Open5GS daemon v2.7.2

03/01 09:43:17.028: [app] INFO: Configuration: 'open5gs-hss.yaml' (../lib/app/ogs-init.c:144)
03/01 09:43:17.029: [sock] DEBUG: addr:, port:9090 (../lib/core/ogs-sockaddr.c:147)
03/01 09:43:17.029: [metrics] INFO: metrics_server() []:9090 (../lib/metrics/prometheus/context.c:300)
03/01 09:43:17.029: [dbi] INFO: MongoDB URI: 'mongodb://' (../lib/dbi/ogs-mongoc.c:130)
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d31c1edc0 named 'Main')
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_initialize@core.c:188: libfdproto '1.5.0' initialized.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [2] pid:Main in fd_core_initialize@core.c:201: libgnutls '3.7.9' initialized.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in core_state_set@core.c:78: Core state: 0 -> 1
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_initialize@core.c:223: libfdcore '1.5.0' initialized.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d2d44f6c0 named 'Peers/garb. col.')
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d2e4516c0 named 'Session/expire')
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_conf_parse@config.c:280: Parsing configuration file: freediameter.conf
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d2dc506c0 named 'Peers/expire')
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_add@extensions.c:75: Extension /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dbg_msg_dumps.fdx added to the list.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_add@extensions.c:75: Extension /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_rfc5777.fdx added to the list.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_add@extensions.c:75: Extension /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_mip6i.fdx added to the list.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_add@extensions.c:75: Extension /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_nasreq.fdx added to the list.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_add@extensions.c:75: Extension /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx added to the list.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_add@extensions.c:75: Extension /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_dcca.fdx added to the list.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_add@extensions.c:75: Extension /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_dcca_3gpp.fdx added to the list.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_conf_parse@config.c:290: TLS is disabled, this is *NOT* a recommended practice! Diameter protocol conveys highly sensitive information on your users.
03/01 09:43:17.030: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d2cc4e6c0 named 'PSM/mme.localdomain')
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d1f7fe6c0 named 'Dispatch (0x55c739c909d4)')
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d1dffb6c0 named 'Routing-OUT (0x55c739c90a20)')
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d1effd6c0 named 'Dispatch (0x55c739c909d8)')
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d1ffff6c0 named 'Dispatch (0x55c739c909d0)')
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:160: Loading : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dbg_msg_dumps.fdx
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d1d7fa6c0 named 'Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60)')
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in check_dependencies@extensions.c:120: Checking dependencies for 'dbg_msg_dumps'...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:201: Extension [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dbg_msg_dumps.fdx] fd_ext_fini has been resolved successfully.
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:160: Loading : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_rfc5777.fdx
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d1e7fc6c0 named 'Dispatch (0x55c739c909dc)')
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in check_dependencies@extensions.c:120: Checking dependencies for 'dict_rfc5777'...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:198: Extension [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_rfc5777.fdx] has no fd_ext_fini function.
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in dict_rfc5777_init@dict_rfc5777.c:2138: Dictionary Extension 'Traffic Classification and Quality of Service (QoS) Attributes for Diameter (RFC 5777)' initialized
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:160: Loading : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_mip6i.fdx
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in check_dependencies@extensions.c:120: Checking dependencies for 'dict_mip6i'...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:198: Extension [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_mip6i.fdx] has no fd_ext_fini function.
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in dict_mip6i_init@dict_mip6i.c:1134: Dictionary Extension 'Diameter Mobile IPv6 IKE (MIP6I)' initialized
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:160: Loading : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_nasreq.fdx
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in check_dependencies@extensions.c:120: Checking dependencies for 'dict_nasreq'...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:198: Extension [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_nasreq.fdx] has no fd_ext_fini function.
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP NAS-Port-Type already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP Called-Station-Id already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP Calling-Station-Id already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP Accounting-Input-Octets already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP Accounting-Output-Octets already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP Accounting-Input-Packets already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP Accounting-Output-Packets already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP Acct-Session-Time already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP NAS-Identifier already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP NAS-IP-Address already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP NAS-IPv6-Address already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in dnr_entry@dict_nasreq.c:3733: Extension 'Dictionary definitions for NASREQ' initialized
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:160: Loading : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx
03/01 09:43:17.031: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in check_dependencies@extensions.c:120: Checking dependencies for 'dict_nas_mipv6'...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:198: Extension [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx] has no fd_ext_fini function.
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP MIP6-Feature-Vector already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP MIP-Home-Agent-Address already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP MIP-Home-Agent-Host already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP MIP6-Home-Link-Prefix already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP MIP6-Agent-Info already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in dict_nas_mipv6_init@dict_nas_mipv6.c:255: Dictionary Extension 'MIPv6 NAS-to-HAAA Interaction' initialized
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:160: Loading : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_dcca.fdx
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in check_dependencies@extensions.c:120: Checking dependencies for 'dict_dcca'...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:198: Extension [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_dcca.fdx] has no fd_ext_fini function.
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in dict_dcca_entry@dict_dcca.c:1487: Extension 'Dictionary definitions for DCCA (rfc4006)' initialized
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:160: Loading : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_dcca_3gpp.fdx
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in check_dependencies@extensions.c:120: Checking dependencies for 'dict_dcca_3gpp'...
03/01 09:43:17.032: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:198: Extension [/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_dcca_3gpp.fdx] has no fd_ext_fini function.
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in dict_dcca_3gpp_entry@dict_dcca_3gpp.c:1036: Extension 'Dictionary definitions for DCCA 3GPP' initialized
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_ext_load@extensions.c:215: All extensions loaded.
