import logging import sys import os.path import ply.yacc from jsonpath_ng.exceptions import JsonPathParserError from jsonpath_ng.jsonpath import * from jsonpath_ng.lexer import JsonPathLexer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def parse(string): return JsonPathParser().parse(string) class JsonPathParser: ''' An LALR-parser for JsonPath ''' tokens = JsonPathLexer.tokens def __init__(self, debug=False, lexer_class=None): if self.__doc__ is None: raise JsonPathParserError( 'Docstrings have been removed! By design of PLY, ' 'jsonpath-rw requires docstrings. You must not use ' 'PYTHONOPTIMIZE=2 or python -OO.' ) self.debug = debug self.lexer_class = lexer_class or JsonPathLexer # Crufty but works around statefulness in PLY # Since PLY has some crufty aspects and dumps files, we try to keep them local # However, we need to derive the name of the output Python file :-/ output_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__) try: module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(__file__)[1])[0] except: module_name = __name__ start_symbol = 'jsonpath' parsing_table_module = '_'.join([module_name, start_symbol, 'parsetab']) # Generate the parse table self.parser = ply.yacc.yacc(module=self, debug=self.debug, tabmodule = parsing_table_module, outputdir = output_directory, write_tables=0, start = start_symbol, errorlog = logger) def parse(self, string, lexer = None): lexer = lexer or self.lexer_class() return self.parse_token_stream(lexer.tokenize(string)) def parse_token_stream(self, token_iterator): return self.parser.parse(lexer = IteratorToTokenStream(token_iterator)) # ===================== PLY Parser specification ===================== precedence = [ ('left', ','), ('left', 'DOUBLEDOT'), ('left', '.'), ('left', '|'), ('left', '&'), ('left', 'WHERE'), ('left', 'WHERENOT'), ] def p_error(self, t): if t is None: raise JsonPathParserError('Parse error near the end of string!') raise JsonPathParserError('Parse error at %s:%s near token %s (%s)' % (t.lineno, t.col, t.value, t.type)) def p_jsonpath_binop(self, p): """jsonpath : jsonpath '.' jsonpath | jsonpath DOUBLEDOT jsonpath | jsonpath WHERE jsonpath | jsonpath WHERENOT jsonpath | jsonpath '|' jsonpath | jsonpath '&' jsonpath""" op = p[2] if op == '.': p[0] = Child(p[1], p[3]) elif op == '..': p[0] = Descendants(p[1], p[3]) elif op == 'where': p[0] = Where(p[1], p[3]) elif op == 'wherenot': p[0] = WhereNot(p[1], p[3]) elif op == '|': p[0] = Union(p[1], p[3]) elif op == '&': p[0] = Intersect(p[1], p[3]) def p_jsonpath_fields(self, p): "jsonpath : fields_or_any" p[0] = Fields(*p[1]) def p_jsonpath_named_operator(self, p): "jsonpath : NAMED_OPERATOR" if p[1] == 'this': p[0] = This() elif p[1] == 'parent': p[0] = Parent() else: raise JsonPathParserError('Unknown named operator `%s` at %s:%s' % (p[1], p.lineno(1), p.lexpos(1))) def p_jsonpath_root(self, p): "jsonpath : '$'" p[0] = Root() def p_jsonpath_idx(self, p): "jsonpath : '[' idx ']'" p[0] = p[2] def p_jsonpath_slice(self, p): "jsonpath : '[' slice ']'" p[0] = p[2] def p_jsonpath_fieldbrackets(self, p): "jsonpath : '[' fields ']'" p[0] = Fields(*p[2]) def p_jsonpath_child_fieldbrackets(self, p): "jsonpath : jsonpath '[' fields ']'" p[0] = Child(p[1], Fields(*p[3])) def p_jsonpath_child_idxbrackets(self, p): "jsonpath : jsonpath '[' idx ']'" p[0] = Child(p[1], p[3]) def p_jsonpath_child_slicebrackets(self, p): "jsonpath : jsonpath '[' slice ']'" p[0] = Child(p[1], p[3]) def p_jsonpath_parens(self, p): "jsonpath : '(' jsonpath ')'" p[0] = p[2] # Because fields in brackets cannot be '*' - that is reserved for array indices def p_fields_or_any(self, p): """fields_or_any : fields | '*' | NUMBER""" if p[1] == '*': p[0] = ['*'] elif isinstance(p[1], int): p[0] = str(p[1]) else: p[0] = p[1] def p_fields_id(self, p): "fields : ID" p[0] = [p[1]] def p_fields_comma(self, p): "fields : fields ',' fields" p[0] = p[1] + p[3] def p_idx(self, p): "idx : NUMBER" p[0] = Index(p[1]) def p_slice_any(self, p): "slice : '*'" p[0] = Slice() def p_slice(self, p): # Currently does not support `step` """slice : maybe_int ':' maybe_int | maybe_int ':' maybe_int ':' maybe_int """ p[0] = Slice(*p[1::2]) def p_maybe_int(self, p): """maybe_int : NUMBER | empty""" p[0] = p[1] def p_empty(self, p): 'empty :' p[0] = None class IteratorToTokenStream: def __init__(self, iterator): self.iterator = iterator def token(self): try: return next(self.iterator) except StopIteration: return None if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig() parser = JsonPathParser(debug=True) print(parser.parse(