* Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
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//  File:               TCCTemplate_Functions.ttcn
//  Description:        TCC Useful Functions: Template Functions
//  Rev:                R36B
//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 472

//  Module: TCCTemplate_Functions
//  Purpose:
//    This module supports template handling
//    Originally for TitanSIM R2 needs it for substituting substrings in a
//    charstring template.
//  Module Parameters:
//      -
//  Module depends on:
//    -
//  Current Owner:
//    Zsolt Szalai (EZSOSZA)
//  Last Review Date:
//    -
//  Comments:
//     Intruduction of ? regexp like behavior like \(x)? in our own pattern
//     couses many troubles, like with the current templatefunc signature it
//     can be impossible to determine the parameters(using 2 ? pattern) and
//     lookup may need much more and complicated additions or rewrite that
//     we may want at that time;
module TCCTemplate_Functions {

//  import from TCCConversion_Functions all;
  import from TCCFileIO_Functions all;

    charstring TCCTemplate_opentoken := "$(";
    charstring TCCTemplate_closetoken := ")";

  type function templatefunc(in charstringList pl_params) runs on self return charstring;

  type record TCCSubstitution {
    charstring patt,
    charstring string,
    templatefunc func optional

  type record of TCCSubstitution TCCSubstitutionList;

  type record of charstring charstringList;

  group PublicFunctions{

    //  Function: f_Template_substitutetemplate
    //  Purpose:
    //    Makes the substitutions according to the dictonary given
    //  Parameters:
    //    pl_dict - *in* *TCCSubstitutionList* - dictionary
    //    pl_string - *in* *charstring* - string to substitute in
    //  Return Value:
    //    charstring - substituted string
    //  Errors:
    //    -
    //  Detailed description:
    //    -
    function f_Template_substitutetemplate(in TCCSubstitutionList pl_dict, in charstring pl_string) return charstring{
      var charstring ret := pl_string;
      //log("original template:",ret,"\n");
      // heuristic implementation
      // searches for every pattern
      /*    for (var integer i := 0; i<sizeof(pl_dict); i:=i+1){
	    if (ispresent(pl_dict[i].func)){
	    var charstring matched := regexp(ret, "*(" & pl_dict[i].patt & ")*",0);//f_Template_searchpattern(ret, pl_dict[i].patt);
	    if (matched != ""){
	    ret := f_Template_substituteall(ret, matched, pl_dict[i].func.apply(matched, pl_dict[i].patt));
	    } else {
	    ret := f_Template_substituteall(ret, pl_dict[i].patt, pl_dict[i].string);
	    return ret;*/
      //heuristic implementation end/////////////////////////////////////////////

      var charstring t_open := TCCTemplate_opentoken;
      var charstring t_close := TCCTemplate_closetoken;

      // fast implentation
      for (var integer i:=0; i<lengthof(ret);i:=i+1){
	if (ret[i] == t_open[0]) { // maybe its a variable in template?
	  if (substr(ret,i,lengthof(t_open)) == t_open){ // it is a variable opening string
	    var integer tokenstart := i;
	    //	  log("tokenstart:",tokenstart,"\n");
	    i := i + lengthof(t_open);
	    while(ret[i] != t_close[0] and i<lengthof(ret)){ i:=i+1; }
	    if (i<lengthof(ret)){
	      if (substr(ret,i,lengthof(t_close)) == t_close){
		i := i + lengthof(t_close);
		var charstring variable := substr(ret, tokenstart+lengthof(t_open), i-tokenstart-lengthof(t_open)-lengthof(t_close));
		//log("Variable found: ", variable,"\n");
		var charstringList params := {};
		var integer recindex := f_Template_lookup(pl_dict, variable, params);
		if (recindex != -1){
		  // substitution
		  var charstring pvalue := "";
		    pvalue := pl_dict[recindex].func.apply(params);
		  } else{
		    pvalue := pl_dict[recindex].string;
		  ret := substr(ret,0,tokenstart) & pvalue & substr(ret, i, lengthof(ret)-i);
		  //log("New template: ", ret, "\n");
		  i := tokenstart;
		} else {
		  i := tokenstart;
	    } else {
	      log("No closing string in a variable!\n");
	  } // not a variable opening string, nothing to do
	} // not a variable in template, nothing to do
      return ret;
      // fast implentation end /////////////////////////////////////////////////

    //  Function: f_Template_subsfiletemplate
    //  Purpose:
    //    Makes the substitutions in the content of the given file,
    //    according to the dictonary
    //  Parameters:
    //    pl_dict - *in* *TCCSubstitutionList* - dictionary
    //    pl_file - *in* *charstring* - name of the file containing the template
    //  Return Value:
    //    charstring - substituted string
    //  Errors:
    //    From FIO - in this case "" returns
    //  Detailed description:
    //    -
    function f_Template_subsfiletemplate(in TCCSubstitutionList pl_dict, in charstring pl_file) return charstring{
      var integer fd := f_FIO_open_rdonly(pl_file);
      if (fd == -1){
	return "";
      var integer len := f_FIO_seek_end(fd);
      var charstring content;
      if (f_FIO_seek_home(fd) != 0){
	return ""
      if (f_FIO_read_text(fd, content, len) == -1){
	if (f_FIO_close(fd) == -1){log("Error while closing file!");}
	return "";
      if (f_FIO_close(fd) == -1){log("Error while closing file!");}
      return f_Template_substitutetemplate(pl_dict, content);


  group PrivateFunctions{

    function f_Template_getparams(in charstring matched, in charstring patt)
    return charstringList
      var integer pc := 0;
      var charstringList params:={};
      for (var integer i:=0;i<lengthof(patt);i:=i+1){
	if (patt[i]=="(" and i!=0 and patt[i-1]!="#" and patt[i-1]!="\\"){pc:=pc+1;}
      for (var integer i:=0;i<pc;i:=i+1){
	params[sizeof(params)] := regexp(matched, patt, i);
      return params;

    function f_Template_lookup(in TCCSubstitutionList pl_dict, in charstring pl_var,
			       out charstringList pl_params) return integer{
      for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(pl_dict);i:=i+1){ // simple search
	if(pl_dict[i].patt == pl_var){
	  return i;
      for (var integer i:=0; i<sizeof(pl_dict);i:=i+1){ // regexp like search
	var integer j := 0;
	var integer k := 0;
	while (j<lengthof(pl_dict[i].patt) and k<lengthof(pl_var)){
	  while(j<lengthof(pl_dict[i].patt) and k<lengthof(pl_var) and pl_dict[i].patt[j] == pl_var[k]){
	    j := j + 1;
	    k := k + 1;
	  if (j<lengthof(pl_dict[i].patt) and pl_dict[i].patt[j]=="\\" and j+1<lengthof(pl_dict[i].patt) and pl_dict[i].patt[j+1]=="w" and j+2<lengthof(pl_dict[i].patt)){
	    // we have found an escape, parameter begins
	    j := j + 2;
	    var integer paramstart := k;
	    while (k<lengthof(pl_var) and pl_var[k] != pl_dict[i].patt[j]) {k := k + 1;}
            var charstring parameter := substr(pl_var,paramstart, k - paramstart);
	    pl_params[sizeof(pl_params)] := parameter;
	  } else {
	    if (j==lengthof(pl_dict[i].patt) and k==lengthof(pl_var)){
	      return i;
	    } else {
	      // that is not the proper pattern;
	      j := lengthof(pl_dict[i].patt);
      return -1;