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255: freeDiameter configuration:
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Default trace level .... : +5
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Configuration file ..... : freediameter.conf
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Diameter Identity ...... : hss.localdomain (l:15)
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Diameter Realm ......... : localdomain (l:11)
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Tc Timer ............... : 30
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Tw Timer ............... : 30
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Local port ............. : 3868
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Local secure port ...... : 0
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Number of SCTP streams . : 30
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Number of clients thr .. : 5
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Number of app threads .. : 4
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Minimal processing peers : 0
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Number of rtin threads . : 1
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Number of rtout threads  : 1
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Incoming queue limit     : 20
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Outgoing queue limit     : 30
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Local queue limit        : 25
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Local endpoints ........ :{C----}
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Local applications ..... : (none)
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Flags : - IP ........... : Enabled
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - IPv6 ......... : Enabled
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - Relay app .... : DISABLED
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - TCP .......... : Enabled
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - SCTP ......... : Enabled
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - Pref. proto .. : SCTP
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - TLS method ... : Separate port
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - Client bind .. : Enabled
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   TLS :   - Certificate .. : (NONE)
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - Private key .. : (NONE)
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - CA (trust) ... : (none) (0 certs)
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - CRL .......... : (none)
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - Priority ..... : (default: 'NORMAL')
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:           - DH bits ...... : 1024
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:255:   Origin-State-Id ........ : 1740822197
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:259: Loaded extensions: '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dbg_msg_dumps.fdx'[0x8888], loaded
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:259: Loaded extensions: '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_rfc5777.fdx'[(no config file)], loaded
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:259: Loaded extensions: '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_mip6i.fdx'[(no config file)], loaded
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:259: Loaded extensions: '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_nasreq.fdx'[(no config file)], loaded
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:259: Loaded extensions: '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_nas_mipv6.fdx'[(no config file)], loaded
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:259: Loaded extensions: '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_dcca.fdx'[(no config file)], loaded
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_core_parseconf_int@core.c:259: Loaded extensions: '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/freeDiameter/dict_dcca_3gpp.fdx'[(no config file)], loaded
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in core_state_set@core.c:78: Core state: 1 -> 2
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in ogs_dict_common_entry@dict.c:141: Extension 'Dictionary definitions for DCCA 3GPP' initialized
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1754: AVP AIR-Flags already in dictionary
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_dict_new@dictionary.c:1837: An existing object with the same data was found, ignoring the error...
03/01 09:43:17.038: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in ogs_dict_s6a_entry@dict.c:653: Extension 'Dictionary definitions for DCCA 3GPP S6A' initialized
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in ogs_dict_cx_entry@dict.c:579: Extension 'Dictionary definitions for DCCA 3GPP' initialized
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5d1cff96c0 named 'Worker#0[SCTP]')
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5cfffff6c0 named 'Worker#1[SCTP]')
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_RTOINFO : srto_initial : 3000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_min     : 1000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_max     : 60000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_RTOINFO : srto_initial : 3000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_max     : 5000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_min     : 1000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_ASSOCINFO : sasoc_asocmaxrxt               : 10
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_number_peer_destinations : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_peer_rwnd                : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_local_rwnd               : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_cookie_life              : 60000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_ASSOCINFO : sasoc_asocmaxrxt               : 4
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_number_peer_destinations : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_peer_rwnd                : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_local_rwnd               : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_cookie_life              : 60000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_INITMSG : sinit_num_ostreams   : 10
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_instreams  : 65535
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_attempts   : 8
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_init_timeo : 60000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5cff7fe6c0 named 'Worker#2[SCTP]')
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5cfe7fc6c0 named 'Worker#4[SCTP]')
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_INITMSG : sinit_num_ostreams   : 30
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_instreams  : 65535
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_attempts   : 8
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_init_timeo : 10000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SO_LINGER : l_onoff  : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]  	       l_linger : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5cfeffd6c0 named 'Worker#3[SCTP]')
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SO_LINGER : l_onoff  : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] 		  l_linger : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_NODELAY value : false
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_NODELAY value : true
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS value : false
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS value : false
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in determine_sctp_sockopt_paddrparams_size@sctp_compat.c:144: sizes of 'struct sctp_event_subscribe': compile-time 14, kernel: 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_PEER_ADDR_PARAMS : spp_hbinterval    : 30000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmaxrxt    : 5
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmtu       : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_flags         : 29
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_PEER_ADDR_PARAMS : spp_hbinterval    : 6000
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmaxrxt    : 5
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmtu       : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_flags         : 29
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in determine_sctp_sockopt_event_subscribe_size@sctp_compat.c:49: sizes of 'struct sctp_event_subscribe': compile-time 14, kernel: 14
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] SCTP_EVENTS : sctp_data_io_event          : 1
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_association_event      : 0
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_address_event	         : 1
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_send_failure_event     : 1
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_peer_error_event       : 1
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_shutdown_event	 : 1
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_partial_delivery_event : 1
03/01 09:43:17.039: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_I_WANT_MAPPED_V4_ADDR value : true
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_I_WANT_MAPPED_V4_ADDR value : false
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE value : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE value : 1
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_sctp_create_bind_server@sctp.c:878: SCTP server binding local addresses:
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in fd_sctp_create_bind_server@sctp.c:902: SCTP server locally bound addresses:
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5cfdffb6c0 named '{----} SCTP srv :3868 (7)')
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5cfcff96c0 named 'Worker#1[TCP]')
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5cfd7fa6c0 named 'Worker#0[TCP]')
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce7fff6c0 named 'Worker#2[TCP]')
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce77fe6c0 named 'Worker#3[TCP]')
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce6ffd6c0 named 'Worker#4[TCP]')
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Main in fd_servers_start@server.c:464: Local server address(es):{C----}
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce67fc6c0 named '{----} TCP srv []:3868 (9)')
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 0 seconds
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_CLOSED' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce5ffb6c0 named 'fD Core Runner')
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Main in core_state_set@core.c:78: Core state: 2 -> 3
03/01 09:43:17.040: [app] INFO: Polling freeDiameter stats every 1000000 usecs (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:77)
03/01 09:43:17.040: [thread] DEBUG: [0x55c739d905c0] thread started (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:104)
03/01 09:43:17.040: [app] INFO: HSS initialize...done (../src/hss/app-init.c:31)
03/01 09:43:17.040: [thread] DEBUG: [0x55c739d905c0] worker signal (../lib/core/ogs-thread.c:66)
03/01 09:43:17.040: [hss] DEBUG: hss_state_initial(): INIT (../src/hss/hss-sm.c:31)
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_CLOSED'	<-- 'FDEVP_PSM_TIMEOUT'	((nil),0)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:842: mme.localdomain: Connecting...
