[[docker]] == Docker Setup A sample {app-name} setup based on docker containers and maintained by the Osmocom community is available in Osmocom's git repository link:https://gitea.osmocom.org/osmocom/docker-playground/[docker-playground.git], under 'osmo-gsm-tester' subdirectory. In there, one can find: - A 'Dockerfile' file can be found which builds a docker image which can be used both to run as an osmo-gsm-tester <<install_main_unit,Main Unit>> or as a <<install_slave_unit,Slave Unit>>. The main difference to use it as one or the other is whether osmo-gsm-tester.py is run on it (Main Unit) or otherwise sshd (Slave Unit). A convenience script is provided in the same directory to start the processes just explained ('osmo-gsm-tester-{master,slave}.sh'). - A 'jenkins.sh' file is provided which handles all the magic to start a Main Unit and a Slave Unit on the same docker private network so they can interact. It also takes care on running the docker containers with all the required permissions, mount all virtual filesystem bindings, etc. - A sample <<resources_conf,resources.conf>> file is provided which provides some virtual resources configured to be run on the Slave Unit. The 'jenkins.sh' script expects the <<trials, trial directory>> to be in '/tmp/trial', and will bind that directory to the docker Main Unit instance so osmo-gsm-tester uses it. Hence, one must place a the trial to be run in there before running the setup. There is yet no specific docker container available to build trials, but one can re-use an Osmocom jenkins slave container available to in 'docker-playground.git' in order to build them using the scripts in 'osmo-gsm-tester.git/contrib/jenkins-build-*.sh'. Alternatively, the quick way is to get them from any of the Osmocom's {app-name} link:https://jenkins.osmocom.org/jenkins/view/osmo-gsm-tester/[jenkins jobs], which store them as artifacts. When running the whole setup through the 'jenkins.sh' script, standard out ('stdout') and standard error ('stderr') outputs for each docker container are made available to the host running the script, under '/tmp/logs' directory. Results generated by {app-name}'s last run can be found as usual under the trial directory ('/tmp/trial/last_run'). The {app-name} git revision being checked out to build and run inside the docker containers can be selected by setting the 'OSMO_GSM_TESTER_BRANCH' environment variable. For instance, to install and run branch 'mybranch' in 'osmo-gsm-tester.git', one can use: ---- export OSMO_GSM_TESTER_BRANCH=mybranch ./jenkins.sh ---- Specific command line parameters to be passed to {app-name} process inside the Main Unit docker container instance can be set with the 'OSMO_GSM_TESTER_OPTS' environment variable. For instance, to run suite '4g' with debug logging level: ---- export OSMO_GSM_TESTER_OPTS="-s 4g -l dbg" ./jenkins.sh ----