# coding=utf-8 """Representation of the ISO7816-4 filesystem model. The File (and its derived classes) represent the structure / hierarchy of the ISO7816-4 smart card file system with the MF, DF, EF and ADF entries, further sub-divided into the EF sub-types Transparent, Linear Fixed, etc. The classes are intended to represent the *specification* of the filesystem, not the actual contents / runtime state of interacting with a given smart card. """ # (C) 2021 by Harald Welte # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from typing import cast, Optional, Iterable, List, Dict, Tuple, Union import argparse import tempfile import json import abc import inspect import cmd2 from cmd2 import CommandSet, with_default_category from smartcard.util import toBytes from pySim.utils import sw_match, h2b, b2h, is_hex, auto_int, auto_uint8, auto_uint16, is_hexstr from pySim.construct import filter_dict, parse_construct, build_construct from pySim.jsonpath import js_path_modify from pySim.commands import SimCardCommands # int: a single service is associated with this file # list: any of the listed services requires this file # tuple: logical-and of the listed services requires this file CardFileService = Union[int, List[int], Tuple[int, ...]] Size = Tuple[int, Optional[int]] class CardFile: """Base class for all objects in the smart card filesystem. Serve as a common ancestor to all other file types; rarely used directly. """ RESERVED_NAMES = ['..', '.', '/', 'MF'] RESERVED_FIDS = ['3f00'] def __init__(self, fid: str = None, sfid: str = None, name: str = None, desc: str = None, parent: Optional['CardDF'] = None, profile: Optional['CardProfile'] = None, service: Optional[CardFileService] = None): """ Args: fid : File Identifier (4 hex digits) sfid : Short File Identifier (2 hex digits, optional) name : Brief name of the file, lik EF_ICCID desc : Description of the file parent : Parent CardFile object within filesystem hierarchy profile : Card profile that this file should be part of service : Service (SST/UST/IST) associated with the file """ if not isinstance(self, CardADF) and fid is None: raise ValueError("fid is mandatory") if fid: fid = fid.lower() self.fid = fid # file identifier self.sfid = sfid # short file identifier self.name = name # human readable name self.desc = desc # human readable description self.parent = parent if self.parent and self.parent != self and self.fid: self.parent.add_file(self) self.profile = profile self.service = service self.shell_commands = [] # type: List[CommandSet] # Note: the basic properties (fid, name, ect.) are verified when # the file is attached to a parent file. See method add_file() in # class Card DF def __str__(self): if self.name: return self.name else: return self.fid def _path_element(self, prefer_name: bool) -> Optional[str]: if prefer_name and self.name: return self.name else: return self.fid def fully_qualified_path_str(self, prefer_name: bool = True) -> str: """Return fully qualified path to file as string. Args: prefer_name : Preferably build path of names; fall-back to FIDs as required """ return '/'.join(self.fully_qualified_path(prefer_name)) def fully_qualified_path(self, prefer_name: bool = True) -> List[str]: """Return fully qualified path to file as list of FID or name strings. Args: prefer_name : Preferably build path of names; fall-back to FIDs as required """ if self.parent and self.parent != self: ret = self.parent.fully_qualified_path(prefer_name) else: ret = [] elem = self._path_element(prefer_name) if elem: ret.append(elem) return ret def fully_qualified_path_fobj(self) -> List['CardFile']: """Return fully qualified path to file as list of CardFile instance references.""" if self.parent and self.parent != self: ret = self.parent.fully_qualified_path_fobj() else: ret = [] if self: ret.append(self) return ret def build_select_path_to(self, target: 'CardFile') -> Optional[List['CardFile']]: """Build the relative sequence of files we need to traverse to get from us to 'target'.""" # special-case handling for applications. Applications may be selected # any time from any location. If there is an ADF somewhere in the path, # we may clip everything before that ADF. def clip_path(inter_path): for i in reversed(range(0, len(inter_path))): if isinstance(inter_path[i], CardADF): return inter_path[i:] return inter_path # special-case handling for selecting MF while the MF is selected if target == target.get_mf(): return [target] cur_fqpath = self.fully_qualified_path_fobj() target_fqpath = target.fully_qualified_path_fobj() inter_path = [] cur_fqpath.reverse() for ce in cur_fqpath: inter_path.append(ce) for i in range(0, len(target_fqpath)-1): te = target_fqpath[i] if te == ce: for te2 in target_fqpath[i+1:]: inter_path.append(te2) # we found our common ancestor return clip_path(inter_path[1:]) return None def get_mf(self) -> Optional['CardMF']: """Return the MF (root) of the file system.""" if self.parent is None: return None # iterate towards the top. MF has parent == self node = self while node.parent and node.parent != node: node = node.parent return cast(CardMF, node) def _get_self_selectables(self, alias: str = None, flags=[]) -> Dict[str, 'CardFile']: """Return a dict of {'identifier': self} tuples. Args: alias : Add an alias with given name to 'self' flags : Specify which selectables to return 'FIDS' and/or 'NAMES'; If not specified, all selectables will be returned. Returns: dict containing reference to 'self' for all identifiers. """ sels = {} if alias: sels.update({alias: self}) if self.fid and (flags == [] or 'FIDS' in flags): sels.update({self.fid: self}) if self.name and (flags == [] or 'FNAMES' in flags): sels.update({self.name: self}) return sels def _get_parent_selectables(self, alias: Optional[str] = None, flags=[]) -> Dict[str, 'CardFile']: sels = {} if not self.parent or self.parent == self: return sels # add our immediate parent if alias: sels.update({alias: self.parent}) if self.parent.fid and (flags == [] or 'FIDS' in flags): sels.update({self.parent.fid: self.parent}) if self.parent.name and (flags == [] or 'FNAMES' in flags): sels.update({self.parent.name: self.parent}) # recurse to parents of our parent, but without any alias sels.update(self.parent._get_parent_selectables(None, flags)) return sels def get_selectables(self, flags=[]) -> Dict[str, 'CardFile']: """Return a dict of {'identifier': File} that is selectable from the current file. Args: flags : Specify which selectables to return 'FIDS' and/or 'NAMES'; If not specified, all selectables will be returned. Returns: dict containing all selectable items. Key is identifier (string), value a reference to a CardFile (or derived class) instance. """ sels = {} # we can always select ourself if flags == [] or 'SELF' in flags: sels = self._get_self_selectables('.', flags) # we can always select our parent if flags == [] or 'PARENT' in flags: sels.update(self._get_parent_selectables('..', flags)) # if we have a MF, we can always select its applications if flags == [] or 'MF' in flags: mf = self.get_mf() if mf: sels.update(mf._get_self_selectables(flags=flags)) sels.update(mf.get_app_selectables(flags=flags)) return sels def get_selectable_names(self, flags=[]) -> List[str]: """Return a dict of {'identifier': File} that is selectable from the current file. Args: flags : Specify which selectables to return 'FIDS' and/or 'NAMES'; If not specified, all selectables will be returned. Returns: list containing all selectable names. """ sels = self.get_selectables(flags) sel_keys = list(sels.keys()) sel_keys.sort() return sel_keys def decode_select_response(self, data_hex: str): """Decode the response to a SELECT command. Args: data_hex: Hex string of the select response """ # When the current file does not implement a custom select response decoder, # we just ask the parent file to decode the select response. If this method # is not overloaded by the current file we will again ask the parent file. # This way we recursively travel up the file system tree until we hit a file # that does implement a concrete decoder. if self.parent: return self.parent.decode_select_response(data_hex) def get_profile(self): """Get the profile associated with this file. If this file does not have any profile assigned, try to find a file above (usually the MF) in the filesystem hirarchy that has a profile assigned """ # If we have a profile set, return it if self.profile: return self.profile # Walk up recursively until we hit a parent that has a profile set if self.parent: return self.parent.get_profile() return None def should_exist_for_services(self, services: List[int]): """Assuming the provided list of activated services, should this file exist and be activated?.""" if self.service is None: return None if isinstance(self.service, int): # a single service determines the result return self.service in services if isinstance(self.service, list): # any of the services active -> true for s in self.service: if s in services: return True return False if isinstance(self.service, tuple): # all of the services active -> true for s in self.service: if not s in services: return False return True raise ValueError("self.service must be either int or list or tuple") class CardDF(CardFile): """DF (Dedicated File) in the smart card filesystem. Those are basically sub-directories.""" @with_default_category('DF/ADF Commands') class ShellCommands(CommandSet): pass def __init__(self, **kwargs): if not isinstance(self, CardADF): if 'fid' not in kwargs: raise TypeError('fid is mandatory for all DF') super().__init__(**kwargs) self.children = {} self.shell_commands = [self.ShellCommands()] # dict of CardFile affected by service(int), indexed by service self.files_by_service = {} def __str__(self): return "DF(%s)" % (super().__str__()) def _add_file_services(self, child): """Add a child (DF/EF) to the files_by_services of the parent.""" if not child.service: return if isinstance(child.service, int): self.files_by_service.setdefault(child.service, []).append(child) elif isinstance(child.service, list): for service in child.service: self.files_by_service.setdefault(service, []).append(child) elif isinstance(child.service, tuple): for service in child.service: self.files_by_service.setdefault(service, []).append(child) else: raise ValueError def _has_service(self): if self.service: return True for c in self.children.values(): if isinstance(c, CardDF): if c._has_service(): return True def add_file(self, child: CardFile, ignore_existing: bool = False): """Add a child (DF/EF) to this DF. Args: child: The new DF/EF to be added ignore_existing: Ignore, if file with given FID already exists. Old one will be kept. """ if not isinstance(child, CardFile): raise TypeError("Expected a File instance") if not is_hex(child.fid, minlen=4, maxlen=4): raise ValueError("File name %s is not a valid fid" % (child.fid)) if child.name in CardFile.RESERVED_NAMES: raise ValueError("File name %s is a reserved name" % (child.name)) if child.fid in CardFile.RESERVED_FIDS: raise ValueError("File fid %s is a reserved fid" % (child.fid)) if child.fid in self.children: if ignore_existing: return raise ValueError( "File with given fid %s already exists in %s" % (child.fid, self)) if self.lookup_file_by_sfid(child.sfid): raise