#!/usr/bin/env python3 # osmo_gsm_tester: logging tests # # Copyright (C) 2016-2017 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH # # Author: Neels Hofmeyr <neels@hofmeyr.de> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import _prep import sys import os from osmo_gsm_tester.core import log #log.targets[0].get_time_str = lambda: '01:02:03' fake_time = '01:02:03' log.style_change(time=True, time_fmt=fake_time) log.set_all_levels(None) print('- Testing global log functions') log.log('from log.log()', _origin='<origin>', _category=log.C_TST) log.dbg('from log.dbg(), not seen', _origin='<origin>', _category=log.C_TST) log.set_level(log.C_TST, log.L_DBG) log.dbg('from log.dbg()', _origin='<origin>', _category=log.C_TST) log.set_level(log.C_TST, log.L_LOG) log.err('from log.err()', _origin='<origin>', _category=log.C_TST) print('- Testing log.Origin functions') class LogTest(log.Origin): def __init__(self, *name_items, **detail_items): super().__init__(log.C_TST, *name_items, **detail_items) t = LogTest('some', 'name', some="detail") t.log("hello log") t.err("hello err") t.dbg("hello dbg not visible") t.log("message", int=3, tuple=('foo', 42), none=None, str='str\n') log.set_level(log.C_TST, log.L_DBG) t.dbg("hello dbg") print('- Testing log.style()') log.style(time=True, category=False, level=False, origin=False, src=False, time_fmt=fake_time) t.dbg("only time") log.style(time=False, category=True, level=False, origin=False, src=False, time_fmt=fake_time) t.dbg("only category") log.style(time=False, category=False, level=True, origin=False, src=False, time_fmt=fake_time) t.dbg("only level") log.style(time=False, category=False, level=False, origin=True, src=False, time_fmt=fake_time) t.dbg("only origin") log.style(time=False, category=False, level=False, origin=False, src=True, time_fmt=fake_time) t.dbg("only src") print('- Testing log.style_change()') log.style(time=False, category=False, level=False, origin=False, src=False, time_fmt=fake_time) t.dbg("no log format") log.style_change(time=True) t.dbg("add time") log.style_change(time=True, time_fmt=0) t.dbg("but no time format") log.style_change(time=True, time_fmt=fake_time) log.style_change(level=True) t.dbg("add level") log.style_change(category=True) t.dbg("add category") log.style_change(src=True) t.dbg("add src") log.style_change(origin=True) t.dbg("add origin") print('- Testing origin_width') t = LogTest('shortname') log.style(origin_width=23, time_fmt=fake_time) t.log("origin str set to 23 chars") t.set_name('very long name', some='details', and_some=(3, 'things', 'in a tuple')) t.log("long origin str") t.dbg("long origin str dbg") t.err("long origin str err") print('- Testing log.Origin with omitted info') t = LogTest() t.log("hello log, name implicit from class name") t = LogTest('explicit_name') t._set_log_category(None) t.log("hello log, no category set") t = LogTest() t._set_log_category(None) t.log("hello log, no category nor name set") t.dbg("hello log, no category nor name set, not seen") log.set_level(log.C_DEFAULT, log.L_DBG) t.dbg("debug message, no category nor name set") print('- Testing logging of Exceptions, tracing origins') log.style(time_fmt=fake_time, origin_width=0) class Thing(log.Origin): def __init__(self, some_path): super().__init__(log.C_TST, some_path) def say(self, msg): print(msg) def l1(self): level2 = Thing('level2') level2.l2() def l2(self): level3 = Thing('level3') level3.l3(self) def l3(self, level2): print('nested print just prints') self.log('nested log()') level2.log('nested l2 log() from within l3 scope') raise ValueError('bork') try: level1 = Thing('level1') level1.l1() except Exception: log.log_exn() print('- Disallow origin loops') try: t = Thing('foo') t._set_parent(t) raise RuntimeError('this should not be reached') except log.OriginLoopError: print('disallowed successfully') pass # vim: expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4