Release Notes

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Development Kit for the Java Card 3 Platform

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Version 3.0.4, Classic Edition

September 2011

Table of Contents

1. Overview

2. Prerequisites

3. Installation Instructions

4. Setting System Variables and Paths

5. Configuring the Java Card RE for the Samples

6. Development and Debugging with the NetBeans IDE

7. Product Information

1. Overview

These release notes describe the development kit for the Java Card 3 Platform, Version 3.0.4, Classic Edition. This version of the Classic Edition development kit is a maintenance release and includes bug fixes. It also contains a string annotation tool and string support as specified in Version 3.0.4 of the Java Card API specification, Classic Edition. This release does not include the Connected Edition.

Java Card technology combines a subset of the Java programming language with a runtime environment optimized for smart cards and similar small-memory embedded devices. The goal of Java Card technology is to bring many of the benefits of the Java programming language to the resource-constrained world of smart cards. The Java Card API is compatible with international standards such as ISO 7816, and industry-specific standards such as Europay, Master Card, and Visa (EMV).

Java Card 3 Platform, Version 3.0.4, Classic Edition is the latest evolution of Java Card technology. This development kit is based on version 3.0.4 of the Java Card specifications, Classic Edition, which includes the errata sheets located at The Java Card 3 platform consists of versions 3.0, 3.0.1 and 3.0.4 of the specifications and versions 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3 and 3.0.4 of the development kit.

The Java Card 3 Platform is available in two editions, both of which are backward compatible with previous versions and share key security features:

2. Prerequisites

Required Operating System

Required Software

The following software must be installed for the Java Card development kit to work:

Note: Do not install any software in a directory that contains a space in its name. For example, do not install software in any subdirectory of c:\program files because of the space in the program files element

Note: The bundle containing the specifications must be downloaded separately.

Contents of This Release

This release contains features required to support classic Java Card applet applications on the card. Specifically, this release includes the following:

3. Installation Instructions

For a more thorough description of the installation, contents and use of the development kit, see Development User's Guide, Java Card 3 Platform, Version 3.0.4, Classic Edition.

An automatic installer tool can be used to unpack the download file containing this release. During download, you can choose to let the installer tool unpack the download file into a directory of your choice on your system or you can save the download file itself to your system.

Note: Do not install the development kit software in any directory that has a space in its name. For example, on a Windows platform, do not install software in the c:\program files directory, or any subdirectory of c:\program files, because the program files element contains a space.

Note: Do not install this version of the Java Card development kit into an existing directory for an older version. You must first uninstall the previously installed version of the Java Card development kit prior to installing this version into the old directory. Installing into the same directory without first uninstalling could result in unpredictable behavior.

To install the Java Card development kit and associated software, follow these steps:

  1. Install the JDK version 6, Update 10 or later. This JDK is available from:

  2. Install Apache Ant version 1.6.5 or later. The latest version is available at:

  3. Install the GCC compiler. The compiler Minimal GNU for Windows (MinGW), version 5.1.4 is required.  It is available at, while its installation information is at

  4. Download the Java Card development kit. Download and store the development kit Java Archive (JAR) file in a directory of your choice.

  5. Run the development kit installer or use the command line. Double click the JAR file on your system. If the JDK is installed correctly, the jar file is recognized as an executable jar and the automatic installer will launch to step you through the remainder of the installation process.

Alternatively, you can use the command line to unpack the JAR file using the following command:

java -jar Bundle-Filename
Where Bundle-Filename is the downloaded development kit JAR file.

By default, the development kit is installed in C:\JCDK3.0.4_ClassicEdition and its associated sub-directories. You can specify a different directory if you wish.

The directory C:\JCDK3.0.4_ClassicEdition (or the alternate directory you specify during installation) is referred to as JC_CLASSIC_HOME  in these release notes. When the development kit installation is complete, JC_CLASSIC_HOME  contains the following:


These release notes.
Copyright files.


JCDevKitUG-Classic-3_0_4-RR.pdf The Development Kit User's Guide for the Java Card Platform, Version 3.0.4, Classic Edition.


HTML version of the user guide.


Javadoc tool files for use with APDU I/O described in the user's guide.


Javadoc tool files for use with optional RMI implementation described in the user's guide.


Javadoc tool files for the API.


Contains java, javacard, and javacardx directories of API export files.


Development kit executable files, including the trimmer.bat batch file for running the trimming tool with this development kit.


Contains files and directory structure required to create a classic simulator platform in NetBeans for development and debugging of classic applications.


Configuration and JAR files for the API, tools.
Third-party libraries.


Samples of basic classic applets, such as HelloWorld.


Samples of more robust classic applets.


Development kit source files. AVAILABLE ONLY IF YOU HAVE A SOURCE BUNDLE.


Uninstalls the development kit.


Legal files.

4. Setting System Variables and Paths

System variables and paths must be set before running the development kit. See the Development Kit User's Guide for more details on how to set them. Note that if you choose to set the variables and paths each time you run the development kit rather than permanently in your system, you can place the appropriate commands in a batch file.

5. Configuring the Java Card RE for the Samples

Note that the Java Card RE (cref) implementation is not optimized for memory or performance and, therefore, requires more memory than an actual optimized implementation on a card. To run the Java Card RE, you can use the default executable, cref.bat, using the command line as follows:


6. Development and Debugging with the NetBeans IDE

This release of Java Card Classic Development Kit supports development of classic applications and libraries using NetBeans. To develop and debug classic Java Card applications with NetBeans Java Card plug-in, please follow the following steps:

  1. Download the latest version NetBeans with Java Card technology-specific plug-in. You will find the latest version in the NetBeans Download Center.

  2. In the NetBeans Services window, under Java Card Runtimes, add a new Java Card platform using JC_CLASSIC_HOME/classic_simulator directory as the platform directory.

Known Issues With NetBeans IDE Java Card Technology Plug-in

Following is the list of known issues and workarounds for the Java Card plug-in in NetBeans. For issues related to the trimming tool, see its release notes in the separate trimming tool download bundle.

Bug Id


200983 The classic simulator bundled in the Java Card v3.0.4 BETA development kit does not work when the development kit is installed in a relatively deeper directory layer

7. Product Information

The public Java Card technology web site is The developer collaboration web site also contains information about Java Card technology at

If you are a Licensee, visit the product web site at This site has the most up-to-date information on the following:

We greatly appreciate your feedback on this reference Implementation. 

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