/* GPRS-NS Emulation in TTCN-3 * (C) 2018-2021 Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org> * contributions by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH * All rights reserved. * * Released under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2 or * (at your option) any later version. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ module NS_Emulation { import from Misc_Helpers all; import from NS_Types all; import from BSSGP_Types all; import from Osmocom_Types all; import from Osmocom_Gb_Types all; import from NS_Provider_IPL4 all; #ifdef NS_EMULATION_FR import from NS_Provider_FR all; #endif import from IPL4asp_Types all; type record NsUnitdataRequest { BssgpBvci bvci, Nsei nsei, integer lsp, octetstring sdu optional, PDU_BSSGP bssgp optional } template NsUnitdataRequest tr_NsUdReq(template Nsei nsei, template BssgpBvci bvci, template integer lsp, template octetstring sdu, template PDU_BSSGP bssgp) := { bvci := bvci, nsei := nsei, lsp := lsp, sdu := sdu, bssgp := bssgp } template (value) NsUnitdataRequest ts_NsUdReq(template (value) Nsei nsei, template (value) BssgpBvci bvci, template (value) integer lsp, template (omit) octetstring sdu, template (omit) PDU_BSSGP bssgp) := { bvci := bvci, nsei := nsei, lsp := lsp, sdu := sdu, bssgp := bssgp } type record NsUnitdataIndication { BssgpBvci bvci, Nsei nsei, Nsvci nsvci, octetstring sdu optional, PDU_BSSGP bssgp optional } template (present) NsUnitdataIndication tr_NsUdInd(template (present) Nsei nsei, template (present) BssgpBvci bvci, template octetstring sdu) := { bvci := bvci, nsei := nsei, nsvci := ?, sdu := sdu, bssgp := ? } template (value) NsUnitdataIndication ts_NsUdInd(Nsei nsei, Nsvci nsvci, BssgpBvci bvci, octetstring sdu) := { bvci := bvci, nsei := nsei, nsvci := nsvci, sdu := sdu, bssgp := dec_PDU_BSSGP(sdu) } type record NsStatusIndication { Nsei nsei, Nsvci nsvci, NsvcState old_state, NsvcState new_state, boolean first_or_last } template (present) NsStatusIndication tr_NsStsInd(template (present) Nsei nsei := ?, template (present) Nsvci nsvci := ?, template (present) NsvcState old_state := ?, template (present) NsvcState state := ?, template (present) boolean first_or_last := ?) := { nsei := nsei, nsvci := nsvci, old_state := old_state, new_state := state, first_or_last := first_or_last } template (value) NsStatusIndication ts_NsStsInd(Nsei nsei, Nsvci nsvci, NsvcState old_state, NsvcState state, boolean first_or_last := false) := { nsei := nsei, nsvci := nsvci, old_state := old_state, new_state := state, first_or_last := first_or_last } type enumerated NsvcState { NSVC_S_DISABLED, /* administratively disabled */ NSVC_S_DEAD_BLOCKED, NSVC_S_WAIT_RESET, NSVC_S_ALIVE_BLOCKED, NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED } /* port from our (internal) point of view */ type port NS_SP_PT message { in NsUnitdataRequest; out NsUnitdataIndication, NsStatusIndication; } with { extension "internal" }; /* port from the user point of view */ type port NS_PT message { in ASP_Event, NsStatusIndication, NsUnitdataIndication; out NsUnitdataRequest; } with { extension "internal" }; /* port from our (internal) point of view */ type port NS_CTRL_SP_PT message { in NsDisableVcRequest, NsEnableVcRequest; } with { extension "internal" }; /* port from the user point of view */ type port NS_CTRL_PT message { out NsEnableVcRequest, NsDisableVcRequest; } with { extension "internal" }; type record NsDisableVcRequest { Nsvci nsvci }; type record NsEnableVcRequest { Nsvci nsvci }; type component NS_Provider_CT { /* upper port, facing to NS_Emulation:NSCP */ port NS_PROVIDER_PT NSE; /* lower layer ports (UDP/IP, Frame Relay) are added in derived components */ }; type enumerated NS_Provider_LinkStatus { NS_PROV_LINK_STATUS_UP, NS_PROV_LINK_STATUS_DOWN }; type union NS_Provider_Evt { NS_Provider_LinkStatus link_status }; /* port between NS_Provider and NS_CT */ type port NS_PROVIDER_PT message { inout PDU_NS, NS_Provider_Evt; } with { extension "internal" }; type record NSVCConfigurationIP { AddressFamily address_family, PortNumber local_udp_port, charstring local_ip, PortNumber remote_udp_port, charstring remote_ip, uint8_t