ValueError( "File with given sfid %s already exists in %s" % (child.sfid, self)) if self.lookup_file_by_name(child.name): if ignore_existing: return raise ValueError( "File with given name %s already exists in %s" % (child.name, self)) self.children[child.fid] = child child.parent = self # update the service -> file relationship table self._add_file_services(child) if isinstance(child, CardDF): for c in child.children.values(): self._add_file_services(c) if isinstance(c, CardDF): for gc in c.children.values(): if isinstance(gc, CardDF): if gc._has_service(): raise ValueError('TODO: implement recursive service -> file mapping') def add_files(self, children: Iterable[CardFile], ignore_existing: bool = False): """Add a list of child (DF/EF) to this DF Args: children: List of new DF/EFs to be added ignore_existing: Ignore, if file[s] with given FID already exists. Old one[s] will be kept. """ for child in children: self.add_file(child, ignore_existing) def get_selectables(self, flags=[]) -> dict: """Return a dict of {'identifier': File} that is selectable from the current DF. Args: flags : Specify which selectables to return 'FIDS' and/or 'NAMES'; If not specified, all selectables will be returned. Returns: dict containing all selectable items. Key is identifier (string), value a reference to a CardFile (or derived class) instance. """ # global selectables + our children sels = super().get_selectables(flags) if flags == [] or 'FIDS' in flags: sels.update({x.fid: x for x in self.children.values() if x.fid}) if flags == [] or 'FNAMES' in flags: sels.update({x.name: x for x in self.children.values() if x.name}) return sels def lookup_file_by_name(self, name: Optional[str]) -> Optional[CardFile]: """Find a file with given name within current DF.""" if name is None: return None for i in self.children.values(): if i.name and i.name == name: return i return None def lookup_file_by_sfid(self, sfid: Optional[str]) -> Optional[CardFile]: """Find a file with given short file ID within current DF.""" if sfid is None: return None for i in self.children.values(): if i.sfid == int(str(sfid)): return i return None def lookup_file_by_fid(self, fid: str) -> Optional[CardFile]: """Find a file with given file ID within current DF.""" if fid in self.children: return self.children[fid] return None class CardMF(CardDF): """MF (Master File) in the smart card filesystem""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): # can be overridden; use setdefault kwargs.setdefault('fid', '3f00') kwargs.setdefault('name', 'MF') kwargs.setdefault('desc', 'Master File (directory root)') # cannot be overridden; use assignment kwargs['parent'] = self super().__init__(**kwargs) self.applications = {} def __str__(self): return "MF(%s)" % (self.fid) def add_application_df(self, app: 'CardADF'): """Add an Application to the MF""" if not isinstance(app, CardADF): raise TypeError("Expected an ADF instance") if app.aid in self.applications: raise ValueError("AID %s already exists" % (app.aid)) self.applications[app.aid] = app app.parent = self def get_app_names(self): """Get list of completions (AID names)""" return list(self.applications.values()) def get_selectables(self, flags=[]) -> dict: """Return a dict of {'identifier': File} that is selectable from the current DF. Args: flags : Specify which selectables to return 'FIDS' and/or 'NAMES'; If not specified, all selectables will be returned. Returns: dict containing all selectable items. Key is identifier (string), value a reference to a CardFile (or derived class) instance. """ sels = super().get_selectables(flags) sels.update(self.get_app_selectables(flags)) return sels def get_app_selectables(self, flags=[]) -> dict: """Get applications by AID + name""" sels = {} if flags == [] or 'AIDS' in flags: sels.update({x.aid: x for x in self.applications.values()}) if flags == [] or 'ANAMES' in flags: sels.update( {x.name: x for x in self.applications.values() if x.name}) return sels def decode_select_response(self, data_hex: Optional[str]) -> object: """Decode the response to a SELECT command. This is the fall-back method which automatically defers to the standard decoding method defined by the card profile. When no profile is set, then no decoding is performed. Specific derived classes (usually ADF) can overload this method to install specific decoding. """ if not data_hex: return data_hex profile = self.get_profile() if profile: return profile.decode_select_response(data_hex) else: return data_hex class CardADF(CardDF): """ADF (Application Dedicated File) in the smart card filesystem""" def __init__(self, aid: str, has_fs: bool=False, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # reference to CardApplication may be set from CardApplication constructor self.application = None # type: Optional[CardApplication] self.aid = aid.lower() # Application Identifier self.has_fs = has_fs # Flag to tell whether the ADF supports a filesystem or not mf = self.get_mf() if mf: mf.add_application_df(self) def __str__(self): return "ADF(%s)" % (self.name if self.name else self.aid) def _path_element(self, prefer_name: bool): if self.name and prefer_name: return self.name else: return self.aid class CardEF(CardFile): """EF (Entry File) in the smart card filesystem""" def __init__(self, *, fid, **kwargs): kwargs['fid'] = fid super().__init__(**kwargs) def __str__(self): return "EF(%s)" % (super().