* Copyright (c) 2000-2019 Ericsson Telecom AB
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* https://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-2.0/EPL-2.0.html
//  File:               TCCIPsec_Definitions.ttcn
//  Description:        TCC Useful Functions: Definitions for IPsec functions
//  Rev:                R36B
//  Prodnr:             CNL 113 472

module TCCIPsec_Definitions {

//  Type: TCCIPsec_IPsecResult
//  Purpose:
//     Declares the possible return values of IPsec handling functions
//  Elements:
//    ok:
//      The function finished successfully
//    parameterInvalid:
//      One of the function parameters was invalid
//      The error is indicated either by the library or the kernel.
//    alreadyExisted:
//      Entry already existed while trying to add it
//    notFound:
//      Entry was not found while trying to delete or modify it
//    insufficientPrivilege:
//      The calling process does not have the necessary privilege to use the
//      PF_KEY interface or to handle the databases of IPsec.
//    notImplemented:
//      Not implemented:
//        The library is compiled without IPsec support or with limited support
//        Support for SPD handling is platform dependent
//    socketError:
//      Other type of error during socket operation
//      The logs contain details on the error
//  Detailed Comments:
  type enumerated TCCIPsec_Result {
    ok (0),

//  Const: c_TCCIPsec_anyPort
//  Purpose:
//    Provides port value representing any port
//  Value:
//    0
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  const integer c_TCCIPsec_anyPort := 0;

//  Const: c_TCCIPsec_prefixAll
//  Purpose:
//    Provides port value representing any port
//  Value:
//    0
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  const integer c_TCCIPsec_prefixAll := -1;

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Protocol
//  Purpose:
//     Declares identifiers for the possible security protocols
//  Elements:
//    ah:
//      Authentication Header
//    esp:
//      Encapsulated Security Payload
//  Detailed Comments:
  type enumerated TCCIPsec_Protocol {
    ah (2),
    esp (3)
    /*,ipComp (9)*/

//  Type: TCCIPsec_IPsecMode
//  Purpose:
//     Declares identifiers for the possible security association
//  Elements:
//    anyMode: this is the unspecified, default mode
//    transport: turns on transport mode in security association
//    tunnel: turns on tunneling mode in security association
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type enumerated TCCIPsec_IPsecMode {
    anyMode (0),
    transport (1),
    tunnel (2)

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Extension
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a union of possible extensions for Security Associations (SAs)
//  Elements:
//    policyId - *integer*:
//      Identifier to link a Security Association (SA) to Security Policy (SP)
//    hardLifetime - *integer*:
//      Hard Lifetime in seconds
//    softLifetime - *integer*:
//      Soft Lifetime in seconds
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type union TCCIPsec_Extension {
    integer                       policyId,
    integer                       hardLifetime,
    integer                       softLifetime

//  Type: TCCIPsec_ExtensionList
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a list of extensions for the SA adding function
//  Elements:
//    record of *TCCIPsec_Extension*
// Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type record of TCCIPsec_Extension TCCIPsec_ExtensionList;

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Key
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a union for storing a key for an SA.
//    The key is specified inside the *TCCIPsec_Algorithm* alg parameter of
//    the f_IPsec_SADB_add function.
//  Elements:
//    hex - *hexstring*:
//      Key in hexstring format
//    text - *charstring*:
//      Key in charstring format
//  Detailed Comments:
  type union TCCIPsec_Key {
    hexstring       hex,
    charstring      text

//  Type: TCCIPsec_EAlgo
//  Purpose:
//     Declares identifiers for the possible encryption algorithms
//  Elements:
//    EALG_NONE:
//      The "null" algorithm
//      The "3des-cbc" algorithm (rfc2451)
//    EALG_NULL:
//      The NULL encryption algorithm (rfc2367)
//      The "aes-cbc" algorithm (
//  Detailed Comments:
  type enumerated TCCIPsec_EAlgo {
    EALG_NONE (0),
    EALG_3DESCBC (3),
    EALG_AESCBC (12)

