/* (C) 2018 by sysmocom s.f.m.c. GmbH <info@sysmocom.de>
 * All Rights Reserved
 * Released under the terms of GNU General Public License, Version 2 or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

module SCCP_Templates {

import from General_Types all;

import from SCCP_Types all;
import from SCCPasp_Types all;
import from SCCP_Emulation all;

const integer sccp_par_reason_end_user_originated := 0; /* End user originated */
const integer sccp_par_reason_end_user_failure := 2; /* End user failure */

/* construct a SCCP_PAR_Address with just SSN and no PC or GT */
template (value) SCCP_PAR_Address ts_SccpAddr_SSN(integer ssn) := {
	addressIndicator := {
		pointCodeIndic := '0'B,
		ssnIndicator := '1'B,
		globalTitleIndic := '0000'B,
		routingIndicator := '1'B
	signPointCode := omit,
	subsystemNumber := ssn,
	globalTitle := omit

/* construct a SCCP_PAR_Address with just PC + SSN and no GT */
template (value) SCCP_PAR_Address ts_SccpAddr_PC_SSN(integer pc, integer ssn, octetstring sio,
							charstring sccp_srv_type) := {
	addressIndicator := {
		pointCodeIndic := '1'B,
		ssnIndicator := '1'B,
		globalTitleIndic := '0000'B,
		routingIndicator := '1'B
	signPointCode := SCCP_SPC_int2bit(pc, sccp_srv_type, sio),
	subsystemNumber := ssn,
	globalTitle := omit

/* construct a SCCP_PAR_Address with only GT */
template (value) SCCP_PAR_Address ts_SccpAddr_GT(hexstring global_address) := {
	addressIndicator := {
		pointCodeIndic := '0'B,
		ssnIndicator := '0'B,
		globalTitleIndic := '0001'B, // NAI only
		routingIndicator := cg_route_on_GT // route on GT
	signPointCode := omit,
	subsystemNumber := omit,
	globalTitle := {
		gti0001 := {
			natureOfAddress := '0000011'B,
			oddeven := '0'B,
			globalTitleAddress := global_address

/* construct a SCCP_PAR_Address with PC + SSN and GT */
template (value) SCCP_PAR_Address ts_SccpAddr_PC_GT(integer pc, octetstring sio,
						    charstring sccp_srv_type, hexstring gt_addr) := {
	addressIndicator := {
		pointCodeIndic := '1'B,
		ssnIndicator := '0'B,
		globalTitleIndic := '0001'B, // NAI only
		routingIndicator := cg_route_on_GT // route on GT
	signPointCode := SCCP_SPC_int2bit(pc, sccp_srv_type, sio),
	subsystemNumber := omit,
	globalTitle := {
		gti0001 := {
			natureOfAddress := '0000011'B,
			oddeven := '0'B,
			globalTitleAddress := gt_addr

/* connection oriented SCCP */
const SCCP_param_ProtocolClass c_class0 := { class:='0000'B, messageHandling:='0000'B };//class 0
const SCCP_param_ProtocolClass c_class1 := { class:='0001'B, messageHandling:='0000'B };//class 1
const SCCP_param_ProtocolClass c_class2 := { class:='0010'B, messageHandling:='0000'B };//class 2

function ts_SCCP_CR(OCT3 source_lref, SCCP_PAR_Address calling, SCCP_PAR_Address called)
return template (value) PDU_SCCP {
	var SCCP_param_CPartyAddressEnc calling_enc := ConvertASPAddressToEncodedAddress_itu(calling);

	var template (value) PDU_SCCP ret := {
		connrequest := {
			messageType := cr,
			sourceLocRef := source_lref,
			protClass := c_class2,
			pointer1 := 2,
			pointer2 := 0, /* overwritten */
			calledPAddress := ConvertASPAddressToEncodedAddress_itu(called),
			optionalPart := {
				credit := omit,
				callingPAddress := {
					paramName := con_SCCP_cgPA,
					paramLength := calling_enc.paramLength, /* overwritten */
					addr := calling_enc.addr
				data := omit,
				hopCounter := omit,
				importance := omit
			eop := { paramName:= con_SCCP_eop }
	return ret;

template (present) PDU_SCCP tr_SCCP_CR(template (present) OCT3 source_lref := ?,
				       template (present) SCCP_PAR_Address called := ?,
				       template (present) SCCP_PAR_Address calling := ?) := {
	connrequest := {
			messageType := cr,
			sourceLocRef := source_lref,
			protClass := c_class2,
			pointer1 := ?,
			pointer2 := ?,
			calledPAddress := tr_Addr(called),
			optionalPart := {
				credit := omit,
				callingPAddress := tr_Addr_opt(calling),
				data := omit,
				hopCounter := *,
				importance := *
			eop := *

template (value) PDU_SCCP ts_SCCP_CC(OCT3 source_lref, OCT3 dest_lref) := {
	connconfirm := {
		messageType := cc,
		destLocRef := dest_lref,
		sourceLocRef := source_lref,
		protClass := c_class2,
		pointer1 := 0, /* overwritten */
		optionalPart := omit,
		eop := { paramName:= con_SCCP_eop }

