* Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html
//  File:               TCCFileIO.cc
//  Description:        TCC Useful Functions: FileIO Functions
//  Rev:                R36B
//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 472

#include "TCCFileIO_Functions.hh"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <dirent.h>

#define BUF_SIZE 512

namespace TCCFileIO__Functions

/* http://www-h.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/unix/HP/bsd_to_hpux.html contains more
   possible solutions.  */
#if defined (SOLARIS) || defined (SOLARIS8)
#define LOCK_SH 1
#define LOCK_EX 2
#define LOCK_NB 4
#define LOCK_UN 8

int flock (int fd, int op)
  int i;
  switch (op)
      case LOCK_SH:
      case LOCK_EX:
        i = lockf (fd, F_LOCK, 0);
      case LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB:
      case LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB:
        i = lockf (fd, F_TLOCK, 0);
        if (i == -1)
          if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EACCES)
            errno = EWOULDBLOCK;
      case LOCK_UN:
        i = lockf (fd, F_ULOCK, 0);
        i = -1;
        errno = EINVAL;
  return i;

/* For storing the opened files globally.  */
static std::map<int, std::string> opened_files;
void f__FIO__warning (const char *pl__msg, ...)
  __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));
void f__FIO__error (const char *pl__msg, ...)
  __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2)));

void f__FIO__warning (const char *pl__msg, ...)
  TTCN_Logger::begin_event (TTCN_WARNING);
  TTCN_Logger::log_event ("TCCFileIO: ");
  va_list ap;
  va_start (ap, pl__msg);
  TTCN_Logger::log_event_va_list (pl__msg, ap);
  va_end (ap);
  TTCN_Logger::end_event ();

void f__FIO__error (const char *pl__msg, ...)
  TTCN_Logger::begin_event (TTCN_ERROR);
  TTCN_Logger::log_event ("TCCFileIO: ");
  va_list ap;
  va_start (ap, pl__msg);
  TTCN_Logger::log_event_va_list (pl__msg, ap);
  va_end (ap);
  TTCN_Logger::end_event ();
void f__FIO__warning (const char */*pl__msg*/, ...)

void f__FIO__error (const char */*pl__msg*/, ...)

/* Function: f__FIO__get__error__string

   Returns the actual error message.

   The actual error message as a string.  */
CHARSTRING f__FIO__get__error__string ()
  return CHARSTRING (strerror (errno));

/* Function: f__FIO__get__error__code

   Returns the actual error code.

   The actual error message as a string.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__get__error__code ()
  return INTEGER (errno);

/* Function: f__FIO__realize__error

   Builds the error message.  (For internal use only.)

   Always -1.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__realize__error (const char* pl__func,
  const char* pl__msg, const char* pl__file,
  const int pl__line)
  f__FIO__error ("%s:%s:%s(%s:%i)",pl__func,pl__msg,strerror (errno),pl__file,pl__line);
  /* Always return -1 on error.  */
  return INTEGER (-1);

/* Function: f__FIO__opened

   Checks if the file with the given name is already opened.  This function
   runs in linear time.  (For internal use only.)

     NAME - The name of the file.

   The file descriptor of the file or -1 if the file is not yet opened.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__opened (const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  /* Linear time.  */
  for (std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
    opened_files.begin (); iter != opened_files.end (); iter++)
      if ((iter->second).c_str () == pl__name)
        return INTEGER (iter->first);
  return INTEGER (-1);

/* Function: f__FIO__opened

   Checks if there is a file opened with the given file descriptor.  This
   function runs in logarithmic time.  (For internal use only.)

     FD - The descriptor for the file.

   The name of the file or an empty string if the file is not yet opened.  */
CHARSTRING f__FIO__opened (const INTEGER& pl__fd)
  /* Logarithmic time.  */
  std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
    opened_files.find (pl__fd);
  return (iter != opened_files.end () ?
    CHARSTRING ((iter->second).c_str ()) : CHARSTRING ());

/* Function: f__FIO__open

   Opens a file with the given name in the given mode.  It creates the file if
   it doesn't exist.  (For internal use only.)

     NAME - The name of the file.
     FLAGS - The way to open the file.

