Timeout waiting for { reset_all_state_res := ? } PGW_Tests.ttcn:1153 PGW_Tests control part PGW_Tests.ttcn:1045 TC_deleteSession_unknown testcase Dynamic test case error: Error message was received from MC: Establishment of port connection 1067:CLIENT - 1071:GTP2 failed because test component 1067 has terminated during connection setup. Dynamic test case error: Error message was received from MC: Establishment of port connection 1072:CLIENT - 1076:GTP2 failed because test component 1072 has terminated during connection setup. Dynamic test case error: Error message was received from MC: Establishment of port connection 1077:CLIENT - 1081:GTP2 failed because test component 1077 has terminated during connection setup. Dynamic test case error: Error message was received from MC: Establishment of port connection 1082:CLIENT - 1086:GTP2 failed because test component 1082 has terminated during connection setup.