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_CLOSED'	-> 'STATE_WAITCNXACK'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 10 seconds
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_WAITCNXACK' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce4ff96c0 named 'ConnTo:mme.localdomain')
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in prepare_connection_list@p_cnx.c:218: Prepared 2 sets of connection parameters to peer mme.localdomain
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_sctp@cnxctx.c:364: Connecting SCTP endpoints source:{C----}, destination:{C----}
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_sctp@cnxctx.c:370: Connecting to SCTP
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_RTOINFO : srto_initial : 3000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_min     : 1000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_max     : 60000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_RTOINFO : srto_initial : 3000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_max     : 5000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_min     : 1000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_ASSOCINFO : sasoc_asocmaxrxt               : 10
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_number_peer_destinations : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_peer_rwnd                : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_local_rwnd               : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_cookie_life              : 60000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_ASSOCINFO : sasoc_asocmaxrxt               : 4
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_number_peer_destinations : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_peer_rwnd                : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_local_rwnd               : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_cookie_life              : 60000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_INITMSG : sinit_num_ostreams   : 10
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_instreams  : 65535
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_attempts   : 8
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_init_timeo : 60000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_INITMSG : sinit_num_ostreams   : 30
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_instreams  : 65535
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_attempts   : 8
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_init_timeo : 10000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SO_LINGER : l_onoff  : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]  	       l_linger : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SO_LINGER : l_onoff  : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] 		  l_linger : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_NODELAY value : false
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_NODELAY value : true
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS value : false
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS value : false
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_PEER_ADDR_PARAMS : spp_hbinterval    : 30000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmaxrxt    : 5
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmtu       : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_flags         : 29
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_PEER_ADDR_PARAMS : spp_hbinterval    : 6000
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmaxrxt    : 5
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmtu       : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_flags         : 29
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] SCTP_EVENTS : sctp_data_io_event          : 1
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_association_event      : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_address_event	         : 1
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_send_failure_event     : 1
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_peer_error_event       : 1
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_shutdown_event	 : 1
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_partial_delivery_event : 1
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_I_WANT_MAPPED_V4_ADDR value : true
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_I_WANT_MAPPED_V4_ADDR value : false
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE value : 0
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE value : 1
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_sctp@cnxctx.c:375: SCTP connection to [,...] failed: Connection refused
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_tcp@cnxctx.c:295: Connecting to TCP
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_tcp@cnxctx.c:301: TCP connection to failed: Connection refused
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] DEBUG: pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:150: CONNECT FAILED to mme.localdomain: All connection attempts failed, will retry later
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 'ConnTo:mme.localdomain' terminating)
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_WAITCNXACK'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_FAILED'	((nil),0)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 2 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_WAITCNXACK'	-> 'STATE_CLOSED'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:17.040: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_CLOSED' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:18.041: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:18.041: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 1.001219 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:18.041: [app] TRACE:  Server: 0 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:18.041: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:18.041: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:18.359: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:{----} SCTP srv :3868 (7) in fd_cnx_serv_accept@cnxctx.c:264: Incoming connection: '{----} SCTP srv :3868 (7)' <- 'localhost'   {{----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-8)}
03/01 09:43:18.359: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce4ff96c0 named 'Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS)')
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1420: Received 184b data on socket 8 (stream ignored)
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS) in rcvthr_notls_sctp@cnxctx.c:920: Thread terminated
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in client_worker@server.c:206: Received 184b from new client '{----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-8)'
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 'Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS)' terminating)
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:122: RCV from '<unknown peer>':
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:      'Capabilities-Exchange-Request'
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Length: 184
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Flags: 0x80 (R---)
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Command Code: 257
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x6B674D33
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B674D34
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Host-IP-Address'(257) l=14 f=-M val=
03/01 09:43:18.362: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-- val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Product-Name'(269) l=24 f=-- val="TTCN-3 Testsuite"
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Firmware-Revision'(267) l=12 f=-- val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Inband-Security-Id'(299) l=12 f=-M val='NO_INBAND_SECURITY' (0 (0x0))
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=4294967295 (0xffffffff)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=32 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777251 (0x1000023)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in fd_dict_iterate_rules@dictionary.c:2146: Iterating on rules of AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'.
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Worker#0[SCTP] in fd_dict_iterate_rules@dictionary.c:2146: Iterating on rules of COMMAND: 'Capabilities-Exchange-Request'.
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_CLOSED'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_INCOMING'	(0x7f5cf80024d0,24)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_msg_sess_get@messages.c:1509: No Session-Id AVP found in message 0x7f5cf8000b90
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:161: CONNECTED TO 'mme.localdomain' (SCTP,soc#8):
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:      'Capabilities-Exchange-Answer'
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        Length: 20
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        Flags: 0x00 (----)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        Command Code: 257
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x6B674D33
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B674D34
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f5cf8000b90 asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val='DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001 (0x7d1))
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=8 f=-M val="hss.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=8 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1740822197 (0x67c2d6b5)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Host-IP-Address'(257) l=8 f=-M val=
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Product-Name'(269) l=8 f=-- val="freediameter"
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Firmware-Revision'(267) l=12 f=-- val=10500 (0x2904)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=8 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777216 (0x1000000)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=8 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777251 (0x1000023)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=8 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777265 (0x1000031)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=5535 (0x159f)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=13019 (0x32db)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] INFO: CONNECTED TO 'mme.localdomain' (SCTP,soc#8): (../lib/diameter/common/logger.c:81)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:130: SND to 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:      'Capabilities-Exchange-Answer'
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Length: 280
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Flags: 0x00 (----)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Command Code: 257
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x6B674D33
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B674D34
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f5cf8000b90 asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val='DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001 (0x7d1))
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="hss.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1740822197 (0x67c2d6b5)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Host-IP-Address'(257) l=14 f=-M val=
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Product-Name'(269) l=20 f=-- val="freediameter"
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Firmware-Revision'(267) l=12 f=-- val=10500 (0x2904)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=32 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777216 (0x1000000)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=32 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777251 (0x1000023)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=32 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777265 (0x1000031)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=5535 (0x159f)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=13019 (0x32db)
03/01 09:43:18.363: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_send@cnxctx.c:1895: Sending 280b data on connection {----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-8)
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] TRACE: [2] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_p_ce_process_receiver@p_ce.c:1040: No TLS protection negotiated with peer 'mme.localdomain'.