   The file descriptor for the file or -1 on error.  The error message is
   available through the f__FIO__get__error function.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__open (const CHARSTRING& pl__name, const int pl__flags)
  if (!(f__FIO__opened (pl__name) < 0))
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__open",
      "The file is already opened", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  int fd = open (pl__name, pl__flags, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP |
  if (fd < 0)
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__open", "Cannot open file",
      __FILE__, __LINE__);
  opened_files[fd] = (const char *) pl__name;
  return INTEGER (fd);

/* Function: f__FIO__open__rdonly

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__open.  It opens the file with the given name
   for reading only.

     NAME - The name of the file.

   What f__FIO__open returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__open__rdonly (const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  return f__FIO__open (pl__name, O_RDONLY);

/* Function: f__FIO__open__append__wronly

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__open.  It opens the file with the given name
   for writing only.  If the file already exists it is opened in appending

     NAME - The name of the file.

   What f__FIO__open returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__open__append__wronly (const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  return f__FIO__open (pl__name, O_APPEND | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);

/* Function: f__FIO__open__append__rdwr

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__open.  It opens the file with the given name
   for reading and writing.  If the file already exists it is opened in
   appending mode.

     NAME - The name of the file.

   What f__FIO__open returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__open__append__rdwr (const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  return f__FIO__open (pl__name, O_APPEND | O_RDWR | O_CREAT);

/* Function: f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__open.  It opens the file with the given name
   for writing only.  If the file was not empty it is truncated.

     NAME - The name of the file.

   What f__FIO__open returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly (const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  return f__FIO__open (pl__name, O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);

/* Function: f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__open.  It opens the file with the given name
   for reading and writing.  If the file was not empty it is truncated.

     NAME - The name of the file.

   What f__FIO__open returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr (const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  return f__FIO__open (pl__name, O_TRUNC | O_RDWR | O_CREAT);

/* Function: f__FIO__close

   Closes a file associated with the given file descriptor.

     FD - The file descriptor to close.

   What the POSIX function close returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__close (const INTEGER& pl__fd)
  std::map<int, std::string>::iterator iter = opened_files.find (pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__close", "The file is not opened",
      __FILE__, __LINE__);
  opened_files.erase (iter);
  return close (pl__fd);

/* Function: f__FIO__open__append__wronly__excl

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__open.  It opens the file with the given name
   for writing only in exclusive mode.  If the file already exists it is
   opened in appending mode.

     NAME - The name of the file.

   What f__FIO__open returns or -1 if the file cannot be locked.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__open__append__wronly__excl (const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  int fd = f__FIO__open (pl__name, O_APPEND | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
  if (!(fd < 0))
    if (flock (fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) < 0)
        f__FIO__close (fd);
        return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__open__append__wronly__excl",
          "Cannot lock file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  return fd;

/* Function: f__FIO__open__append__rdwr__excl

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__open.  It opens the file with the given name
   for reading and writing in exclusive mode.  If the file already exists it
   is opened in appending mode.

     NAME - The name of the file.

   What f__FIO__open returns or -1 if the file cannot be locked.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__open__append__rdwr__excl (const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  int fd = f__FIO__open (pl__name, O_APPEND | O_RDWR | O_CREAT);
  if (!(fd < 0))
    if (flock (fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) < 0)
        f__FIO__close (fd);
        return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__open__append__rdwr__excl",
          "Cannot lock file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  return fd;

/* Function: f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly__excl

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__open.  It opens the file with the given name
   for writing only in exclusive mode.  If the file was not empty it is

     NAME - The name of the file.

   What f__FIO__open returns or -1 if the file cannot be locked.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly__excl (const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  int fd = f__FIO__open (pl__name, O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT);
  if (!(fd < 0))
    if (flock (fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) < 0)
        f__FIO__close (fd);
        return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__open__trunc__wronly__excl",
          "Cannot lock file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  return fd;

/* Function: f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr__excl

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__open.  It opens the file with the given name
   for reading and writing in exclusive mode.  If the file was not empty it is

     NAME - The name of the file.

