#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # python: 3.8.1 # library to enumerate USB devices import usb.core from usb.util import * # more elegant structure from typing import NamedTuple # regular expressions utilities import re # open utilities to handle files import os, sys # to download the firmwares import urllib.request # to flash using DFU-util import subprocess # SIMtrace 2 device information class Device(NamedTuple): usb_vendor_id: int usb_product_id: int name: str url: dict # 1: sniff/trace firmware, 2: card emulation firmware # SIMtrace 2 devices definitions DEVICE_SIMTRACE = Device(usb_vendor_id=0x1d50, usb_product_id=0x60e3, name="SIMtrace 2", url={"trace": "https://ftp.osmocom.org/binaries/simtrace2/firmware/latest/simtrace-trace-dfu-latest.bin", "cardem": "https://osmocom.org/attachments/download/3868/simtrace-cardem-dfu.bin"}) DEVICE_QMOD = Device(usb_vendor_id=0x1d50, usb_product_id=0x4004, name="sysmoQMOD (Quad Modem)", url={"cardem": "https://ftp.osmocom.org/binaries/simtrace2/firmware/latest/qmod-cardem-dfu-latest.bin"}) DEVICE_OWHW = Device(usb_vendor_id=0x1d50, usb_product_id=0x4001, name="OWHW", url={"cardem": "https://ftp.osmocom.org/binaries/simtrace2/firmware/latest/owhw-cardem-dfu-latest.bin"}) DEVICE_OCTSIMTEST = Device(usb_vendor_id=0x1d50, usb_product_id=0x616d, name="OCTSIMTEST", url={"cardem": "https://ftp.osmocom.org/binaries/simtrace2/firmware/latest/octsimtest-cardem-dfu-latest.bin"}) DEVICE_NGFF_CARDEM = Device(usb_vendor_id=0x1d50, usb_product_id=0x616e, name="ngff-cardem", url={"cardem": "https://ftp.osmocom.org/binaries/simtrace2/firmware/latest/ngff_cardem-cardem-dfu-latest.bin"}) DEVICES = [DEVICE_SIMTRACE, DEVICE_QMOD, DEVICE_OCTSIMTEST, DEVICE_NGFF_CARDEM] # which firmware does the SIMtrace USN interface subclass correspond FIRMWARE_SUBCLASS = {1: "trace", 2: "cardem"} def print_help(): print("this script will flash SIMtrace 2 - based devices") print("when no argument is provided, it will try to flash the application firmware of all SIMtrace 2 devices connected to USB with the latest version") print("to flash a specific firmware, provide the name as argument") print("the possible firmwares are: trace, cardem") print("to list all devices connected to USB, provide the argument \"list\"") # the firmware to flash to_flash = None # parse command line argument if len(sys.argv) == 2: to_flash = sys.argv[1] if to_flash not in ["list", "trace", "cardem"] and len(sys.argv) > 1: print_help() exit(0) # get all USB devices devices = [] devices_nb = 0 updated_nb = 0 usb_devices = usb.core.find(find_all=True) for usb_device in usb_devices: # find SIMtrace devices definitions = list(filter(lambda x: x.usb_vendor_id == usb_device.idVendor and x.usb_product_id == usb_device.idProduct, DEVICES)) if 1 != len(definitions): continue devices_nb += 1 definition = definitions[0] serial = usb_device.serial_number or "unknown" usb_path = str(usb_device.bus) + "-" + ".".join(map(str, usb_device.port_numbers)) print("found " + definition.name + " device (chip ID " + serial + ") at USB path " + usb_path) # determine if we are running DFU (in most cases the bootloader, but could also be the application) dfu_interface = None for configuration in usb_device: # get DFU interface descriptor dfu_interface = dfu_interface or find_descriptor(configuration, bInterfaceClass=254, bInterfaceSubClass=1) if (None == dfu_interface): print("no DFU USB interface found") continue dfu_mode = (2 == dfu_interface.bInterfaceProtocol) # InterfaceProtocol 1 is runtime mode, 2 is DFU mode # determine firmware type (when not in DFU mode) firmware = None simtrace_interface = None for configuration in usb_device: simtrace_interface = simtrace_interface or find_descriptor(configuration, bInterfaceClass=255) if simtrace_interface and simtrace_interface.bInterfaceSubClass in FIRMWARE_SUBCLASS: firmware = firmware or FIRMWARE_SUBCLASS[simtrace_interface.bInterfaceSubClass] if dfu_mode: firmware = 'dfu' if firmware: print("installed firmware: " + firmware) else: print("unknown installed firmware") continue # determine version of the application/bootloader firmware version = None version_interface = None for configuration in usb_device: # get custom interface with string version_interface = version_interface or find_descriptor(configuration, bInterfaceClass=255, bInterfaceSubClass=255) if version_interface and version_interface.iInterface and version_interface.iInterface > 0 and get_string(usb_device, version_interface.iInterface): version = get_string(usb_device, version_interface.iInterface) if not version: # the USB serial is set (in the application) since version from 2019-08-06 # https://git.osmocom.org/simtrace2/commit/?id=e0265462d8c05ebfa133db2039c2fbe3ebbd286e # the USB serial is set (in the bootloader) since version from 2019-11-18 # https://git.osmocom.org/simtrace2/commit/?id=5db9402a5f346e30288db228157f71c29aefce5a # the firmware version is set (in the application) since version from 2019-08-13 # https://git.osmocom.org/simtrace2/commit/?id=ede87e067dadd07119f24e96261b66ac92b3af6f # the firmware version is set (in the bootloader) since version from 2019-11-18 # https://git.osmocom.org/simtrace2/commit/?id=5db9402a5f346e30288db228157f71c29aefce5a if dfu_mode: if serial: version = "<" else: versoin = "<" else: if serial: version = "<" else: versoin = "<" print("device firmware version: " + version) # flash latest firmware if to_flash == "list": # we just want to list the devices, not flash them continue # check the firmware exists if firmware == "dfu" and to_flash is None: print("device is currently in DFU mode. you need to specify which firmware to flash") continue to_flash = to_flash or firmware if to_flash not in definition.url.keys(): print("no firmware image available for " + firmware + " firmware") continue # download firmware try: dl_path, header = urllib.request.urlretrieve(definition.url[to_flash]) except: print("could not download firmware " + definition.url[to_flash]) continue dl_file = open(dl_path, "rb") dl_data = dl_file.read() dl_file.close() # compare versions dl_version = re.search(b'firmware \d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}', dl_data) if dl_version is None: print("could not get version from downloaded firmware image") os.remove(dl_path) continue dl_version = dl_version.group(0).decode("utf-8").split(" ")[1] print("latest firmware version: " + dl_version) versions = list(map(lambda x: int(x), version.split(" ")[-1].split("-")[0].split("."))) dl_versions = list(map(lambda x: int(x), dl_version.split("-")[0].split("."))) dl_newer = (versions[0] < dl_versions[0] or (versions[0] == dl_versions[0] and versions[1] < dl_versions[1]) or (versions[0] == dl_versions[0] and versions[1] == dl_versions[1] and versions[2] < dl_versions[2]) or (versions[0] == dl_versions[0] and versions[1] == dl_versions[1] and versions[2] == dl_versions[2] and versions[3] < dl_versions[3])) if not dl_newer: print("no need to flash latest version") os.remove(dl_path) continue print("flashing latest version") dfu_result = subprocess.run(["dfu-util", "--device", hex(definition.usb_vendor_id) + ":" + hex(definition.usb_product_id), "--path", usb_path, "--cfg", "1", "--alt", "1", "--reset", "--download", dl_path]) os.remove(dl_path) if 0 != dfu_result.returncode: printf("flashing firmware using dfu-util failed. ensure dfu-util is installed and you have the permissions to access this USB device") continue updated_nb += 1 print(str(devices_nb)+ " SIMtrace 2 device(s) found") print(str(updated_nb)+ " SIMtrace 2 device(s) updated")