template (present) PDU_SCCP tr_SCCP_CC(template (present) OCT3 source_lref,
				       template (present) OCT3 dest_lref) := {
	connconfirm := {
		messageType := cc,
		destLocRef := dest_lref,
		sourceLocRef := source_lref,
		protClass := c_class2,
		pointer1 := ?,
		optionalPart := *,
		eop := *

private function tr_Addr(template SCCP_PAR_Address addr := *)
return template (present) SCCP_param_CPartyAddressEnc {
	if (istemplatekind(addr, "?")) {
		return ?;
	} else {
		return ConvertASPAddressToEncodedAddress_itu(valueof(addr));

private function tr_Addr_opt(template SCCP_PAR_Address addr := *)
return template SCCP_param_CPartyAddressEnc_opt {
	if (istemplatekind(addr, "omit")) {
		return omit;
	} else if (istemplatekind(addr, "*")) {
		return *;
	} else if (istemplatekind(addr, "?")) {
		return ?;
	} else {
		var SCCP_param_CPartyAddressEnc enc := ConvertASPAddressToEncodedAddress_itu(valueof(addr));
		var SCCP_param_CPartyAddressEnc_opt enc_opt := {
			paramName := con_SCCP_cgPA,
			paramLength := enc.paramLength, /* overwritten */
			addr := enc.addr
		return enc_opt;

template (value) PDU_SCCP ts_SCCP_UDT(SCCP_PAR_Address calling, SCCP_PAR_Address called,
				      template (value) octetstring data,
				      template (value) BIT4 msg_hdl := '0000'B) := {
	unitdata := {
		messageType := udt,
		protClass := {'0000'B, msg_hdl},
		pointer1 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		pointer2 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		pointer3 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		calledPAddress := ConvertASPAddressToEncodedAddress_itu(called),
		callingPAddress := ConvertASPAddressToEncodedAddress_itu(calling),
		data := {
			paramLength := 0,
			data := data

template PDU_SCCP tr_SCCP_UDT(template (present) SCCP_PAR_Address calling, template (present) SCCP_PAR_Address called,
			      template octetstring data := ?,
			      template (present) SCCP_param_ProtocolClass protClass := (c_class0, c_class1)) := {
	unitdata := {
		messageType := udt,
		protClass := protClass,
		pointer1 := ?,
		pointer2 := ?,
		pointer3 := ?,
		calledPAddress := tr_Addr(called),
		callingPAddress := tr_Addr(calling),
		data := {
			paramLength := ?,
			data := data

template (value) PDU_SCCP ts_SCCP_XUDT(SCCP_PAR_Address calling, SCCP_PAR_Address called,
				      template (value) octetstring data,
				      template (value) BIT4 msg_hdl := '0000'B,
				      template (value) integer hop_ctr := 16) := {
	extudata := {
		messageType := xudt,
		protClass := {'0000'B, msg_hdl},
		hopCounter := hop_ctr,
		pointer1 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		pointer2 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		pointer3 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		pointer4 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		calledPAddress := ConvertASPAddressToEncodedAddress_itu(called),
		callingPAddress := ConvertASPAddressToEncodedAddress_itu(calling),
		data := {
			paramLength := 0,
			data := data
		optionalPart := omit,
		eop := omit

template PDU_SCCP tr_SCCP_XUDT(template (present) SCCP_PAR_Address calling, template (present) SCCP_PAR_Address called,
			      template octetstring data := ?,
			      template (present) SCCP_param_ProtocolClass protClass := (c_class0, c_class1),
			      template integer hop_ctr := ?) := {
	extudata := {
		messageType := xudt,
		protClass := protClass,
		hopCounter := hop_ctr,
		pointer1 := ?,
		pointer2 := ?,
		pointer3 := ?,
		pointer4 := ?,
		calledPAddress := tr_Addr(called),
		callingPAddress := tr_Addr(calling),
		data := {
			paramLength := ?,
			data := data
		optionalPart := { segmentation:= omit, importance := * } ifpresent,
		eop := { paramName:= con_SCCP_eop } ifpresent

template (value) PDU_SCCP ts_SCCP_LUDT(SCCP_PAR_Address calling, SCCP_PAR_Address called,
				      template (value) octetstring data,
				      template (value) BIT4 msg_hdl := '0000'B,
				      template (value) integer hop_ctr := 16) := {
	longudata := {
		messageType := ludt,
		protClass := {'0000'B, msg_hdl},
		hopCounter := hop_ctr,
		pointer1 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		pointer2 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		pointer3 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		pointer4 := 0,  /* overwritten */
		calledPAddress := ConvertASPAddressToEncodedAddress_itu(called),
		callingPAddress := ConvertASPAddressToEncodedAddress_itu(calling),
		longData := {
			paramLength := 0,
			data := data
		optionalPart := omit,
		eop := omit

