/* * (C) 2018, sysmocom -s.f.m.c. GmbH, Author: Kevin Redon * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "atmel_start.h" #include "usb_start.h" #include "config/usbd_config.h" #if CONF_USBD_HS_SP static uint8_t single_desc_bytes[] = { /* Device descriptors and Configuration descriptors list. */ DFUD_HS_DESCES_LS_FS}; static uint8_t single_desc_bytes_hs[] = { /* Device descriptors and Configuration descriptors list. */ DFUD_HS_DESCES_HS}; #else static uint8_t single_desc_bytes[] = { /* Device descriptors and Configuration descriptors list. */ DFUD_DESCES_LS_FS}; #endif static struct usbd_descriptors single_desc[] = {{single_desc_bytes, single_desc_bytes + sizeof(single_desc_bytes)} #if CONF_USBD_HS_SP , {single_desc_bytes_hs, single_desc_bytes_hs + sizeof(single_desc_bytes_hs)} #endif }; /** USB DFU functional descriptor (with DFU attributes) */ static const uint8_t usb_dfu_func_desc_bytes[] = {DFUD_IFACE_DESCB}; static const usb_dfu_func_desc_t* usb_dfu_func_desc = (usb_dfu_func_desc_t*)&usb_dfu_func_desc_bytes; /** Ctrl endpoint buffer */ static uint8_t ctrl_buffer[64]; /* transmit given string descriptor */ static bool send_str_desc(uint8_t ep, const struct usb_req *req, enum usb_ctrl_stage stage, const uint8_t *desc) { uint16_t len_req = LE16(req->wLength); uint16_t len_desc = desc[0]; uint16_t len_tx; bool need_zlp = !(len_req & (CONF_USB_DFUD_BMAXPKSZ0 - 1)); if (len_req <= len_desc) { need_zlp = false; len_tx = len_req; } else { len_tx = len_desc; } if (ERR_NONE != usbdc_xfer(ep, (uint8_t *)desc, len_tx, need_zlp)) { return true; } return false; } extern uint8_t sernr_buf_descr[]; extern uint8_t product_buf_descr[]; /* call-back for every control EP request */ static int32_t string_req_cb(uint8_t ep, struct usb_req *req, enum usb_ctrl_stage stage) { uint8_t index, type; if (stage != USB_SETUP_STAGE) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; if ((req->bmRequestType & (USB_REQT_TYPE_MASK | USB_REQT_DIR_IN)) != (USB_REQT_TYPE_STANDARD | USB_REQT_DIR_IN)) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; /* abort if it's not a GET DESCRIPTOR request */ if (req->bRequest != USB_REQ_GET_DESC) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; /* abort if it's not about a string descriptor */ type = req->wValue >> 8; if (type != USB_DT_STRING) return ERR_NOT_FOUND; #if 0 printf("ep=%02x, bmReqT=%04x, bReq=%02x, wValue=%04x, stage=%d\r\n", ep, req->bmRequestType, req->bRequest, req->wValue, stage); #endif /* abort if it's not a standard GET request */ index = req->wValue & 0x00FF; switch (index) { case CONF_USB_DFUD_ISERIALNUM: return send_str_desc(ep, req, stage, sernr_buf_descr); case CONF_USB_DFUD_IPRODUCT: return send_str_desc(ep, req, stage, product_buf_descr); default: return ERR_NOT_FOUND; } } static struct usbdc_handler string_req_h = {NULL, (FUNC_PTR)string_req_cb}; /** * \brief USB DFU Init */ void usb_dfu_init(void) { usbdc_init(ctrl_buffer); dfudf_init(); #if defined(SYSMOOCTSIM) usbdc_register_handler(USBDC_HDL_REQ, &string_req_h); #endif usbdc_start(single_desc); usbdc_attach(); } /** * \brief reset device */ static void usb_dfu_reset(const enum usb_event ev, const uint32_t param) { (void)param; // not used switch (ev) { case USB_EV_RESET: usbdc_detach(); // make sure we are detached NVIC_SystemReset(); // initiate a system reset break; default: break; } } /** * \brief Enter USB DFU runtime */ void usb_dfu(void) { while (!dfudf_is_enabled()); // wait for DFU to be installed LED_SYSTEM_on(); // switch LED on to indicate USB DFU stack is ready uint32_t application_start_address = BL_SIZE_BYTE; ASSERT(application_start_address > 0); while (true) { // main DFU infinite loop // run the second part of the USB DFU state machine handling non-USB aspects if (USB_DFU_STATE_DFU_DNLOAD_SYNC == dfu_state || USB_DFU_STATE_DFU_DNBUSY == dfu_state) { // there is some data to be flashed LED_SYSTEM_off(); // switch LED off to indicate we are flashing if (dfu_download_length > 0) { // there is some data to be flashed int32_t rc = flash_write(&FLASH_0, application_start_address + dfu_download_offset, dfu_download_data, dfu_download_length); // write downloaded data chunk to flash if (ERR_NONE == rc) { dfu_state = USB_DFU_STATE_DFU_DNLOAD_IDLE; // indicate flashing this block has been completed } else { // there has been a programming error dfu_state = USB_DFU_STATE_DFU_ERROR; if (ERR_BAD_ADDRESS == rc) { dfu_status = USB_DFU_STATUS_ERR_ADDRESS; } else if (ERR_DENIED == rc) { dfu_status = USB_DFU_STATUS_ERR_WRITE; } else { dfu_status = USB_DFU_STATUS_ERR_PROG; } } } else { // there was no data to flash // this case should not happen, but it's not a critical error dfu_state = USB_DFU_STATE_DFU_DNLOAD_IDLE; // indicate flashing can continue } LED_SYSTEM_on(); // switch LED on to indicate USB DFU can resume } if (USB_DFU_STATE_DFU_MANIFEST == dfu_state) { // we can start manifestation (finish flashing) // in theory every DFU files should have a suffix to with a CRC to check the data // in practice most downloaded files are just the raw binary with DFU suffix dfu_manifestation_complete = true; // we completed flashing and all checks if (usb_dfu_func_desc->bmAttributes & USB_DFU_ATTRIBUTES_MANIFEST_TOLERANT) { dfu_state = USB_DFU_STATE_DFU_MANIFEST_SYNC; } else { dfu_state = USB_DFU_STATE_DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET; } } if (USB_DFU_STATE_DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET == dfu_state) { if (usb_dfu_func_desc->bmAttributes & USB_DFU_ATTRIBUTES_WILL_DETACH) { usb_dfu_reset(USB_EV_RESET, 0); // immediately reset } else { // wait for USB reset usb_d_register_callback(USB_D_CB_EVENT, (FUNC_PTR)usb_dfu_reset); // register new USB reset event handler } } } } void usb_init(void) { usb_dfu_init(); }