#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; # Script to export the OpenVPN daemon status information (which clients # are connected from where) as a JSON file that can be served via HTTP. # # (C) 2015 by sysmocom - s.f.m.c. GmbH, All rights reserved. # Author: Harald Welte use JSON; use Linux::Inotify2; use Net::Netmask; my $OPENVPN_STATE_FILE = "/var/tmp/openvpn.status"; my $JSON_OUTPUT_FILE = "/var/www/openvpn/status.json"; my $srcip_table = { 'Destination 1' => [ '', ], 'Peer 2' => [ '', '', ], }; my %netblocks; sub read_netmask_table($) { my ($t) = @_; foreach my $k (keys %$t) { my $table = {}; foreach my $net (@{$$t{$k}}) { my $block = new Net::Netmask($net); $block->storeNetblock($table); } $netblocks{$k} = $table; } } sub classify_srcip($) { my ($ip) = @_; foreach my $k (%netblocks) { my $block = findNetblock($ip, $netblocks{$k}); if ($block) { return $k; } } return undef; } # read the openvpn.status file and parse it, return hash reference to # its contents. sub get_openvpn_clients($) { my ($fname) = @_; my $state = 'init'; my $href; my @clients; $$href{version} = 1; open(INFILE, "<", $fname); while (my $line = ) { chomp($line); if ($line =~ /^OpenVPN CLIENT LIST$/) { $state = 'client_list'; } elsif ($line =~ /^ROUTING\ TABLE$/) { $state = 'routing_table'; } else { if ($state eq 'client_list') { my %cl; if ($line =~ /^Updated,(.*)/) { $$href{updated} = $1; } elsif ($line =~ /^(\S+),([0-9\.]+)\:(\d+),(\d+),(\d+),(.*)$/) { $cl{name} = $1; $cl{srcip} = $2; $cl{operator} = classify_srcip($2); $cl{srcport} = $3 + 0; $cl{bytes_rx} = $4 + 0; $cl{bytes_tx} = $5 + 0; $cl{connected_since} = $6; push(@clients, \%cl); } } } } close(INFILE); $$href{clients} = \@clients; return $href; } # inotify handler to re-parse/convert openvpn.status on any change sub status_in_handler { my $e = shift; # read/parse openvpn.status my $cl = get_openvpn_clients($e->fullname); # write result to file open(OUTFILE, ">", $JSON_OUTPUT_FILE); print(OUTFILE to_json($cl, { pretty => 1 })); close(OUTFILE); # also print it to console for debugging print(to_json($cl, { pretty => 1 })); } # main read_netmask_table($srcip_table); my $inotify = new Linux::Inotify2 or die("Can't create inotify object: $!"); $inotify->watch($OPENVPN_STATE_FILE, IN_MODIFY, \&status_in_handler); # endless loop, wait for inotify enents 1 while $inotify->poll;