osmo-hlr - Osmocom HLR Implementation

This repository contains a C-language implementation of a GSM *Home
Location Register (HLR)*. It is part of the
[Osmocom](https://osmocom.org/) Open Source Mobile Communications

Warning: While the HLR logical functionality is implemented, OsmoHLR
does not use the ETSI/3GPP TCAP/MAP protocol stack. Instead, a much
simpler custom protocol (GSUP) is used.  This means, OsmoHLR is of
no use outside the context of an Osmocom core network.  You can use
it with [OsmoMSC](https://osmocom.org/projects/osmomsc/wiki),
[OsmoSGSN](https://osmocom.org/projects/osmosgsn/wiki) etc. -
but not directly with third party components.


The official homepage of the project is <https://osmocom.org/projects/osmo-hlr/wiki>.

GIT Repository

You can clone from the official osmo-hlr.git repository using

	git clone https://gitea.osmocom.org/cellular-infrastructure/osmo-hlr

There is a web interface at <https://gitea.osmocom.org/cellular-infrastructure/osmo-hlr>


User Manuals and VTY reference manuals are [optionally] built in PDF form
as part of the build process.

Pre-rendered PDF versions of the current `master` can be found at

* [User Manual](https://ftp.osmocom.org/docs/latest/osmohlr-usermanual.pdf)
* [VTY Reference Manual for osmo-hlr](https://ftp.osmocom.org/docs/latest/osmohlr-vty-reference.pdf)


We welcome any osmo-hlr related discussions in the
[Cellular Network Infrastructure -> 2G/3G Core Network](https://discourse.osmocom.org/c/cni/2g-3g-cn)
section of the osmocom discourse (web based Forum).

Mailing List

Discussions related to osmo-hlr are happening on the
openbsc@lists.osmocom.org mailing list, please see
https://lists.osmocom.org/mailman/listinfo/openbsc for subscription
options and the list archive.

Please observe the [Osmocom Mailing List
when posting.

Issue Tracker

We use the [issue tracker of the osmo-hlr project on osmocom.org](https://osmocom.org/projects/osmo-hlr/issues) for
tracking the state of bug reports and feature requests.  Feel free to submit any issues you may find, or help
us out by resolving existing issues.


Our coding standards are described at

We use a Gerrit based patch submission/review process for managing
contributions.  Please see
<https://osmocom.org/projects/cellular-infrastructure/wiki/Gerrit> for
more details

The current patch queue for osmo-hlr can be seen at