# coding=utf-8 """ Support for ANSI escape sequences which are used for things like applying style to text, setting the window title, and asynchronous alerts. """ import functools import re from enum import ( Enum, ) from typing import ( IO, Any, List, Optional, cast, ) from wcwidth import ( # type: ignore[import] wcswidth, ) ####################################################### # Common ANSI escape sequence constants ####################################################### ESC = '\x1b' CSI = f'{ESC}[' OSC = f'{ESC}]' BEL = '\a' class AllowStyle(Enum): """Values for ``cmd2.ansi.allow_style``""" ALWAYS = 'Always' # Always output ANSI style sequences NEVER = 'Never' # Remove ANSI style sequences from all output TERMINAL = 'Terminal' # Remove ANSI style sequences if the output is not going to the terminal def __str__(self) -> str: """Return value instead of enum name for printing in cmd2's set command""" return str(self.value) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Return quoted value instead of enum description for printing in cmd2's set command""" return repr(self.value) # Controls when ANSI style sequences are allowed in output allow_style = AllowStyle.TERMINAL """When using outside of a cmd2 app, set this variable to one of: - ``AllowStyle.ALWAYS`` - always output ANSI style sequences - ``AllowStyle.NEVER`` - remove ANSI style sequences from all output - ``AllowStyle.TERMINAL`` - remove ANSI style sequences if the output is not going to the terminal to control how ANSI style sequences are handled by ``style_aware_write()``. ``style_aware_write()`` is called by cmd2 methods like ``poutput()``, ``perror()``, ``pwarning()``, etc. The default is ``AllowStyle.TERMINAL``. """ # Regular expression to match ANSI style sequence ANSI_STYLE_RE = re.compile(rf'{ESC}\[[^m]*m') # Matches standard foreground colors: CSI(30-37|90-97|39)m STD_FG_RE = re.compile(rf'{ESC}\[(?:[39][0-7]|39)m') # Matches standard background colors: CSI(40-47|100-107|49)m STD_BG_RE = re.compile(rf'{ESC}\[(?:(?:4|10)[0-7]|49)m') # Matches eight-bit foreground colors: CSI38;5;(0-255)m EIGHT_BIT_FG_RE = re.compile(rf'{ESC}\[38;5;(?:1?[0-9]?[0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])m') # Matches eight-bit background colors: CSI48;5;(0-255)m EIGHT_BIT_BG_RE = re.compile(rf'{ESC}\[48;5;(?:1?[0-9]?[0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])m') # Matches RGB foreground colors: CSI38;2;(0-255);(0-255);(0-255)m RGB_FG_RE = re.compile(rf'{ESC}\[38;2(?:;(?:1?[0-9]?[0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){{3}}m') # Matches RGB background colors: CSI48;2;(0-255);(0-255);(0-255)m RGB_BG_RE = re.compile(rf'{ESC}\[48;2(?:;(?:1?[0-9]?[0-9]?|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){{3}}m') def strip_style(text: str) -> str: """ Strip ANSI style sequences from a string. :param text: string which may contain ANSI style sequences :return: the same string with any ANSI style sequences removed """ return ANSI_STYLE_RE.sub('', text) def style_aware_wcswidth(text: str) -> int: """ Wrap wcswidth to make it compatible with strings that contain ANSI style sequences. This is intended for single line strings. If text contains a newline, this function will return -1. For multiline strings, call widest_line() instead. :param text: the string being measured :return: The width of the string when printed to the terminal if no errors occur. If text contains characters with no absolute width (i.e. tabs), then this function returns -1. Replace tabs with spaces before calling this. """ # Strip ANSI style sequences since they cause wcswidth to return -1 return cast(int, wcswidth(strip_style(text))) def