   What f__FIO__open returns or -1 if the file cannot be locked.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr__excl (const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  int fd = f__FIO__open (pl__name, O_TRUNC | O_RDWR | O_CREAT);
  if (!(fd < 0))
    if (flock (fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) < 0)
        f__FIO__close (fd);
        return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__open__trunc__rdwr__excl",
          "Cannot lock file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  return fd;

/* Function:  f__FIO__seek__home

   Moves the file pointer to the beginning of the file.

     FD - A file descriptor.

   What the POSIX function lseek returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__seek__home (const INTEGER& pl__fd)
  std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
    opened_files.find ((int) pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__seek__home",
      "The file is not opened", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  return lseek (pl__fd, 0, SEEK_SET);

/* Function: f__FIO__seek__end

   Moves the file pointer to the end of the file.

     FD - A file descriptor.

   What the POSIX function lseek returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__seek__end (const INTEGER& pl__fd)
  std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
    opened_files.find ((int) pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__seek__end",
      "The file is not opened", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  return lseek (pl__fd, 0, SEEK_END);

/* Function: f__FIO__seek__forward

   Moves the file pointer forward with a given number of bytes from the
   current position.

     FD - A file descriptor.
     BYTES - The number of bytes.

   What the POSIX function lseek returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__seek__forward (const INTEGER& pl__fd,
  const INTEGER& pl__bytes)
  std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
    opened_files.find ((int) pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__seek__forward",
      "The file is not opened", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  return lseek (pl__fd, pl__bytes, SEEK_CUR);

/* Function: f__FIO__seek__backward

   Moves the file pointer backward with a given number of bytes from the
   current position.

     FD - A file descriptor.
     BYTES - The number of bytes.

   What the POSIX function lseek returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__seek__backward (const INTEGER& pl__fd,
  const INTEGER& pl__bytes)
  std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
    opened_files.find ((int) pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__seek__backward",
      "The file is not opened", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  return lseek (pl__fd, -pl__bytes, SEEK_CUR);

/* Function: f__FIO__flush

   Transfers ("flushes") all modified in-core data of the file referred to by
   the file descriptor to the disk device.

     FD - A file descriptor.

   What fsync returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__flush (const INTEGER& pl__fd)
  std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
    opened_files.find ((int) pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__flush", "The file is not opened",
      __FILE__, __LINE__);
  return fsync ((int) pl__fd);

/* Function: f__FIO__write

   Writes the given data to the file associated with the given file
   descriptor.  It works with textual and binary data.  (For internal use

     FD - A file descriptor.
     DATA - The data to write to the file.

   The number of bytes written or -1 on error.  */
template <class T>
INTEGER f__FIO__write (const INTEGER& pl__fd, const T& pl__data,
  bool pl__flush = false)
  std::map<int, std::string>::const_iterator iter =
    opened_files.find ((int) pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__write", "The file is not opened",
      __FILE__, __LINE__);
  int bytes = write (pl__fd, (const void *) pl__data, pl__data.lengthof ());
  if (bytes < 0)
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__write", "Cannot write to file",
      __FILE__, __LINE__);
  if (pl__flush)
    f__FIO__flush (pl__fd);
  /* We can safely return here.  */
  return INTEGER (bytes);

/* Function: f__FIO__write__text

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__write.  It writes textual data.

     FD - A file descriptor.
     TEXT - The text to write to the file.

   What f__FIO__write returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__write__text (const INTEGER& pl__fd,
  const CHARSTRING& pl__text)
  return f__FIO__write<CHARSTRING> (pl__fd, pl__text);

/* Function: f__FIO__write__text__flush

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__write.  It writes textual data and calls

     FD - A file descriptor.
     TEXT - The text to write to the file.

   What f__FIO__write returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__write__text__flush (const INTEGER& pl__fd,
  const CHARSTRING& pl__text)
  return f__FIO__write<CHARSTRING> (pl__fd, pl__text, true);

/* Function: f__FIO__write__data

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__write.  It writes binary data.

     FD - A file descriptor.
     DATA - The data to write to the file.