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_CLOSED'	-> 'STATE_OPEN_NEW'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce4ff96c0 named 'Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS)')
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:130: SND to 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:      'Device-Watchdog-Request'
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Length: 76
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Flags: 0x80 (R---)
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Command Code: 280
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x59935ADF
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B59B5F6
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="hss.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1740822197 (0x67c2d6b5)
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_send@cnxctx.c:1895: Sending 76b data on connection {----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-8)
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 30 seconds
03/01 09:43:18.364: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_OPEN_NEW' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:18.368: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1420: Received 88b data on socket 8 (stream ignored)
03/01 09:43:18.368: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_OPEN_NEW'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_MSG_RECV'	(0x7f5cbc000e80,88)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:18.368: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:122: RCV from 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:18.368: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:      'Device-Watchdog-Answer'
03/01 09:43:18.368: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:18.368: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Length: 88
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Flags: 0x00 (----)
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Command Code: 280
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x59935ADF
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B59B5F6
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         {internal data}: src:mme.localdomain(15) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f5d18000d40 asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val='DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001 (0x7d1))
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_OPEN_NEW'	-> 'STATE_OPEN'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_dict_iterate_rules@dictionary.c:2146: Iterating on rules of COMMAND: 'Device-Watchdog-Answer'.
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5cc3fff6c0 named 'OUT/mme.localdomain')
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 30 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:18.369: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_OPEN' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:19.041: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:19.041: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 2.001348 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:19.041: [app] TRACE:  Server: 0 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:19.041: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:19.041: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1420: Received 184b data on socket 8 (stream ignored)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_OPEN'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_MSG_RECV'	(0x7f5cbc000f30,184)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:122: RCV from 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:      'Update-Location-Request'
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Length: 184
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Flags: 0xC0 (RP--)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Command Code: 316
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        ApplicationId: 16777251
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x000003E8
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x000056CC
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         {internal data}: src:mme.localdomain(15) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Session-Id'(263) l=14 f=-M val="foobar"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Auth-Session-State'(277) l=12 f=-M val='NO_STATE_MAINTAINED' (1 (0x1))
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'User-Name'(1) l=23 f=-M val="001010000000000"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'ULR-Flags'(1405) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Visited-PLMN-Id'(1407) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=15 f=VM val=<11 1F 11>
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'RAT-Type'(1032) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1004 (0x3ec)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Destination-Realm'(283) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 30 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_OPEN' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:144: DISPATCHING: 'Update-Location-Request'
  Version: 0x01
  Length: 184
  Flags: 0xC0 (RP--)
  Command Code: 316
  ApplicationId: 16777251
  Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x000003E8
  End-to-End Identifier: 0x000056CC
   {internal data}: src:mme.localdomain(15) rwb:(nil) rt:1 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
   AVP: 'Session-Id'(263) l=14 f=-M val="foobar"
   AVP: 'Auth-Session-State'(277) l=12 f=-M val='NO_STATE_MAINTAINED' (1 (0x1))
   AVP: 'User-Name'(1) l=23 f=-M val="001010000000000"
   AVP: 'ULR-Flags'(1405) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
   AVP: 'Visited-PLMN-Id'(1407) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=15 f=VM val=<11 1F 11>
   AVP: 'RAT-Type'(1032) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1004 (0x3ec)
   AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
   AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
   AVP: 'Destination-Realm'(283) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
   AVP: 'Route-Record'(282) l=8 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:      'Update-Location-Request'
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        Length: 184
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        Flags: 0xC0 (RP--)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        Command Code: 316
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        ApplicationId: 16777251
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x000003E8
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x000056CC
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         {internal data}: src:mme.localdomain(15) rwb:(nil) rt:1 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Session-Id'(263) l=14 f=-M val="foobar"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Auth-Session-State'(277) l=12 f=-M val='NO_STATE_MAINTAINED' (1 (0x1))
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'User-Name'(1) l=23 f=-M val="001010000000000"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'ULR-Flags'(1405) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Visited-PLMN-Id'(1407) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=15 f=VM val=<11 1F 11>
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'RAT-Type'(1032) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1004 (0x3ec)
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Destination-Realm'(283) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Route-Record'(282) l=8 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:19.405: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Dispatch (0x55c739c909d0) in fd_dict_iterate_rules@dictionary.c:2146: Iterating on rules of COMMAND: 'Update-Location-Request'.
03/01 09:43:19.405: [hss] DEBUG: Rx Update-Location-Request (../src/hss/hss-s6a-path.c:784)
03/01 09:43:19.406: [dbi] DEBUG: SUPI type: imsi, SUPI id: 001010000000000, mme_host: mme.localdomain, mme_realm: localdomain (../lib/dbi/subscription.c:227)
03/01 09:43:19.407: [hss] DEBUG: Tx Update-Location-Answer (../src/hss/hss-s6a-path.c:981)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:130: SND to 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:      'Update-Location-Answer'
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Length: 524
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Flags: 0x40 (-P--)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Command Code: 316
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        ApplicationId: 16777251
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x000003E8
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x000056CC
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f5cf8000b90 asso:0 sess:0x7f5d0c000bc0
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Session-Id'(263) l=14 f=-M val="foobar"
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Subscription-Data'(1400) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=372 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Access-Restriction-Data'(1426) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=32 (0x20)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Subscriber-Status'(1424) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Network-Access-Mode'(1417) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'AMBR'(1435) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=44 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:               AVP: 'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL'(516) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1000000000 (0x3b9aca00)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:               AVP: 'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL'(515) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1000000000 (0x3b9aca00)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Subscribed-Periodic-RAU-TAU-Timer'(1619) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=V- val=720 (0x2d0)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'APN-Configuration-Profile'(1429) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=252 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:               AVP: 'Context-Identifier'(1423) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:               AVP: 'All-APN-Configurations-Included-Indicator'(1428) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:               AVP: 'APN-Configuration'(1430) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=208 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'Context-Identifier'(1423) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'PDN-Type'(1456) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=2 (0x2)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'Service-Selection'(493) l=16 f=-M val="internet"
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'EPS-Subscribed-QoS-Profile'(1431) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=88 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                     AVP: 'QoS-Class-Identifier'(1028) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=9 (0x9)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                     AVP: 'Allocation-Retention-Priority'(1034) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=60 f=V- val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                        AVP: 'Priority-Level'(1046) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=V- val=8 (0x8)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                        AVP: 'Pre-emption-Capability'(1047) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=V- val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                        AVP: 'Pre-emption-Vulnerability'(1048) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=V- val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'VPLMN-Dynamic-Address-Allowed'(1432) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'AMBR'(1435) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=44 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                     AVP: 'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL'(516) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1000000000 (0x3b9aca00)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                     AVP: 'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL'(515) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1000000000 (0x3b9aca00)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="hss.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val='DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001 (0x7d1))