__str__()) def get_selectables(self, flags=[]) -> dict: """Return a dict of {'identifier': File} that is selectable from the current DF. Args: flags : Specify which selectables to return 'FIDS' and/or 'NAMES'; If not specified, all selectables will be returned. Returns: dict containing all selectable items. Key is identifier (string), value a reference to a CardFile (or derived class) instance. """ # global selectable names + those of the parent DF sels = super().get_selectables(flags) if flags == [] or 'FIDS' in flags: sels.update({x.fid: x for x in self.parent.children.values() if x.fid and x != self}) if flags == [] or 'FNAMES' in flags: sels.update({x.name: x for x in self.parent.children.values() if x.name and x != self}) return sels class TransparentEF(CardEF): """Transparent EF (Entry File) in the smart card filesystem. A Transparent EF is a binary file with no formal structure. This is contrary to Record based EFs which have [fixed size] records that can be individually read/updated.""" @with_default_category('Transparent EF Commands') class ShellCommands(CommandSet): """Shell commands specific for transparent EFs.""" dec_hex_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() dec_hex_parser.add_argument('--oneline', action='store_true', help='No JSON pretty-printing, dump as a single line') dec_hex_parser.add_argument('HEXSTR', type=is_hexstr, help='Hex-string of encoded data to decode') @cmd2.with_argparser(dec_hex_parser) def do_decode_hex(self, opts): """Decode command-line provided hex-string as if it was read from the file.""" data = self._cmd.lchan.selected_file.decode_hex(opts.HEXSTR) self._cmd.poutput_json(data, opts.oneline) read_bin_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() read_bin_parser.add_argument( '--offset', type=auto_uint16, default=0, help='Byte offset for start of read') read_bin_parser.add_argument( '--length', type=auto_uint16, help='Number of bytes to read') @cmd2.with_argparser(read_bin_parser) def do_read_binary(self, opts): """Read binary data from a transparent EF""" (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.read_binary(opts.length, opts.offset) self._cmd.poutput(data) read_bin_dec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() read_bin_dec_parser.add_argument('--oneline', action='store_true', help='No JSON pretty-printing, dump as a single line') @cmd2.with_argparser(read_bin_dec_parser) def do_read_binary_decoded(self, opts): """Read + decode data from a transparent EF""" (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.read_binary_dec() self._cmd.poutput_json(data, opts.oneline) upd_bin_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() upd_bin_parser.add_argument( '--offset', type=auto_uint16, default=0, help='Byte offset for start of read') upd_bin_parser.add_argument('data', type=is_hexstr, help='Data bytes (hex format) to write') @cmd2.with_argparser(upd_bin_parser) def do_update_binary(self, opts): """Update (Write) data of a transparent EF""" (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.update_binary(opts.data, opts.offset) if data: self._cmd.poutput(data) upd_bin_dec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() upd_bin_dec_parser.add_argument('data', help='Abstract data (JSON format) to write') upd_bin_dec_parser.add_argument('--json-path', type=str, help='JSON path to modify specific element of file only') @cmd2.with_argparser(upd_bin_dec_parser) def do_update_binary_decoded(self, opts): """Encode + Update (Write) data of a transparent EF""" if opts.json_path: (data_json, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.read_binary_dec() js_path_modify(data_json, opts.json_path, json.loads(opts.data)) else: data_json = json.loads(opts.data) (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.update_binary_dec(data_json) if data: self._cmd.poutput_json(data) def do_edit_binary_decoded(self, _opts): """Edit the JSON representation of the EF contents in an editor.""" (orig_json, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.read_binary_dec() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='pysim_') as dirname: filename = '%s/file' % dirname # write existing data as JSON to file with open(filename, 'w') as text_file: json.dump(orig_json, text_file, indent=4) # run a text editor self._cmd.run_editor(filename) with open(filename, 'r') as text_file: edited_json = json.load(text_file) if edited_json == orig_json: self._cmd.poutput("Data not modified, skipping write") else: (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.update_binary_dec(edited_json) if data: self._cmd.poutput_json(data) def __init__(self, fid: str, sfid: str = None, name: str = None, desc: str = None, parent: CardDF = None, size: Size = (1, None), **kwargs): """ Args: fid : File Identifier (4 hex digits) sfid : Short File Identifier (2 hex digits, optional) name : Brief name of the file, lik EF_ICCID desc : Description of the file parent : Parent CardFile object within filesystem hierarchy size : tuple of (minimum_size, recommended_size) """ super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, parent=parent, **kwargs) self._construct = None self._tlv = None self.size = size self.shell_commands = [self.ShellCommands()] def decode_bin(self, raw_bin_data: bytearray) -> dict: """Decode raw (binary) data into abstract representation. A derived class would typically provide a _decode_bin() or _decode_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: raw_bin_data : binary encoded data Returns: abstract_data; dict representing the decoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_decode_bin', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_bin_data) method = getattr(self, '_decode_hex', None) if callable(method): return method(b2h(raw_bin_data)) if self._construct: return parse_construct(self._construct, raw_bin_data) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_tlv(raw_bin_data) return