   What f__FIO__write returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__write__data (const INTEGER& pl__fd,
  const OCTETSTRING& pl__data)
  return f__FIO__write<OCTETSTRING> (pl__fd, pl__data);

/* Function: f__FIO__write__data__flush

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__write.  It writes binary data and calls

     FD - A file descriptor.
     DATA - The data to write to the file.

   What f__FIO__write returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__write__data__flush (const INTEGER& pl__fd,
  const OCTETSTRING& pl__data)
  return f__FIO__write<OCTETSTRING> (pl__fd, pl__data, true);

/* Function: f__FIO__read

   Reads a given number of bytes to a given buffer from a file associated with
   the given file descriptor.  (For internal use only.)

     FD - A file descriptor.
     DATA - The buffer where the data will be stored.
     BYTES - The number of bytes to read.

   The number of bytes read or -1 if the requested number of bytes couldn't be
   read.  */
template <class T, class U>
INTEGER f__FIO__read (const INTEGER& pl__fd, T& pl__data,
  const INTEGER& pl__bytes)
  std::map<int, std::string>::iterator iter = opened_files.find (pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read", "The file is not opened",
      __FILE__, __LINE__);
  int bytes = 0;
  U *buf = (U *) Malloc (sizeof (U) * ((int) pl__bytes));
  memset (buf, 0, sizeof (U) * ((int) pl__bytes));
  bytes = read (pl__fd, buf, pl__bytes);
  if (bytes < 0)
      Free (buf);
      return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read", "Read error", __FILE__,
  pl__data = T (bytes, buf);
  Free (buf);
  return INTEGER (bytes);

/* Function: f__FIO__read__text

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__read.  It reads textual data.

     FD - A file descriptor.
     TEXT - The buffer for storing the text.
     BYTES - The number of bytes to read.

   What f__FIO__read returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__read__text (const INTEGER& pl__fd, CHARSTRING& pl__text,
  const INTEGER& pl__bytes)
  return f__FIO__read<CHARSTRING, char> (pl__fd, pl__text, pl__bytes);

/* Function: f__FIO__read__data

   A wrapper function for f__FIO__read.  It reads binary data.

     FD - A file descriptor.
     DATA - The buffer for storing the data.
     BYTES - The number of bytes to read.

   What f__FIO__read returns.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__read__data (const INTEGER& pl__fd, OCTETSTRING& pl__data,
  const INTEGER& pl__bytes)
  return f__FIO__read<OCTETSTRING, unsigned char> (pl__fd, pl__data,

/* Function: f__FIO__read__text__until

   It reads textual data until a given pattern is matched.

     FD - A file descriptor.
     TEXT - The buffer for storing the text.
     SEPARATOR - The separator pattern.

   The number of bytes read from the file, not including the delimiter.  In
   case of error it returns -1.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__read__text__until (const INTEGER& pl__fd,
  CHARSTRING& pl__text, const CHARSTRING& pl__separator)
  char *buf = NULL; /* For the whole line.  */
  char *out = NULL;
  char buf_tmp[BUF_SIZE + 1]; /* For reading chunks.  */
  unsigned int buf_size = BUF_SIZE << 1;
  unsigned int byte_num = 0;
  std::map<int, std::string>::iterator iter = opened_files.find (pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__text__until",
      "The file is not opened", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  while (true)
      bzero (buf_tmp, BUF_SIZE);
      /* Try to read BUF_SIZE bytes.  */
      int bytes = read (pl__fd, buf_tmp, BUF_SIZE);
      buf_tmp[bytes] = '\0'; /* Never forget.  */
      if (bytes < 0)
          if (buf)
            Free (buf);
          return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__text__until",
            "Read error", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      else if (bytes == 0)
          if (buf != NULL)
            Free (buf);
          return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__text__until",
            "End of file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      if (buf == NULL || byte_num + bytes >= buf_size)
	  int new_size = 2 * buf_size;
	  char *new_buf = (char *) Realloc (buf, sizeof (char) * new_size);
	  /* Blank it first time.  */
	  if (new_size == BUF_SIZE << 2)
	    bzero (new_buf, new_size);
	  if (!new_buf)
              if (buf != NULL)
                Free (buf);
              return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__text__until",
                "Cannot allocate memory", __FILE__, __LINE__);
	  buf = new_buf;
	  buf_size = new_size;
      memcpy (buf + byte_num, buf_tmp, bytes);
      byte_num += bytes;
      /* We always have space for the trailing '\0'.  */
      buf[byte_num] = '\0';
      if (strlen (buf) >= strlen (pl__separator))
	if (strstr (buf, pl__separator) != NULL)
  int back = buf + byte_num - strstr (buf, pl__separator) -
    strlen (pl__separator);
  /* Ignore the characters after the delimiter.  */
  lseek (pl__fd, -back, SEEK_CUR);
  if (out == NULL)
    /* I miss "Calloc" a lot.  */
    out = (char *) Malloc (((strstr (buf, pl__separator) - buf) + 1) *
      sizeof (char));
  int out_len = strstr (buf, pl__separator) - buf;
  bzero (out, out_len + 1);
  memcpy (out, buf, out_len);
  out[out_len] = '\0';
  pl__text = CHARSTRING (out_len, out);
  Free (out);
  Free (buf);
  return out_len;