data_weight, uint8_t signalling_weight }; type record NSVCConfigurationFR { charstring netdev, /* HDLC net-device for AF_PACKET socket */ integer dlci }; type union NSVCConfigurationP { NSVCConfigurationIP ip, NSVCConfigurationFR fr }; type record NSVCConfiguration { NSVCConfigurationP provider, Nsvci nsvci }; type record of NSVCConfiguration NSVCConfigurations; type record NSConfiguration { Nsvci nsei, boolean role_sgsn, boolean handle_sns, NSVCConfigurations nsvc } /*********************************************************************** * per NS-VCG component. Exists once per [peer of] NSE ***********************************************************************/ type component NS_CT { /* NS-User SAP towards the user */ port NS_SP_PT NS_SP; /* port towards the per-NSVC components */ port NSint_PT NSVC; /* control port, used to manipulate at runtime */ port NS_CTRL_SP_PT NS_CTRL; /* all of the NS configuration a user passes to us */ var NSConfiguration g_config; var charstring g_id; /* references to the endpoint provider components */ var IpEndpointTable g_ip_endpoints := {}; /* control port for NS-IP provider */ port NSPIP_PROC_PT NSPIP_PROC; /* references to the per-NSVC components */ var NsvcTable g_nsvcs := {}; /* list of indexes to g_nsvcs[] of currently unblocked NSVCs */ var Osmocom_Types.ro_integer g_unblocked_nsvcs_sig := {}; var Osmocom_Types.ro_integer g_unblocked_nsvcs_data := {}; }; type record NsvcTableEntry { NSVCConfiguration cfg, NSVC_CT vc_conn, NsvcState state }; type record of NsvcTableEntry NsvcTable; type record IpEndpointTableEntry { /* configuration */ AddressFamily address_family, PortNumber local_udp_port, charstring local_ip, uint8_t data_weight, uint8_t signalling_weight, /* state */ NS_Provider_IPL4_CT provider_ct }; type record of IpEndpointTableEntry IpEndpointTable; /* internal port from the NS-VC point of view */ type port NSint_SP_PT message { in NsUnitdataRequest, SnsRequest, NsCtrlRequest; out NsUnitdataIndication, SnsIndication, NsStatusIndication; } with { extension "internal" }; /* internal port from the NS-VCG point of view */ type port NSint_PT message { in ASP_Event, NsStatusIndication, SnsIndication, NsUnitdataIndication; out NsUnitdataRequest, SnsRequest, NsCtrlRequest; } with { extension "internal" }; /* Used by NS-VC to report reception of a SNS PDU to NS-VCG */ type record SnsIndication { Nsvci nsvci, PDU_NS ns }; /* Used by NS-VCG to request transmission of a SNS PDU via a NS-VC */ type record SnsRequest { Nsvci nsvci, PDU_NS ns }; type enumerated NsCtrlRequest { StartAliveProcedure (0), DisableReq (1), /* administratively disable NS-VC */ EnableReq (2), /* administratively enable NS-VC */ ForceAliveState (3) }; function f_ipep_find(AddressFamily af, PortNumber local_udp_port, charstring local_ip, out IpEndpointTableEntry ret) runs on NS_CT return boolean { var integer i; for (i := 0; i < lengthof(g_ip_endpoints); i := i+1) { var IpEndpointTableEntry ipep := g_ip_endpoints[i]; if (ipep.address_family == af and ipep.local_udp_port == local_udp_port and ipep.local_ip == local_ip) { ret := ipep; return true; } } return false } /* find or create IP endpoint component for [local part of] nsvc_cfg */ function f_ipep_find_or_create(NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg) runs on NS_CT return NS_Provider_IPL4_CT { var IpEndpointTableEntry ipep; if (f_ipep_find(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family, nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_udp_port, nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_ip, ipep)) { return ipep.provider_ct; } else { var charstring nsvc_id := g_id & "-NSVCI" & int2str(nsvc_cfg.nsvci); ipep := { address_family := nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family, local_udp_port := nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_udp_port, local_ip := nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.local_ip, data_weight := nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.data_weight, signalling_weight := nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.signalling_weight, provider_ct := - }; /* Create ipep and add it to the list */ log("Creating NSIP provider