# Copyright 2024 sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import argparse import logging import os.path class NoTraceException(Exception): pass args = None src_dir = os.environ.get("TESTENV_SRC_DIR", os.path.realpath(f"{__file__}/../../../..")) data_dir = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(f"{__file__}/../.."), "data") custom_kernel_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(f"{__file__}/../../.."), ".linux") distro_default = "debian:bookworm" cache_dir_default = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~/.cache"), "osmo-ttcn3-testenv") ccache_dir_default = os.path.join(cache_dir_default, "ccache") log_prefix = "[testenv]" def resolve_testsuite_name_alias(name): mapping = { "ggsn": "ggsn_tests", } if name in mapping: logging.debug(f"Using testsuite {mapping[name]} (via alias {name})") return mapping[name] return name def parse_args(): global args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description="Build/install everything for a testsuite and run it.\n" "\n" "examples:\n" " ./testenv.py run mgw\n" " ./testenv.py run mgw --test TC_crcx\n" " ./testenv.py run mgw --podman --binary-repo osmocom:latest\n" " ./testenv.py run mgw --podman --binary-repo osmocom:nightly\n" " ./testenv.py run mgw --podman --binary-repo osmocom:nightly:asan\n" " ./testenv.py run mgw --io-uring\n" " ./testenv.py run ggsn --config open5gs\n" " ./testenv.py run ggsn --config 'osmo_ggsn_v4_only'\n" " ./testenv.py run ggsn --config 'osmo_ggsn*'\n", ) sub = parser.add_subparsers(title="action", dest="action", required=True) sub_init = sub.add_parser("init", help="initialize osmo-dev/podman") sub_init_runtime = sub_init.add_subparsers(title="runtime", required=True, dest="runtime") sub_init_runtime.add_parser( "osmo-dev", help="prepare osmo-dev (top-level makefile scripts, for building test" " components from source when using 'run' without '--binary-repo')", ) sub_podman = sub_init_runtime.add_parser("podman", help="prepare the podman image (for 'run --podman')") sub_podman.add_argument( "-f", "--force", action="store_true", help="build image even if it is up-to-date", ) sub_run = sub.add_parser("run", help="build components and run a testsuite") group = sub_run.add_argument_group("testsuite options") group.add_argument("testsuite", help="a directory in osmo-ttcn3-hacks.git (msc, bsc, mgw, ...)") group.add_argument( "-t", "--test", help="only run one specific test (e.g. TC_selftest, BTS_Tests_OML.TC_wrong_mdisc)", ) group.add_argument( "-c", "--config", action="append", help="which testenv.cfg to use (supports * wildcards via fnmatch)", ) group.add_argument("-i", "--io-uring", action="store_true", help="set LIBOSMO_IO_BACKEND=IO_URING") group = sub_run.add_argument_group("source/binary options", "All components are built from source by default.") group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( "-b", "--binary-repo", metavar="OBS_PROJECT", help="use binary packages from this Osmocom OBS project instead (e.g. osmocom:nightly)", ) group = sub_run.add_argument_group("loop options", "Run the testsuite / a single test multiple times.") group.add_argument( "-u", "--until-nok", action="store_true", help="run until there was either a failure or error", ) group = sub_run.add_argument_group( "QEMU options", "For some tests, the SUT can or must run in QEMU, typically to use kernel GTP-U.", ) group = group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument( "-D", "--debian-kernel", action="store_const", dest="kernel", const="debian", help="run SUT in QEMU with debian kernel", ) group.add_argument( "-C", "--custom-kernel", action="store_const", dest="kernel", const="custom", help=f"run SUT in QEMU with custom kernel ({custom_kernel_path})", ) group = sub_run.add_argument_group( "config file options", "Testsuite and test component configs" " for nightly/master versions of test" " components are used, unless a binary" " repository ending in :latest is set" " or --latest is used.", ) group.add_argument("--latest", action="store_true", help="use latest configs") group = sub_run.add_argument_group("podman options", "All components are run directly on the host by default.") group.add_argument("-p", "--podman", action="store_true", help="run all components inside podman") group.add_argument( "-d", "--distro", default=distro_default, help=f"distribution for podman (default: {distro_default})", ) group.add_argument( "-s", "--shell", action="store_true", help="run an interactive shell before stopping daemons/container", ) group = sub_run.add_argument_group("output options") group.add_argument("-l", "--log-dir", help="log here instead of a random dir in /tmp") group.add_argument( "-n", "--no-tee", dest="tee", action="store_false", help="don't send test component's output to stdout", ) group = sub_run.add_argument_group("cache options") group.add_argument( "--cache", help=f"cache path (default: {cache_dir_default})", default=cache_dir_default, ) group.add_argument( "--ccache", help=f"ccache path (default: {ccache_dir_default})", default=ccache_dir_default, ) sub.add_parser("clean", help="clean previous build artifacts") args = parser.parse_args() if args.action == "run": args.testsuite = resolve_testsuite_name_alias(args.testsuite) if args.binary_repo and args.binary_repo.endswith(":latest"): logging.debug("Binary repository ends in :latest, using latest configs") args.latest = True else: # podman is only used in "testenv run" args.podman = False def verify_args_run(): if args.action != "run": return if args.binary_repo and not args.podman: raise NoTraceException("--binary-repo requires --podman") if args.kernel == "debian" and not args.podman: raise NoTraceException("--kernel-debian requires --podman") if args.kernel == "custom" and not os.path.exists(custom_kernel_path): logging.critical( "See _testenv/README.md for more information on downloading a pre-built kernel or building your own kernel." ) raise NoTraceException(f"For --kernel-custom, put a symlink or copy of your kernel to: {custom_kernel_path}") ttcn3_hacks_dir_src = os.path.realpath(f"{__file__}/../../..") testsuite_dir = os.path.join(ttcn3_hacks_dir_src, args.testsuite) if not os.path.exists(testsuite_dir): raise NoTraceException(f"testsuite dir not found: {testsuite_dir}") def init_args(): parse_args() verify_args_run() class ColorFormatter(logging.Formatter): colors = { "debug": "\033[37m", # light gray "info": "\033[94m", # blue "warning": "\033[93m", # yellow "error": "\033[91m", # red "critical": "\033[91m", # red "reset": "\033[0m", } def __init__(self): for color in self.colors.keys(): env_var = f"TESTENV_COLOR_{color.upper()}" if env_var in os.environ: self.colors[color] = os.environ.get(env_var) super().__init__() def format(self, record): if record.levelno == logging.DEBUG: color = "debug" elif record.levelno == logging.INFO: color = "info" elif record.levelno == logging.WARNING: color = "warning" elif record.levelno == logging.ERROR: color = "error" elif record.levelno == logging.CRITICAL: color = "critical" self._style._fmt = f"{self.colors[color]}{log_prefix} %(msg)s{self.colors['reset']}" result = logging.Formatter.format(self, record) return result def init_logging(): formatter = ColorFormatter() root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) root_logger.handlers = [] handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) root_logger.addHandler(handler) def set_log_prefix(new): global log_prefix log_prefix = new