/* Function: f__FIO__read__data__until

   It reads binary data until a given pattern is matched.

     FD - A file descriptor.
     TEXT - The buffer for storing the data.
     SEPARATOR - The separator pattern.

   The number of bytes read from the file, not including the delimiter.  In
   case of error it returns -1.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__read__data__until (const INTEGER& pl__fd,
  OCTETSTRING& pl__data, const OCTETSTRING& pl__separator)
  int buf_size = BUF_SIZE;
  int buf_num = 0;
  unsigned char *buf = NULL;
  unsigned char c;
  std::map<int, std::string>::iterator iter = opened_files.find (pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__data__until",
      "The file is not opened", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  while (true)
      int bytes = read (pl__fd, &c, 1);
      if (bytes < 0)
          if (buf)
            Free (buf);
          /* Return -1 and print out a probably useful error message.  */
          return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__data__until",
            "Read error", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      /* EOF is reached before we first matched the pattern.  */
      else if (bytes == 0)
          if (buf)
            Free (buf);
          return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__data__until",
            "End of file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      if (buf == NULL || buf_num == (int) (sizeof (unsigned char) * buf_size))
          int new_size = buf_size * 2;
          unsigned char *new_buf = (unsigned char *) Realloc (buf,
            sizeof (unsigned char) * new_size);
          if (!new_buf)
              if (buf)
                Free (buf);
              return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__data__until",
                "Cannot allocate memory", __FILE__, __LINE__);
          buf = new_buf;
          buf_size = new_size;
      buf[buf_num++] = c;
      if (buf_num >= pl__separator.lengthof () &&
          !memcmp ((const unsigned char *) (buf + buf_num -
            pl__separator.lengthof ()), (const unsigned char *) pl__separator,
            pl__separator.lengthof ()))
  pl__data = OCTETSTRING (buf_num - pl__separator.lengthof (), buf);
  Free (buf);
  return INTEGER (pl__data.lengthof ());

/*Function:  f__FIO__set__filedescriptor__previousline
   It sets the file descriptor to the begin of the previous line.

     FD - A file descriptor.

    If there was no problem, then the return value will be 1.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__set__filedescriptor__previousline (const INTEGER& pl__fd)
  char buf_tmp[BUF_SIZE+ 1]; /* For reading chunks.  */
  int bytes = 0;
  int founded = 0;

  std::map<int, std::string>::iterator iter = opened_files.find (pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__text__until",
      "The file is not opened", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  while (true) {    
      bzero (buf_tmp, BUF_SIZE);
      /* Try to read BUF_SIZE bytes.  */
      int length = lseek(pl__fd,0,SEEK_CUR);
      if (length >= BUF_SIZE){
          bytes = read (pl__fd, buf_tmp, BUF_SIZE);
          length = BUF_SIZE;
          buf_tmp[bytes] = '\0'; /* Never forget.  */
      else if (length>0){
          bytes = read (pl__fd, buf_tmp, length);
          buf_tmp[bytes] = '\0'; /* Never forget.  */
      else if (length == 0) {
          return 0;
      else {
          return -1;
      int p = bytes-1;
      while ((buf_tmp[p] != '\n') && (p != 0) ) {
      if ((p != 0) && (founded == 0)) {
    	  while ((buf_tmp[p] != '\n') && (p != 0) ) {
    	  if ((p != 0) && (founded == 1)) {
    	      	  return 1;
      if ((p != 0) && (founded == 1)) {
    	  return 1; 	      	  

/* Function: f__FIO__read__data__TLV

   It reads binary data until a full ASN.1 TLV structure is read.