for ", ipep.local_ip, ":", ipep.local_udp_port); ipep.provider_ct := NS_Provider_IPL4_CT.create(nsvc_id & "-provIP") alive; connect(self:NSPIP_PROC, ipep.provider_ct:PROC); ipep.provider_ct.start(NS_Provider_IPL4.main(nsvc_cfg, g_config, nsvc_id)); g_ip_endpoints := g_ip_endpoints & { ipep }; return ipep.provider_ct; } } /* add one NSVC (component and table entry */ function f_nsvc_add(NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg) runs on NS_CT { var charstring nsvc_id := g_id & "-NSVCI" & int2str(nsvc_cfg.nsvci); var NsvcTableEntry te; var NS_Provider_IPL4_CT vc_ipep := null; /* For the IP provider, we have one provider component per local endpoint, * which we must create before adding the NSVcs (for each remote endpoint) * to it */ if (ischosen(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip)) { vc_ipep := f_ipep_find_or_create(nsvc_cfg); } /* Start the actual NSVC component */ te.cfg := nsvc_cfg; te.vc_conn := NSVC_CT.create(nsvc_id) alive; te.state := NSVC_S_DEAD_BLOCKED; connect(self:NSVC, te.vc_conn:NS_SP); log("Starting NSVC component for ", nsvc_cfg); te.vc_conn.start(NSVCStart(nsvc_cfg, g_config, nsvc_id, vc_ipep)); g_nsvcs := g_nsvcs & { te }; /* no need to add to g_unblocked_nsvcs, as state is always DEAD_BLOCKED above */ /* For the IP provider, we must explicitly associate each NSVC with it */ if (ischosen(nsvc_cfg.provider.ip)) { /* this causes NS_Provider_IPL4.f_nsvc_add() to be executed */ f_nspip_add_nsvc(vc_ipep, nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_ip, nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.remote_udp_port, te.vc_conn); } } function f_nsvc_find_idx(Nsvci nsvci) runs on NS_CT return integer { var integer i; for (i := 0; i < lengthof(g_nsvcs); i := i+1) { if (g_nsvcs[i].cfg.nsvci == nsvci) { return i; } } return -1; } function f_nsvc_find(Nsvci nsvci) runs on NS_CT return NSVC_CT { var integer i := f_nsvc_find_idx(nsvci); if (i < 0) { return null; } else { return g_nsvcs[i].vc_conn; } } function f_nsvc_update_state(Nsvci nsvci, NsvcState state) runs on NS_CT { var integer i := f_nsvc_find_idx(nsvci); if (i < 0) { return; } if (g_nsvcs[i].state != NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED and state == NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED) { /* add index to list of unblocked NSVCs */ if (not ischosen(g_nsvcs[i].cfg.provider.ip) or g_nsvcs[i].cfg.provider.ip.signalling_weight > 0) { ro_integer_add_unique(g_unblocked_nsvcs_sig, i); } if (not ischosen(g_nsvcs[i].cfg.provider.ip) or g_nsvcs[i].cfg.provider.ip.data_weight > 0) { ro_integer_add_unique(g_unblocked_nsvcs_data, i); } } else if (g_nsvcs[i].state == NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED and state != NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED) { /* remove index to list of unblocked NSVCs */ ro_integer_del(g_unblocked_nsvcs_sig, i); ro_integer_del(g_unblocked_nsvcs_data, i); } g_nsvcs[i].state := state; } function NSStart(NSConfiguration init_config, charstring id := testcasename()) runs on NS_CT { g_config := init_config; g_id := id; /* iterate over list of NS-VCs and start per-NSVC components */ for (var integer i := 0; i < lengthof(g_config.nsvc); i := i+1) { var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_config.nsvc[i]; f_nsvc_add(nsvc_cfg); } if (g_config.handle_sns and not g_config.role_sgsn) { f_sns_outbound_size_config(); } while (true) { alt { [] as_ns_common() {} } } } function f_count_nsvcs_in_state(template NsvcState state := ?) runs on NS_CT return integer { var integer i; var integer res := 0; for (i := 0; i < lengthof(g_nsvcs); i := i+1) { if (match(g_nsvcs[i].state, state)) { res := res + 1; } } return res; } private altstep as_ns_common_status() runs on NS_CT { var NsStatusIndication rx_nssi; [] NSVC.receive(tr_NsStsInd(g_config.nsei, ?, ?, NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED)) -> value rx_nssi { /* check if this one is the first to be unblocked */ var integer num_nsvc_unblocked := f_count_nsvcs_in_state(NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED); f_nsvc_update_state(rx_nssi.nsvci, rx_nssi.new_state); if (num_nsvc_unblocked == 0) { rx_nssi.first_or_last := true; } NS_SP.send(rx_nssi); } [] NSVC.receive(tr_NsStsInd(g_config.nsei, ?, ?, NSVC_S_DEAD_BLOCKED)) -> value rx_nssi { f_nsvc_update_state(rx_nssi.nsvci, rx_nssi.new_state); /* check if this one is the last to be blocked */ var integer num_nsvc_unblocked := f_count_nsvcs_in_state(NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED); if (num_nsvc_unblocked == 0) { rx_nssi.first_or_last := true; } NS_SP.send(rx_nssi); } [] NSVC.receive(tr_NsStsInd(g_config.nsei, ?, ?, ?)) -> value rx_nssi { f_nsvc_update_state(rx_nssi.nsvci, rx_nssi.new_state); NS_SP.send(rx_nssi); } [] NSVC.receive(tr_NsStsInd) -> value rx_nssi { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Received NsStatusInd for invalid NSEI: ", rx_nssi)); } } private altstep as_ns_common() runs on NS_CT { var NsUnitdataIndication rx_nsudi; var NsUnitdataRequest rx_nsudr; var NsDisableVcRequest rx_disar; var NsEnableVcRequest rx_enar; /* pass from NS-VCs up to user */ [] as_ns_common_status(); [] NSVC.receive(tr_NsUdInd(g_config.nsei, ?, ?)) -> value rx_nsudi { NS_SP.send(rx_nsudi); } [g_config.handle_sns and g_config.role_sgsn] as_vcg_sns_sgsn(); [g_config.handle_sns and not g_config.role_sgsn] as_vcg_sns_pcu(); [] NSVC.receive(tr_NsUdInd(?, ?, ?)) -> value rx_nsudi { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Received UnitDataInd for invalid NSEI: ", rx_nsudi)); } /* from user down to NS-VC */ [] NS_CTRL.receive(NsDisableVcRequest:?) -> value rx_disar { var integer nsvc_idx := f_nsvc_find_idx(rx_disar.nsvci); NSVC.send(NsCtrlRequest:DisableReq) to g_nsvcs[nsvc_idx].vc_conn; } [] NS_CTRL.receive(NsEnableVcRequest:?) -> value rx_enar { var integer nsvc_idx := f_nsvc_find_idx(rx_enar.nsvci); NSVC.send(NsCtrlRequest:EnableReq) to g_nsvcs[nsvc_idx].vc_conn; } [] NS_SP.receive(tr_NsUdReq(g_config.nsei, 0, ?, ?, *)) -> value rx_nsudr { /* load distribution function */ var integer nsvc_idx := g_unblocked_nsvcs_sig[rx_nsudr.lsp mod lengthof(g_unblocked_nsvcs_sig)]; NSVC.send(rx_nsudr) to g_nsvcs[nsvc_idx].vc_conn; } [] NS_SP.receive(tr_NsUdReq(g_config.nsei, ?, ?, ?, *)) -> value rx_nsudr { /* load distribution function */ var integer nsvc_idx := g_unblocked_nsvcs_data[rx_nsudr.lsp mod lengthof(g_unblocked_nsvcs_data)]; NSVC.send(rx_nsudr) to g_nsvcs[nsvc_idx].vc_conn; } [] NS_SP.receive(tr_NsUdReq(?, ?, ?, ?, *)) -> value rx_nsudr { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Received NsUnitdataReq for invalid NSEI: ", rx_nsudr)); } } /* generate a list of v4 + v6 endpoints based on the IpEndpointTable */ private function gen_sns_ip_elems(out template (omit) IP4_Elements v4_out, out template (omit) IP6_Elements v6_out) runs on NS_CT { var integer i; var IP4_Elements v4 := {}; var IP6_Elements v6 := {}; for (i := 0; i < lengthof(g_ip_endpoints); i := i + 1) { var IpEndpointTableEntry ipep := g_ip_endpoints[i]; if (ipep.address_family == AF_INET) { v4 := v4 & { valueof(ts_SNS_IPv4(ipep.local_ip, ipep.local_udp_port, ipep.signalling_weight, ipep.data_weight)) }; } else if (ipep.address_family == AF_INET6) { v6 := v6 & { valueof(ts_SNS_IPv6(ipep.local_ip, ipep.local_udp_port, ipep.signalling_weight, ipep.data_weight)) }; } } /* we must not return empty lists, but 'omit' as otherwise we get wrong SNS IEs */ if (lengthof(v4) == 0) { v4_out := omit; } else { v4_out := v4; } if (lengthof(v6) == 0) { v6_out := omit; } else { v6_out := v6; } } private function f_broadcast_ns_ctrl(template (value) NsCtrlRequest req) runs on NS_CT { for (var integer i := 0; i < lengthof(g_nsvcs); i := i+1) { NSVC.send(req) to g_nsvcs[i].vc_conn; } } /* perform an outbound SNS-SIZE + SNS-CONFIG */ private function f_sns_outbound_size_config(integer idx := 0) runs on NS_CT { var NSVCConfiguration nsvc_cfg := g_config.nsvc[idx]; var NSVC_CT vc; if (nsvc_cfg.provider.ip.address_family == AF_INET) { NSVC.send(SnsRequest:{nsvc_cfg.nsvci, ts_SNS_SIZE(g_config.nsei, rst_flag := true, max_nsvcs := 1, num_v4 := 1, num_v6 := omit)}); } else { NSVC.send(SnsRequest:{nsvc_cfg.nsvci, ts_SNS_SIZE(g_config.nsei, rst_flag := true, max_nsvcs := 1, num_v4 := omit, num_v6 := 1)}); } /* expect SIZE-ACK */ alt { [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_SIZE_ACK(g_config.nsei, omit)}) -> sender vc; [] NSVC.receive(NsStatusIndication:?) { repeat; } } /* send a SNS-CONFIG in response and expect a SNS-CONFIG-ACK */ var template (omit) IP4_Elements v4; var template (omit) IP6_Elements v6; gen_sns_ip_elems(v4, v6); NSVC.send(SnsRequest:{nsvc_cfg.nsvci, ts_SNS_CONFIG(g_config.nsei, true, v4, v6)}) to vc; alt { [] as_ns_common_status() { repeat; } [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(g_config.nsei, omit)}) from vc { /* success */ log("Outbound SNS Config succeeded."); } [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(g_config.nsei, ?)