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Auth-Session-State'(277) l=12 f=-M val='NO_STATE_MAINTAINED' (1 (0x1))
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'ULA-Flags'(1406) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=32 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777251 (0x1000023)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_send@cnxctx.c:1895: Sending 524b data on connection {----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-8)
03/01 09:43:19.408: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in fd_sctp_sendstrv@sctp.c:1185: Sending 1 chunks of data (first:524b) on stream 1 of socket 8
03/01 09:43:20.042: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:20.042: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 3.002167 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:20.042: [app] TRACE:  Server: 1 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:20.042: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:20.042: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:20.434: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1290: Received 12b data of notification on socket 8
03/01 09:43:20.434: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1337: Received SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT notification
03/01 09:43:20.434: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_cnx_markerror@cnxctx.c:619: Error flag set for socket 8 ({----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-8), localhost)
03/01 09:43:20.434: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_cnx_markerror@cnxctx.c:626: Sending FDEVP_CNX_ERROR event
03/01 09:43:20.434: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS) in rcvthr_notls_sctp@cnxctx.c:920: Thread terminated
03/01 09:43:20.434: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 'Receiver (8) SCTP/noTLS)' terminating)
03/01 09:43:20.434: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_OPEN'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_ERROR'	((nil),0)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:20.434: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:150: CONNECT FAILED to mme.localdomain: The connection was broken
03/01 09:43:20.434: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 2 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:20.434: [diam] ERROR: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_OPEN'	-> 'STATE_CLOSED'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:20.435: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 'OUT/mme.localdomain' terminating)
03/01 09:43:20.435: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_CLOSED' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:21.042: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:21.042: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 4.002382 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:21.042: [app] TRACE:  Server: 1 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:21.042: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:21.042: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:21.624: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_CLOSED'	<-- 'FDEVP_PSM_TIMEOUT'	((nil),0)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:21.624: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:842: mme.localdomain: Connecting...
03/01 09:43:21.624: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_CLOSED'	-> 'STATE_WAITCNXACK'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:21.624: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 10 seconds
03/01 09:43:21.624: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_WAITCNXACK' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:21.624: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce4ff96c0 named 'ConnTo:mme.localdomain')
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in prepare_connection_list@p_cnx.c:218: Prepared 2 sets of connection parameters to peer mme.localdomain
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_sctp@cnxctx.c:364: Connecting SCTP endpoints source:{C----}, destination:{C--LP}
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_sctp@cnxctx.c:370: Connecting to SCTP
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_RTOINFO : srto_initial : 3000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_min     : 1000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_max     : 60000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_RTOINFO : srto_initial : 3000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_max     : 5000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_min     : 1000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_ASSOCINFO : sasoc_asocmaxrxt               : 10
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_number_peer_destinations : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_peer_rwnd                : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_local_rwnd               : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_cookie_life              : 60000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_ASSOCINFO : sasoc_asocmaxrxt               : 4
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_number_peer_destinations : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_peer_rwnd                : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_local_rwnd               : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_cookie_life              : 60000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_INITMSG : sinit_num_ostreams   : 10
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_instreams  : 65535
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_attempts   : 8
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_init_timeo : 60000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_INITMSG : sinit_num_ostreams   : 30
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_instreams  : 65535
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_attempts   : 8
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_init_timeo : 10000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SO_LINGER : l_onoff  : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]  	       l_linger : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SO_LINGER : l_onoff  : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] 		  l_linger : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_NODELAY value : false
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_NODELAY value : true
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS value : false
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS value : false
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_PEER_ADDR_PARAMS : spp_hbinterval    : 30000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmaxrxt    : 5
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmtu       : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_flags         : 29
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_PEER_ADDR_PARAMS : spp_hbinterval    : 6000
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmaxrxt    : 5
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmtu       : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_flags         : 29
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] SCTP_EVENTS : sctp_data_io_event          : 1
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_association_event      : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_address_event	         : 1
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_send_failure_event     : 1
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_peer_error_event       : 1
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_shutdown_event	 : 1
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_partial_delivery_event : 1
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_I_WANT_MAPPED_V4_ADDR value : true
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_I_WANT_MAPPED_V4_ADDR value : false
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE value : 0
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE value : 1
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_sctp@cnxctx.c:375: SCTP connection to [,...] failed: Connection refused
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_tcp@cnxctx.c:295: Connecting to TCP
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_tcp@cnxctx.c:301: TCP connection to failed: Connection refused
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] DEBUG: pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:150: CONNECT FAILED to mme.localdomain: All connection attempts failed, will retry later
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 'ConnTo:mme.localdomain' terminating)
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_WAITCNXACK'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_FAILED'	((nil),0)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 2 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_WAITCNXACK'	-> 'STATE_CLOSED'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:21.625: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_CLOSED' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:22.044: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:22.044: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 5.003595 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:22.044: [app] TRACE:  Server: 1 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:22.044: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:22.044: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:23.044: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:23.044: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 6.003760 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:23.044: [app] TRACE:  Server: 1 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:23.044: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:23.044: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:23.515: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:{----} SCTP srv :3868 (7) in fd_cnx_serv_accept@cnxctx.c:264: Incoming connection: '{----} SCTP srv :3868 (7)' <- 'localhost'   {{----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-11)}
03/01 09:43:23.515: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce4ff96c0 named 'Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS)')
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1420: Received 184b data on socket 11 (stream ignored)
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in rcvthr_notls_sctp@cnxctx.c:920: Thread terminated
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 'Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS)' terminating)
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in client_worker@server.c:206: Received 184b from new client '{----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-11)'
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:122: RCV from '<unknown peer>':
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:      'Capabilities-Exchange-Request'
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Length: 184
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Flags: 0x80 (R---)
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Command Code: 257
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x6BB6875B
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6BB6875C
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.519: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Host-IP-Address'(257) l=14 f=-M val=
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-- val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Product-Name'(269) l=24 f=-- val="TTCN-3 Testsuite"
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Firmware-Revision'(267) l=12 f=-- val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Inband-Security-Id'(299) l=12 f=-M val='NO_INBAND_SECURITY' (0 (0x0))
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=4294967295 (0xffffffff)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=32 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777251 (0x1000023)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in fd_dict_iterate_rules@dictionary.c:2146: Iterating on rules of AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'.