widest_line(text: str) -> int: """ Return the width of the widest line in a multiline string. This wraps style_aware_wcswidth() so it handles ANSI style sequences and has the same restrictions on non-printable characters. :param text: the string being measured :return: The width of the string when printed to the terminal if no errors occur. If text contains characters with no absolute width (i.e. tabs), then this function returns -1. Replace tabs with spaces before calling this. """ if not text: return 0 lines_widths = [style_aware_wcswidth(line) for line in text.splitlines()] if -1 in lines_widths: return -1 return max(lines_widths) def style_aware_write(fileobj: IO[str], msg: str) -> None: """ Write a string to a fileobject and strip its ANSI style sequences if required by allow_style setting :param fileobj: the file object being written to :param msg: the string being written """ if allow_style == AllowStyle.NEVER or (allow_style == AllowStyle.TERMINAL and not fileobj.isatty()): msg = strip_style(msg) fileobj.write(msg) #################################################################################### # Utility functions which create various ANSI sequences #################################################################################### def set_title(title: str) -> str: """ Generate a string that, when printed, sets a terminal's window title. :param title: new title for the window :return: the set title string """ return f"{OSC}2;{title}{BEL}" def clear_screen(clear_type: int = 2) -> str: """ Generate a string that, when printed, clears a terminal screen based on value of clear_type. :param clear_type: integer which specifies how to clear the screen (Defaults to 2) Possible values: 0 - clear from cursor to end of screen 1 - clear from cursor to beginning of the screen 2 - clear entire screen 3 - clear entire screen and delete all lines saved in the scrollback buffer :return: the clear screen string :raises: ValueError if clear_type is not a valid value """ if 0 <= clear_type <= 3: return f"{CSI}{clear_type}J" raise ValueError("clear_type must in an integer from 0 to 3") def clear_line(clear_type: int = 2) -> str: """ Generate a string that, when printed, clears a line based on value of clear_type. :param clear_type: integer which specifies how to clear the line (Defaults to 2) Possible values: 0 - clear from cursor to the end of the line 1 - clear from cursor to beginning of the line 2 - clear entire line :return: the clear line string :raises: ValueError if clear_type is not a valid value """ if 0 <= clear_type <= 2: return f"{CSI}{clear_type}K" raise ValueError("clear_type must in an integer from 0 to 2") #################################################################################### # Base classes which are not intended to be used directly #################################################################################### class AnsiSequence: """Base class to create ANSI sequence strings""" def __add__(self, other: Any) -> str: """ Support building an ANSI sequence string when self is the left operand e.g. Fg.LIGHT_MAGENTA + "hello" """ return str(self) + str(other) def __radd__(self, other: Any) -> str: """ Support building an ANSI sequence string when self is the right operand e.g. "hello" + Fg.RESET """ return str(other) + str(self) class FgColor(AnsiSequence): """Base class for ANSI Sequences which set foreground text color""" pass class BgColor(AnsiSequence): """Base class for ANSI Sequences which set background text color""" pass #################################################################################### # Implementations intended for direct use #################################################################################### class Cursor: """Create ANSI sequences to alter the cursor position""" @staticmethod def UP(count: int = 1) -> str: """Move the cursor up a specified amount of lines (Defaults to 1)""" return f"{CSI}{count}A" @staticmethod def DOWN(count: int = 1) -> str: """Move the cursor down a specified amount of lines (Defaults to 1)""" return f"{CSI}{count}B" @staticmethod def FORWARD(count: int = 1) -> str: """Move the cursor forward a specified amount of lines (Defaults to 1)""" return f"{CSI}{count}C" @staticmethod def BACK(count: int = 1) -> str: """Move the cursor back a specified amount of lines (Defaults to 1)""" return f"{CSI}{count}D" @staticmethod def SET_POS(x: int, y: int) -> str: """Set the cursor position to coordinates which are 1-based""" return f"{CSI}{y};{x}H" class TextStyle(AnsiSequence, Enum): """Create text style ANSI sequences""" # Resets all styles and colors of text RESET_ALL = 0 ALT_RESET_ALL = '' INTENSITY_BOLD = 1 INTENSITY_DIM = 2 INTENSITY_NORMAL = 22 ITALIC_ENABLE = 3 ITALIC_DISABLE = 23 OVERLINE_ENABLE = 53 OVERLINE_DISABLE = 55 STRIKETHROUGH_ENABLE = 9 STRIKETHROUGH_DISABLE = 29 UNDERLINE_ENABLE = 4 UNDERLINE_DISABLE = 24 def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return ANSI text style sequence instead of enum name This is helpful when using a TextStyle in an f-string or format() call e.g. my_str = f"{TextStyle.UNDERLINE_ENABLE}hello{TextStyle.UNDERLINE_DISABLE}" """ return f"{CSI}{self.value}m" class Fg(FgColor, Enum): """ Create ANSI sequences for the 16 standard terminal foreground text colors. A terminal's color settings affect how these colors appear. To reset any foreground color, use Fg.RESET. """ BLACK = 30 RED = 31 GREEN = 32 YELLOW = 33 BLUE = 34 MAGENTA = 35 CYAN = 36 LIGHT_GRAY = 37 DARK_GRAY = 90 LIGHT_RED = 91 LIGHT_GREEN = 92 LIGHT_YELLOW = 93 LIGHT_BLUE = 94 LIGHT_MAGENTA = 95 LIGHT_CYAN = 96 WHITE = 97 RESET = 39 def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return ANSI color sequence instead of enum name This is helpful when using an Fg in an f-string or format() call e.g. my_str = f"{Fg.BLUE}hello{Fg.RESET}" """ return f"{CSI}{self.value}m" class Bg(BgColor, Enum): """ Create ANSI sequences for the 16 standard terminal background text colors. A terminal's color settings affect how these colors appear. To reset any background color, use Bg.RESET. """ BLACK = 40 RED = 41 GREEN = 42 YELLOW = 43 BLUE = 44 MAGENTA = 45 CYAN = 46 LIGHT_GRAY = 47 DARK_GRAY = 100 LIGHT_RED = 101 LIGHT_GREEN = 102 LIGHT_YELLOW = 103 LIGHT_BLUE = 104 LIGHT_MAGENTA = 105 LIGHT_CYAN = 106 WHITE = 107 RESET = 49 def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return ANSI color sequence instead of enum name This is helpful when using a Bg in an f-string or format() call e.g. my_str = f"{Bg.BLACK}hello{Bg.RESET}" """ return f"{CSI}{self.value}m" class EightBitFg(FgColor, Enum): """ Create ANSI sequences for 8-bit terminal foreground text colors. Most terminals support 8-bit/256-color mode. The first 16 colors correspond to the 16 colors from Fg and behave the same way. To reset any foreground color, including 8-bit, use Fg.RESET. """ BLACK = 0 RED = 1 GREEN = 2 YELLOW = 3 BLUE = 4 MAGENTA = 5 CYAN = 6 LIGHT_GRAY = 7 DARK_GRAY = 8 LIGHT_RED = 9 LIGHT_GREEN = 10 LIGHT_YELLOW = 11 LIGHT_BLUE = 12 LIGHT_MAGENTA = 13 LIGHT_CYAN = 14 WHITE = 15 GRAY_0 = 16 NAVY_BLUE = 17 DARK_BLUE = 18 BLUE_3A = 19 BLUE_3B = 20 BLUE_1 = 21 DARK_GREEN = 22 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_4A = 23 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_4B = 24 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_4C = 25 