     FD - A file descriptor.
     TEXT - The buffer for storing the data.

   The number of bytes read from the file.  In
   case of error it returns -1.  */
INTEGER f__FIO__read__data__TLV (const INTEGER& pl__fd,
  OCTETSTRING& pl__data)
  unsigned char *buf = NULL; /* For the whole line.  */
  char buf_tmp[BUF_SIZE]; /* For reading chunks.  */
  unsigned int buf_size = BUF_SIZE << 1;
  unsigned int byte_num = 0;
  ASN_BER_TLV_t tlv;
  size_t tlvlength;
  std::map<int, std::string>::iterator iter = opened_files.find (pl__fd);
  if (iter == opened_files.end ())
    return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__data__TLV",
      "The file is not opened", __FILE__, __LINE__);
  while (true)
      /* Try to read BUF_SIZE bytes.  */
      int bytes = read (pl__fd, buf_tmp, BUF_SIZE);
      if (bytes < 0)
          if (buf)
            Free (buf);
          return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__data__TLV",
            "Read error", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      else if (bytes == 0)
          if (buf != NULL)
            Free (buf);
          return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__data__TLV",
            "End of file", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      if (buf == NULL || byte_num + bytes >= buf_size)
	  int new_size = 2 * buf_size;
	  unsigned char *new_buf = (unsigned char *) Realloc (buf, sizeof (char) * new_size);
	  /* Blank it first time.  */
	  if (new_size == BUF_SIZE << 2)
	    bzero (new_buf, new_size);
	  if (!new_buf)
              if (buf != NULL)
                Free (buf);
              return f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__read__data__TLV",
                "Cannot allocate memory", __FILE__, __LINE__);
	  buf = new_buf;
	  buf_size = new_size;
      memcpy (buf + byte_num, buf_tmp, bytes);
      byte_num += bytes;

      /* Check for TLV structure */
      if (ASN_BER_str2TLV(byte_num,buf,tlv,BER_ACCEPT_ALL))
	  tlvlength = tlv.get_len();
  /* Ignore the characters after the delimiter.  */
  lseek (pl__fd, -(byte_num - tlvlength), SEEK_CUR);

  pl__data = OCTETSTRING (tlvlength, buf);
  Free (buf);
  return tlvlength;

/* Function: f__FIO__chdir

   It changes the current directory.

     NAME - The name of the new directory.

   Boolean value for successful or unsuccessful directory change  */
BOOLEAN f__FIO__chdir(const CHARSTRING& pl__name)
  if(chdir((const char *)(pl__name)))
    f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__chdir",
                "Cannot change directory", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

//  Function: f_FIO_mkdir
//  Purpose:
//    Create a new directory
//  Parameters:
//    p_dir_name - *in* *charstring* - name of the directory to create
//  Return Value:
//    boolean - indicate the successful or unsuccessful directory creation
//  Errors:
//    In the case of unsuccessful operation the cause of the error can be 
//    queried  by the f_FIO_get_error_code, f_FIO_get_error_string functions
//  Detailed description:
//    The path to the directory must exist, so the existence of the path
//    should be checked, and the missing directories should be created
//    recursively.
BOOLEAN f__FIO__mkdir(const CHARSTRING& pl__dir__name)
  if(mkdir((const char *)(pl__dir__name),0777))
    f__FIO__realize__error ("f_FIO_mkdir",
                "Cannot make a directory", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