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Worker#1[SCTP] in fd_dict_iterate_rules@dictionary.c:2146: Iterating on rules of COMMAND: 'Capabilities-Exchange-Request'.
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_CLOSED'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_INCOMING'	(0x7f5cf00014c0,24)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_msg_sess_get@messages.c:1509: No Session-Id AVP found in message 0x7f5cf0000b90
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:161: CONNECTED TO 'mme.localdomain' (SCTP,soc#11):
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:      'Capabilities-Exchange-Answer'
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        Length: 20
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        Flags: 0x00 (----)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        Command Code: 257
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x6BB6875B
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6BB6875C
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f5cf0000b90 asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val='DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001 (0x7d1))
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=8 f=-M val="hss.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=8 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1740822197 (0x67c2d6b5)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Host-IP-Address'(257) l=8 f=-M val=
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Product-Name'(269) l=8 f=-- val="freediameter"
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Firmware-Revision'(267) l=12 f=-- val=10500 (0x2904)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=8 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777216 (0x1000000)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=8 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777251 (0x1000023)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=8 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777265 (0x1000031)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=5535 (0x159f)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:162:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=13019 (0x32db)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] INFO: CONNECTED TO 'mme.localdomain' (SCTP,soc#11): (../lib/diameter/common/logger.c:81)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:130: SND to 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:      'Capabilities-Exchange-Answer'
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Length: 280
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Flags: 0x00 (----)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Command Code: 257
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x6BB6875B
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6BB6875C
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f5cf0000b90 asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val='DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001 (0x7d1))
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="hss.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1740822197 (0x67c2d6b5)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Host-IP-Address'(257) l=14 f=-M val=
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Product-Name'(269) l=20 f=-- val="freediameter"
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Firmware-Revision'(267) l=12 f=-- val=10500 (0x2904)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=32 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777216 (0x1000000)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=32 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777251 (0x1000023)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=32 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777265 (0x1000031)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=5535 (0x159f)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Supported-Vendor-Id'(265) l=12 f=-M val=13019 (0x32db)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_send@cnxctx.c:1895: Sending 280b data on connection {----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-11)
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] TRACE: [2] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_p_ce_process_receiver@p_ce.c:1040: No TLS protection negotiated with peer 'mme.localdomain'.
03/01 09:43:23.520: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_CLOSED'	-> 'STATE_REOPEN'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:130: SND to 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:      'Device-Watchdog-Request'
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Length: 76
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Flags: 0x80 (R---)
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Command Code: 280
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x59935AE0
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B59B5F7
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="hss.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1740822197 (0x67c2d6b5)
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_send@cnxctx.c:1895: Sending 76b data on connection {----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-11)
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce4ff96c0 named 'Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS)')
03/01 09:43:23.521: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_REOPEN' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1420: Received 88b data on socket 11 (stream ignored)
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_REOPEN'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_MSG_RECV'	(0x7f5cb8000e80,88)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:122: RCV from 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:      'Device-Watchdog-Answer'
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Length: 88
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Flags: 0x00 (----)
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Command Code: 280
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x59935AE0
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B59B5F7
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         {internal data}: src:mme.localdomain(15) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f5d18000d40 asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val='DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001 (0x7d1))
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_dict_iterate_rules@dictionary.c:2146: Iterating on rules of COMMAND: 'Device-Watchdog-Answer'.
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 30 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:130: SND to 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:      'Device-Watchdog-Request'
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Length: 76
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Flags: 0x80 (R---)
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Command Code: 280
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x59935AE1
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B59B5F8
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="hss.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1740822197 (0x67c2d6b5)
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_send@cnxctx.c:1895: Sending 76b data on connection {----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-11)
03/01 09:43:23.526: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_REOPEN' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:23.527: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1420: Received 88b data on socket 11 (stream ignored)
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_REOPEN'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_MSG_RECV'	(0x7f5cb8000f30,88)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:122: RCV from 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:      'Device-Watchdog-Answer'
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Length: 88
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Flags: 0x00 (----)
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Command Code: 280
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x59935AE1
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B59B5F8
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         {internal data}: src:mme.localdomain(15) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f5cf0000b90 asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val='DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001 (0x7d1))
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_dict_iterate_rules@dictionary.c:2146: Iterating on rules of COMMAND: 'Device-Watchdog-Answer'.
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 30 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:130: SND to 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:      'Device-Watchdog-Request'
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Length: 76
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Flags: 0x80 (R---)
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Command Code: 280
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x59935AE2
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B59B5F9
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="hss.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1740822197 (0x67c2d6b5)
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_send@cnxctx.c:1895: Sending 76b data on connection {----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-11)
03/01 09:43:23.528: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_REOPEN' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:23.529: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1420: Received 88b data on socket 11 (stream ignored)
03/01 09:43:23.529: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_REOPEN'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_MSG_RECV'	(0x7f5cb8000fe0,88)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:23.529: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:122: RCV from 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:23.529: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:      'Device-Watchdog-Answer'
03/01 09:43:23.529: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:23.529: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Length: 88
03/01 09:43:23.529: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Flags: 0x00 (----)
03/01 09:43:23.529: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Command Code: 280
03/01 09:43:23.529: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        ApplicationId: 0
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x59935AE2
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x6B59B5F9
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         {internal data}: src:mme.localdomain(15) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f5d18000d40 asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val='DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001 (0x7d1))
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-State-Id'(278) l=12 f=-M val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_dict_iterate_rules@dictionary.c:2146: Iterating on rules of COMMAND: 'Device-Watchdog-Answer'.