t.to_dict() return {'raw': raw_bin_data.hex()} def decode_hex(self, raw_hex_data: str) -> dict: """Decode raw (hex string) data into abstract representation. A derived class would typically provide a _decode_bin() or _decode_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: raw_hex_data : hex-encoded data Returns: abstract_data; dict representing the decoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_decode_hex', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_hex_data) raw_bin_data = h2b(raw_hex_data) method = getattr(self, '_decode_bin', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_bin_data) if self._construct: return parse_construct(self._construct, raw_bin_data) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_tlv(raw_bin_data) return t.to_dict() return {'raw': raw_bin_data.hex()} def encode_bin(self, abstract_data: dict) -> bytearray: """Encode abstract representation into raw (binary) data. A derived class would typically provide an _encode_bin() or _encode_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: abstract_data : dict representing the decoded data Returns: binary encoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_encode_bin', None) if callable(method): return method(abstract_data) method = getattr(self, '_encode_hex', None) if callable(method): return h2b(method(abstract_data)) if self._construct: return build_construct(self._construct, abstract_data) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_dict(abstract_data) return t.to_tlv() raise NotImplementedError( "%s encoder not yet implemented. Patches welcome." % self) def encode_hex(self, abstract_data: dict) -> str: """Encode abstract representation into raw (hex string) data. A derived class would typically provide an _encode_bin() or _encode_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: abstract_data : dict representing the decoded data Returns: hex string encoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_encode_hex', None) if callable(method): return method(abstract_data) method = getattr(self, '_encode_bin', None) if callable(method): raw_bin_data = method(abstract_data) return b2h(raw_bin_data) if self._construct: return b2h(build_construct(self._construct, abstract_data)) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_dict(abstract_data) return b2h(t.to_tlv()) raise NotImplementedError( "%s encoder not yet implemented. Patches welcome." % self) class LinFixedEF(CardEF): """Linear Fixed EF (Entry File) in the smart card filesystem. Linear Fixed EFs are record oriented files. They consist of a number of fixed-size records. The records can be individually read/updated.""" @with_default_category('Linear Fixed EF Commands') class ShellCommands(CommandSet): """Shell commands specific for Linear Fixed EFs.""" dec_hex_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() dec_hex_parser.add_argument('--oneline', action='store_true', help='No JSON pretty-printing, dump as a single line') dec_hex_parser.add_argument('HEXSTR', type=is_hexstr, help='Hex-string of encoded data to decode') @cmd2.with_argparser(dec_hex_parser) def do_decode_hex(self, opts): """Decode command-line provided hex-string as if it was read from the file.""" data = self._cmd.lchan.selected_file.decode_record_hex(opts.HEXSTR) self._cmd.poutput_json(data, opts.oneline) read_rec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() read_rec_parser.add_argument( 'record_nr', type=auto_uint8, help='Number of record to be read') read_rec_parser.add_argument( '--count', type=auto_uint8, default=1, help='Number of records to be read, beginning at record_nr') @cmd2.with_argparser(read_rec_parser) def do_read_record(self, opts): """Read one or multiple records from a record-oriented EF""" for r in range(opts.count): recnr = opts.record_nr + r (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.read_record(recnr) if len(data) > 0: recstr = str(data) else: recstr = "(empty)" self._cmd.poutput("%03d %s" % (recnr, recstr)) read_rec_dec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() read_rec_dec_parser.add_argument( 'record_nr', type=auto_uint8, help='Number of record to be read') read_rec_dec_parser.add_argument('--oneline', action='store_true', help='No JSON pretty-printing, dump as a single line') @cmd2.with_argparser(read_rec_dec_parser) def do_read_record_decoded(self, opts): """Read + decode a record from a record-oriented EF""" (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.read_record_dec(opts.record_nr) self._cmd.poutput_json(data, opts.oneline) read_recs_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() @cmd2.with_argparser(read_recs_parser) def do_read_records(self, _opts): """Read all records from a record-oriented EF""" num_of_rec = self._cmd.lchan.selected_file_num_of_rec() for recnr in range(1, 1 + num_of_rec): (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.read_record(recnr) if len(data) > 0: recstr = str(data) else: recstr = "(empty)" self._cmd.poutput("%03d %s" % (recnr, recstr)) read_recs_dec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() read_recs_dec_parser.add_argument('--oneline', action='store_true', help='No JSON pretty-printing, dump as a single line') @cmd2.with_argparser(read_recs_dec_parser) def do_read_records_decoded(self, opts): """Read + decode all records from a record-oriented EF""" num_of_rec = self._cmd.lchan.selected_file_num_of_rec() # collect all results in list so they are rendered as JSON list when printing data_list = [] for recnr in range(1, 1 + num_of_rec): (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.read_record_dec(recnr) data_list.append(data) self._cmd.poutput_json(data_list, opts.oneline) upd_rec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() upd_rec_parser.add_argument( 'record_nr', type=auto_uint8, help='Number of record to be read') upd_rec_parser.add_argument('data', type=is_hexstr, help='Data bytes (hex format) to write') @cmd2.with_argparser(upd_rec_parser) def do_update_record(self, opts): """Update (write) data to a record-oriented EF""" (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.update_record(opts.record_nr, opts.data) if data: self._cmd.poutput(data) upd_rec_dec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() upd_rec_dec_parser.add_argument( 'record_nr', type=auto_uint8, help='Number of record to be read') upd_rec_dec_parser.add_argument('data', help='Abstract data (JSON format) to write') upd_rec_dec_parser.add_argument('--json-path', type=str, help='JSON path to modify specific element of record only') @cmd2.with_argparser(upd_rec_dec_parser) def do_update_record_decoded(self, opts): """Encode + Update (write) data to a record-oriented EF""" if opts.json_path: (data_json, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.read_record_dec(opts.record_nr) js_path_modify(data_json, opts.json_path, json.loads(opts.data)) else: data_json = json.loads(opts.data) (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.update_record_dec( opts.record_nr, data_json) if data: self._cmd.poutput(data) edit_rec_dec_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() edit_rec_dec_parser.add_argument( 'record_nr', type=auto_uint8, help='Number of record to be edited') @cmd2.with_argparser(edit_rec_dec_parser) def do_edit_record_decoded(self, opts): """Edit the JSON representation of one record in an editor.""" (orig_json, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.read_record_dec(opts.record_nr) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='pysim_') as dirname: filename = '%s/file' % dirname # write existing data as JSON to file with open(filename, 'w') as text_file: json.dump(orig_json, text_file, indent=4) # run a text editor self._cmd.run_editor(filename) with open(filename, 'r') as text_file: edited_json = json.load(text_file) if edited_json == orig_json: self._cmd.poutput("Data not modified, skipping write") else: (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.update_record_dec( opts.record_nr, edited_json) if data: self._cmd.poutput_json(data) def __init__(self, fid: str, sfid: str = None, name: str = None, desc: str = None, parent: Optional[CardDF] = None, rec_len: Size = (1, None), leftpad: bool = False, **kwargs): """ Args: fid : File Identifier (4 hex digits) sfid : Short File Identifier (2 hex digits, optional) name : Brief name of the file, lik EF_ICCID desc : Description of the file parent : Parent CardFile object within filesystem hierarchy rec_len : Tuple of (minimum_length, recommended_length) leftpad: On write, data must be padded from the left to fit pysical record length """ super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, parent=parent, **kwargs) self.rec_len = rec_len self.leftpad = leftpad self.shell_commands = [self.ShellCommands()] self._construct = None self._tlv = None def decode_record_hex(self, raw_hex_data: str, record_nr: int = 1) -> dict: """Decode raw (hex string) data into abstract representation. A derived class would typically provide a _decode_record_bin() or _decode_record_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: raw_hex_data : hex-encoded data record_nr : record number (1 for first record, ...) Returns: abstract_data; dict representing the decoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_hex', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_hex_data, record_nr=record_nr) raw_bin_data = h2b(raw_hex_data) method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_bin', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_bin_data, record_nr=record_nr) if self._construct: return parse_construct(self._construct, raw_bin_data) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_tlv(raw_bin_data) return t.to_dict() return {'raw': raw_bin_data.hex()} def decode_record_bin(self, raw_bin_data: bytearray, record_nr: int) -> dict: """Decode raw (binary) data into abstract representation. A derived class would typically provide a _decode_record_bin() or _decode_record_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: raw_bin_data : binary encoded data record_nr : record number (1 for first record, ...) Returns: abstract_data; dict representing the decoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_bin', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_bin_data, record_nr=record_nr) raw_hex_data = b2h(raw_bin_data) method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_hex', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_hex_data, record_nr=record_nr) if self._construct: return parse_construct(self._construct, raw_bin_data) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_tlv(raw_bin_data) return t.to_dict() return {'raw': raw_hex_data} def encode_record_hex(self, abstract_data: dict, record_nr: int) -> str: """Encode abstract representation into raw (hex string) data. A derived class would typically provide an _encode_record_bin() or _encode_record_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: abstract_data : dict representing the decoded data record_nr : record number (1 for first record, ...) Returns: hex string encoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_hex', None) if callable(method): return method(abstract_data, record_nr=record_nr) method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_bin', None) if