#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2018 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import argparse import re doc = "Compare TTCN3 test run results with expected results by junit logs." # The nicest would be to use an XML library, but I don't want to introduce dependencies on the build slaves. re_testcase = re.compile(r'''<testcase classname=['"]([^'"]+)['"].* name=['"]([^'"]+)['"].*>''') re_testcase_end = re.compile(r'''(</testcase>|<testcase [^>]*/>)''') re_failure = re.compile(r'''(<failure\b|<error\b)''') RED = "\033[1;31m" GREEN = "\033[1;32m" YELLOW = "\033[1;33m" BLUE = "\033[1;34m" NOCOLOR = "\033[0;m" def col(color, text): return color + text + NOCOLOR RESULT_PASS = col(GREEN, 'pass') RESULT_FAIL = col(RED, 'pass->FAIL') RESULT_SKIP = col(BLUE, 'skip') RESULT_XFAIL = col(YELLOW, 'xfail') RESULT_FIXED = col(GREEN, 'xfail->PASS') RESULT_NEW_PASS = col(GREEN, 'NEW: PASS') RESULT_NEW_FAIL = col(RED, 'NEW: FAIL') RESULTS = ( RESULT_FAIL, RESULT_NEW_FAIL, RESULT_XFAIL, RESULT_FIXED, RESULT_PASS, RESULT_NEW_PASS, RESULT_SKIP, ) def count(counter, name, result): v = counter.get(result) or 0 v += 1 counter[result] = v if result != RESULT_SKIP: print('%s %s' % (result, name)) def compare_one(name, expect, result, counter): if result is None: count(counter, name, RESULT_SKIP) elif result == RESULT_PASS: if expect == RESULT_PASS: count(counter, name, RESULT_PASS) elif expect == RESULT_FAIL: count(counter, name, RESULT_FIXED) elif expect is None: count(counter, name, RESULT_NEW_PASS) elif result == RESULT_FAIL: if expect == RESULT_PASS: count(counter, name, RESULT_FAIL) elif expect == RESULT_FAIL: count(counter, name, RESULT_XFAIL) elif expect is None: count(counter, name, RESULT_NEW_FAIL) def compare(cmdline, f_expected, f_current): expected_list = parse_results(f_expected) current_list = parse_results(f_current) expected_dict = dict(expected_list) current_dict = dict(current_list) counter = {} for expected_name, expected_result in expected_list: compare_one(expected_name, expected_result, current_dict.get(expected_name), counter) # Also count new tests for current_name, current_result in current_list: if current_name in expected_dict: continue compare_one(current_name, None, current_result, counter) print('\nSummary:') for r in RESULTS: v = counter.get(r) if not v: continue print(' %s: %d' % (r, v)) print('\n') def parse_results(f): tests = [] name = None result = None for line in f: m = re_testcase.search(line) if m: class_name, test_name = m.groups() name = '%s.%s' % (class_name, test_name) m = re_failure.search(line) if m: result = RESULT_FAIL m = re_testcase_end.search(line) if m: if not name: continue if result is None: result = RESULT_PASS tests.append((name, result)) name = None result = None return tests def main(cmdline): with open(cmdline.expected_results, 'r') as f_expected: with open(cmdline.current_results, 'r') as f_current: print('\nComparing expected results %r against results in %r\n--------------------' % (cmdline.expected_results, cmdline.current_results)) compare(cmdline, f_expected, f_current) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=doc) parser.add_argument('expected_results', metavar='expected.junit-xml', help='junit XML file listing the expected test results.') parser.add_argument('current_results', metavar='current.junit-xml', help='junit XML file listing the current test results.') cmdline = parser.parse_args() main(cmdline)