import asyncio import os import threading import subprocess import concurrent.futures import sys import logging import warnings from pyshark import ek_field_mapping from pyshark.packet.packet import Packet from pyshark.tshark.output_parser import tshark_ek from pyshark.tshark.output_parser import tshark_json from pyshark.tshark.output_parser import tshark_xml from pyshark.tshark.tshark import get_process_path, get_tshark_display_filter_flag, \ tshark_supports_json, TSharkVersionException, get_tshark_version, tshark_supports_duplicate_keys if sys.version_info < (3, 8): asyncTimeoutError = concurrent.futures.TimeoutError else: asyncTimeoutError = asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError class TSharkCrashException(Exception): pass class UnknownEncyptionStandardException(Exception): pass class RawMustUseJsonException(Exception): """If the use_raw argument is True, so should the use_json argument""" class StopCapture(Exception): """Exception that the user can throw anywhere in packet-handling to stop the capture process.""" pass class Capture: """Base class for packet captures.""" SUMMARIES_BATCH_SIZE = 64 DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL = logging.CRITICAL SUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION_STANDARDS = ["wep", "wpa-pwk", "wpa-pwd", "wpa-psk"] def __init__(self, display_filter=None, only_summaries=False, eventloop=None, decryption_key=None, encryption_type="wpa-pwd", output_file=None, decode_as=None, disable_protocol=None, tshark_path=None, override_prefs=None, capture_filter=None, use_json=False, include_raw=False, use_ek=False, custom_parameters=None, debug=False): self.loaded = False self.tshark_path = tshark_path self._override_prefs = override_prefs self.debug = debug self.use_json = use_json self._use_ek = use_ek self.include_raw = include_raw self._packets = [] self._current_packet = 0 self._display_filter = display_filter self._capture_filter = capture_filter self._only_summaries = only_summaries self._output_file = output_file self._running_processes = set() self._decode_as = decode_as self._disable_protocol = disable_protocol self._log = logging.Logger( self.__class__.__name__, level=self.DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL) self._closed = False self._custom_parameters = custom_parameters self._eof_reached = False self._last_error_line = None self._stderr_handling_tasks = [] self.__tshark_version = None if include_raw and not (use_json or use_ek): raise RawMustUseJsonException( "use_json/use_ek must be True if include_raw") if self.debug: self.set_debug() self.eventloop = eventloop if self.eventloop is None: self._setup_eventloop() if encryption_type and encryption_type.lower() in self.SUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION_STANDARDS: self.encryption = (decryption_key, encryption_type.lower()) else: standards = ", ".join(self.SUPPORTED_ENCRYPTION_STANDARDS) raise UnknownEncyptionStandardException(f"Only the following standards are supported: {standards}.") def __getitem__(self, item): """Gets the packet in the given index. :param item: packet index :return: Packet object. """ return self._packets[item] def __len__(self): return len(self._packets) def next(self) -> Packet: return self.next_packet() # Allows for child classes to call next() from super() without 2to3 "fixing" # the call def next_packet(self) -> Packet: if self._current_packet >= len(self._packets): raise StopIteration() cur_packet = self._packets[self._current_packet] self._current_packet += 1 return cur_packet def clear(self): """Empties the capture of any saved packets.""" self._packets = [] self._current_packet = 0 def reset(self): """Starts iterating packets from the first one.""" self._current_packet = 0 def load_packets(self, packet_count=0, timeout=None): """Reads the packets from the source (cap, interface, etc.) and adds it to the internal list. If 0 as the packet_count is given, reads forever :param packet_count: The amount of packets to add to the packet list (0 to read forever) :param timeout: If given, automatically stops after a given amount of time. """ initial_packet_amount = len(self._packets) def keep_packet(pkt): self._packets.append(pkt) if packet_count != 0 and len(self._packets) - initial_packet_amount >= packet_count: raise StopCapture() try: self.apply_on_packets( keep_packet, timeout=timeout, packet_count=packet_count) self.loaded = True except asyncTimeoutError: pass def set_debug(self, set_to=True, log_level=logging.DEBUG): """Sets the capture to debug mode (or turns it off if specified).""" if set_to: handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter( "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")) self._log.addHandler(handler) self._log.level = log_level self.debug = set_to def _verify_capture_parameters(self): """Optionally verify that the capture's parameters are valid. Should raise an exception if they are not valid. """ pass def _setup_eventloop(self): """Sets up a new eventloop as the current one according to the OS.""" if == "nt": current_eventloop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop() if