/* (C) 2015-2023 by Harald Welte <laforge@gnumonks.org>
 * All Rights Reserved
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <osmocom/core/utils.h>

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <osmocom/hlr/logging.h>
#include <osmocom/hlr/db.h>
#include "db_bootstrap.h"

/* This constant is currently duplicated in sql/hlr.sql and must be kept in sync! */

#define SEL_COLUMNS \
	"id," \
	"imsi," \
	"msisdn," \
	"imei," \
	"vlr_number," \
	"sgsn_number," \
	"sgsn_address," \
	"periodic_lu_tmr," \
	"periodic_rau_tau_tmr," \
	"nam_cs," \
	"nam_ps," \
	"lmsi," \
	"ms_purged_cs," \
	"ms_purged_ps," \
	"last_lu_seen," \
	"last_lu_seen_ps," \
	"vlr_via_proxy," \

static const char *stmt_sql[] = {
		"WHERE last_lu_seen IS NOT NULL ORDER BY last_lu_seen;",
	[DB_STMT_SEL_FILTER_MSISDN] = "SELECT " SEL_COLUMNS " FROM subscriber WHERE msisdn LIKE $search ORDER BY msisdn",
	[DB_STMT_SEL_FILTER_CS] = "SELECT " SEL_COLUMNS " FROM subscriber WHERE nam_cs = $search ORDER BY last_lu_seen",
	[DB_STMT_SEL_FILTER_PS] = "SELECT " SEL_COLUMNS " FROM subscriber WHERE nam_ps = $search ORDER BY last_lu_seen",
	[DB_STMT_SEL_BY_IMSI] = "SELECT " SEL_COLUMNS " FROM subscriber WHERE imsi = ?",
	[DB_STMT_SEL_BY_MSISDN] = "SELECT " SEL_COLUMNS " FROM subscriber WHERE msisdn = ?",
	[DB_STMT_SEL_BY_ID] = "SELECT " SEL_COLUMNS " FROM subscriber WHERE id = ?",
	[DB_STMT_SEL_BY_IMEI] = "SELECT " SEL_COLUMNS " FROM subscriber WHERE imei = ?",
	[DB_STMT_UPD_VLR_BY_ID] = "UPDATE subscriber SET vlr_number = $number, vlr_via_proxy = $proxy WHERE id = $subscriber_id",
	[DB_STMT_UPD_SGSN_BY_ID] = "UPDATE subscriber SET sgsn_number = $number, sgsn_via_proxy = $proxy WHERE id = $subscriber_id",
	[DB_STMT_UPD_IMEI_BY_IMSI] = "UPDATE subscriber SET imei = $imei WHERE imsi = $imsi",
		"SELECT id, algo_id_2g, ki, algo_id_3g, k, op, opc, sqn, ind_bitlen"
		" FROM subscriber"
		" LEFT JOIN auc_2g ON auc_2g.subscriber_id = subscriber.id"
		" LEFT JOIN auc_3g ON auc_3g.subscriber_id = subscriber.id"
		" WHERE imsi = $imsi",
	[DB_STMT_AUC_UPD_SQN] = "UPDATE auc_3g SET sqn = $sqn WHERE subscriber_id = $subscriber_id",
	[DB_STMT_UPD_PURGE_CS_BY_IMSI] = "UPDATE subscriber SET ms_purged_cs = $val WHERE imsi = $imsi",
	[DB_STMT_UPD_PURGE_PS_BY_IMSI] = "UPDATE subscriber SET ms_purged_ps = $val WHERE imsi = $imsi",
	[DB_STMT_UPD_NAM_CS_BY_IMSI] = "UPDATE subscriber SET nam_cs = $val WHERE imsi = $imsi",
	[DB_STMT_UPD_NAM_PS_BY_IMSI] = "UPDATE subscriber SET nam_ps = $val WHERE imsi = $imsi",
	[DB_STMT_SUBSCR_CREATE] = "INSERT INTO subscriber (imsi, nam_cs, nam_ps) VALUES ($imsi, $nam_cs, $nam_ps)",
	[DB_STMT_DEL_BY_ID] = "DELETE FROM subscriber WHERE id = $subscriber_id",
	[DB_STMT_SET_MSISDN_BY_IMSI] = "UPDATE subscriber SET msisdn = $msisdn WHERE imsi = $imsi",
	[DB_STMT_DELETE_MSISDN_BY_IMSI] = "UPDATE subscriber SET msisdn = NULL WHERE imsi = $imsi",
		"INSERT INTO auc_2g (subscriber_id, algo_id_2g, ki)"
		" VALUES($subscriber_id, $algo_id_2g, $ki)",
	[DB_STMT_AUC_2G_DELETE] = "DELETE FROM auc_2g WHERE subscriber_id = $subscriber_id",
		"INSERT INTO auc_3g (subscriber_id, algo_id_3g, k, op, opc, ind_bitlen)"
		" VALUES($subscriber_id, $algo_id_3g, $k, $op, $opc, $ind_bitlen)",
	[DB_STMT_AUC_3G_DELETE] = "DELETE FROM auc_3g WHERE subscriber_id = $subscriber_id",
	[DB_STMT_SET_LAST_LU_SEEN] = "UPDATE subscriber SET last_lu_seen = datetime($val, 'unixepoch') WHERE id = $subscriber_id",
	[DB_STMT_SET_LAST_LU_SEEN_PS] = "UPDATE subscriber SET last_lu_seen_ps = datetime($val, 'unixepoch') WHERE id = $subscriber_id",
	[DB_STMT_EXISTS_BY_IMSI] = "SELECT 1 FROM subscriber WHERE imsi = $imsi",
	[DB_STMT_EXISTS_BY_MSISDN] = "SELECT 1 FROM subscriber WHERE msisdn = $msisdn",
	[DB_STMT_IND_ADD] = "INSERT INTO ind (vlr) VALUES ($vlr)",
	[DB_STMT_IND_SELECT] = "SELECT ind FROM ind WHERE vlr = $vlr",
	[DB_STMT_IND_DEL] = "DELETE FROM ind WHERE vlr = $vlr",