}) from vc { setverdict(fail, "Unexpected SNS-CONFIG-NACK"); self.stop; } } } /* simple IP Sub-Network Service responder for the PCU/BSS side. This is not a full implementation * of the protocol, merely sufficient to make the SGSN side happy to proceed */ private altstep as_vcg_sns_pcu() runs on NS_CT { var SnsIndication sind; var NSVC_CT vc; /* FIXME: We assume our peer has only one endpoint */ [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_CONFIG(g_config.nsei, true, {tr_SNS_IPv4(g_config.nsvc[0].provider.ip.remote_ip, g_config.nsvc[0].provider.ip.remote_udp_port)})}) -> value sind sender vc { /* blindly acknowledge whatever the SGSN sends */ NSVC.send(SnsRequest:{sind.nsvci, ts_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(g_config.nsei, omit)}) to vc; log("Inbound SNS Config succeeded."); /* switch to "alive" state already before sending the SNS-CONFIG, as otherwise * there would be a race condition between internally performing the state change * of all related NS-VCs and the first incoming NS-PDU after SNS-CONFIG-ACK */ f_broadcast_ns_ctrl(NsCtrlRequest:ForceAliveState); /* inform all NS-VC that they are now considered alive */ f_broadcast_ns_ctrl(NsCtrlRequest:StartAliveProcedure); } [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_CONFIG(g_config.nsei, false, ?)}) { /* ignore */} [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_CONFIG(g_config.nsei, true, ?)}) { setverdict(fail, "Unexpected SNS-CONFIG content"); self.stop; } [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_CONFIG(?, ?, ?)}) { setverdict(fail, "SNS-CONFIG from unexpected NSEI"); self.stop; } } /* simple IP Sub-Network Service responder for the SGSN side. This is not a full implementation * of the protocol, merely sufficient to make the PCU/BSS side happy to proceed */ private altstep as_vcg_sns_sgsn() runs on NS_CT { var SnsIndication sind; var NSVC_CT vc; [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_SIZE(g_config.nsei)}) -> value sind sender vc { /* blindly acknowledge whatever the PCU sends */ NSVC.send(SnsRequest:{sind.nsvci, ts_SNS_SIZE_ACK(g_config.nsei, omit)}) to vc; } /* FIXME: We assume our peer has only one endpoint */ [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_CONFIG(g_config.nsei, true, {tr_SNS_IPv4(g_config.nsvc[0].provider.ip.remote_ip, g_config.nsvc[0].provider.ip.remote_udp_port)})}) -> value sind sender vc { /* blindly acknowledge whatever the PCU sends */ NSVC.send(SnsRequest:{sind.nsvci, ts_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(g_config.nsei, omit)}) to vc; /* switch to "alive" state already before sending the SNS-CONFIG, as otherwise * there would be a race condition between internally performing the state change * of all related NS-VCs and the first incoming NS-PDU after SNS-CONFIG-ACK */ f_broadcast_ns_ctrl(NsCtrlRequest:ForceAliveState); /* send a SNS-CONFIG in response and expect a SNS-CONFIG-ACK */ var template (omit) IP4_Elements v4; var template (omit) IP6_Elements v6; gen_sns_ip_elems(v4, v6); NSVC.send(SnsRequest:{sind.nsvci, ts_SNS_CONFIG(g_config.nsei, true, v4, v6)}) to vc; alt { [] as_ns_common_status() { repeat; } [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{sind.nsvci, tr_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(g_config.nsei, omit)}) from vc { /* success */ log("SNS Config succeeded. Sending Alive"); /* inform all NS-VC that they are now considered alive */ f_broadcast_ns_ctrl(NsCtrlRequest:StartAliveProcedure); } [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{sind.nsvci, tr_SNS_CONFIG_ACK(g_config.nsei, ?)