DODGER_BLUE_3 = 26 DODGER_BLUE_2 = 27 GREEN_4 = 28 SPRING_GREEN_4 = 29 TURQUOISE_4 = 30 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_3A = 31 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_3B = 32 DODGER_BLUE_1 = 33 GREEN_3A = 34 SPRING_GREEN_3A = 35 DARK_CYAN = 36 LIGHT_SEA_GREEN = 37 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_2 = 38 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_1 = 39 GREEN_3B = 40 SPRING_GREEN_3B = 41 SPRING_GREEN_2A = 42 CYAN_3 = 43 DARK_TURQUOISE = 44 TURQUOISE_2 = 45 GREEN_1 = 46 SPRING_GREEN_2B = 47 SPRING_GREEN_1 = 48 MEDIUM_SPRING_GREEN = 49 CYAN_2 = 50 CYAN_1 = 51 DARK_RED_1 = 52 DEEP_PINK_4A = 53 PURPLE_4A = 54 PURPLE_4B = 55 PURPLE_3 = 56 BLUE_VIOLET = 57 ORANGE_4A = 58 GRAY_37 = 59 MEDIUM_PURPLE_4 = 60 SLATE_BLUE_3A = 61 SLATE_BLUE_3B = 62 ROYAL_BLUE_1 = 63 CHARTREUSE_4 = 64 DARK_SEA_GREEN_4A = 65 PALE_TURQUOISE_4 = 66 STEEL_BLUE = 67 STEEL_BLUE_3 = 68 CORNFLOWER_BLUE = 69 CHARTREUSE_3A = 70 DARK_SEA_GREEN_4B = 71 CADET_BLUE_2 = 72 CADET_BLUE_1 = 73 SKY_BLUE_3 = 74 STEEL_BLUE_1A = 75 CHARTREUSE_3B = 76 PALE_GREEN_3A = 77 SEA_GREEN_3 = 78 AQUAMARINE_3 = 79 MEDIUM_TURQUOISE = 80 STEEL_BLUE_1B = 81 CHARTREUSE_2A = 82 SEA_GREEN_2 = 83 SEA_GREEN_1A = 84 SEA_GREEN_1B = 85 AQUAMARINE_1A = 86 DARK_SLATE_GRAY_2 = 87 DARK_RED_2 = 88 DEEP_PINK_4B = 89 DARK_MAGENTA_1 = 90 DARK_MAGENTA_2 = 91 DARK_VIOLET_1A = 92 PURPLE_1A = 93 ORANGE_4B = 94 LIGHT_PINK_4 = 95 PLUM_4 = 96 MEDIUM_PURPLE_3A = 97 MEDIUM_PURPLE_3B = 98 SLATE_BLUE_1 = 99 YELLOW_4A = 100 WHEAT_4 = 101 GRAY_53 = 102 LIGHT_SLATE_GRAY = 103 MEDIUM_PURPLE = 104 LIGHT_SLATE_BLUE = 105 YELLOW_4B = 106 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_3A = 107 DARK_GREEN_SEA = 108 LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_3A = 109 LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_3B = 110 SKY_BLUE_2 = 111 CHARTREUSE_2B = 112 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_3B = 113 PALE_GREEN_3B = 114 DARK_SEA_GREEN_3A = 115 DARK_SLATE_GRAY_3 = 116 SKY_BLUE_1 = 117 CHARTREUSE_1 = 118 LIGHT_GREEN_2 = 119 LIGHT_GREEN_3 = 120 PALE_GREEN_1A = 121 AQUAMARINE_1B = 122 DARK_SLATE_GRAY_1 = 123 RED_3A = 124 DEEP_PINK_4C = 125 MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED = 126 MAGENTA_3A = 127 DARK_VIOLET_1B = 128 PURPLE_1B = 129 DARK_ORANGE_3A = 130 INDIAN_RED_1A = 131 HOT_PINK_3A = 132 MEDIUM_ORCHID_3 = 133 MEDIUM_ORCHID = 134 MEDIUM_PURPLE_2A = 135 DARK_GOLDENROD = 136 LIGHT_SALMON_3A = 137 ROSY_BROWN = 138 GRAY_63 = 139 MEDIUM_PURPLE_2B = 140 MEDIUM_PURPLE_1 = 141 GOLD_3A = 142 DARK_KHAKI = 143 NAVAJO_WHITE_3 = 144 GRAY_69 = 145 LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_3 = 146 LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE = 147 YELLOW_3A = 148 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_3 = 149 DARK_SEA_GREEN_3B = 150 DARK_SEA_GREEN_2 = 151 LIGHT_CYAN_3 = 152 LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_1 = 153 GREEN_YELLOW = 154 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_2 = 155 PALE_GREEN_1B = 156 DARK_SEA_GREEN_5B = 157 DARK_SEA_GREEN_5A = 158 PALE_TURQUOISE_1 = 159 RED_3B = 160 DEEP_PINK_3A = 161 DEEP_PINK_3B = 162 MAGENTA_3B = 163 MAGENTA_3C = 164 MAGENTA_2A = 165 DARK_ORANGE_3B = 166 INDIAN_RED_1B = 167 HOT_PINK_3B = 168 HOT_PINK_2 = 169 ORCHID = 170 MEDIUM_ORCHID_1A = 171 ORANGE_3 = 172 LIGHT_SALMON_3B = 173 LIGHT_PINK_3 = 174 PINK_3 = 175 PLUM_3 = 176 VIOLET = 177 GOLD_3B = 178 LIGHT_GOLDENROD_3 = 179 TAN = 180 MISTY_ROSE_3 = 181 THISTLE_3 = 182 PLUM_2 = 183 YELLOW_3B = 184 KHAKI_3 = 185 LIGHT_GOLDENROD_2A = 186 LIGHT_YELLOW_3 = 187 GRAY_84 = 188 LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_1 = 