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 30 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_REOPEN'	-> 'STATE_OPEN'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_OPEN' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:23.530: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5cc3fff6c0 named 'OUT/mme.localdomain')
03/01 09:43:24.045: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:24.045: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 7.004921 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:24.045: [app] TRACE:  Server: 1 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:24.045: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:24.045: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1420: Received 184b data on socket 11 (stream ignored)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_OPEN'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_MSG_RECV'	(0x7f5cb8001090,184)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:122: RCV from 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:      'Update-Location-Request'
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Length: 184
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Flags: 0xC0 (RP--)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Command Code: 316
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        ApplicationId: 16777251
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x000003E8
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x000056CC
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         {internal data}: src:mme.localdomain(15) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Session-Id'(263) l=14 f=-M val="foobar"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Auth-Session-State'(277) l=12 f=-M val='NO_STATE_MAINTAINED' (1 (0x1))
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'User-Name'(1) l=23 f=-M val="001010000000001"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'ULR-Flags'(1405) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Visited-PLMN-Id'(1407) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=15 f=VM val=<11 1F 11>
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'RAT-Type'(1032) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1004 (0x3ec)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:123:         AVP: 'Destination-Realm'(283) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 30 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_OPEN' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:144: DISPATCHING: 'Update-Location-Request'
  Version: 0x01
  Length: 184
  Flags: 0xC0 (RP--)
  Command Code: 316
  ApplicationId: 16777251
  Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x000003E8
  End-to-End Identifier: 0x000056CC
   {internal data}: src:mme.localdomain(15) rwb:(nil) rt:1 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
   AVP: 'Session-Id'(263) l=14 f=-M val="foobar"
   AVP: 'Auth-Session-State'(277) l=12 f=-M val='NO_STATE_MAINTAINED' (1 (0x1))
   AVP: 'User-Name'(1) l=23 f=-M val="001010000000001"
   AVP: 'ULR-Flags'(1405) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
   AVP: 'Visited-PLMN-Id'(1407) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=15 f=VM val=<11 1F 11>
   AVP: 'RAT-Type'(1032) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1004 (0x3ec)
   AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
   AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
   AVP: 'Destination-Realm'(283) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
   AVP: 'Route-Record'(282) l=8 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:      'Update-Location-Request'
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        Length: 184
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        Flags: 0xC0 (RP--)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        Command Code: 316
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        ApplicationId: 16777251
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x000003E8
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x000056CC
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         {internal data}: src:mme.localdomain(15) rwb:(nil) rt:1 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:(nil) asso:0 sess:(nil)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Session-Id'(263) l=14 f=-M val="foobar"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Auth-Session-State'(277) l=12 f=-M val='NO_STATE_MAINTAINED' (1 (0x1))
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'User-Name'(1) l=23 f=-M val="001010000000001"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'ULR-Flags'(1405) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Visited-PLMN-Id'(1407) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=15 f=VM val=<11 1F 11>
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'RAT-Type'(1032) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1004 (0x3ec)
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Destination-Realm'(283) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] DEBUG: pid:Routing-IN (0x55c739c90a60) in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:145:         AVP: 'Route-Record'(282) l=8 f=-M val="mme.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:24.563: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Dispatch (0x55c739c909d4) in fd_dict_iterate_rules@dictionary.c:2146: Iterating on rules of COMMAND: 'Update-Location-Request'.
03/01 09:43:24.564: [hss] DEBUG: Rx Update-Location-Request (../src/hss/hss-s6a-path.c:784)
03/01 09:43:24.565: [dbi] DEBUG: SUPI type: imsi, SUPI id: 001010000000001, mme_host: mme.localdomain, mme_realm: localdomain (../lib/dbi/subscription.c:227)
03/01 09:43:24.565: [hss] DEBUG: Tx Update-Location-Answer (../src/hss/hss-s6a-path.c:981)
03/01 09:43:24.565: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:130: SND to 'mme.localdomain':
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:      'Update-Location-Answer'
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Version: 0x01
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Length: 540
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Flags: 0x40 (-P--)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Command Code: 316
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        ApplicationId: 16777251
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x000003E8
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:        End-to-End Identifier: 0x000056CC
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         {internal data}: src:(nil)(0) rwb:(nil) rt:0 cb:(nil),(nil)((nil)) qry:0x7f5cf0000b90 asso:0 sess:0x7f5d10000bc0
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Session-Id'(263) l=14 f=-M val="foobar"
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Subscription-Data'(1400) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=388 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Access-Restriction-Data'(1426) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=32 (0x20)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Subscriber-Status'(1424) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Operator-Determined-Barring'(1425) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=7 (0x7)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Network-Access-Mode'(1417) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'AMBR'(1435) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=44 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:               AVP: 'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL'(516) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1000000000 (0x3b9aca00)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:               AVP: 'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL'(515) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1000000000 (0x3b9aca00)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Subscribed-Periodic-RAU-TAU-Timer'(1619) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=V- val=720 (0x2d0)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'APN-Configuration-Profile'(1429) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=252 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:               AVP: 'Context-Identifier'(1423) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:               AVP: 'All-APN-Configurations-Included-Indicator'(1428) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:               AVP: 'APN-Configuration'(1430) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=208 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'Context-Identifier'(1423) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'PDN-Type'(1456) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=2 (0x2)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'Service-Selection'(493) l=16 f=-M val="internet"
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'EPS-Subscribed-QoS-Profile'(1431) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=88 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                     AVP: 'QoS-Class-Identifier'(1028) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=9 (0x9)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                     AVP: 'Allocation-Retention-Priority'(1034) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=60 f=V- val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                        AVP: 'Priority-Level'(1046) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=V- val=8 (0x8)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                        AVP: 'Pre-emption-Capability'(1047) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=V- val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                        AVP: 'Pre-emption-Vulnerability'(1048) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=V- val=0 (0x0)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'VPLMN-Dynamic-Address-Allowed'(1432) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                  AVP: 'AMBR'(1435) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=44 f=VM val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                     AVP: 'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL'(516) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1000000000 (0x3b9aca00)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:                     AVP: 'Max-Requested-Bandwidth-DL'(515) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1000000000 (0x3b9aca00)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Host'(264) l=23 f=-M val="hss.localdomain"
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Origin-Realm'(296) l=19 f=-M val="localdomain"
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Result-Code'(268) l=12 f=-M val='DIAMETER_SUCCESS' (2001 (0x7d1))
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Auth-Session-State'(277) l=12 f=-M val='NO_STATE_MAINTAINED' (1 (0x1))
