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There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. no %s%s %spa-off%s %sbts-service-off%sTemperature limits (Celsius)%s Main supply%s Critical max : %d%s Warning max : %d%s Warning min : %d%s SoC%s FPGA%s RMSDet%s OCXO%s TX%s PA%sPower limits%s Main supply (mV)%s Critical min : %d%s Main supply power (W)%s PA power (W)%sVSWR limits%sDays since last GPS 3D fix%s%%Invalid LED pattern ID. It must be in range of %d..%d %sON OFFWarning alarm flags: 0x%08x%sCritical alarm flags: 0x%08x%sPreventive action retried: %d%sTemperature control state: %s%sCurrent Temperatures%s Main Supply : %4.2f Celsius%s SoC : %4.2f Celsius%s FPGA : %4.2f Celsius%s RMSDet : %4.2f Celsius%s OCXO : %4.2f Celsius%s TX : %4.2f Celsius%s Power Amp : %4.2f Celsius%sPower Status%s Main Supply : ON [%6.2f Vdc, %4.2f A, %6.2f W]%s Power Amp : %s [%6.2f Vdc, %4.2f A, %6.2f W]%sVSWR Status%s VSWR : %f %s%%Invalid BTS manager state. It must be in range of %d..%d %s%%Failed to start calibration.%soc2gbts-mgr%slimits supply_volt threshold warning min %d%s threshold critical min %d%slimits supply_pwr threshold warning max %d%s threshold critical max %d%slimits vswractions normal %spa-on%s %sbts-service-on%sactions warnactions criticalFailed to parse the config file: '%s' limit gpsfix warning max <0-365>Limit to reach GPS FIX limit vswr critical max <1000-200000>Limit to reach VSWR limit vswr warning max <1000-200000>limit power pa critical max <0-200>Limit to reach PA PWR limit power pa warning max <0-200>limit power supply critical max <0-200>Limit to reach SUPPLY PWR limit power supply warning max <0-200>limit supply critical min <0-48000>Limit to reach SUPPLY VOLT limit supply warning min <0-48000>limit supply critical max <0-48000>limit supply warning max <0-48000>limit temp pa warning min <-200-200>Limit to reach PA TEMP limit temp pa critical max <-200-200>limit temp pa warning max <-200-200>limit temp tx warning min <-200-200>Limit to reach TX TEMP limit temp tx critical max <-200-200>limit temp tx warning max <-200-200>limit temp ocxo warning min <-200-200>Limit to reach OCXO TEMP limit temp ocxo critical max <-200-200>limit temp ocxo warning max <-200-200>limit temp rmsdet warning min <-200-200>Limit to reach RMSDET TEMP limit temp rmsdet critical max <-200-200>limit temp rmsdet warning max <-200-200>limit temp fpga warning min <-200-200>Limit to reach FPGA TEMP limit temp fpga critical max <-200-200>limit temp fpga warning max <-200-200>limit temp soc warning min <-200-200>Limit to reach SOC TEMP limit temp soc critical max <-200-200>limit temp soc warning max <-200-200>limit temp supply warning min <-200-200>Limit to reach SUPPLY TEMP limit temp supply critical max <-200-200>limit temp supply warning max <-200-200>force manager state <0-255>Force BTS manager state Force BTS manager state for debugging purpose only set led pattern <0-255>Set LED pattern Set LED pattern for debugging purpose only. This pattern will be overridden after 60 seconds by LED pattern of actual system state calibrate clockCalibration commands Calibrate clock against GPS PPS show thresholdsShow running system information Display information about the thresholdsshow managerShow running system information Display information about the managerno bts-service-offNegate a command or set its defaults Stop the systemd oc2gbts.service bts-service-offStop the systemd oc2gbts.service no pa-offNegate a command or set its defaults Do not switch off the Power Amplifier pa-offSwitch the Power Amplifier off no bts-service-onNegate