//  Type: TCCIPsec_AAlgo
//  Purpose:
//     Declares identifiers for the possible integrity protection algorithms
//  Elements:
//    AALG_NONE:
//      The "null" algorithm
//      The "hmac-md5" algorithm (rfc2403)
//      The "hmac-sha1" algorithm (rfc2404)
//  Detailed Comments:
  type enumerated TCCIPsec_AAlgo {
    AALG_NONE (0),
    AALG_MD5HMAC (2),

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Encr
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a record for storing the encryption algorithm identifier and
//    key.
//  Elements:
//    algo - *TCCIPsec_EAlgo*:
//      Identifier of the encryption algorithm
//    key - *TCCIPsec_Key*:
//      Key for the algorithm
//  Detailed Comments:
  type record TCCIPsec_Encr {
    TCCIPsec_EAlgo                algo,
    TCCIPsec_Key                  key

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Auth
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a record for storing the integrity protection algorithm
//    identifier and key.
//  Elements:
//    algo - *TCCIPsec_AAlgo*:
//      Identifier of the integrity protection algorithm
//    key - *TCCIPsec_Key*:
//      Key for the algorithm
//  Detailed Comments:
  type record TCCIPsec_Auth {
    TCCIPsec_AAlgo                algo,
    TCCIPsec_Key                  key

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Auth
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a record for storing the encryption and integrity protection
//    algorithm identifiers and the keys.
//  Elements:
//    ealgo - *TCCIPsec_EAlgo*:
//      Identifier of the encryption algorithm
//    ekey - *TCCIPsec_Key*:
//      Key for the encryption algorithm
//    aalgo - *TCCIPsec_AAlgo*:
//      Identifier of the integrity protection algorithm
//    akey - *TCCIPsec_Key*:
//      Key for the integrity protection algorithm
//  Detailed Comments:
  type record TCCIPsec_EncrAndAuth {
    TCCIPsec_EAlgo                ealgo,
    TCCIPsec_Key                  ekey,
    TCCIPsec_AAlgo                aalgo,
    TCCIPsec_Key                  akey

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Algorithm
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a union for storing the possible combination of algorithms with
//    its keys. It is used as the *TCCIPsec_Algorithm* alg parameter of the
//    f_IPsec_SADB_add function.
//  Elements:
//    encr - *TCCIPsec_Encr*:
//      encryption algorithm data
//    auth - *TCCIPsec_Auth*
//      integrity protection algorithm data
//    encrAndAuth - *TCCIPsec_EncrAndAuth*
//      Key in charstring format
//  Detailed Comments:
  type union TCCIPsec_Algorithm {
    TCCIPsec_Encr                 encr,
    TCCIPsec_Auth                 auth,
    TCCIPsec_EncrAndAuth          encrAndAuth
    /*,Compr compr*/

//  Type: TCCIPsec_TranspProto
//  Purpose:
//     Declares identifiers for the possible upper layer protocols
//  Elements:
//    anyTranspProto:
//      Either TCP or UDP protocol
//    tcpProto:
//      The TCP protocol
//    udpProto:
//      The UDP protocol
//  Detailed Comments:
  type enumerated TCCIPsec_TranspProto {
    anyTranspProto (0),
    tcpProto (6),
    udpProto (17)

//  Type: TCCIPsec_TranspProto
//  Purpose:
//    Declares identifiers for the possible directions for which a policy is
//    applied.
//  Elements:
//    inDir:
//      incoming packets
//    outDir:
//      outgoing packets
//    fwdDir:
//      forwarded packets
//  Detailed Comments:
  type enumerated TCCIPsec_PolicyDirection {
    inDir (1),
    outDir (2),
    fwdDir (3)

//  Type: TCCIPsec_DiscardRule
//  Purpose:
//    Declares a type to represent the policy rule to discard packets.
//  Elements:
//    -
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type record TCCIPsec_DiscardRule {};

//  Type: TCCIPsec_NoneRule
//  Purpose:
//    Declares a type to represent the policy rule to bypass IPsec.
//  Elements:
//    -
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type record TCCIPsec_NoneRule {};

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Transport
//  Purpose:
//    Declares a type to represent the transport IPsec mode -
//    as opposed to tunnel mode
//  Elements:
//    -
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type record TCCIPsec_Transport {};