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'ULA-Flags'(1406) vend='3GPP'(10415) l=16 f=VM val=1 (0x1)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:         AVP: 'Vendor-Specific-Application-Id'(260) l=32 f=-M val=(grouped)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Vendor-Id'(266) l=12 f=-M val=10415 (0x28af)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] DEBUG: pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:131:            AVP: 'Auth-Application-Id'(258) l=12 f=-M val=16777251 (0x1000023)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_send@cnxctx.c:1895: Sending 540b data on connection {----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-11)
03/01 09:43:24.566: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:OUT/mme.localdomain in fd_sctp_sendstrv@sctp.c:1185: Sending 1 chunks of data (first:540b) on stream 1 of socket 11
03/01 09:43:25.045: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:25.045: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 8.004746 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:25.045: [app] TRACE:  Server: 2 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:25.045: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:25.045: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:25.593: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1290: Received 12b data of notification on socket 11
03/01 09:43:25.593: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_sctp_recvmeta@sctp.c:1337: Received SCTP_SHUTDOWN_EVENT notification
03/01 09:43:25.593: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_cnx_markerror@cnxctx.c:619: Error flag set for socket 11 ({----} SCTP from []:3868 (7<-11), localhost)
03/01 09:43:25.593: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in fd_cnx_markerror@cnxctx.c:626: Sending FDEVP_CNX_ERROR event
03/01 09:43:25.593: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS) in rcvthr_notls_sctp@cnxctx.c:920: Thread terminated
03/01 09:43:25.593: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 'Receiver (11) SCTP/noTLS)' terminating)
03/01 09:43:25.593: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_OPEN'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_ERROR'	((nil),0)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:25.594: [diam] DEBUG: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:150: CONNECT FAILED to mme.localdomain: The connection was broken
03/01 09:43:25.594: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 2 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:25.594: [diam] ERROR: pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_OPEN'	-> 'STATE_CLOSED'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:25.594: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 'OUT/mme.localdomain' terminating)
03/01 09:43:25.594: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_CLOSED' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:26.045: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:26.045: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 9.005463 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:26.045: [app] TRACE:  Server: 2 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:26.045: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:26.045: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:27.047: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:27.047: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 10.006682 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:27.047: [app] TRACE:  Server: 2 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:27.047: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:27.047: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:28.047: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:28.047: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 11.006898 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:28.047: [app] TRACE:  Server: 2 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:28.047: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:28.047: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:29.048: [app] TRACE: ------- fd statistics --------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:94)
03/01 09:43:29.048: [app] TRACE:  Executing for: 12.007999 sec (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:95)
03/01 09:43:29.048: [app] TRACE:  Server: 2 message(s) echoed (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:100)
03/01 09:43:29.048: [app] TRACE: ------------------------------------- (../lib/diameter/common/stats.c:115)
03/01 09:43:29.048: [hss] DEBUG: hsss_diam_stats_update_cb(): Update HSS diameter metrics (../src/hss/hss-fd-path.c:31)
03/01 09:43:29.115: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_CLOSED'	<-- 'FDEVP_PSM_TIMEOUT'	((nil),0)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:29.115: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:842: mme.localdomain: Connecting...
03/01 09:43:29.115: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_CLOSED'	-> 'STATE_WAITCNXACK'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:29.115: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 10 seconds
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_WAITCNXACK' waiting for next event.
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 0x7f5ce4ff96c0 named 'ConnTo:mme.localdomain')
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in prepare_connection_list@p_cnx.c:218: Prepared 2 sets of connection parameters to peer mme.localdomain
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_sctp@cnxctx.c:364: Connecting SCTP endpoints source:{C----}, destination:{C--LP}
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_sctp@cnxctx.c:370: Connecting to SCTP
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_RTOINFO : srto_initial : 3000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_min     : 1000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_max     : 60000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_RTOINFO : srto_initial : 3000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_max     : 5000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    srto_min     : 1000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_ASSOCINFO : sasoc_asocmaxrxt               : 10
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_number_peer_destinations : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_peer_rwnd                : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_local_rwnd               : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_cookie_life              : 60000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_ASSOCINFO : sasoc_asocmaxrxt               : 4
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_number_peer_destinations : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_peer_rwnd                : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_local_rwnd               : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                      sasoc_cookie_life              : 60000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_INITMSG : sinit_num_ostreams   : 10
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_instreams  : 65535
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_attempts   : 8
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_init_timeo : 60000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_INITMSG : sinit_num_ostreams   : 30
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_instreams  : 65535
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_attempts   : 8
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                    sinit_max_init_timeo : 10000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SO_LINGER : l_onoff  : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]  	       l_linger : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SO_LINGER : l_onoff  : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] 		  l_linger : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_NODELAY value : false
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_NODELAY value : true
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS value : false
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_DISABLE_FRAGMENTS value : false
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_PEER_ADDR_PARAMS : spp_hbinterval    : 30000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmaxrxt    : 5
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmtu       : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_flags         : 29
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_PEER_ADDR_PARAMS : spp_hbinterval    : 6000
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmaxrxt    : 5
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_pathmtu       : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]                             spp_flags         : 29
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] SCTP_EVENTS : sctp_data_io_event          : 1
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_association_event      : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_address_event	         : 1
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_send_failure_event     : 1
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_peer_error_event       : 1
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_shutdown_event	 : 1
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1]        	     sctp_partial_delivery_event : 1
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_I_WANT_MAPPED_V4_ADDR value : true
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_I_WANT_MAPPED_V4_ADDR value : false
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] Def SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE value : 0
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] New SCTP_FRAGMENT_INTERLEAVE value : 1
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_sctp@cnxctx.c:375: SCTP connection to [,...] failed: Connection refused
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_tcp@cnxctx.c:295: Connecting to TCP
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in fd_cnx_cli_connect_tcp@cnxctx.c:301: TCP connection to failed: Connection refused
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] DEBUG: pid:ConnTo:mme.localdomain in md_hook_cb_tree@dbg_msg_dumps.c:150: CONNECT FAILED to mme.localdomain: All connection attempts failed, will retry later
03/01 09:43:29.116: [diam] TRACE: [1] (Thread 'ConnTo:mme.localdomain' terminating)
03/01 09:43:29.117: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:437: 'STATE_WAITCNXACK'	<-- 'FDEVP_CNX_FAILED'	((nil),0)	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:29.117: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_next_timeout@p_psm.c:324: Peer timeout reset to 2 seconds (+/- 2)
03/01 09:43:29.117: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in fd_psm_change_state@p_psm.c:284: 'STATE_WAITCNXACK'	-> 'STATE_CLOSED'	'mme.localdomain'
03/01 09:43:29.117: [diam] TRACE: [1] pid:PSM/mme.localdomain in p_psm_th@p_psm.c:429: 'mme.localdomain' in state 'STATE_CLOSED' waiting for next event.