a command or set its defaults Start the systemd oc2gbts.service bts-service-onStart the systemd oc2gbts.service no pa-onNegate a command or set its defaults Switch the Power Amplifier on pa-onSwitch the Power Amplifier on Configure Actions Critical Actions Configure Actions Warning Actions Configure Actions Normal Actions threshold critical max <0-200>Threshold to reach Warning level Range threshold warning max <0-200>threshold critical max <1000-200000>threshold warning max <1000-200000>threshold critical min <0-48000>Threshold to reach Critical level Range threshold warning min <0-48000>limits gps_fixConfigure Limits GPS FIX limits pa_pwrConfigure Limits PA PWR Configure Limits SUPPLY PWR Configure Limits VSWR Configure Limits SUPPLY VOLT limits pa_tempConfigure Limits PA TEMP limits tx_tempConfigure Limits TX TEMP limits ocxo_tempConfigure Limits OCXO TEMP limits rmsdet_tempConfigure Limits RMSDET TEMP limits fpga_tempConfigure Limits FPGA TEMP limits soc_tempConfigure Limits SOC TEMP limits supply_tempConfigure Limits SUPPLY TEMP oc2gbts-mgrConfigure oc2gbts-mgr %s(limit-gps-fix)# %s(limit-pa-pwr)# %s(limit-supply-pwr)# %s(limit-vswr)# %s(limit-supply-volt)# %s(limit-pa-temp)# %s(limit-tx-temp)# %s(limit-ocxo)# %s(limit-rmsdet)# %s(limit-fpga)# %s(limit-soc)# %s(limit-supply-temp)# %s(actions-critical)# %s(actions-warn)# %s(actions-normal)# %s(oc2gbts-mgr)# Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) Failed to read from socket errno(%d) misc/oc2gbts_mgr_nl.cReceived request from: %s size %d ipa get responseFailed to allocate msgb /var/oc2g/net/eth0/addressOC-2G BTS%s Rev %c.%cFailed to determine local source msgb(%p): Not enough headroom msgb_push (allocated %u, head at %u < want headroom %u, len %u, tailroom %u) Failed to send with rc(%d) errno(%d) creation4? /dev/nullGoing to check for watchdog notification. misc/oc2gbts_swd.cSwd is already in progress. WATCHDOG=1Watchdog notification attempt Missing watchdog events: e:0x%016llx,m:0x%016llx Failed to notify system service watchdog: %d Swd event notified: %d BDFH468:456789:;Incorrect OM hdr length value %d %zu msg_utils.cFOM header insufficient space %zu %zu %s failed to decode AMR RTP (length %zu, %p) %s unsupported AMR FT 0x%02x %s Have to send %s frame on TCH but SID buffer is empty - sent nothing /opt/poky-oc2g/2.3.4/sysroots/cortexa15hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-bts-oc2g/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hmsgb->l1hAssert failed %s %s:%d Ipa header insufficient space %d %zu Incorrect ipa header msg size %d %zu IPA length shorter than OSMO header msgb->l2hOm header insufficient space %d %zu Incorrect om mdisc value %x Incorrect om placement value %x %x Incorrect om sequence value %d No ManId Length Indicator %zu Insufficient message space for this ManId Length %d %zu Manuf Label Unknown msgb->l3h % -%s AMR MR Conf: num_modes=%uamr.c, mode[%u] = %u/%u/%uAMR CMI %u not part of AMR MR set RTP->L1: overriding CMR %u AMR Multirate IE is too short (%u) AMR Multirate Version %u unknown AMR Multirate with %u modes len=%u not possible T%%u kv0  ]]o< + `0L@o\ooh^ PU_d_dPUPUPUPU0u$w8J\D(    4 < D \ < d | <  #L#"L"t"L""L,"'0)J!(^!d!Nt!!Xd,!$)'HJ'(('`J')(\'Jl'*(,'J@'+(&J ',t(&J&-`(&K&.L(p&8K&/4(\KP&%V$P%8Vt%0 (@K8&,%hV$%V$1(K&$V$$V$2'%K%3'%K%%)LLx$$Hg$#`g##xg#(#0g<#&(8LT$'(`L0$p ]  c$ `WWdW<(WdWWWdXd<LXdXXXt,Y0LdY0Y0Y ZxDZP|Z(ZZ$[`\[`|[`<[`\<\t\p\H\0]0T](../sysdeps/arm/crtn.S/usr/src/debug/glibc/2.25-r0/git/csuGNU AS 2.28.0%% $ > $ > &I4: ; I?U%% $ > : ; I&I$ > I! 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