--- - name: install coverity-required debian packages apt: name: - curl tags: [coverity] - name: check if coverity needs to be installed stat: path: "/opt/coverity/{{ coverity_version }}/" register: coverity_stat tags: [coverity] - name: install coverity if required when: coverity_stat.stat.exists == False tags: [coverity] block: - name: copy coverity installer copy: src: "{{ coverity_installer_file }}" dest: "/tmp/{{ coverity_installer_file }}" mode: 0750 register: coverity_copy ignore_errors: yes - name: coverity download hint ansible.builtin.fail: msg: "Login and download {{ coverity_installer_file }} from https://scan.coverity.com/download (Linux64) and put it into osmo-ci/ansible/files." when: coverity_copy.failed == True - name: create /opt/coverity/{{ coverity_version }}/ file: path: /opt/coverity/{{ coverity_version }}/ state: directory - name: unpack coverity unarchive: src: "/tmp/{{ coverity_installer_file }}" dest: /opt/coverity/{{ coverity_version }} remote_src: yes - name: create link /opt/coverity/current shell: rm -vf /opt/coverity/current && ln -svf /opt/coverity/{{ coverity_version }}/* /opt/coverity/current