static void sql3_error_log_cb(void *arg, int err_code, const char *msg)
	LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "(%d) %s\n", err_code, msg);

static void sql3_sql_log_cb(void *arg, sqlite3 *s3, const char *stmt, int type)
	switch (type) {
	case 0:
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_DEBUG, "Opened database\n");
	case 1:
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_DEBUG, "%s\n", stmt);
	case 2:
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_DEBUG, "Closed database\n");
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_DEBUG, "Unknown %d\n", type);

/* remove bindings and reset statement to be re-executed */
void db_remove_reset(sqlite3_stmt *stmt)
	/* sqlite3_reset() just repeats an error code already evaluated during sqlite3_step(). */
	/* coverity[CHECKED_RETURN] */

/** bind text arg and do proper cleanup in case of failure. If param_name is
 * NULL, bind to the first parameter (useful for SQL statements that have only
 * one parameter). */
bool db_bind_text(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const char *param_name, const char *text)
	int rc;
	int idx = param_name ? sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(stmt, param_name) : 1;
	if (idx < 1) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Error composing SQL, cannot bind parameter '%s'\n",
		return false;
	rc = sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, idx, text, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Error binding text to SQL parameter %s: %d\n",
		     param_name ? param_name : "#1", rc);
		return false;
	return true;

/** bind int arg and do proper cleanup in case of failure. If param_name is
 * NULL, bind to the first parameter (useful for SQL statements that have only
 * one parameter). */
bool db_bind_int(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const char *param_name, int nr)
	int rc;
	int idx = param_name ? sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(stmt, param_name) : 1;
	if (idx < 1) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Error composing SQL, cannot bind parameter '%s'\n",
		return false;
	rc = sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, idx, nr);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Error binding int64 to SQL parameter %s: %d\n",
		     param_name ? param_name : "#1", rc);
		return false;
	return true;