callable(method): raw_bin_data = method(abstract_data, record_nr=record_nr) return b2h(raw_bin_data) if self._construct: return b2h(build_construct(self._construct, abstract_data)) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_dict(abstract_data) return b2h(t.to_tlv()) raise NotImplementedError( "%s encoder not yet implemented. Patches welcome." % self) def encode_record_bin(self, abstract_data: dict, record_nr : int) -> bytearray: """Encode abstract representation into raw (binary) data. A derived class would typically provide an _encode_record_bin() or _encode_record_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: abstract_data : dict representing the decoded data record_nr : record number (1 for first record, ...) Returns: binary encoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_bin', None) if callable(method): return method(abstract_data, record_nr=record_nr) method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_hex', None) if callable(method): return h2b(method(abstract_data, record_nr=record_nr)) if self._construct: return build_construct(self._construct, abstract_data) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_dict(abstract_data) return t.to_tlv() raise NotImplementedError( "%s encoder not yet implemented. Patches welcome." % self) class CyclicEF(LinFixedEF): """Cyclic EF (Entry File) in the smart card filesystem""" # we don't really have any special support for those; just recycling LinFixedEF here def __init__(self, fid: str, sfid: str = None, name: str = None, desc: str = None, parent: CardDF = None, rec_len: Size = (1, None), **kwargs): super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, parent=parent, rec_len=rec_len, **kwargs) class TransRecEF(TransparentEF): """Transparent EF (Entry File) containing fixed-size records. These are the real odd-balls and mostly look like mistakes in the specification: Specified as 'transparent' EF, but actually containing several fixed-length records inside. We add a special class for those, so the user only has to provide encoder/decoder functions for a record, while this class takes care of split / merge of records. """ def __init__(self, fid: str, rec_len: int, sfid: str = None, name: str = None, desc: str = None, parent: Optional[CardDF] = None, size: Size = (1, None), **kwargs): """ Args: fid : File Identifier (4 hex digits) sfid : Short File Identifier (2 hex digits, optional) name : Brief name of the file, like EF_ICCID desc : Description of the file parent : Parent CardFile object within filesystem hierarchy rec_len : Length of the fixed-length records within transparent EF size : tuple of (minimum_size, recommended_size) """ super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, parent=parent, size=size, **kwargs) self.rec_len = rec_len def decode_record_hex(self, raw_hex_data: str) -> dict: """Decode raw (hex string) data into abstract representation. A derived class would typically provide a _decode_record_bin() or _decode_record_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: raw_hex_data : hex-encoded data Returns: abstract_data; dict representing the decoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_hex', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_hex_data) raw_bin_data = h2b(raw_hex_data) method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_bin', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_bin_data) if self._construct: return parse_construct(self._construct, raw_bin_data) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_tlv(raw_bin_data) return t.to_dict() return {'raw': raw_hex_data} def decode_record_bin(self, raw_bin_data: bytearray) -> dict: """Decode raw (binary) data into abstract representation. A derived class would typically provide a _decode_record_bin() or _decode_record_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: raw_bin_data : binary encoded data Returns: abstract_data; dict representing the decoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_bin', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_bin_data) raw_hex_data = b2h(raw_bin_data) method = getattr(self, '_decode_record_hex', None) if callable(method): return method(raw_hex_data) if self._construct: return parse_construct(self._construct, raw_bin_data) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_tlv(raw_bin_data) return t.to_dict() return {'raw': raw_hex_data} def encode_record_hex(self, abstract_data: dict) -> str: """Encode abstract representation into raw (hex string) data. A derived class would typically provide an _encode_record_bin() or _encode_record_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: abstract_data : dict representing the decoded data Returns: hex string encoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_hex', None) if callable(method): return method(abstract_data) method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_bin', None) if callable(method): return b2h(method(abstract_data)) if self._construct: return b2h(filter_dict(build_construct(self._construct, abstract_data))) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_dict(abstract_data) return b2h(t.to_tlv()) raise NotImplementedError( "%s encoder not yet implemented. Patches welcome." % self) def encode_record_bin(self, abstract_data: dict) -> bytearray: """Encode abstract representation into raw (binary) data. A derived class would typically provide an _encode_record_bin() or _encode_record_hex() method for implementing this specifically for the given file. This function checks which of the method exists, add calls them (with