/* * libbench.c * * Part of librfn (a general utility library from redfelineninja.org.uk) * * Copyright (C) 2015 Daniel Thompson <daniel@redfelineninja.org.uk> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "librfn.h" #include "libbench.h" /* * Assuming time_now() ticks at 1MHz (microseconds) then a million cycles * results in a results in picoseconds per cycle. This is great for * benchmarking powerful multi-GHz desktop machines. If BENCHMARK_SLOW_MACHINE * is set we reduce the number of cycles and the results will be in * nanoseconds per cycle. */ #ifdef BENCHMARK_SLOW_MACHINE #define NUM_CYCLES 1000 #else #define NUM_CYCLES 1000000 #endif static fibre_t *next_action; typedef struct { uint32_t start_time; uint32_t end_time; unsigned int cycles; unsigned int count; fibre_t fibre; fibre_t *friend; } benchmark_fibre_t; static int yield_fibre(fibre_t *fibre) { benchmark_fibre_t *bm = containerof(fibre, benchmark_fibre_t, fibre); PT_BEGIN_FIBRE(fibre); bm->start_time = time_now(); bm->count = 0; while (bm->count++ < bm->cycles) PT_YIELD(); bm->end_time = time_now(); fibre_run(next_action); PT_END(); } static int run_fibre(fibre_t *fibre) { benchmark_fibre_t *bm = containerof(fibre, benchmark_fibre_t, fibre); PT_BEGIN_FIBRE(fibre); bm->start_time = time_now(); bm->count = 0; while (bm->count++ < bm->cycles) { fibre_run(bm->friend); PT_WAIT(); } /* if we are fibre[0] we need to poke fibre[1] one last time */ if (bm->friend > fibre) fibre_run(bm->friend); bm->end_time = time_now(); fibre_run(next_action); PT_END(); } static int atomic_run_fibre(fibre_t *fibre) { benchmark_fibre_t *bm = containerof(fibre, benchmark_fibre_t, fibre); PT_BEGIN_FIBRE(fibre); bm->start_time = time_now(); bm->count = 0; while (bm->count++ < bm->cycles) { fibre_run_atomic(bm->friend); PT_WAIT(); } /* if we are fibre[0] we need to poke fibre[1] one last time */ if (bm->friend > fibre) fibre_run_atomic(bm->friend); bm->end_time = time_now(); fibre_run(next_action); PT_END(); } static benchmark_fibre_t single_yield = { .cycles = NUM_CYCLES, .fibre = FIBRE_VAR_INIT(yield_fibre) }; static benchmark_fibre_t paired_yield[2] = { { .cycles = NUM_CYCLES/2, .fibre = FIBRE_VAR_INIT(yield_fibre) }, { .cycles = NUM_CYCLES/2, .fibre = FIBRE_VAR_INIT(yield_fibre) } }; static benchmark_fibre_t simple_run[2] = { { .cycles = NUM_CYCLES/2, .fibre = FIBRE_VAR_INIT(run_fibre), .friend = &simple_run[1].fibre, }, { .cycles = NUM_CYCLES/2, .fibre = FIBRE_VAR_INIT(run_fibre), .friend = &simple_run[0].fibre, }, }; static benchmark_fibre_t atomic_run[2] = { { .cycles = NUM_CYCLES/2, .fibre = FIBRE_VAR_INIT(atomic_run_fibre), .friend = &atomic_run[1].fibre, }, { .cycles = NUM_CYCLES/2, .fibre = FIBRE_VAR_INIT(atomic_run_fibre), .friend = &atomic_run[0].fibre, }, }; void benchmark_init(benchmark_results_t *results, fibre_t *wakeup) { memset(results, 0, sizeof(*results)); for (int i=0; i<lengthof(results->stats); i++) stats_init(&results->stats[i]); results->wakeup = wakeup; } int benchmark_run_once(benchmark_results_t *results) { /* next_action is a bit of a hack but since it is meaningless to run * two benchmarks concurrently it is sufficient to unconditionally * update this every time we run. */ next_action = results->wakeup; PT_BEGIN(&results->pt); fibre_run(&single_yield.fibre); PT_WAIT(); stats_add(&results->stats[BENCHMARK_SINGLE], single_yield.end_time - single_yield.start_time); fibre_run(&paired_yield[0].fibre); fibre_run(&paired_yield[1].fibre); PT_WAIT(); stats_add(&results->stats[BENCHMARK_PAIRED], paired_yield[1].end_time - paired_yield[0].start_time); fibre_run(&simple_run[0].fibre); PT_WAIT(); stats_add(&results->stats[BENCHMARK_SIMPLE_RUN], simple_run[1].end_time - simple_run[0].start_time); fibre_run(&atomic_run[0].fibre); PT_WAIT(); stats_add(&results->stats[BENCHMARK_ATOMIC_RUN], atomic_run[1].end_time - atomic_run[0].start_time); PT_END(); } static const char *lookup_name(int n) { static char lower[16]; #define C(x) case BENCHMARK_ ## x: strncpy(lower, #x, sizeof(lower)); break switch (n) { C(SINGLE); C(PAIRED); C(SIMPLE_RUN); C(ATOMIC_RUN); default: return NULL; #undef C } lower[sizeof(lower)-1] = '\0'; (void) strtolower(lower); return lower; } const char *benchmark_get_result(benchmark_results_t *results, int n, stats_t *s) { const char *retval = lookup_name(n); if (retval) memcpy(s, &results->stats[n], sizeof(*s)); return retval; } void benchmark_show_results(benchmark_results_t *results) { const char *name; stats_t result; printf("Test Min Mean Max\n"); printf("----------------------------------------------\n"); for (int i = 0; (name = benchmark_get_result(results, i, &result)); i++) printf("%-16s%11d%11d%11d\n", name, result.min, stats_mean(&result), result.max); } void benchmark_show_csv(benchmark_results_t *results, FILE *f) { const char *name; stats_t result; fprintf(f,"\"Test\",\"Min\",\"Mean\",\"Max\"\n"); for (int i = 0; (name = benchmark_get_result(results, i, &result)); i++) fprintf(f, "\"%s\",%d,%d,%d\n", name, result.min, stats_mean(&result), result.max); }