}) from vc { setverdict(fail, "Unexpected SNS-CONFIG-NACK"); self.stop; } } } [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_CONFIG(g_config.nsei, false, ?)}) { /* ignore */} [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_CONFIG(g_config.nsei, true, ?)}) { setverdict(fail, "Unexpected SNS-CONFIG content"); self.stop; } [] NSVC.receive(SnsIndication:{?, tr_SNS_CONFIG(?, ?, ?)}) { setverdict(fail, "SNS-CONFIG from unexpected NSEI"); self.stop; } } /*********************************************************************** per-NSVC component. Exists once for each NS-VC in the NS-VCG ***********************************************************************/ type component NSVC_CT { /* UDP port towards the bottom (IUT) */ port NS_PROVIDER_PT NSCP; var NS_Provider_IPL4_CT vc_NSP_IP; #ifdef NS_EMULATION_FR var NS_Provider_FR_CT vc_NSP_FR; #endif /* port towards the NS_CT */ port NSint_SP_PT NS_SP; /* configuration passed by the user */ var NSVCConfiguration g_nsvc_config; /* we cannot access the NS_CT.config and hence need to copy those */ var NSConfiguration g_config; var NsvcState vc_state := NSVC_S_DEAD_BLOCKED; timer Tns_alive := 3.0; timer Tns_test := 10.0; timer Tns_block := 10.0; timer Tns_reset := 10.0; } function NSVCStart(NSVCConfiguration init_config, NSConfiguration init_g_config, charstring id := testcasename(), NS_Provider_IPL4_CT nsp_ip := null) runs on NSVC_CT { g_nsvc_config := init_config; g_config := init_g_config; f_init(id & "-NSVCemu" & int2str(g_nsvc_config.nsvci), nsp_ip); f_ScanEvents(); } private function f_init(charstring id, NS_Provider_IPL4_CT nsp_ip) runs on NSVC_CT { if (ischosen(g_nsvc_config.provider.ip)) { /* the provider already exists; we just associate with it */ vc_NSP_IP := nsp_ip #ifdef NS_EMULATION_FR } else if (ischosen(g_nsvc_config.provider.fr)) { vc_NSP_FR := NS_Provider_FR_CT.create(id & "-provFR") alive; connect(self:NSCP, vc_NSP_FR:NSE); vc_NSP_FR.start(NS_Provider_FR.main(g_nsvc_config, g_config, id)); #endif } else { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, "Unsupported NS provider"); } f_change_state(NSVC_S_DEAD_BLOCKED); } private function f_change_state(NsvcState new_state) runs on NSVC_CT { var NsvcState old_state := vc_state; vc_state := new_state; log("NSVC ", g_nsvc_config.nsvci, " State Transition: ", old_state, " -> ", new_state); NS_SP.send(ts_NsStsInd(g_config.nsei, g_nsvc_config.nsvci, old_state, new_state)); } private function f_sendReset() runs on NSVC_CT { NSCP.send(ts_NS_RESET(NS_CAUSE_OM_INTERVENTION, g_nsvc_config.nsvci, g_config.nsei)); Tns_reset.start; vc_state := NSVC_S_WAIT_RESET; } private function f_sendAlive() runs on NSVC_CT { NSCP.send(t_NS_ALIVE); Tns_alive.start; } private function f_sendUnblock() runs on NSVC_CT { NSCP.send(t_NS_UNBLOCK); Tns_block.start; } private function f_sendBlock(NsCause cause) runs on NSVC_CT { NSCP.send(ts_NS_BLOCK(cause, g_nsvc_config.nsvci)); Tns_block.start; } private altstep as_allstate() runs on NSVC_CT { var PDU_NS rf; var ASP_Event evt; [] NSCP.receive(NS_Provider_Evt:{link_status:=NS_PROV_LINK_STATUS_DOWN}) { log("Provider Link went down"); Tns_test.stop; Tns_alive.stop; f_change_state(NSVC_S_DEAD_BLOCKED); } [] NS_SP.receive(NsCtrlRequest:DisableReq) { /* To make NS-VCG remove us from list of active NS-VC */ f_change_state(NSVC_S_DEAD_BLOCKED); log("Disabling NSVC on user request"); f_change_state(NSVC_S_DISABLED); Tns_test.stop; Tns_alive.stop; } /* transition to DEAD if t_alive times out */ [Tns_alive.running] Tns_alive.timeout { log("Tns-alive expired: changing to DEAD_BLOCKED + starting Tns-test"); f_change_state(NSVC_S_DEAD_BLOCKED); Tns_test.start; } [Tns_test.running] Tns_test.timeout { log("Tns-test expired: sending NS-ALIVE"); f_sendAlive(); } /* Stop t_alive when receiving ALIVE-ACK */ [Tns_alive.running] NSCP.receive(t_NS_ALIVE_ACK) { log("Rx NS-ALIVE-ACK: stopping Tns-alive; starting Tns-test"); Tns_alive.stop; Tns_test.start; } /* respond to NS-ALIVE with NS-ALIVE-ACK */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_ALIVE) { NSCP.send(t_NS_ALIVE_ACK); } /* Respond to BLOCK for wrong NSVCI */ [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_BLOCK(?, ?)) -> value rf { log("Rx NS-BLOCK for unknown NSVCI"); /* FIXME */ } [not g_config.handle_sns] as_handle_reset(); [g_config.handle_sns and ischosen(g_nsvc_config.provider.ip)] as_nsvc_sns(); /* log + ignore NS-STATUS; must not create another NS-STATUS in response */ [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_STATUS(?)) -> value rf { log("Rx NS-STATUS ", rf," in state ", vc_state); } /* default case of handling unknown PDUs */ [] NSCP.receive(PDU_NS: ?) -> value rf { log("Rx Unexpected NS PDU ", rf," in state ", vc_state); NSCP.send(ts_NS_STATUS(NS_CAUSE_PDU_NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_PROTOCOL_STATE, rf)); } } private altstep as_disabled() runs on NSVC_CT { [g_config.handle_sns == true] NS_SP.receive(NsCtrlRequest:EnableReq) { f_change_state(NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED); f_sendAlive(); Tns_test.start; } [g_config.handle_sns == false] NS_SP.receive(NsCtrlRequest:EnableReq) { f_change_state(NSVC_S_DEAD_BLOCKED); Tns_test.start; } /* drop any received messages while in this state */ [] NSCP.receive { log("Dropping inbound NS mesage as NS-VC is disabled"); } [] NS_SP.receive { log("Dropping user primitive as NS-VC is disabled"); } } private altstep as_handle_reset() runs on NSVC_CT { var PDU_NS rf; [g_config.role_sgsn] NSCP.receive(NS_Provider_Evt:{link_status:=NS_PROV_LINK_STATUS_UP}) { log("Provider Link came up: waiting for NS-RESET"); } [not g_config.role_sgsn] NSCP.receive(NS_Provider_Evt:{link_status:=NS_PROV_LINK_STATUS_UP}) { log("Provider Link came up: sending NS-RESET"); f_sendReset(); } /* Respond to RESET with correct NSEI/NSVCI */ [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_RESET(?, g_nsvc_config.nsvci, g_config.nsei)) -> value rf { f_change_state(NSVC_S_ALIVE_BLOCKED); NSCP.send(ts_NS_RESET_ACK(g_nsvc_config.nsvci, g_config.nsei)); log("Rx NS-RESET: Sending NS-ALIVE"); f_sendAlive(); Tns_test.start; } /* Respond to RESET with wrong NSEI/NSVCI */ [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_RESET(?, ?, ?)) -> value rf { log("Rx NS-RESET for unknown NSEI/NSVCI"); /* FIXME */ } } private altstep as_nsvc_sns() runs on NSVC_CT { var PDU_NS rf; var SnsRequest sreq; [] NSCP.receive(NS_Provider_Evt:{link_status:=NS_PROV_LINK_STATUS_UP}) { log("Provider Link came up. Waiting for SNS Size"); } /* pass up to NS-VCG */ [] NSCP.receive(tr_SNS(g_config.nsei)) -> value rf { NS_SP.send(SnsIndication:{g_nsvc_config.nsvci, rf}); } [] NSCP.receive(tr_SNS(?)) -> value rf { setverdict(fail, "SNS from unexpected NSEI: ", rf); self.stop; } [] NS_SP.receive(SnsRequest:{g_nsvc_config.nsvci, ?}) -> value sreq { NSCP.send(sreq.ns); } [] NS_SP.receive(SnsRequest:?) -> value sreq { setverdict(fail, "Unexpected SNS from NSVC: ", sreq); self.stop; } [] NS_SP.receive(NsCtrlRequest:ForceAliveState) { f_change_state(NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED); } [] NS_SP.receive(NsCtrlRequest:StartAliveProcedure) { f_sendAlive(); Tns_test.start; } } private altstep as_alive_blocked() runs on NSVC_CT { var PDU_NS rf; /* bogus block, just respond with ACK */ [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_BLOCK(?, g_nsvc_config.nsvci)) -> value rf { NSCP.send(ts_NS_BLOCK_ACK(g_nsvc_config.nsvci)); } /* Respond to UNBLOCK with UNBLOCK-ACK + change state */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_UNBLOCK) -> value rf { NSCP.send(t_NS_UNBLOCK_ACK); Tns_block.stop; f_change_state(NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED); } [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_UNBLOCK_ACK) -> value rf { Tns_block.stop; f_change_state(NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED); } /* tolerate a late NS-BLOCK-ACK from peer */ [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_BLOCK_ACK(g_nsvc_config.nsvci)) -> value rf { } [] Tns_block.timeout { /* repeat unblock transmission */ f_sendUnblock(); } } private altstep as_alive_unblocked() runs on NSVC_CT { var NsUnitdataRequest ud_req; var PDU_NS rf; /* bogus unblock, just respond with ACK */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_UNBLOCK) -> value rf { NSCP.send(t_NS_UNBLOCK_ACK); } /* Respond to BLOCK with BLOCK-ACK + change state */ [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_BLOCK(?, g_nsvc_config.nsvci)) -> value rf { NSCP.send(ts_NS_BLOCK_ACK(g_nsvc_config.nsvci)); Tns_block.stop; f_change_state(NSVC_S_ALIVE_BLOCKED); } [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_BLOCK_ACK(g_nsvc_config.nsvci)) -> value rf { Tns_block.stop; } /* tolerate a late NS-UNBLOCK-ACK from peer */ [] NSCP.receive(t_NS_UNBLOCK_ACK) -> value rf { } [not ischosen(g_nsvc_config.provider.ip) or g_nsvc_config.provider.ip.data_weight > 0] as_alive_unblocked_data(); [not ischosen(g_nsvc_config.provider.ip) or g_nsvc_config.provider.ip.signalling_weight > 0] as_alive_unblocked_sig(); /* catch any violations of above rule */ [ischosen(g_nsvc_config.provider.ip)] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_UNITDATA(?, ?, ?)) -> value rf { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Unexpected Rx NS-UNITDATA on NSVC with data_weight=", g_nsvc_config.provider.ip.data_weight, ", sig_weight=", g_nsvc_config.provider.ip.signalling_weight, ": ", rf)); } [ischosen(g_nsvc_config.provider.ip)] NS_SP.receive(tr_NsUdReq(g_config.nsei, ?, ?, *, *)) -> value ud_req { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Unexpected Rx TX-UNITDATA on NSVC with data_weight=", g_nsvc_config.provider.ip.data_weight, ", sig_weight=", g_nsvc_config.provider.ip.signalling_weight, ": ", ud_req)); } } /* user data transfer; only permitted for some NS-VC */ private altstep as_alive_unblocked_data() runs on NSVC_CT { var NsUnitdataRequest ud_req; var PDU_NS rf; /* NS-UNITDATA PDU from network to NS-UNITDATA.ind to user */ [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_UNITDATA_User(?, ?)) -> value rf { NS_SP.send(ts_NsUdInd(g_config.nsei, g_nsvc_config.nsvci, oct2int(rf.pDU_NS_Unitdata.bVCI), rf.pDU_NS_Unitdata.nS_SDU)); } /* NS-UNITDATA.req from user to NS-UNITDATA PDU on network */ [] NS_SP.receive(tr_NsUdReq(g_config.nsei, t_BssgpBvciUser, ?, ?, omit)) -> value ud_req { /* using raw octetstring PDU */ NSCP.send(ts_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, ud_req.bvci, ud_req.sdu)); } [] NS_SP.receive(tr_NsUdReq(g_config.nsei, t_BssgpBvciUser, ?, omit, ?)) -> value ud_req { /* using decoded BSSGP PDU that we need to encode first */ var octetstring enc := enc_PDU_BSSGP(ud_req.bssgp); NSCP.send(ts_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, ud_req.bvci, enc)); } } /* signalling (BVCI=0) transfer; only permitted for some NS-VC */ private altstep as_alive_unblocked_sig() runs on NSVC_CT { var NsUnitdataRequest ud_req; var PDU_NS rf; /* NS-UNITDATA PDU from network to NS-UNITDATA.ind to user */ [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_UNITDATA(?, 0, ?)) -> value rf { NS_SP.send(ts_NsUdInd(g_config.nsei, g_nsvc_config.nsvci, oct2int(rf.pDU_NS_Unitdata.bVCI), rf.pDU_NS_Unitdata.nS_SDU)); } /* NS-UNITDATA.req from user to NS-UNITDATA PDU on network */ [] NS_SP.receive(tr_NsUdReq(g_config.nsei, 0, ?, ?, omit)) -> value ud_req { /* using raw octetstring PDU */ NSCP.send(ts_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, ud_req.bvci, ud_req.sdu)); } [] NS_SP.receive(tr_NsUdReq(g_config.nsei, 0, ?, omit, ?)) -> value ud_req { /* using decoded BSSGP PDU that we need to encode first */ var octetstring enc := enc_PDU_BSSGP(ud_req.bssgp); NSCP.send(ts_NS_UNITDATA(t_SduCtrlB, ud_req.bvci, enc)); } } private altstep as_wait_reset() runs on NSVC_CT { var PDU_NS rf; [] Tns_reset.timeout { /* If the sending entity of an NS-RESET PDU receives no NS-RESET-ACK PDU before timer * Tns-reset expires the corresponding NS-VCs shall remain blocked and dead and the * entire reset procedure shall be repeated */ f_sendReset(); } [] NSCP.receive(tr_NS_RESET_ACK(g_nsvc_config.nsvci, g_config.nsei)) -> value rf { Tns_reset.stop; f_change_state(NSVC_S_ALIVE_BLOCKED); f_sendAlive(); f_sendUnblock(); } } private function f_ScanEvents() runs on NSVC_CT { var PDU_NS rf; while (true) { alt { [vc_state == NSVC_S_WAIT_RESET] as_wait_reset(); [vc_state == NSVC_S_ALIVE_BLOCKED] as_alive_blocked(); [vc_state == NSVC_S_ALIVE_UNBLOCKED] as_alive_unblocked(); [vc_state == NSVC_S_DISABLED] as_disabled(); [vc_state != NSVC_S_DISABLED] as_allstate(); } } } }