module Misc_Helpers {

import from Native_Functions all;
import from TCCConversion_Functions all;

modulepar {
	charstring mp_osmo_repo := "nightly";

/* Test the Osmocom repository (nightly, latest, 2021q4, ...), from which the
 * SUT is running (OS#4878). Usage examples:
 * 	if (Misc_Helpers.f_osmo_repo_is("nightly")) {
 * 		...
 * 	}
 * 	if (Misc_Helpers.f_osmo_repo_is(("nightly", "2021q4"))) {
 * 		...
 * 	}
function f_osmo_repo_is(template charstring ver) return boolean {
	return match(mp_osmo_repo, ver);

/* Try to properly shutdown a testcase.
 * The reliable method to stop a testcase without running into dynamic
 * testcase errors due to unconnected ports receiving messages is to call
 * all component.stop before terminating. However, this can only be called
 * from the mtc! So in case we want to terminate from a component that is not
 * the mtc we try to do the next best thing which is calling mtc.stop and
 * hoping for the best.
function f_shutdown(charstring file, integer line, verdicttype verdict := none,
			charstring text := "") {
	if (verdict != none) {
		text := file & ":" & int2str(line) & " : " & text
		setverdict(verdict, text);

	log("Stopping testcase execution from ", file, ":", line)
	if (self == mtc) {
		/* Properly stop all ports before disconnecting them. This avoids
		 * running into the dynamic testcase error due to messages arriving on
		 * unconnected ports. */
		all component.stop;

function f_addr_is_ipv6(charstring addr) return boolean {
	for (var integer i := 0; i < lengthof(addr); i := i + 1) {
		if (addr[i] == ":") {
			return true;
	return false;

function f_addrstr2addr(charstring addr) return octetstring {
	if (f_addr_is_ipv6(addr)) {
		return f_inet6_addr(addr);
	} else {
		return f_inet_addr(addr);

/* Return a count of how many times sub_str occurs in str. */
function f_strstr_count(in charstring str, in charstring sub_str) return integer
	var integer count := 0;
	var integer pos := 0;

	while (true) {
		var integer at := f_strstr(str, sub_str, pos);
		if (at < 0) {
		count := count + 1;
		pos := at + 1;
	return count;

/* Return true if str starts exactly with token: */
function f_str_startswith(charstring str, charstring token) return boolean
	if (lengthof(str) < lengthof(token)) {
		return false;
	var charstring str_start := substr(str, 0, lengthof(token));
	return str_start == token;

/* Return true if str ends exactly with token: */
function f_str_endswith(charstring str, charstring token) return boolean
	if (lengthof(str) < lengthof(token)) {
		return false;
	var charstring str_end := substr(str, lengthof(str) - lengthof(token), lengthof(token));
	return str_end == token;

/* Replace all matches of token "find" with "repl" in "str" */
function f_str_replace(charstring str, charstring find, charstring repl) return charstring
	var integer pos := f_strstr(str, find, 0);
	if (pos < 0) {
		return str;
	var charstring prefix := substr(str, 0, pos);
	var integer suffix_pos := pos + lengthof(find);
	var charstring suffix := substr(str, suffix_pos, lengthof(str) - suffix_pos);

	var charstring new_str := prefix & repl & f_str_replace(suffix, find, repl);
	return new_str;

type record of charstring ro_charstring;
function f_str_split(charstring str, charstring delim := "\n") return ro_charstring
	var integer pos := 0;
	var ro_charstring parts := {};
	var integer delim_pos;
	var integer end := lengthof(str);
	while (pos < end) {
		delim_pos := f_strstr(str, delim, pos);
		if (delim_pos < 0) {
			delim_pos := end;
		if (delim_pos > pos) {
			parts := parts & { substr(str, pos, delim_pos - pos) };
		pos := delim_pos + lengthof(delim);
	return parts;
