%% -*- erlang -*- [%% ================================================================================ %% application config %% %% eNB S1GW %% +-----+ +----------------+ %% | ... | --> | s1gw_bind_addr | MME %% +-----+ +----------------+ +-----------------+ %% | mme_loc_addr | --> | mme_rem_addr | %% +----------------+ +-----------------+ %% ================================================================================ {osmo_s1gw, [{s1gw_bind_addr, ""}, %% S1GW bind address for incoming eNB connections {mme_loc_addr, ""}, %% local address for outgoing connections to the MME {mme_rem_addr, ""}, %% remote address for outgoing connections to the MME {pfcp_loc_addr, ""}, %% local address for incoming PFCP PDUs from the UPF {pfcp_rem_addr, ""} %% remote address for outgoing PFCP PDUs to the UPF %% Optional PFCP Network Instance IEs (omitted if not configured) %% {pfcp_net_inst_core, << 16#09, "core-side" >>}, %% PFCP Network Instance IE value (to core) %% {pfcp_net_inst_access, << 16#0a, "radio-side" >>} %% PFCP Network Instance IE value (to access) ]}, %% ================================================================================ %% kernel config %% ================================================================================ {kernel, [{logger_level, info}, {logger, [{handler, default, logger_std_h, #{formatter => {logger_color_formatter, #{legacy_header => false, single_line => false, template => [time, " ", color, "[", level, "]", {pid, [" ", pid, ""], ""}, {prefix, [" ", prefix, " ::"], ""}, " ", msg, {mfa, [" (", mfa, ":", line, ")"], ""}, reset, "\n"]}}}}]} ] }, {exometer_core, [{predefined, [%{[erlang, memory], {function, erlang, memory, [], value, []}, []}, %{[erlang, system_info], {function, erlang, system_info, ['$dp'], value, [process_count]}, []}, %{[erlang, statistics], {function, erlang, statistics, ['$dp'], value, [run_queue]}, []}, %{[erlang, io], {function, erlang, statistics, [io], match, {{'_', input}, {'_', output}}}, []} ] }, {report, [{reporters, [%%{exometer_report_tty, []}, {exometer_report_statsd, [{hostname, ""}, {port, 8125}, {prefix, "s1gw"}, {type_map, []} ] } ] }, {subscribers, [%%{select, {[{ {['_' | '_'],'_','_'}, [], ['$_']}], %% exometer_report_tty, value, 1000, true}} {select, {[{ {['_' | '_'], counter, '_'}, [], ['$_']}], exometer_report_statsd, value, 1000, true, [{report_type, counter}] } }, {select, {[{ {['_' | '_'], gauge, '_'}, [], ['$_']}], exometer_report_statsd, value, 1000, true, [{report_type, gauge}] } }, {select, {[{ {['_' | '_'], histogram, '_'}, [], ['$_']}], exometer_report_statsd, [n, min, max, mean, median], 1000, true, [{report_type, histogram}] } } ] } ] } ] } ]. %% vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: