/* * top-redip-sid.v * * vim: ts=4 sw=4 * * Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Sylvain Munaut <tnt@246tNt.com> * SPDX-License-Identifier: CERN-OHL-P-2.0 */ `default_nettype none `include "boards.vh" module top ( // Shared I2C + Button/LED inout wire scl_led, inout wire sda_btn, // USB output wire usb_dp, output wire usb_dn, output wire usb_pu, // SPI output wire spi_mosi, input wire spi_miso, output wire spi_clk, output wire spi_cs_n ); // FSM // --- localparam ST_START = 0, ST_WAIT = 1, ST_SEL = 2, ST_SEL_WAIT = 3, ST_FLASH_LOCK = 4, ST_CODEC_FIX = 5, ST_BOOT = 6; // Signals // ------- // Button input wire btn_mux; wire btn_iob; wire btn_v; wire btn_r; wire btn_f; // FSM reg [2:0] state_nxt; reg [2:0] state; // Flash locking reg fl_skip_lock; wire fl_go; wire fl_rdy; // Codec Fix wire cf_go; wire cf_rdy; // Boot selector wire boot_now; reg boot_now_r; reg [1:0] boot_sel; // Timer/Counter reg [23:0] timer; wire timer_tick; wire timer_rst; // LED signalling wire [3:0] led_flash_cnt; wire led; // Clock / Reset wire clk; wire rst; // Button // ------ glitch_filter #( .L(4) ) btn_flt_I ( .in (btn_mux), .val (btn_v), .rise(btn_r), .fall(btn_f), .clk (clk), .rst (1'b0) // Ensure the glitch filter has settled // before logic here engages ); // State machine // ------------- // Next state logic always @(*) begin // Default is to stay put state_nxt = state; // Main case case (state) ST_START: // Check for immediate boot state_nxt = btn_v ? ST_FLASH_LOCK : ST_WAIT; ST_WAIT: // Wait for first release if (btn_v == 1'b1) state_nxt = ST_SEL_WAIT; ST_SEL: // If button press, temporarily disable it if (btn_f) state_nxt = ST_SEL_WAIT; // Or wait for timeout else if (timer_tick) state_nxt = fl_skip_lock ? ST_BOOT : ST_FLASH_LOCK; ST_SEL_WAIT: // Wait for button to re-arm if (timer_tick) state_nxt = ST_SEL; ST_FLASH_LOCK: if (fl_rdy) state_nxt = ST_CODEC_FIX; ST_CODEC_FIX: if (cf_rdy) state_nxt = ST_BOOT; ST_BOOT: // Nothing to do ... will reconfigure shortly state_nxt = state; endcase end // State register always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if (rst) state <= ST_START; else state <= state_nxt; // Timer // ----- always @(posedge clk) if (timer_rst) timer <= 24'h000000; else timer <= timer + 1; assign timer_rst = (btn_v == 1'b0) | timer_tick; assign timer_tick = (state == ST_SEL_WAIT) ? timer[17] : timer[23]; // Flash locking // ------------- // Keep track if we should lock or not always @(posedge clk) if (rst) fl_skip_lock <= 1'b0; else if ((state == ST_SEL) & (boot_sel == 2'b00) & btn_f) fl_skip_lock <= 1'b1; // Go signal assign fl_go = (state != ST_FLASH_LOCK) & (state_nxt == ST_FLASH_LOCK); // SPI command flash_lock #( .LOCK_DATA(`FLASH_LOCK) ) flash_lock_I ( .spi_mosi (spi_mosi), .spi_miso (spi_miso), .spi_clk (spi_clk), .spi_cs_n (spi_cs_n), .go (fl_go), .rdy (fl_rdy), .clk (clk), .rst (rst) ); // Codec Fix // --------- // (Send I2C command to shutdown the SGTL5000 VDDD regulator // which is backfeeding ~ 1.5V into the 1.2V rail ...) // Go signal assign cf_go = (state != ST_CODEC_FIX) & (state_nxt == ST_CODEC_FIX); // I2C command codec_fix fix_I ( .scl_led (scl_led), .sda_btn (sda_btn), .btn (btn_mux), .led (led), .go (cf_go), .rdy (cf_rdy), .clk (clk), .rst (rst) ); // Warm Boot // --------- // Boot command assign boot_now = (state == ST_BOOT); always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) if (rst) boot_now_r <= 1'b0; else boot_now_r <= boot_now; // Image select always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if (rst) boot_sel <= 2'b10; // App 1 Image by default else if (state == ST_WAIT) boot_sel <= 2'b01; // DFU Image if in select mode else if (state == ST_SEL) boot_sel <= boot_sel + btn_f; end // IP SB_WARMBOOT warmboot ( .BOOT(boot_now_r), .S0(boot_sel[0]), .S1(boot_sel[1]) ); // LED // --- // Single-LED : Use a flasher led_flasher flasher_I ( .led (led), .flash_cnt (led_flash_cnt), .clk (clk), .rst (rst) ); assign led_flash_cnt = 4'h1 + boot_sel; // Dummy USB // --------- // (to avoid pullups triggering detection) SB_IO #( .PIN_TYPE(6'b101000), .PULLUP(1'b0), .IO_STANDARD("SB_LVCMOS") ) usb[2:0] ( .PACKAGE_PIN({usb_dp, usb_dn, usb_pu}), .OUTPUT_ENABLE(1'b0), .D_OUT_0(1'b0) ); // Clock / Reset // ------------- reg [7:0] cnt_reset; SB_HFOSC #( .CLKHF_DIV("0b10") // 12 MHz ) osc_I ( .CLKHFPU(1'b1), .CLKHFEN(1'b1), .CLKHF(clk) ); assign rst = ~cnt_reset[7]; always @(posedge clk) if (cnt_reset[7] == 1'b0) cnt_reset <= cnt_reset + 1; endmodule // top