% (C) 2023 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH % Author: Pau Espin Pedrol % % All Rights Reserved % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as % published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the % License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License % along with this program. If not, see . % % Additional Permission under GNU AGPL version 3 section 7: % % If you modify this Program, or any covered work, by linking or % combining it with runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP as released by % Ericsson on https://www.erlang.org (or a modified version of these % libraries), containing parts covered by the terms of the Erlang Public % License (https://www.erlang.org/EPLICENSE), the licensors of this % Program grant you additional permission to convey the resulting work % without the need to license the runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP under % the GNU Affero General Public License. Corresponding Source for a % non-source form of such a combination shall include the source code % for the parts of the runtime libraries of Erlang/OTP used as well as % that of the covered work. -module(osmo_epdg_sup). -behaviour(supervisor). -export([start_link/0]). -export([init/1]). -define(SERVER, ?MODULE). -define(ENV_APP_NAME, osmo_epdg). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_GSUP_LOCAL_IP, ""). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_GSUP_LOCAL_PORT, 4222). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_GTPC_LOCAL_IP, ""). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_GTPC_LOCAL_PORT, 2123). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_GTPC_REMOTE_IP, ""). -define(ENV_DEFAULT_GTPC_REMOTE_PORT, 2123). start_link() -> supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, []). init([]) -> GsupLocalIp = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, gsup_local_ip, ?ENV_DEFAULT_GSUP_LOCAL_IP), GsupLocalPort = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, gsup_local_port, ?ENV_DEFAULT_GSUP_LOCAL_PORT), GtpcLocalIp = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, gtpc_local_ip, ?ENV_DEFAULT_GTPC_LOCAL_IP), GtpcLocalPort = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, gtpc_local_port, ?ENV_DEFAULT_GTPC_LOCAL_PORT), GtpcRemoteIp = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, gtpc_remote_ip, ?ENV_DEFAULT_GTPC_REMOTE_IP), GtpcRemotePort = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, gtpc_remote_port, ?ENV_DEFAULT_GTPC_REMOTE_PORT), GtpuLocalIp = get_config_gtpu_local_ip_addr(), %% AAA Server processes: AAADiaSWxServer = {aaa_diameter_swx, {aaa_diameter_swx,start_link,[]}, permanent, 5000, worker, [aaa_diameter_swx_cb]}, AAADiaS6bServer = {aaa_diameter_s6b, {aaa_diameter_s6b,start_link,[]}, permanent, 5000, worker, [aaa_diameter_s6b_cb]}, AAADiaSWmServer = {aaa_diameter_swm, {aaa_diameter_swm, start_link, []}, permanent, 5000, worker, [aaa_diameter_swm]}, %% ePDG processes: GtpcServer = {epdg_gtpc_s2b, {epdg_gtpc_s2b,start_link, [GtpcLocalIp, GtpcLocalPort, GtpcRemoteIp, GtpcRemotePort, GtpuLocalIp, []]}, permanent, 5000, worker, [epdg_gtpc_s2b]}, GsupServer = {gsup_server, {gsup_server, start_link, [GsupLocalIp, GsupLocalPort, []]}, permanent, 5000, worker, [gsup_server]}, DiaSWmServer = {epdg_diameter_swm, {epdg_diameter_swm, start_link, []}, permanent, 5000, worker, [epdg_diameter_swm]}, {ok, { {one_for_all, 5, 10}, [AAADiaSWxServer, AAADiaS6bServer, AAADiaSWmServer, GtpcServer, GsupServer, DiaSWmServer]} }. % Returns GTP-U local IP address to use, as a string. get_config_gtpu_local_ip_addr() -> GtpuKmodSockets = application:get_env(gtp_u_kmod, sockets, []), [GtpuKmodSocket | _] = GtpuKmodSockets, {_GtpuKmodName, GtpuKmodSockOpts} = GtpuKmodSocket, case proplists:get_value(ip, GtpuKmodSockOpts, undefined) of undefined -> GtpcLocalIp = application:get_env(?ENV_APP_NAME, gtpc_local_ip, ?ENV_DEFAULT_GTPC_LOCAL_IP), lager:notice("Config for GTP-U Local IP Address not found, using GTP-C ~p as fallback~n", [GtpcLocalIp]), GtpcLocalIp; IP -> % GtpuLocalIp is in format {A,B,C,D}, convert it to string: GtpuLocalIp = inet:ntoa(IP), lager:info("Config for GTP-U Local IP Address: ~p~n", [GtpuLocalIp]), GtpuLocalIp end.