//  Function: f_FIO_rmdir
//  Purpose:
//    Removes a directory
//  Parameters:
//    p_dir_name - *in* *charstring* - name of the directory to remove
//  Return Value:
//    boolean - indicate the successful or unsuccessful directory creation
//  Errors:
//    In the case of unsuccessful operation the cause of the error can be 
//    queried  by the f_FIO_get_error_code, f_FIO_get_error_string functions
//  Detailed description:
//    The directories must be empty, so the child directories should be 
//    cleaned and deleted recursively.
BOOLEAN f__FIO__rmdir(const CHARSTRING& pl__dir__name)
  if(rmdir((const char *)(pl__dir__name)))
    f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__rmdir",
                "Cannot make a directory", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

//  Function: f__FIO__remove
//  Purpose:
//    Removes folder or a directory
//  Parameters:
//    pl_file_name - *in* *charstring* - name of the folder/directory to remove
//  Return Value:
//    boolean - indicate the successful or unsuccessful target removal
//  Errors:
//    In the case of unsuccessful operation the cause of the error can be
//    queried  by the f_FIO_get_error_code, f_FIO_get_error_string functions
BOOLEAN f__FIO__remove(const CHARSTRING& pl__file__name)
  if(remove((const char *)(pl__file__name)))
    f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__remove",
                "Cannot remove ", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

//  Function: f_FIO_fileOrDirExists
//  Purpose:
//    Checks the existence of files and directories.
//  Parameters:
//    p_name - *in* *charstring* - name of the file or directory to check
//  Return Value:
//    boolean - indicate the exictense of the file or diectory
//  Errors:
//    -
//  Detailed description:
//    -
BOOLEAN f__FIO__fileOrDirExists(const CHARSTRING& filename ) {
  struct stat buffer ;
  if(stat( (const char *)filename, &buffer )==0) {
    return TRUE ;
  return FALSE ;

//  Function: f_FIO_rename
//  Purpose:
//    Renames a file.
//  Parameters:
//    pl__old__name - *in* *charstring* - file/directory that needs to be renamed
//    pl__new__name - *in* *charstring* - new name of the file/directory
//  Return Value:
//    boolean - indicate that the rename procedure was successful or not
//  Errors:
//    In the case of unsuccessful operation the cause of the error can be
//    queried by the f_FIO_get_error_code, f_FIO_get_error_string functions
//  Detailed description:
//    Permissions needed to rename the file/directory.
//    The file or directory, that would be renamed, should exist, otherwise it
//    returns false. The rename procedure fails in case of the target path is
//    not exist.

BOOLEAN f__FIO__rename(const CHARSTRING& pl__old__name, const CHARSTRING& pl__new__name)
  if(rename((const char *)(pl__old__name), (const char *)(pl__new__name)))
    f__FIO__realize__error("f_FIO_rename", "Cannot rename the given file or directory.", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    return FALSE;
  } else
    return TRUE;

//  Function: f_FIO_stat
//  Purpose:
//    Query the permissions of the file or directory.
//  Parameters:
//    p_name - *in* *charstring* - name of the file or directory to check
//    p_permissions - *out* *FIO_permissions* - the permissions of the object
//  Return Value:
//    boolean - indicate sucessfull execution
//  Errors:
//    -
//  Detailed description:
//    -

BOOLEAN f__FIO__stat(const CHARSTRING& p__name,
                     FIO__permissions& p__permissions ) {
  struct stat buffer;
  mode_t   st_mode;
  if(stat( (const char *)p__name, &buffer )) {
    f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__stat",
                "Cannot stat", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    return FALSE;
  p__permissions.set__uid()=st_mode & S_ISUID;
  p__permissions.set__gid()=st_mode & S_ISGID;
  p__permissions.sticky__bit()=st_mode & S_ISVTX;
  p__permissions.owner__read()=st_mode & S_IRUSR;
  p__permissions.owner__write()=st_mode & S_IWUSR;
  p__permissions.owner__execute()=st_mode & S_IXUSR;
  p__permissions.group__read()=st_mode & S_IRGRP;
  p__permissions.group__write()=st_mode & S_IWGRP;
  p__permissions.group__execute()=st_mode & S_IXGRP;
  p__permissions.other__read()=st_mode & S_IROTH;
  p__permissions.other__write()=st_mode & S_IWOTH;
  p__permissions.other__execute()=st_mode & S_IXOTH;
  return TRUE;