conversion, as needed). Args: abstract_data : dict representing the decoded data Returns: binary encoded data """ method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_bin', None) if callable(method): return method(abstract_data) method = getattr(self, '_encode_record_hex', None) if callable(method): return h2b(method(abstract_data)) if self._construct: return filter_dict(build_construct(self._construct, abstract_data)) if self._tlv: t = self._tlv() if inspect.isclass(self._tlv) else self._tlv t.from_dict(abstract_data) return t.to_tlv() raise NotImplementedError( "%s encoder not yet implemented. Patches welcome." % self) def _decode_bin(self, raw_bin_data: bytearray): chunks = [raw_bin_data[i:i+self.rec_len] for i in range(0, len(raw_bin_data), self.rec_len)] return [self.decode_record_bin(x) for x in chunks] def _encode_bin(self, abstract_data) -> bytes: chunks = [self.encode_record_bin(x) for x in abstract_data] # FIXME: pad to file size return b''.join(chunks) class BerTlvEF(CardEF): """BER-TLV EF (Entry File) in the smart card filesystem. A BER-TLV EF is a binary file with a BER (Basic Encoding Rules) TLV structure NOTE: We currently don't really support those, this class is simply a wrapper around TransparentEF as a place-holder, so we can already define EFs of BER-TLV type without fully supporting them.""" @with_default_category('BER-TLV EF Commands') class ShellCommands(CommandSet): """Shell commands specific for BER-TLV EFs.""" retrieve_data_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() retrieve_data_parser.add_argument( 'tag', type=auto_int, help='BER-TLV Tag of value to retrieve') @cmd2.with_argparser(retrieve_data_parser) def do_retrieve_data(self, opts): """Retrieve (Read) data from a BER-TLV EF""" (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.retrieve_data(opts.tag) self._cmd.poutput(data) def do_retrieve_tags(self, _opts): """List tags available in a given BER-TLV EF""" tags = self._cmd.lchan.retrieve_tags() self._cmd.poutput(tags) set_data_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() set_data_parser.add_argument( 'tag', type=auto_int, help='BER-TLV Tag of value to set') set_data_parser.add_argument('data', type=is_hexstr, help='Data bytes (hex format) to write') @cmd2.with_argparser(set_data_parser) def do_set_data(self, opts): """Set (Write) data for a given tag in a BER-TLV EF""" (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.set_data(opts.tag, opts.data) if data: self._cmd.poutput(data) del_data_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() del_data_parser.add_argument( 'tag', type=auto_int, help='BER-TLV Tag of value to set') @cmd2.with_argparser(del_data_parser) def do_delete_data(self, opts): """Delete data for a given tag in a BER-TLV EF""" (data, _sw) = self._cmd.lchan.set_data(opts.tag, None) if data: self._cmd.poutput(data) def __init__(self, fid: str, sfid: str = None, name: str = None, desc: str = None, parent: CardDF = None, size: Size = (1, None), **kwargs): """ Args: fid : File Identifier (4 hex digits) sfid : Short File Identifier (2 hex digits, optional) name : Brief name of the file, lik EF_ICCID desc : Description of the file parent : Parent CardFile object within filesystem hierarchy size : tuple of (minimum_size, recommended_size) """ super().__init__(fid=fid, sfid=sfid, name=name, desc=desc, parent=parent, **kwargs) self._construct = None self.size = size self.shell_commands = [self.ShellCommands()] def interpret_sw(sw_data: dict, sw: str): """Interpret a given status word. Args: sw_data : Hierarchical dict of status word matches sw : status word to match (string of 4 hex digits) Returns: tuple of two strings (class_string, description) """ for class_str, swdict in sw_data.items(): # first try direct match if sw in swdict: return (class_str, swdict[sw]) # next try wildcard matches for pattern, descr in swdict.items(): if sw_match(sw, pattern): return (class_str, descr) return None class CardApplication: """A card application is represented by an ADF (with contained hierarchy) and optionally some SW definitions.""" def __init__(self, name, adf: Optional[CardADF] = None, aid: str = None, sw: dict = None): """ Args: adf : ADF name sw : Dict of status word conversions """ if aid: aid = aid.lower() self.name = name self.adf = adf self.sw = sw or {} # back-reference from ADF to Applicaiton if self.adf: self.aid = aid or self.adf.aid self.adf.application = self else: self.aid = aid def __str__(self): return "APP(%s)" % (self.name) def interpret_sw(self, sw): """Interpret a given status word within the application. Args: sw : Status word as string of 4 hex digits Returns: Tuple of two strings """ return interpret_sw(self.sw, sw) class CardModel(abc.ABC): """A specific card model, typically having some additional vendor-specific files. All you need to do is to define a sub-class with a list of ATRs or an overridden match method.""" _atrs = [] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def add_files(cls, rs: 'RuntimeState'): """Add model specific files to given RuntimeState.""" @classmethod def match(cls, scc: SimCardCommands) -> bool: """Test if given card matches this model.""" card_atr = scc.get_atr() for atr in cls._atrs: atr_bin = toBytes(atr) if atr_bin == card_atr: print("Detected CardModel:", cls.__name__) return True return False @staticmethod def apply_matching_models(scc: SimCardCommands, rs: 'RuntimeState'): """Check if any of the CardModel sub-classes 'match' the currently inserted card (by ATR or overriding the 'match' method). If so, call their 'add_files' method.""" for m in CardModel.__subclasses__(): if m.match(scc): m.add_files(rs)