/** bind int64 arg and do proper cleanup in case of failure. If param_name is
 * NULL, bind to the first parameter (useful for SQL statements that have only
 * one parameter). */
bool db_bind_int64(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const char *param_name, int64_t nr)
	int rc;
	int idx = param_name ? sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(stmt, param_name) : 1;
	if (idx < 1) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Error composing SQL, cannot bind parameter '%s'\n",
		return false;
	rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, idx, nr);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Error binding int64 to SQL parameter %s: %d\n",
		     param_name ? param_name : "#1", rc);
		return false;
	return true;

bool db_bind_null(sqlite3_stmt *stmt, const char *param_name)
	int rc;
	int idx = param_name ? sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(stmt, param_name) : 1;
	if (idx < 1) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Error composing SQL, cannot bind parameter '%s'\n",
		return false;
	rc = sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, idx);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Error binding NULL to SQL parameter %s: %d\n",
		     param_name ? param_name : "#1", rc);
		return false;
	return true;

void db_close(struct db_context *dbc)
	unsigned int i;
	int rc;

	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dbc->stmt); i++) {
		/* it is ok to call finalize on NULL */

	/* Ask sqlite3 to close DB */
	rc = sqlite3_close(dbc->db);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { /* Make sure it's actually closed! */
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Couldn't close database: (rc=%d) %s\n",
			rc, sqlite3_errmsg(dbc->db));


static int db_run_statements(struct db_context *dbc, const char * const *statements, size_t statements_count)
	int rc = 0;
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < statements_count; i++) {
		const char *stmt_str = statements[i];
		sqlite3_stmt *stmt;

		rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbc->db, stmt_str, -1, &stmt, NULL);
		if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
			LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to prepare SQL statement '%s'\n", stmt_str);
			return rc;
		rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
		if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
			LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "SQL error: (%d) %s, during stmt '%s'",
			     rc, sqlite3_errmsg(dbc->db), stmt_str);
			return rc;
	return rc;

static int db_bootstrap(struct db_context *dbc)
	int rc = db_run_statements(dbc, stmt_bootstrap_sql, ARRAY_SIZE(stmt_bootstrap_sql));
	if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Cannot bootstrap database\n");
		return rc;
	return SQLITE_OK;

/* https://www.sqlite.org/fileformat2.html#storage_of_the_sql_database_schema */
static bool db_table_exists(struct db_context *dbc, const char *table_name)
	const char *table_exists_sql = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?";
	sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
	int rc;

	rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbc->db, table_exists_sql, -1, &stmt, NULL);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to prepare SQL statement '%s'\n", table_exists_sql);
		return false;

	if (!db_bind_text(stmt, NULL, table_name))
		return false;

	rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
	return (rc == SQLITE_ROW);

/* Indicate whether the database is initialized with tables for schema version 0.
 * We only check for the 'subscriber' table here because Neels said so. */
static bool db_is_bootstrapped_v0(struct db_context *dbc)
	if (!db_table_exists(dbc, "subscriber")) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_DEBUG, "Table 'subscriber' not found in database '%s'\n", dbc->fname);
		return false;

	return true;

static int
db_upgrade_v1(struct db_context *dbc)
	int rc;
	const char * const statements[] = {
		"ALTER TABLE subscriber ADD COLUMN last_lu_seen TIMESTAMP default NULL",
		"PRAGMA user_version = 1",

	rc = db_run_statements(dbc, statements, ARRAY_SIZE(statements));
	if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to update HLR database schema to version 1\n");
		return rc;
	return rc;

static int db_upgrade_v2(struct db_context *dbc)
	int rc;
	const char * const statements[] = {
		"ALTER TABLE subscriber ADD COLUMN imei VARCHAR(14)",
		"PRAGMA user_version = 2",

	rc = db_run_statements(dbc, statements, ARRAY_SIZE(statements));
	if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to update HLR database schema to version 2\n");
		return rc;
	return rc;

static int db_upgrade_v3(struct db_context *dbc)
	int rc;