isinstance(current_eventloop, asyncio.ProactorEventLoop): self.eventloop = current_eventloop else: # On Python before 3.8, Proactor is not the default eventloop type, so we have to create a new one. # If there was an existing eventloop this can create issues, since we effectively disable it here. if asyncio.all_tasks(): warnings.warn("The running eventloop has tasks but pyshark must set a new eventloop to continue. " "Existing tasks may not run.") self.eventloop = asyncio.ProactorEventLoop() asyncio.set_event_loop(self.eventloop) else: try: self.eventloop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().get_event_loop() except RuntimeError: if threading.current_thread() != threading.main_thread(): # Ran not in main thread, make a new eventloop self.eventloop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(self.eventloop) else: raise if == "posix" and isinstance(threading.current_thread(), threading._MainThread): # The default child watchers (ThreadedChildWatcher) attach_loop method is empty! # While using pyshark with ThreadedChildWatcher, asyncio could raise a ChildProcessError # "Unknown child process pid %d, will report returncode 255" # This led to a TSharkCrashException in _cleanup_subprocess. # Using the SafeChildWatcher fixes this issue, but it is slower. # SafeChildWatcher O(n) -> large numbers of processes are slow # ThreadedChildWatcher O(1) -> independent of process number # asyncio.get_child_watcher().attach_loop(self.eventloop) asyncio.set_child_watcher(asyncio.SafeChildWatcher()) asyncio.get_child_watcher().attach_loop(self.eventloop) def _packets_from_tshark_sync(self, packet_count=None, existing_process=None): """Returns a generator of packets. This is the sync version of packets_from_tshark. It wait for the completion of each coroutine and reimplements reading packets in a sync way, yielding each packet as it arrives. :param packet_count: If given, stops after this amount of packets is captured. """ # NOTE: This has code duplication with the async version, think about how to solve this tshark_process = existing_process or self.eventloop.run_until_complete( self._get_tshark_process()) parser = self._setup_tshark_output_parser() packets_captured = 0 data = b"" try: while True: try: packet, data = self.eventloop.run_until_complete( parser.get_packets_from_stream(tshark_process.stdout, data, got_first_packet=packets_captured > 0)) except EOFError: self._log.debug("EOF reached (sync)") self._eof_reached = True break if packet: packets_captured += 1 yield packet if packet_count and packets_captured >= packet_count: break finally: if tshark_process in self._running_processes: self.eventloop.run_until_complete( self._cleanup_subprocess(tshark_process)) def apply_on_packets(self, callback, timeout=None, packet_count=None): """Runs through all packets and calls the given callback (a function) with each one as it is read. If the capture is infinite (i.e. a live capture), it will run forever, otherwise it will complete after all packets have been read. Example usage: def print_callback(pkt): print(pkt) capture.apply_on_packets(print_callback) If a timeout is given, raises a Timeout error if not complete before the timeout (in seconds) """ coro = self.packets_from_tshark(callback, packet_count=packet_count) if timeout is not None: coro = asyncio.wait_for(coro, timeout) return self.eventloop.run_until_complete(coro) async def packets_from_tshark(self, packet_callback, packet_count=None, close_tshark=True): """ A coroutine which creates a tshark process, runs the given callback on each packet that is received from it and closes the process when it is done. Do not use interactively. Can be used in order to insert packets into your own eventloop. """ tshark_process = await self._get_tshark_process(packet_count=packet_count) try: await self._go_through_packets_from_fd(tshark_process.stdout, packet_callback, packet_count=packet_count) except StopCapture: pass finally: if close_tshark: await self.close_async() async def _go_through_packets_from_fd(self, fd, packet_callback, packet_count=None): """A coroutine which goes through a stream and calls a given callback for each XML packet seen in it.""" packets_captured = 0 self._log.debug("Starting to go through packets") parser = self._setup_tshark_output_parser() data = b"" while True: try: packet, data = await parser.get_packets_from_stream(fd, data, got_first_packet=packets_captured > 0) except EOFError: self._log.debug("EOF reached") self._eof_reached = True break if packet: packets_captured += 1 try: packet_callback(packet) except StopCapture: self._log.debug("User-initiated capture stop in callback") break if packet_count and packets_captured >= packet_count: break def _create_stderr_handling_task(self, stderr): self._stderr_handling_tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(self._handle_process_stderr_forever(stderr))) async def _handle_process_stderr_forever(self, stderr): while True: stderr_line = await stderr.readline() if not stderr_line: break stderr_line = stderr_line.decode().strip() self._last_error_line = stderr_line self._log.debug(stderr_line) def _get_tshark_path(self): return get_process_path(self.tshark_path) def _get_tshark_version(self): if self.