189 YELLOW_2 = 190 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_1A = 191 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_1B = 192 DARK_SEA_GREEN_1 = 193 HONEYDEW_2 = 194 LIGHT_CYAN_1 = 195 RED_1 = 196 DEEP_PINK_2 = 197 DEEP_PINK_1A = 198 DEEP_PINK_1B = 199 MAGENTA_2B = 200 MAGENTA_1 = 201 ORANGE_RED_1 = 202 INDIAN_RED_1C = 203 INDIAN_RED_1D = 204 HOT_PINK_1A = 205 HOT_PINK_1B = 206 MEDIUM_ORCHID_1B = 207 DARK_ORANGE = 208 SALMON_1 = 209 LIGHT_CORAL = 210 PALE_VIOLET_RED_1 = 211 ORCHID_2 = 212 ORCHID_1 = 213 ORANGE_1 = 214 SANDY_BROWN = 215 LIGHT_SALMON_1 = 216 LIGHT_PINK_1 = 217 PINK_1 = 218 PLUM_1 = 219 GOLD_1 = 220 LIGHT_GOLDENROD_2B = 221 LIGHT_GOLDENROD_2C = 222 NAVAJO_WHITE_1 = 223 MISTY_ROSE1 = 224 THISTLE_1 = 225 YELLOW_1 = 226 LIGHT_GOLDENROD_1 = 227 KHAKI_1 = 228 WHEAT_1 = 229 CORNSILK_1 = 230 GRAY_100 = 231 GRAY_3 = 232 GRAY_7 = 233 GRAY_11 = 234 GRAY_15 = 235 GRAY_19 = 236 GRAY_23 = 237 GRAY_27 = 238 GRAY_30 = 239 GRAY_35 = 240 GRAY_39 = 241 GRAY_42 = 242 GRAY_46 = 243 GRAY_50 = 244 GRAY_54 = 245 GRAY_58 = 246 GRAY_62 = 247 GRAY_66 = 248 GRAY_70 = 249 GRAY_74 = 250 GRAY_78 = 251 GRAY_82 = 252 GRAY_85 = 253 GRAY_89 = 254 GRAY_93 = 255 def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return ANSI color sequence instead of enum name This is helpful when using an EightBitFg in an f-string or format() call e.g. my_str = f"{EightBitFg.SLATE_BLUE_1}hello{Fg.RESET}" """ return f"{CSI}38;5;{self.value}m" class EightBitBg(BgColor, Enum): """ Create ANSI sequences for 8-bit terminal background text colors. Most terminals support 8-bit/256-color mode. The first 16 colors correspond to the 16 colors from Bg and behave the same way. To reset any background color, including 8-bit, use Bg.RESET. """ BLACK = 0 RED = 1 GREEN = 2 YELLOW = 3 BLUE = 4 MAGENTA = 5 CYAN = 6 LIGHT_GRAY = 7 DARK_GRAY = 8 LIGHT_RED = 9 LIGHT_GREEN = 10 LIGHT_YELLOW = 11 LIGHT_BLUE = 12 LIGHT_MAGENTA = 13 LIGHT_CYAN = 14 WHITE = 15 GRAY_0 = 16 NAVY_BLUE = 17 DARK_BLUE = 18 BLUE_3A = 19 BLUE_3B = 20 BLUE_1 = 21 DARK_GREEN = 22 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_4A = 23 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_4B = 24 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_4C = 25 DODGER_BLUE_3 = 26 DODGER_BLUE_2 = 27 GREEN_4 = 28 SPRING_GREEN_4 = 29 TURQUOISE_4 = 30 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_3A = 31 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_3B = 32 DODGER_BLUE_1 = 33 GREEN_3A = 34 SPRING_GREEN_3A = 35 DARK_CYAN = 36 LIGHT_SEA_GREEN = 37 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_2 = 38 DEEP_SKY_BLUE_1 = 39 GREEN_3B = 40 SPRING_GREEN_3B = 41 SPRING_GREEN_2A = 42 CYAN_3 = 43 DARK_TURQUOISE = 44 TURQUOISE_2 = 45 GREEN_1 = 46 SPRING_GREEN_2B = 47 SPRING_GREEN_1 = 48 MEDIUM_SPRING_GREEN = 49 CYAN_2 = 50 CYAN_1 = 51 DARK_RED_1 = 52 DEEP_PINK_4A = 53 PURPLE_4A = 54 PURPLE_4B = 55 PURPLE_3 = 56 BLUE_VIOLET = 57 ORANGE_4A = 58 GRAY_37 = 59 MEDIUM_PURPLE_4 = 60 SLATE_BLUE_3A = 61 SLATE_BLUE_3B = 62 ROYAL_BLUE_1 = 63 CHARTREUSE_4 = 64 DARK_SEA_GREEN_4A = 65 PALE_TURQUOISE_4 = 66 STEEL_BLUE = 67 STEEL_BLUE_3 = 68 CORNFLOWER_BLUE = 69 CHARTREUSE_3A = 70 DARK_SEA_GREEN_4B = 71 CADET_BLUE_2 = 72 CADET_BLUE_1 = 73 SKY_BLUE_3 = 74 STEEL_BLUE_1A = 75 CHARTREUSE_3B = 76 PALE_GREEN_3A = 77 SEA_GREEN_3 = 78 AQUAMARINE_3 = 79 MEDIUM_TURQUOISE = 80 STEEL_BLUE_1B = 81 CHARTREUSE_2A = 82 SEA_GREEN_2 = 83 SEA_GREEN_1A = 84 SEA_GREEN_1B = 85 AQUAMARINE_1A = 86 DARK_SLATE_GRAY_2 = 87 DARK_RED_2 = 88 DEEP_PINK_4B = 89 DARK_MAGENTA_1 = 90 DARK_MAGENTA_2 = 91 DARK_VIOLET_1A = 92 PURPLE_1A = 93 ORANGE_4B = 94 LIGHT_PINK_4 = 95 PLUM_4 = 96 MEDIUM_PURPLE_3A = 97 MEDIUM_PURPLE_3B = 98 SLATE_BLUE_1 = 99 YELLOW_4A = 100 WHEAT_4 = 101 GRAY_53 = 102 LIGHT_SLATE_GRAY = 103 MEDIUM_PURPLE = 104 LIGHT_SLATE_BLUE = 105 YELLOW_4B = 106 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_3A = 107 DARK_GREEN_SEA = 108 LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_3A = 109 LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_3B = 110 SKY_BLUE_2 = 111 CHARTREUSE_2B = 112 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_3B = 113 PALE_GREEN_3B = 114 DARK_SEA_GREEN_3A = 115 DARK_SLATE_GRAY_3 = 116 SKY_BLUE_1 = 117 CHARTREUSE_1 = 118 LIGHT_GREEN_2 = 119 LIGHT_GREEN_3 = 120 PALE_GREEN_1A = 121 AQUAMARINE_1B = 122 DARK_SLATE_GRAY_1 = 123 RED_3A = 124 DEEP_PINK_4C = 125 MEDIUM_VIOLET_RED = 126 MAGENTA_3A = 127 DARK_VIOLET_1B = 128 PURPLE_1B = 129 DARK_ORANGE_3A = 130 INDIAN_RED_1A = 131 HOT_PINK_3A = 132 MEDIUM_ORCHID_3 = 133 MEDIUM_ORCHID = 134 MEDIUM_PURPLE_2A = 135 DARK_GOLDENROD = 136 LIGHT_SALMON_3A = 137 ROSY_BROWN = 138 GRAY_63 = 139 MEDIUM_PURPLE_2B = 140 MEDIUM_PURPLE_1 = 141 GOLD_3A = 142 DARK_KHAKI = 143 NAVAJO_WHITE_3 = 144 GRAY_69 = 145 LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_3 = 146 LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE = 147 YELLOW_3A = 148 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_3 = 149 DARK_SEA_GREEN_3B = 150 DARK_SEA_GREEN_2 = 151 LIGHT_CYAN_3 = 152 LIGHT_SKY_BLUE_1 = 153 GREEN_YELLOW = 154 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_2 = 155 PALE_GREEN_1B = 156 DARK_SEA_GREEN_5B = 157 DARK_SEA_GREEN_5A = 158 PALE_TURQUOISE_1 = 159 RED_3B = 160 DEEP_PINK_3A = 161 DEEP_PINK_3B = 162 MAGENTA_3B = 163 MAGENTA_3C = 164 MAGENTA_2A = 165 DARK_ORANGE_3B = 166 INDIAN_RED_1B = 167 HOT_PINK_3B = 168 HOT_PINK_2 = 169 ORCHID = 170 MEDIUM_ORCHID_1A = 171 ORANGE_3 = 172 LIGHT_SALMON_3B = 173 LIGHT_PINK_3 = 174 PINK_3 = 175 PLUM_3 = 176 VIOLET = 177 GOLD_3B = 178 LIGHT_GOLDENROD_3 = 179 TAN = 180 MISTY_ROSE_3 = 181 THISTLE_3 = 182 PLUM_2 = 183 YELLOW_3B = 184 KHAKI_3 = 185 LIGHT_GOLDENROD_2A = 186 LIGHT_YELLOW_3 = 187 GRAY_84 = 188 LIGHT_STEEL_BLUE_1 = 189 YELLOW_2 = 190 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_1A = 191 DARK_OLIVE_GREEN_1B = 192 DARK_SEA_GREEN_1 = 193 HONEYDEW_2 = 194 LIGHT_CYAN_1 = 195 RED_1 = 196 DEEP_PINK_2 = 197 DEEP_PINK_1A = 198 DEEP_PINK_1B = 199 MAGENTA_2B = 200 MAGENTA_1 = 201 ORANGE_RED_1 = 202 INDIAN_RED_1C = 203 INDIAN_RED_1D = 204 HOT_PINK_1A = 205 HOT_PINK_1B = 206 MEDIUM_ORCHID_1B = 207 DARK_ORANGE = 208 SALMON_1 = 209 LIGHT_CORAL = 210 PALE_VIOLET_RED_1 = 211 ORCHID_2 = 212 ORCHID_1 = 213 ORANGE_1 = 214 SANDY_BROWN = 215 LIGHT_SALMON_1 = 216 LIGHT_PINK_1 = 217 PINK_1 = 218 PLUM_1 = 219 GOLD_1 = 220 LIGHT_GOLDENROD_2B = 221 LIGHT_GOLDENROD_2C = 222 NAVAJO_WHITE_1 = 223 MISTY_ROSE1 = 224 THISTLE_1 = 225 YELLOW_1 = 226 LIGHT_GOLDENROD_1 = 227 KHAKI_1 = 228 WHEAT_1 = 229 CORNSILK_1 = 230 GRAY_100 = 231 GRAY_3 = 232 GRAY_7 = 233 GRAY_11 = 234 GRAY_15 = 235 GRAY_19 = 236 GRAY_23 = 237 GRAY_27 = 238 GRAY_30 = 239 GRAY_35 = 240 GRAY_39 = 241 GRAY_42 = 242 GRAY_46 = 243 GRAY_50 = 244 GRAY_54 = 245 GRAY_58 = 246 GRAY_62 = 247 GRAY_66 = 248 GRAY_70 = 249 GRAY_74 = 250 GRAY_78 = 251 GRAY_82 = 252 GRAY_85 = 253 GRAY_89 = 254 GRAY_93 = 255 def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return ANSI color sequence instead of enum name This is helpful when using an EightBitBg in an f-string or format() call e.g. my_str = f"{EightBitBg.KHAKI_3}hello{Bg.RESET}" """ return f"{CSI}48;5;{self.value}m" class RgbFg(FgColor): """ Create ANSI sequences for 24-bit (RGB) terminal foreground text colors. The terminal must support 24-bit/true-color mode. To reset any foreground color, including 