#pragma once /* CCID Device handling * * (C) 2019-2020 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "ccid_proto.h" #include "logging.h" #define NR_SLOTS 8 #define LOGPCI(ci, lvl, fmt, args ...) LOGP(DCCID, lvl, "%s: " fmt, (ci)->name, ## args) #define LOGPCS(cs, lvl, fmt, args ...) \ LOGP(DCCID, lvl, "%s(%u): " fmt, (cs)->ci->name, (cs)->slot_nr, ## args) struct msgb; struct ccid_pars_decoded { /* global for T0/T1 */ uint32_t fi; uint32_t di; enum ccid_clock_stop clock_stop; bool inverse_convention; struct { uint8_t guard_time_etu; uint8_t waiting_integer; } t0; struct { enum ccid_t1_csum_type csum_type; uint8_t guard_time_t1; uint8_t bwi; uint8_t cwi; uint8_t ifsc; uint8_t nad; } t1; }; struct ccid_slot { /* back-pointer to the ccid_instance */ struct ccid_instance *ci; /* number of this slot (0 = first) */ uint8_t slot_nr; /* is there an ICC physically present (card detect)? */ bool icc_present; /* was there an ICC present during the last NotifSlotStatus? * should be set to zero every USB resume and setConfig != 0 */ bool icc_present_last; /* is the ICC physically powered? */ bool icc_powered; /* is the ICC currently in reset? */ bool icc_in_reset; /* is this slot currently busy with processing a CCID command? */ bool cmd_busy; /* decided CCID parameters */ struct ccid_pars_decoded pars; /* proposed CCID parameters */ struct ccid_pars_decoded proposed_pars; /* default parameters; applied on ResetParameters */ const struct ccid_pars_decoded *default_pars; volatile uint32_t event; volatile void* event_data; }; /* CCID operations provided by USB transport layer */ struct ccid_ops { /* msgb ownership in below functions is transferred, i.e. whoever * provides the callback function must make sure to msgb_free() them * once transmission on IN or INT EP has completed. */ int (*send_in)(struct ccid_instance *ci, struct msgb *msg); int (*send_int)(struct ccid_instance *ci, struct msgb *msg); }; /* CCID operations provided by actual slot hardware */ struct ccid_slot_ops { /* called once on start-up for initialization */ int (*init)(struct ccid_slot *cs); /* called before processing any command for a slot; used e.g. to * update the (power/clock/...) status from the hardware */ void (*pre_proc_cb)(struct ccid_slot *cs, struct msgb *msg); void (*icc_power_on_async)(struct ccid_slot *cs, struct msgb *msg, const struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_icc_power_on *ipo); int (*xfr_block_async)(struct ccid_slot *cs, struct msgb *msg, const struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_xfr_block *xfb); void (*set_power)(struct ccid_slot *cs, bool enable); void (*set_clock)(struct ccid_slot *cs, enum ccid_clock_command cmd); int (*set_params)(struct ccid_slot *cs, uint8_t seq, enum ccid_protocol_num proto, const struct ccid_pars_decoded *pars_dec); int (*set_rate_and_clock)(struct ccid_slot *cs, uint32_t* freq_hz, uint32_t* rate_bps); void (*icc_set_insertion_status)(struct ccid_slot *cs, bool present); int (*handle_fsm_events)(struct ccid_slot *cs, bool enable); }; /* An instance of CCID (i.e. a card reader device) */ struct ccid_instance { /* slots within the reader */ struct ccid_slot slot[NR_SLOTS]; /* set of function pointers implementing specific operations */ const struct ccid_ops *ops; const struct ccid_slot_ops *slot_ops; /* USB CCID Class Specific Descriptor */ const struct usb_ccid_class_descriptor *class_desc; /* array of permitted data rates; length: bNumDataRatesSupported */ const uint32_t *data_rates; /* array of permitted clock frequencies; length: bNumClockSupported */ const uint32_t *clock_freqs; const char *name; /* user-supplied opaque data */ void *priv; }; int ccid_slot_send(struct ccid_slot *cs, struct msgb *msg); int ccid_slot_send_unbusy(struct ccid_slot *cs, struct msgb *msg); struct msgb *ccid_gen_slot_status(struct ccid_slot *cs, uint8_t seq, uint8_t cmd_sts, enum ccid_error_code err); struct msgb *ccid_gen_data_block(struct ccid_slot *cs, uint8_t seq, uint8_t cmd_sts, enum ccid_error_code err, const uint8_t *data, uint32_t data_len); void ccid_instance_init(struct ccid_instance *ci, const struct ccid_ops *ops, const struct ccid_slot_ops *slot_ops, const struct usb_ccid_class_descriptor *class_desc, const uint32_t *data_rates, const uint32_t *clock_freqs, const char *name, void *priv); int ccid_handle_out(struct ccid_instance *ci, struct msgb *msg); struct msgb *ccid_gen_parameters_t0(struct ccid_slot *cs, uint8_t seq, uint8_t cmd_sts, enum ccid_error_code err); struct msgb *ccid_gen_parameters_t1(struct ccid_slot *cs, uint8_t seq, uint8_t cmd_sts, enum ccid_error_code err); /* Invalid request received: Please return STALL */ #define CCID_CTRL_RET_INVALID -1 /* Unknown request received: Not something CCID is supposed to handle */ #define CCID_CTRL_RET_UNKNOWN 0 /* Request OK. In case of a CTRL-IN: continue by sending wLength bytes to host */ #define CCID_CTRL_RET_OK 1 int ccid_handle_ctrl(struct ccid_instance *ci, const uint8_t *ctrl_req, const uint8_t **data_in);