__tshark_version is None: self.__tshark_version = get_tshark_version(self.tshark_path) return self.__tshark_version async def _get_tshark_process(self, packet_count=None, stdin=None): """Returns a new tshark process with previously-set parameters.""" self._verify_capture_parameters() output_parameters = [] if self.use_json or self._use_ek: if not tshark_supports_json(self._get_tshark_version()): raise TSharkVersionException( "JSON only supported on Wireshark >= 2.2.0") if self.use_json: output_type = "json" if tshark_supports_duplicate_keys(self._get_tshark_version()): output_parameters.append("--no-duplicate-keys") elif self._use_ek: output_type = "ek" else: output_type = "psml" if self._only_summaries else "pdml" parameters = [self._get_tshark_path(), "-l", "-n", "-T", output_type] + \ self.get_parameters(packet_count=packet_count) + output_parameters self._log.debug( "Creating TShark subprocess with parameters: " + " ".join(parameters)) self._log.debug("Executable: %s", parameters[0]) tshark_process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*parameters, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=stdin) self._create_stderr_handling_task(tshark_process.stderr) self._created_new_process(parameters, tshark_process) return tshark_process def _created_new_process(self, parameters, process, process_name="TShark"): self._log.debug( process_name + f" subprocess (pid {}) created") if process.returncode is not None and process.returncode != 0: raise TSharkCrashException( f"{process_name} seems to have crashed. Try updating it. (command ran: '{' '.join(parameters)}')") self._running_processes.add(process) async def _cleanup_subprocess(self, process): """Kill the given process and properly closes any pipes connected to it.""" self._log.debug(f"Cleanup Subprocess (pid {})") if process.returncode is None: try: process.kill() return await asyncio.wait_for(process.wait(), 1) except asyncTimeoutError: self._log.debug( "Waiting for process to close failed, may have zombie process.") except ProcessLookupError: pass except OSError: if != "nt": raise elif process.returncode > 0: if process.returncode != 1 or self._eof_reached: raise TSharkCrashException(f"TShark (pid {}) seems to have crashed (retcode: {process.returncode}).\n" f"Last error line: {self._last_error_line}\n" "Try rerunning in debug mode [ capture_obj.set_debug() ] or try updating tshark.") def _setup_tshark_output_parser(self): if self.use_json: return tshark_json.TsharkJsonParser(self._get_tshark_version()) if self._use_ek: ek_field_mapping.MAPPING.load_mapping(str(self._get_tshark_version()), tshark_path=self.tshark_path) return tshark_ek.TsharkEkJsonParser() return tshark_xml.TsharkXmlParser(parse_summaries=self._only_summaries) def close(self): self.eventloop.run_until_complete(self.close_async()) async def close_async(self): for process in self._running_processes.copy(): await self._cleanup_subprocess(process) self._running_processes.clear() # Wait for all stderr handling to finish await asyncio.gather(*self._stderr_handling_tasks) def __del__(self): if self._running_processes: self.close() def __enter__(self): return self async def __aenter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): await self.close_async() def get_parameters(self, packet_count=None): """Returns the special tshark parameters to be used according to the configuration of this class.""" params = [] if self._capture_filter: params += ["-f", self._capture_filter] if self._display_filter: params += [get_tshark_display_filter_flag(self._get_tshark_version(),), self._display_filter] # Raw is only enabled when JSON is also enabled. if self.include_raw: params += ["-x"] if packet_count: params += ["-c", str(packet_count)] if self._custom_parameters: if isinstance(self._custom_parameters, list): params += self._custom_parameters elif isinstance(self._custom_parameters, dict): for key, val in self._custom_parameters.items(): params += [key, val] else: raise TypeError("Custom parameters type not supported.") if all(self.encryption): params += ["-o", "wlan.enable_decryption:TRUE", "-o", 'uat:80211_keys:"' + self.encryption[1] + '","' + self.encryption[0] + '"'] if self._override_prefs: for preference_name, preference_value in self._override_prefs.items(): if all(self.encryption) and preference_name in ("wlan.enable_decryption", "uat:80211_keys"): continue # skip if override preferences also given via --encryption options params += ["-o", f"{preference_name}:{preference_value}"] if self._output_file: params += ["-w", self._output_file] if self._decode_as: for criterion, decode_as_proto in self._decode_as.items(): params += ["-d", ",".join([criterion.strip(), decode_as_proto.strip()])] if self._disable_protocol: params += ["--disable-protocol", self._disable_protocol.strip()] return params def __iter__(self): if self.loaded: return iter(self._packets) else: return self._packets_from_tshark_sync() def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} ({len(self._packets)} packets)>"