IQE) cleared 6DMAR: Invalidation Time-out Error (ITE) cleared 6DMAR: Invalidation Completion Error (ICE) cleared 3DMAR: Invalid input npages = %ld 4DMAR: Invalidate non-aligned address %llx, order %d 3DMAR: DRHD %Lx: failed to enable fault, interrupt, ret %d Interrupt Entry Cache InvalidationPASID-based IOTLB InvalidationPASID-based Device-TLB InvalidationDetected reserved fields in the decoded interrupt-remapped requestInterrupt index exceeded the interrupt-remapping table sizePresent field in the IRTE entry is clearError accessing interrupt-remapping table pointed by IRTA_REGDetected reserved fields in the IRTE entryBlocked a compatibility format interrupt requestBlocked an interrupt request due to source-id verification failureSM: Invalid Root Table AddressSM: TTM 0 for request with PASIDSM: TTM 0 for page group requestSM: Error attempting to access Root EntrySM: Present bit in Root Entry is clearSM: Non-zero reserved field set in Root EntrySM: Error attempting to access Context EntrySM: Present bit in Context Entry is clearSM: Non-zero reserved field set in the Context EntrySM: DTE field in Context Entry is clearSM: PASID Enable field in Context Entry is clearSM: PASID is larger than the max in Context EntrySM: PRE field in Context-Entry is clearSM: RID_PASID field error in Context-EntrySM: Error attempting to access the PASID Directory EntrySM: Present bit in Directory Entry is clearSM: Non-zero reserved field set in PASID Directory EntrySM: Error attempting to access PASID Table EntrySM: Present bit in PASID Table Entry is clearSM: Non-zero reserved field set in PASID Table EntrySM: Invalid Scalable-Mode PASID Table EntrySM: ERE field is clear in PASID Table EntrySM: SRE field is clear in PASID Table EntrySM: Error attempting to access first-level paging entrySM: Present bit in first-level paging entry is clearSM: Non-zero reserved field set in first-level paging entrySM: Error attempting to access FL-PML4 entrySM: First-level entry address beyond MGAW in Nested translationSM: Read permission error in FL-PML4 entry in Nested translationSM: Read permission error in first-level paging entry in Nested translationSM: Write permission error in first-level paging entry in Nested translationSM: Error attempting to access second-level paging entrySM: Read/Write permission error in second-level paging entrySM: Non-zero reserved field set in second-level paging entrySM: Invalid second-level page table pointerSM: A/D bit update needed in second-level entry when set up in no snoopSM: Address in first-level translation is not canonicalSM: U/S set 0 for first-level translation with user privilegeSM: No execute permission for request with PASID and ER=1SM: Address beyond the DMA hardware maxSM: Second-level entry address beyond the maxSM: No write permission for Write/AtomicOp requestSM: No read permission for Read/AtomicOp requestSM: Invalid address-interrupt addressSM: A/D bit update needed in first-level entry when set up in no snoopPresent bit in root entry is clearPresent bit in context entry is clearNext page table ptr is invalidnon-zero reserved fields in RTPnon-zero reserved fields in CTPnon-zero reserved fields in PTEPCE for translation request specifies blockingCannot alloc PMU for iommu (seq_id = %d) Unknown DMAR structure type %d [Firmware Bug]: Invalid 0-length structure ATLgUHS_LHcHH9tuLH1[]A\HHHHHH1 ff.fS1HHxeH%(HD$p1H|$@D$HD$HD$HD$HD$ HD$(HHD$HHD$0HD$8fD$hu~HHtfs$@ v{HsH{0HT$H0ÅtHD$peH+%(uTHx[D$uHHHHuH=ATUSt"HH=tHHHIH"H=HHt&HGHCHL'HoHHHuH1[]A\1AVAUATUSHeH%(HD$NHH=,HHBHj0HH9rEHŋBHH9lf}uH]HHH$HH<$IH L5MIIFPL`HI9A<$A:L$IEL$ED$AL$IVHHIcN0~#Iv(H1HHHHH9u HT$eH+%(_H[]A\A]A^AT$II9DM6IIHuI`HH~1HھHHu1HHHHHtHI`AT$I`PAD$AT$IN( ЈD I^(HHHHHHHHHff.fHHfUStO؉[]zŅx"HH=t5[]t)H؉-[]HS HxeH%(HD$p1H|$HD$HHD$h1HHu)H=HwHT$H0H0tAH=HtHHD$peH+%(HxH[ uJt11HHH$u#H<$_%tHHLH;@HHt @%16DMAR: ATSR flags: %#x 6DMAR: SATC flags: 0x%x DMAR returns all onesdrivers/iommu/intel/dmar.c3DMAR: No free IRQ vectors 3DMAR: Can't request irq UnknownDMA ReadDMA Write4DMAR: Unable to map DMAR 4DMAR: Invalid DMAR haw dmar%d3DMAR: Can't reserve memory 3DMAR: Can't map the region 3DMAR: Failed to map %s &iommu->iopf_lock%sUNKNOWNdrivers/iommu/intel/iommu.hContext-cache InvalidationIOTLB InvalidationDevice-TLB InvalidationInvalidation WaitPASID-cache InvalidationPage Group ResponseSM: Invalid Context EntrySoftwareInvalid context entryAccess beyond MGAWPTE Write access is not setPTE Read access is not setRoot table address invalidContext table ptr is invaliddmarATUHSHHt\Ht1HHtjL`HXHL!Ht?1[]A\HHt9L`HXHH}HHuH>       dmar_faultqi_desc_dev_iotlb_pasiddmar_walk_remapping_entriesalloc_iommua^QGCC: (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0GNUD _   p88p84E>Y@fz0m P R0 pmh # (@p@ [8s 8  @p8 Pz6pLeHp{  9x ~Kio0l .=TbN\j{ 2(CNbx  0c4?FUl|-DTj} $ 1 I Y  o  f        & 2  M c  s  L           / > G Y r     'h ' @( )  *  @+I% ,}: 0-6P.J T i @0ey 0h @1  2 @2     3B  # 3) 3 < U 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