24-bit, use Fg.RESET. """ def __init__(self, r: int, g: int, b: int) -> None: """ RgbFg initializer :param r: integer from 0-255 for the red component of the color :param g: integer from 0-255 for the green component of the color :param b: integer from 0-255 for the blue component of the color :raises: ValueError if r, g, or b is not in the range 0-255 """ if any(c < 0 or c > 255 for c in [r, g, b]): raise ValueError("RGB values must be integers in the range of 0 to 255") self._sequence = f"{CSI}38;2;{r};{g};{b}m" def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return ANSI color sequence instead of enum name This is helpful when using an RgbFg in an f-string or format() call e.g. my_str = f"{RgbFg(0, 55, 100)}hello{Fg.RESET}" """ return self._sequence class RgbBg(BgColor): """ Create ANSI sequences for 24-bit (RGB) terminal background text colors. The terminal must support 24-bit/true-color mode. To reset any background color, including 24-bit, use Bg.RESET. """ def __init__(self, r: int, g: int, b: int) -> None: """ RgbBg initializer :param r: integer from 0-255 for the red component of the color :param g: integer from 0-255 for the green component of the color :param b: integer from 0-255 for the blue component of the color :raises: ValueError if r, g, or b is not in the range 0-255 """ if any(c < 0 or c > 255 for c in [r, g, b]): raise ValueError("RGB values must be integers in the range of 0 to 255") self._sequence = f"{CSI}48;2;{r};{g};{b}m" def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return ANSI color sequence instead of enum name This is helpful when using an RgbBg in an f-string or format() call e.g. my_str = f"{RgbBg(100, 255, 27)}hello{Bg.RESET}" """ return self._sequence def style( value: Any, *, fg: Optional[FgColor] = None, bg: Optional[BgColor] = None, bold: Optional[bool] = None, dim: Optional[bool] = None, italic: Optional[bool] = None, overline: Optional[bool] = None, strikethrough: Optional[bool] = None, underline: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> str: """ Apply ANSI colors and/or styles to a string and return it. The styling is self contained which means that at the end of the string reset code(s) are issued to undo whatever styling was done at the beginning. :param value: object whose text is to be styled :param fg: foreground color provided as any subclass of FgColor (e.g. Fg, EightBitFg, RgbFg) Defaults to no color. :param bg: foreground color provided as any subclass of BgColor (e.g. Bg, EightBitBg, RgbBg) Defaults to no color. :param bold: apply the bold style if True. Defaults to False. :param dim: apply the dim style if True. Defaults to False. :param italic: apply the italic style if True. Defaults to False. :param overline: apply the overline style if True. Defaults to False. :param strikethrough: apply the strikethrough style if True. Defaults to False. :param underline: apply the underline style if True. Defaults to False. :raises: TypeError if fg isn't None or a subclass of FgColor :raises: TypeError if bg isn't None or a subclass of BgColor :return: the stylized string """ # List of strings that add style additions: List[AnsiSequence] = [] # List of strings that remove style removals: List[AnsiSequence] = [] # Process the style settings if fg is not None: if not isinstance(fg, FgColor): raise TypeError("fg must be a subclass of FgColor") additions.append(fg) removals.append(Fg.RESET) if bg is not None: if not isinstance(bg, BgColor): raise TypeError("bg must a subclass of BgColor") additions.append(bg) removals.append(Bg.RESET) if bold: additions.append(TextStyle.INTENSITY_BOLD) removals.append(TextStyle.INTENSITY_NORMAL) if dim: additions.append(TextStyle.INTENSITY_DIM) removals.append(TextStyle.INTENSITY_NORMAL) if italic: additions.append(TextStyle.ITALIC_ENABLE) removals.append(TextStyle.ITALIC_DISABLE) if overline: additions.append(TextStyle.OVERLINE_ENABLE) removals.append(TextStyle.OVERLINE_DISABLE) if strikethrough: additions.append(TextStyle.STRIKETHROUGH_ENABLE) removals.append(TextStyle.STRIKETHROUGH_DISABLE) if underline: additions.append(TextStyle.UNDERLINE_ENABLE) removals.append(TextStyle.UNDERLINE_DISABLE) # Combine the ANSI style sequences with the value's text return "".join(map(str, additions)) + str(value) + "".join(map(str, removals)) # Default styles for printing strings of various types. # These can be altered to suit an application's needs and only need to be a # function with the following structure: func(str) -> str style_success = functools.partial(style, fg=Fg.GREEN) """Partial function supplying arguments to :meth:`cmd2.ansi.style()` which colors text to signify success""" style_warning = functools.partial(style, fg=Fg.LIGHT_YELLOW) """Partial function supplying arguments to :meth:`cmd2.ansi.style()` which colors text to signify a warning""" style_error = functools.partial(style, fg=Fg.LIGHT_RED) """Partial function supplying arguments to :meth:`cmd2.ansi.style()` which colors text to signify an error""" def async_alert_str(*, terminal_columns: int, prompt: str, line: str, cursor_offset: int, alert_msg: str) -> str: """Calculate the desired string, including ANSI escape codes, for displaying an asynchronous alert message. :param terminal_columns: terminal width (number of columns) :param prompt: current onscreen prompt :param line: current contents of the Readline line buffer :param cursor_offset: the offset of the current cursor position within line :param alert_msg: the message to display to the user :return: the correct string so that the alert message appears to the user to be printed above the current line. """ # Split the prompt lines since it can contain newline characters. prompt_lines = prompt.splitlines() or [''] # Calculate how many terminal lines are taken up by all prompt lines except for the last one. # That will be included in the input lines calculations since that is where the cursor is. num_prompt_terminal_lines = 0 for prompt_line in prompt_lines[:-1]: prompt_line_width = style_aware_wcswidth(prompt_line) num_prompt_terminal_lines += int(prompt_line_width / terminal_columns) + 1 # Now calculate how many terminal lines are take up by the input last_prompt_line = prompt_lines[-1] last_prompt_line_width = style_aware_wcswidth(last_prompt_line) input_width = last_prompt_line_width + style_aware_wcswidth(line) num_input_terminal_lines = int(input_width / terminal_columns) + 1 # Get the cursor's offset from the beginning of the first input line cursor_input_offset = last_prompt_line_width + cursor_offset # Calculate what input line the cursor is on cursor_input_line = int(cursor_input_offset / terminal_columns) + 1 # Create a string that when printed will clear all input lines and display the alert terminal_str = '' # Move the cursor down to the last input line if cursor_input_line != num_input_terminal_lines: terminal_str += Cursor.DOWN(num_input_terminal_lines - cursor_input_line) # Clear each line from the bottom up so that the cursor ends up on the first prompt line total_lines = num_prompt_terminal_lines + num_input_terminal_lines terminal_str += (clear_line() + Cursor.UP(1)) * (total_lines - 1) # Clear the first prompt line terminal_str += clear_line() # Move the cursor to the beginning of the first prompt line and print the alert terminal_str += '\r' + alert_msg return terminal_str