	/* A newer SQLite version would allow simply 'ATLER TABLE subscriber RENAME COLUMN hlr_number TO msc_number'.
	 * This is a really expensive workaround for that in order to cover earlier SQLite versions as well:
	 * Create a new table with the new column name and copy the data over (https://www.sqlite.org/faq.html#q11).
#define SUBSCR_V3_CREATE  \
"(\n" \
"-- OsmoHLR's DB scheme is modelled roughly after TS 23.008 version 13.3.0\n" \
"	-- Chapter\n" \
"	imsi		VARCHAR(15) UNIQUE NOT NULL,\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.1.2\n" \
"	msisdn		VARCHAR(15) UNIQUE,\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.2.3: Most recent / current IMEISV\n" \
"	imeisv		VARCHAR,\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.1.9: Most recent / current IMEI\n" \
"	imei		VARCHAR(14),\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.4.5\n" \
"	vlr_number	VARCHAR(15),\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.4.6\n" \
"	msc_number	VARCHAR(15),\n" \
"	-- Chapter\n" \
"	sgsn_number	VARCHAR(15),\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.13.10\n" \
"	sgsn_address	VARCHAR,\n" \
"	-- Chapter\n" \
"	ggsn_number	VARCHAR(15),\n" \
"	-- Chapter\n" \
"	gmlc_number	VARCHAR(15),\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.4.23\n" \
"	smsc_number	VARCHAR(15),\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.4.24\n" \
"	periodic_lu_tmr	INTEGER,\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.13.115\n" \
"	periodic_rau_tau_tmr INTEGER,\n" \
"	-- Chapter network access mode\n" \
"	nam_cs		BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,\n" \
"	nam_ps		BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.1.8\n" \
"	lmsi		INTEGER,\n" \
"	-- The below purged flags might not even be stored non-volatile,\n" \
"	-- refer to TS 23.012 Chapter\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.7.5\n" \
"	ms_purged_cs	BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n" \
"	-- Chapter 2.7.6\n" \
"	ms_purged_ps	BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n" \
"	-- Timestamp of last location update seen from subscriber\n" \
"	-- The value is a string which encodes a UTC timestamp in granularity of seconds.\n" \
"	last_lu_seen TIMESTAMP default NULL\n" \

	"id," \
	"imsi," \
	"msisdn," \
	"imeisv," \
	"imei," \
	"vlr_number," \
	"hlr_number," \
	"sgsn_number," \
	"sgsn_address," \
	"ggsn_number," \
	"gmlc_number," \
	"smsc_number," \
	"periodic_lu_tmr," \
	"periodic_rau_tau_tmr," \
	"nam_cs," \
	"nam_ps," \
	"lmsi," \
	"ms_purged_cs," \
	"ms_purged_ps," \

	"id," \
	"imsi," \
	"msisdn," \
	"imeisv," \
	"imei," \
	"vlr_number," \
	"msc_number," \
	"sgsn_number," \
	"sgsn_address," \
	"ggsn_number," \
	"gmlc_number," \
	"smsc_number," \
	"periodic_lu_tmr," \
	"periodic_rau_tau_tmr," \
	"nam_cs," \
	"nam_ps," \
	"lmsi," \
	"ms_purged_cs," \
	"ms_purged_ps," \

	const char * const statements[] = {
		"INSERT INTO subscriber_backup SELECT " SUBSCR_V2_COLUMN_NAMES " FROM subscriber",
		"DROP TABLE subscriber",
		"INSERT INTO subscriber SELECT " SUBSCR_V3_COLUMN_NAMES " FROM subscriber_backup",
		"DROP TABLE subscriber_backup",
		"PRAGMA user_version = 3",

	rc = db_run_statements(dbc, statements, ARRAY_SIZE(statements));
	if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to update HLR database schema to version 3\n");
		return rc;
	return rc;

static int db_upgrade_v4(struct db_context *dbc)
	int rc;
	const char * const statements[] = {
		"ALTER TABLE subscriber ADD COLUMN last_lu_seen_ps TIMESTAMP default NULL",
		"PRAGMA user_version = 4",

	rc = db_run_statements(dbc, statements, ARRAY_SIZE(statements));
	if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to update HLR database schema to version 4\n");
		return rc;
	return rc;

static int db_upgrade_v5(struct db_context *dbc)
	int rc;
	const char * const statements[] = {
		"ALTER TABLE subscriber ADD COLUMN vlr_via_proxy VARCHAR",
		"ALTER TABLE subscriber ADD COLUMN sgsn_via_proxy VARCHAR",
		"PRAGMA user_version = 5",

	rc = db_run_statements(dbc, statements, ARRAY_SIZE(statements));
	if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to update HLR database schema to version 5\n");
		return rc;
	return rc;

static int db_upgrade_v6(struct db_context *dbc)
	int rc;
	const char * const statements[] = {
		"CREATE TABLE ind (\n"
		"	-- 3G auth IND pool to be used for this VLR\n"
		"	ind     INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\n"
		"	-- VLR identification, usually the GSUP source_name\n"
		"	vlr     TEXT NOT NULL,\n"
		"	UNIQUE (vlr)\n"
		"PRAGMA user_version = 6",

	rc = db_run_statements(dbc, statements, ARRAY_SIZE(statements));
	if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to update HLR database schema to version 6\n");
		return rc;
	return rc;

static int db_upgrade_v7(struct db_context *dbc)
	int rc;
	/* SQLite doesn't allow us to change the column type in-place, so we
	 * first rename the old table, create a new table and then copy
	 * the data over before deleting the old table */
#define CREATE_AUC_3G_V7	\
"CREATE TABLE auc_3g (\n" \
"	subscriber_id	INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,	-- subscriber.id\n" \
"	algo_id_3g	INTEGER NOT NULL,	-- enum osmo_auth_algo value\n" \
"	k		VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,	-- hex string: subscriber's secret key (128/256bit)\n" \
"	op		VARCHAR(64),		-- hex string: operator's secret key (128/256bit)\n" \
"	opc		VARCHAR(64),		-- hex string: derived from OP and K (128/256bit)\n" \
"	sqn		INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,	-- sequence number of key usage\n" \
"	-- nr of index bits at lower SQN end\n" \
"	ind_bitlen	INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 5\n" \
	const char * const statements[] = {
		/* rename old table */
		"ALTER TABLE auc_3g RENAME TO old_auc_3g",
		/* create new table */
		/* copy over old data */
		"INSERT INTO auc_3g SELECT subscriber_id, algo_id_3g, k, op, opc,sqn, ind_bitlen FROM old_auc_3g",
		/* delete old table */
		"DROP TABLE old_auc_3g",
		/* update user_version */
		"PRAGMA user_version = 7",

	rc = db_run_statements(dbc, statements, ARRAY_SIZE(statements));
	if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to update HLR database schema to version 7\n");
		return rc;
	return rc;

typedef int (*db_upgrade_func_t)(struct db_context *dbc);
static db_upgrade_func_t db_upgrade_path[] = {

static int db_get_user_version(struct db_context *dbc)
	const char *user_version_sql = "PRAGMA user_version";
	sqlite3_stmt *stmt;
	int version, rc;

	rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbc->db, user_version_sql, -1, &stmt, NULL);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to prepare SQL statement '%s'\n", user_version_sql);
		return -1;
	rc = sqlite3_step(stmt);
	if (rc == SQLITE_ROW) {
		version = sqlite3_column_int(stmt, 0);
	} else {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "SQL statement '%s' failed: %d\n", user_version_sql, rc);
		version = -1;

	return version;

struct db_context *db_open(void *ctx, const char *fname, bool enable_sqlite_logging, bool allow_upgrade)
	struct db_context *dbc = talloc_zero(ctx, struct db_context);
	unsigned int i;
	int rc;
	bool has_sqlite_config_sqllog = false;
	int version;
	bool version_changed = false;

	LOGP(DDB, LOGL_NOTICE, "using database: %s\n", fname);
	LOGP(DDB, LOGL_INFO, "Compiled against SQLite3 lib version %s\n", SQLITE_VERSION);
	LOGP(DDB, LOGL_INFO, "Running with SQLite3 lib version %s\n", sqlite3_libversion());

