# Implementation of GSMA eSIM RSP (Remote SIM Provisioning) ES8+ # as per SGP22 v3.0 Section 5.5 # # (C) 2023-2024 by Harald Welte # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from typing import Dict, List, Optional from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec from osmocom.utils import b2h, h2b from osmocom.tlv import bertlv_encode_tag, bertlv_encode_len, bertlv_parse_one_rawtag from osmocom.tlv import bertlv_return_one_rawtlv import pySim.esim.rsp as rsp from pySim.esim.bsp import BspInstance from pySim.esim import PMO # Given that GSMA RSP uses ASN.1 in a very weird way, we actually cannot encode the full data type before # signing, but we have to build parts of it separately first, then sign that, so we can put the signature # into the same sequence as the signed data. We use the existing pySim TLV code for this. def wrap_as_der_tlv(tag: int, val: bytes) -> bytes: """Wrap the 'value' into a DER-encoded TLV.""" return bertlv_encode_tag(tag) + bertlv_encode_len(len(val)) + val def gen_init_sec_chan_signed_part(iscsp: Dict) -> bytes: """Generate the concatenated remoteOpId, transactionId, controlRefTemplate and smdpOtpk data objects without the outer SEQUENCE tag / length or the remainder of initialiseSecureChannel, as is required for signing purpose.""" out = b'' out += wrap_as_der_tlv(0x82, bytes([iscsp['remoteOpId']])) out += wrap_as_der_tlv(0x80, iscsp['transactionId']) crt = iscsp['controlRefTemplate'] out_crt = wrap_as_der_tlv(0x80, crt['keyType']) out_crt += wrap_as_der_tlv(0x81, crt['keyLen']) out_crt += wrap_as_der_tlv(0x84, crt['hostId']) out += wrap_as_der_tlv(0xA6, out_crt) out += wrap_as_der_tlv(0x5F49, iscsp['smdpOtpk']) return out # SGP.22 Section 5.5.1 def gen_initialiseSecureChannel(transactionId: str, host_id: bytes, smdp_otpk: bytes, euicc_otpk: bytes, dp_pb): """Generate decoded representation of (signed) initialiseSecureChannel (SGP.22 5.5.2)""" init_scr = { 'remoteOpId': 1, # installBoundProfilePackage 'transactionId': h2b(transactionId), # GlobalPlatform Card Specification Amendment F [13] section for the Mutual Authentication Data Field 'controlRefTemplate': { 'keyType': bytes([0x88]), 'keyLen': bytes([16]), 'hostId': host_id }, 'smdpOtpk': smdp_otpk, # otPK.DP.KA } to_sign = gen_init_sec_chan_signed_part(init_scr) + wrap_as_der_tlv(0x5f49, euicc_otpk) init_scr['smdpSign'] = dp_pb.ecdsa_sign(to_sign) return init_scr def gen_replace_session_keys(ppk_enc: bytes, ppk_cmac: bytes, initial_mcv: bytes) -> bytes: """Generate encoded (but unsigned) ReplaceSessionKeysReqest DO (SGP.22 5.5.4)""" rsk = { 'ppkEnc': ppk_enc, 'ppkCmac': ppk_cmac, 'initialMacChainingValue': initial_mcv } return rsp.asn1.encode('ReplaceSessionKeysRequest', rsk) class ProfileMetadata: """Representation of Profile metadata. Right now only the mandatory bits are supported, but in general this should follow the StoreMetadataRequest of SGP.22 5.5.3""" def __init__(self, iccid_bin: bytes, spn: str, profile_name: str): self.iccid_bin = iccid_bin self.spn = spn self.profile_name = profile_name self.icon = None self.icon_type = None self.notifications = [] def set_icon(self, is_png: bool, icon_data: bytes): """Set the icon that is part of the metadata.""" if len(icon_data) > 1024: raise ValueError('Icon data must not exceed 1024 bytes') self.icon = icon_data if is_png: self.icon_type = 1 else: self.icon_type = 0 def add_notification(self, event: str, address: str): """Add an 'other' notification to the notification configuration of the metadata""" self.notifications.append((event, address)) def gen_store_metadata_request(self) -> bytes: """Generate encoded (but unsigned) StoreMetadataRequest DO (SGP.22 5.5.3)""" smr = { 'iccid': self.iccid_bin, 'serviceProviderName': self.spn, 'profileName': self.profile_name, } if self.icon: smr['icon'] = self.icon smr['iconType'] = self.icon_type nci = [] for n in self.notifications: pmo = PMO(n[0]) nci.append({'profileManagementOperation': pmo.to_bitstring(), 'notificationAddress': n[1]}) if len(nci): smr['notificationConfigurationInfo'] = nci return rsp.asn1.encode('StoreMetadataRequest', smr) class ProfilePackage: def __init__(self, metadata: Optional[ProfileMetadata] = None): self.metadata = metadata class UnprotectedProfilePackage(ProfilePackage): """Representing an unprotected profile package (UPP) as defined in SGP.22 Section 2.5.2""" @classmethod def from_der(cls, der: bytes, metadata: Optional[ProfileMetadata] = None) -> 'UnprotectedProfilePackage': """Load an UPP from its DER representation.""" inst = cls(metadata=metadata) cls.der = der # TODO: we later certainly want to parse it so we can perform modification (IMSI, key material, ...) # just like in the traditional SIM/USIM dynamic data phase at the end of personalization return inst def to_der(self): """Return the DER representation of the UPP.""" # TODO: once we work on decoded structures, we may want to re-encode here return self.der class ProtectedProfilePackage(ProfilePackage): """Representing a protected profile package (PPP) as defined in SGP.22 Section 2.5.3""" @classmethod def from_upp(cls, upp: UnprotectedProfilePackage, bsp: BspInstance) -> 'ProtectedProfilePackage': """Generate the PPP as a sequence of encrypted and MACed Command TLVs representing the UPP""" inst = cls(metadata=upp.metadata) inst.upp = upp # store ppk-enc, ppc-mac inst.ppk_enc = bsp.c_algo.s_enc inst.ppk_mac = bsp.m_algo.s_mac inst.initial_mcv = bsp.m_algo.mac_chain inst.encoded = bsp.encrypt_and_mac(0x86, upp.to_der()) return inst #def __val__(self): #return self.encoded class BoundProfilePackage(ProfilePackage): """Representing a bound profile package (BPP) as defined in SGP.22 Section 2.5.4""" @classmethod def from_ppp(cls, ppp: ProtectedProfilePackage): inst = cls() inst.upp = None inst.ppp = ppp return inst @classmethod def from_upp(cls, upp: UnprotectedProfilePackage): inst = cls() inst.upp = upp inst.ppp = None return inst def encode(self, ss: 'RspSessionState', dp_pb: 'CertAndPrivkey') -> bytes: """Generate a bound profile package (SGP.22 2.5.4).""" def encode_seq(tag: int, sequence: List[bytes]) -> bytes: """Encode a "sequenceOfXX" as specified in SGP.22 specifying the raw SEQUENCE OF tag, and assuming the caller provides the fully-encoded (with TAG + LEN) member TLVs.""" payload = b''.join(sequence) return bertlv_encode_tag(tag) + bertlv_encode_len(len(payload)) + payload bsp = BspInstance.from_kdf(ss.shared_secret, 0x88, 16, ss.host_id, h2b(ss.eid)) iscr = gen_initialiseSecureChannel(ss.transactionId, ss.host_id, ss.smdp_otpk, ss.euicc_otpk, dp_pb) # generate unprotected input data conf_idsp_bin = rsp.asn1.encode('ConfigureISDPRequest', {}) if self.upp: smr_bin = self.upp.metadata.gen_store_metadata_request() else: smr_bin = self.ppp.metadata.gen_store_metadata_request() # we don't use rsp.asn1.encode('boundProfilePackage') here, as the BSP already provides # fully encoded + MACed TLVs including their tag + length values. We cannot put those as # 'value' input into an ASN.1 encoder, as that would double the TAG + LENGTH :( # 'initialiseSecureChannelRequest' bpp_seq = rsp.asn1.encode('InitialiseSecureChannelRequest', iscr) # firstSequenceOf87 bpp_seq += encode_seq(0xa0, bsp.encrypt_and_mac(0x87, conf_idsp_bin)) # sequenceOF88 bpp_seq += encode_seq(0xa1, bsp.mac_only(0x88, smr_bin)) if self.ppp: # we have to use session keys rsk_bin = gen_replace_session_keys(self.ppp.ppk_enc, self.ppp.ppk_mac, self.ppp.initial_mcv) # secondSequenceOf87 bpp_seq += encode_seq(0xa2, bsp.encrypt_and_mac(0x87, rsk_bin)) else: self.ppp = ProtectedProfilePackage.from_upp(self.upp, bsp) # 'sequenceOf86' bpp_seq += encode_seq(0xa3, self.ppp.encoded) # manual DER encode: wrap in outer SEQUENCE return bertlv_encode_tag(0xbf36) + bertlv_encode_len(len(bpp_seq)) + bpp_seq def decode(self, euicc_ot, eid: str, bpp_bin: bytes): """Decode a BPP into the PPP and subsequently UPP. This is what happens inside an eUICC.""" def split_bertlv_sequence(sequence: bytes) -> List[bytes]: remainder = sequence ret = [] while remainder: _tag, _l, tlv, remainder = bertlv_return_one_rawtlv(remainder) ret.append(tlv) return ret # we don't use rsp.asn1.decode('boundProfilePackage') here, as the BSP needs # fully encoded + MACed TLVs including their tag + length values. #bpp = rsp.asn1.decode('BoundProfilePackage', bpp_bin) tag, _l, v, _remainder = bertlv_parse_one_rawtag(bpp_bin) if len(_remainder): raise ValueError('Excess data at end of TLV') if tag != 0xbf36: raise ValueError('Unexpected outer tag: %s' % tag) # InitialiseSecureChannelRequest tag, _l, iscr_bin, remainder = bertlv_return_one_rawtlv(v) iscr = rsp.asn1.decode('InitialiseSecureChannelRequest', iscr_bin) # configureIsdpRequest tag, _l, firstSeqOf87, remainder = bertlv_parse_one_rawtag(remainder) if tag != 0xa0: raise ValueError("Unexpected 'firstSequenceOf87' tag: %s" % tag) firstSeqOf87 = split_bertlv_sequence(firstSeqOf87) # storeMetadataRequest tag, _l, seqOf88, remainder = bertlv_parse_one_rawtag(remainder) if tag != 0xa1: raise ValueError("Unexpected 'sequenceOf88' tag: %s" % tag) seqOf88 = split_bertlv_sequence(seqOf88) tag, _l, tlv, remainder = bertlv_parse_one_rawtag(remainder) if tag == 0xa2: secondSeqOf87 = split_bertlv_sequence(tlv) tag2, _l, seqOf86, remainder = bertlv_parse_one_rawtag(remainder) if tag2 != 0xa3: raise ValueError("Unexpected 'sequenceOf86' tag: %s" % tag) seqOf86 = split_bertlv_sequence(seqOf86) elif tag == 0xa3: secondSeqOf87 = None seqOf86 = split_bertlv_sequence(tlv) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected 'secondSequenceOf87' tag: %s" % tag) # extract smdoOtpk from initialiseSecureChannel smdp_otpk = iscr['smdpOtpk'] # Generate Session Keys using the CRT, opPK.DP.ECKA and otSK.EUICC.ECKA according to annex G smdp_public_key = ec.EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point(euicc_ot.curve, smdp_otpk) self.shared_secret = euicc_ot.exchange(ec.ECDH(), smdp_public_key) crt = iscr['controlRefTemplate'] bsp = BspInstance.from_kdf(self.shared_secret, int.from_bytes(crt['keyType'], 'big'), int.from_bytes(crt['keyLen'], 'big'), crt['hostId'], h2b(eid)) self.encoded_configureISDPRequest = bsp.demac_and_decrypt(firstSeqOf87) self.configureISDPRequest = rsp.asn1.decode('ConfigureISDPRequest', self.encoded_configureISDPRequest) self.encoded_storeMetadataRequest = bsp.demac_only(seqOf88) self.storeMetadataRequest = rsp.asn1.decode('StoreMetadataRequest', self.encoded_storeMetadataRequest) if secondSeqOf87 != None: rsk_bin = bsp.demac_and_decrypt(secondSeqOf87) rsk = rsp.asn1.decode('ReplaceSessionKeysRequest', rsk_bin) # process replace_session_keys! bsp = BspInstance(rsk['ppkEnc'], rsk['ppkCmac'], rsk['initialMacChainingValue']) self.replaceSessionKeysRequest = rsk self.upp = bsp.demac_and_decrypt(seqOf86) return self.upp