=== Information for upgrading from Zaptel 1.2 or 1.4 to DAHDI 2.0 ===

Upgrading from Zaptel to DAHDI is fairly straightforward; install this
package using the installation instructions, and then reconfigure and
rebuild Asterisk; Asterisk 1.4 releases later than 1.4.21, and all
releases of Asterisk 1.6, will automatically use DAHDI in preference
to Zaptel, even if Zaptel is still installed on the system.

Important notes about upgrading:

* The Zaptel package, which included both kernel modules and userspace
  tools for configuring and managing the modules, has been split into
  two packages:
      dahdi-linux: kernel modules
      dahdi-tools: userspace tools

  In addition, there is a dahdi-linux-complete package that contains both
  dahdi-linux and dahdi-tools for simplified installation.

  Note: The dahdi-linux and dahdi-tools packages have *separate*
  version numbers; they will not be released 'in sync', and it is
  perfectly acceptable to use (for example) dahdi-tools 2.0.6 with
  dahdi-linux 2.0.11. The dahdi-linux-complete package version number will
  always include *both* of these version numbers so that you will know
  what is included in it.

Notes about the dahdi-linux package:

* The primary kernel modules have changed names; the new names are:
      zaptel.ko	     ->	     dahdi.ko
      ztd-eth.ko     ->	     dahdi_dynamic_eth.ko
      ztd-loc.ko     ->	     dahdi_dynamic_loc.ko
      ztdummy.ko     ->	     dahdi_dummy.ko
      ztdynamic.ko   ->	     dahdi_dynamic.ko
      zttranscode.ko ->	     dahdi_transcode.ko

* The kernel modules for card drivers have *not* changed names,
  although the wcusb and torisa drivers are no longer included.

* This package no longer includes the 'menuselect' utility for
  choosing which modules to build; all modules that can be built are
  built automatically.

* It is no longer possible to select a software echo canceler at
  compile time to build into dahdi.ko; all four included echo
  cancelers (MG2, KB1, SEC and SEC2) are built as loadable modules,
  and if the Digium HPEC binary object file has been placed into the
  proper directory the HPEC module will be built as well. Any or all
  of these modules can be loaded at the same time, and the echo
  canceler to be used on the system's channels can be configured using
  the dahdi_cfg tool from the dahdi-tools package.

  Note: It is *mandatory* to configure an echo canceler for the
  system's channels using dahdi_cfg unless the interface cards in use
  have echo canceler modules available and enabled. There is *no*
  default software echo canceler with DAHDI.

Notes about the dahdi-tools package:

* Many tool names have changed:
      ztcfg      ->  dahdi_cfg
      ztmonitor  ->  dahdi_monitor
      ztscan     ->  dahdi_scan
      ztspeed    ->  dahdi_speed
      zttest     ->  dahdi_test
      zttool     ->  dahdi_tool
      zapconf    ->  dahdi_genconf (deprecates genzaptelconf)

* The system configuration file has moved from /etc/zaptel.conf to

* The dahdi_cfg tool can now be used to select an echo canceler on a
  channel-by-channel basis in the system configuration file; see
  system.conf.sample for examples of how to do this.

* The configuration for XPP init_card_* scripts is done now
  in /etc/dahdi/xpp.conf and uses a simple syntax (example included).
  For PRI modules, the 'pri_protocol' setting, determines how
  to configure it (E1/T1).

* In Astribank PRI modules, the LED behaviour represents which ports
  are *CLOCK MASTER* (red color) and which are *CLOCK SLAVE* (green color).
  Usually (but not always), this corresponds to the NT/TE settings in Asterisk.