	/* Configure SQLite3 to use talloc memory allocator */
	rc = db_sqlite3_use_talloc(ctx);
	if (rc == SQLITE_OK) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_NOTICE, "SQLite3 is configured to use talloc\n");
	} else {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to configure SQLite3 "
		     "to use talloc, using default memory allocator\n");

	dbc->fname = talloc_strdup(dbc, fname);

	for (i = 0; i < 0xfffff; i++) {
		const char *o = sqlite3_compileoption_get(i);
		if (!o)
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_DEBUG, "SQLite3 compiled with '%s'\n", o);
		if (!strcmp(o, "ENABLE_SQLLOG"))
			has_sqlite_config_sqllog = true;

	if (enable_sqlite_logging) {
		rc = sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, sql3_error_log_cb, NULL);
		if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
			LOGP(DDB, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unable to set SQLite3 error log callback\n");

	if (has_sqlite_config_sqllog) {
		rc = sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_SQLLOG, sql3_sql_log_cb, NULL);
		if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
			LOGP(DDB, LOGL_NOTICE, "Unable to set SQLite3 SQL log callback\n");
	} else
			LOGP(DDB, LOGL_DEBUG, "Not setting SQL log callback:"
			     " SQLite3 compiled without support for it\n");

	rc = sqlite3_open(dbc->fname, &dbc->db);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to open DB; rc = %d\n", rc);
		return NULL;

	/* enable extended result codes */
	rc = sqlite3_extended_result_codes(dbc->db, 1);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK)
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to enable SQLite3 extended result codes\n");

	char *err_msg;
	rc = sqlite3_exec(dbc->db, "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL; PRAGMA synchonous = NORMAL;", 0, 0, &err_msg);
	if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to set Write-Ahead Logging: %s\n",

	version = db_get_user_version(dbc);
	if (version < 0) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to read user version number from database '%s'\n", dbc->fname);
		goto out_free;

	/* An empty database will always report version zero. */
	if (version == 0 && !db_is_bootstrapped_v0(dbc)) {
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_NOTICE, "Missing database tables detected; Bootstrapping database '%s'\n", dbc->fname);
		rc = db_bootstrap(dbc);
		if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
			LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to bootstrap DB: (rc=%d) %s\n",
			     rc, sqlite3_errmsg(dbc->db));
			goto out_free;
		version_changed = true;

	LOGP(DDB, LOGL_NOTICE, "Database '%s' has HLR DB schema version %d\n", dbc->fname, version);

	for (; allow_upgrade && (version < ARRAY_SIZE(db_upgrade_path)); version++) {
		db_upgrade_func_t upgrade_func = db_upgrade_path[version];
		rc = upgrade_func(dbc);
		if (rc != SQLITE_DONE) {
			LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Failed to upgrade HLR DB schema to version %d: (rc=%d) %s\n",
			     version+1, rc, sqlite3_errmsg(dbc->db));
			goto out_free;
		LOGP(DDB, LOGL_NOTICE, "Database '%s' has been upgraded to HLR DB schema version %d\n",
		     dbc->fname, version+1);
		version_changed = true;

	if (version != CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION) {
		if (version < CURRENT_SCHEMA_VERSION) {
			LOGP(DDB, LOGL_NOTICE, "HLR DB schema version %d is outdated\n", version);
			if (!allow_upgrade) {
				LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Not upgrading HLR database to schema version %d; "
				     "use the --db-upgrade option to allow HLR database upgrades\n",
		} else
			LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "HLR DB schema version %d is unknown\n", version);

		goto out_free;

	/* Flush the cache after changing the version, to make the scenario
	 * less likely that after an unclean shutdown the DB gets restored
	 * with the right table layout but wrong version (SYS#7394). */
	if (version_changed)

	/* prepare all SQL statements */
	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dbc->stmt); i++) {
		rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbc->db, stmt_sql[i], -1,
					&dbc->stmt[i], NULL);
		if (rc != SQLITE_OK) {
			LOGP(DDB, LOGL_ERROR, "Unable to prepare SQL statement '%s'\n", stmt_sql[i]);
			goto out_free;

	return dbc;
	return NULL;