template PDU_SCCP tr_SCCP_LUDT(template (present) SCCP_PAR_Address calling, template (present) SCCP_PAR_Address called,
			      template octetstring data := ?,
			     template (present) SCCP_param_ProtocolClass protClass := (c_class0, c_class1),
			      template integer hop_ctr := ?) := {
	longudata := {
		messageType := ludt,
		protClass := protClass,
		hopCounter := hop_ctr,
		pointer1 := ?,
		pointer2 := ?,
		pointer3 := ?,
		pointer4 := ?,
		calledPAddress := tr_Addr(called),
		callingPAddress := tr_Addr(calling),
		longData := {
			paramLength := ?,
			data := data
		optionalPart := { segmentation:= omit, importance := * } ifpresent,
		eop := { paramName:= con_SCCP_eop } ifpresent

template PDU_SCCP tr_SCCP_IT(template (present) OCT3 source_lref := ?,
			     template (present) OCT3 dest_lref := ?) := {
	inacttest := {
		messageType := it,
		destLocRef := dest_lref,
		sourceLocRef := source_lref,
		protClass := c_class2,
		sequencingSegmenting := {
			reserved := ?,
			p_s := ?,
			more := ?,
			pr := ?
		credit := ?

template PDU_SCCP ts_SCCP_IT(template (present) OCT3 source_lref,
			     template (present) OCT3 dest_lref) := {
	inacttest := {
		messageType := it,
		destLocRef := dest_lref,
		sourceLocRef := source_lref,
		protClass := c_class2,
		/* rfc3868 3.3.11: sequencing and credit are ignored with class2 */
		sequencingSegmenting := {
			reserved := '0'B,
			p_s := '0000000'B,
			more := '0'B,
			pr := '0000000'B
		credit := '00'O

template PDU_SCCP tr_SCCP_RLSD(template (present) OCT3 source_lref := ?,
			       template (present) OCT3 dest_lref := ?,
			       template (present) SCCP_param_ReleaseCause relcause := ?) := {
	released := {
		messageType := rlsd,
		destLocRef := dest_lref,
		sourceLocRef := source_lref,
		releaseCause := relcause,
		pointer1 := ?,
		optionalPart := *,
		eop := *

template PDU_SCCP ts_SCCP_RLC(OCT3 source_lref, OCT3 dest_lref) := {
	relcomp := {
		messageType := rlc,
		destLocRef := dest_lref,
		sourceLocRef := source_lref

template PDU_SCCP tr_SCCP_RLC(template (present) OCT3 source_lref := ?,
			      template (present) OCT3 dest_lref := ?) := {
	relcomp := {
		messageType := rlc,
		destLocRef := dest_lref,
		sourceLocRef := source_lref

private function f_pc_int2bit(template (present) integer pc)
return template SCMG_param_AffectedPointCode {
	if (istemplatekind(pc, "?")) {
		return ?;
	} else {
		return int2bit(valueof(pc), 16);

template (value) PDU_SCMG_message ts_SCMG_SSA(template (value) integer ssn,
					      integer pc,
					      template (value) BIT2 smi := '00'B) := {
	messageType := sSAallowed,
	affectedSSN := ssn,
	affectedPC := int2bit(valueof(pc), 16),
	smi := {
		smi := smi,
		reserved := '000000'B
	congLevel := omit
template (present) PDU_SCMG_message tr_SCMG_SSA(template (present) integer ssn := ?,
						template (present) integer pc := ?,
						template (present) BIT2 smi := ?) := {
	messageType := sSAallowed,
	affectedSSN := ssn,
	affectedPC := f_pc_int2bit(pc),
	smi := {
		smi := smi,
		reserved := '000000'B
	congLevel := omit

template (value) PDU_SCMG_message ts_SCMG_SSP(template (value) integer ssn,
					      integer pc,
					      template (value) BIT2 smi := '00'B) := {
	messageType := sSPprohib,
	affectedSSN := ssn,
	affectedPC := int2bit(valueof(pc), 16),
	smi := {
		smi := smi,
		reserved := '000000'B
	congLevel := omit
template (present) PDU_SCMG_message tr_SCMG_SSP(template (present) integer ssn := ?,
						template (present) integer pc := ?,
						template (present) BIT2 smi := ?) := {
	messageType := sSPprohib,
	affectedSSN := ssn,
	affectedPC := f_pc_int2bit(pc),
	smi := {
		smi := smi,
		reserved := '000000'B
	congLevel := omit

template (value) PDU_SCMG_message ts_SCMG_SST(template (value) integer ssn,
					      integer pc,
					      template (value) BIT2 smi := '00'B) := {
	messageType := sSTstaTest,
	affectedSSN := ssn,
	affectedPC := int2bit(valueof(pc), 16),
	smi := {
		smi := smi,
		reserved := '000000'B
	congLevel := omit
template (present) PDU_SCMG_message tr_SCMG_SST(template (present) integer ssn := ?,
						template (present) integer pc := ?,
						template (present) BIT2 smi := ?) := {
	messageType := sSTstaTest,
	affectedSSN := ssn,
	affectedPC := f_pc_int2bit(pc),
	smi := {
		smi := smi,
		reserved := '000000'B
	congLevel := omit