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Tunnel
//  Purpose:
//    Declares a type to represent the tunnel IPsec mode -
//    as opposed to transport mode
//  Elements:
//    srcAddr: source address
//    srcPort: source port
//    dstAddr: destination address
//    dstPort: destination port
//  Detailed Comments: Address and port pairs for the tunnel. Used in SPDB rules.
  type record TCCIPsec_Tunnel {
        charstring    srcAddr,
        integer       srcPort,
        charstring    dstAddr,
        integer       dstPort

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Mode
//  Purpose:
//    Declares an union for storing to IPsec mode
//  Elements:
//    transport - *TCCIPsec_Transport*:
//      identifies the transport IPsec mode
//    tunnel - *TCCIPsec_Tunnel*:
//      identifies the tunnel IPsec mode
//  Detailed Comments:
//    IPsec supports transport and tunnel mode.
  type union TCCIPsec_Mode {
    TCCIPsec_Transport            transport,
    TCCIPsec_Tunnel               tunnel

//  Type: TCCIPsec_DefaultLevel
//  Purpose:
//    Declares a type to represent the policy level indicating that system
//    defaults has to be used.
//  Elements:
//    -
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type record TCCIPsec_DefaultLevel {};

//  Type: TCCIPsec_UseLevel
//  Purpose:
//    Declares a type to represent the policy level indicating that IPsec
//    should be used if appropriate SA is available. If SA is naot available
//    IPsec is bypassed.
//  Elements:
//    -
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type record TCCIPsec_UseLevel {};

//  Type: TCCIPsec_UseLevel
//  Purpose:
//    Declares a type to represent the policy level indicating that IPsec
//    has to be used unconditionally.
//  Elements:
//    -
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type record TCCIPsec_RequireLevel {};

//  Type: TCCIPsec_UseLevel
//  Purpose:
//    Declares a type to represent the policy level indicating that IPsec
//    has to be used with the SA or SAs indicated by id.
//  Elements:
//    id - *integer*:
//      link to SAs
//  Detailed Comments:
//    An SA is linked to an SP when the SA has a policyId extension with the
//    value of the SP's id.
  type record TCCIPsec_UniqueLevel {
    integer id

//  Type: TCCIPsec_RuleLevel
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a union for storing rule level.
//  Elements:
//    defaultLevel - *TCCIPsec_DefaultLevel*:
//      The level represnting default
//    use - *TCCIPsec_UseLevel*
//      The use level
//    require - *TCCIPsec_RequireLevel*
//      The require level
//    unique - *TCCIPsec_UniqueLevel*
//      The unique level
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type union TCCIPsec_RuleLevel {
    TCCIPsec_DefaultLevel         defaultLevel,
    TCCIPsec_UseLevel             use,
    TCCIPsec_RequireLevel         require,
    TCCIPsec_UniqueLevel          unique

//  Type: TCCIPsec_Rule
//  Purpose:
//    Declares a record for storing an IPsec rule.
//  Elements:
//    protocol - *TCCIPsec_Protocol*:
//      The security protocol to use
//    mode - *TCCIPsec_Mode*:
//      IPsec mode
//    level - *TCCIPsec_RuleLevel*:
//      rule level
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type record TCCIPsec_Rule {
    TCCIPsec_Protocol             protocol,
    TCCIPsec_Mode                 mode,
    TCCIPsec_RuleLevel            level

//  Type: TCCIPsec_ExtensionList
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a list of IPsec rules
//  Elements:
//    record of *TCCIPsec_Rule*
// Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type record of TCCIPsec_Rule TCCIPsec_RuleList;

//  Type: TCCIPsec_RuleLevel
//  Purpose:
//    Defines a union for storing a policy rule.
//  Elements:
//    discard - *TCCIPsec_DiscardRule*:
//      The discard policy rule
//    noneRule - *TCCIPsec_NoneRule*
//      The none policy rule
//    require - *TCCIPsec_RequireLevel*
//      The require level
//    ipSec - *TCCIPsec_RuleList*
//      A list of IPsec policy rules
//  Detailed Comments:
//    -
  type union TCCIPsec_PolicyRule {
    TCCIPsec_DiscardRule          discard,
    TCCIPsec_NoneRule             noneRule,
    TCCIPsec_RuleList             ipSec
} // TCCIPsec_Definitions