//  Function: f_FIO_chmod
//  Purpose:
//    Change the permissions of the file or directory.
//  Parameters:
//    p_name - *in* *charstring* - name of the file or directory to check
//    p_permissions - *in* *FIO_permissions* - the permissions of the object
//  Return Value:
//    boolean - indicate sucessfull execution
//  Errors:
//    -
//  Detailed description:
//    Change the permissions of the file or directory according to the 
//    p_permissions. If the value of the field is:
//       - true: set the permission
//       - false: clear the permission
//       - omit: doesn't change the permission
BOOLEAN f__FIO__chmod(const CHARSTRING& p__name,
                      const FIO__permissions& p__permissions ) {
  struct stat buffer;
  mode_t   st_mode;
  if(stat( (const char *)p__name, &buffer )) {
    f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__chmod",
                "Cannot stat", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    return FALSE;
      st_mode |= S_ISUID;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_ISUID;
      st_mode |= S_ISGID;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_ISGID;
      st_mode |= S_ISVTX;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_ISVTX;
      st_mode |= S_IRUSR;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_IRUSR;
      st_mode |= S_IWUSR;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_IWUSR;
      st_mode |= S_IXUSR;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_IXUSR;
      st_mode |= S_IRGRP;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_IRGRP;
      st_mode |= S_IWGRP;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_IWGRP;
      st_mode |= S_IXGRP;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_IXGRP;
      st_mode |= S_IROTH;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_IROTH;
      st_mode |= S_IWOTH;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_IWOTH;
      st_mode |= S_IXOTH;
    } else {
      st_mode &= ~S_IXOTH;
  if(chmod( (const char *)p__name, st_mode )) {
    f__FIO__realize__error ("f__FIO__chmod",
                "Cannot chmod", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;

INTEGER f__FIO__fileSize(const CHARSTRING& filename ) {
  struct stat buffer ;
  if(stat( (const char *)filename, &buffer )==0) {
    return INTEGER(buffer.st_size);
  else{return INTEGER (-1);}

BOOLEAN f__FIO__fileList(const CHARSTRING& dirname, FileList& filelist) {
  struct dirent *pent;
  DIR *pdir;
  pdir=opendir((const char *)dirname);
  if(!pdir) {
    return FALSE;
    int i=0;
      filelist[i] = (pent->d_name);
      i = i+1;
    if (errno){return FALSE;}
    return TRUE;

FIO__FileInfo f__FIO__getFileInfo(const CHARSTRING& name) {
  FIO__FileType type = FIO__FileType::Unknown;
  struct stat sb;

  if (!f__FIO__fileOrDirExists(name)) {
	  type = FIO__FileType::NotExists;
  } else {
    if (stat(name, &sb) == -1) {
    	type = FIO__FileType::ErrorReadingFile;

    switch (sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) {
      case S_IFBLK:  type = FIO__FileType::BlockDevice;      break;
      case S_IFCHR:  type = FIO__FileType::CharacterDevice;  break;
      case S_IFDIR:  type = FIO__FileType::Directory;        break;
      case S_IFIFO:  type = FIO__FileType::FIFO__Pipe;       break;
      case S_IFLNK:  type = FIO__FileType::Symlink;          break;
      case S_IFREG:  type = FIO__FileType::RegularFile;      break;
      case S_IFSOCK: type = FIO__FileType::Socket;           break;
      default:       type = FIO__FileType::Unknown;          break;

  result.fileType() = type;

  if (type != FIO__FileType::NotExists && type != FIO__FileType::ErrorReadingFile) {
    result.nodeNumber() =  sb.st_ino;
    result.mode() =  sb.st_mode;
    result.linkCount() =  sb.st_nlink;
    result.ownership() =  sb.st_uid;
    result.groupId() =  sb.st_gid;
    result.blockSize() =  sb.st_blksize;
    result.fileSize() =  sb.st_size;
    result.blocksAllocated() =  sb.st_blocks;


  return result;
