/*** <<< INCLUDES [TestSet] >>> ***/

#include <VisibleString.h>
#include <constr_SET.h>

/*** <<< DEPS [TestSet] >>> ***/

 * Method of determining the components presence
typedef enum TestSet_PR {
	TestSet_PR_m0,	/* Member m0 is present */
	TestSet_PR_m1,	/* Member m1 is present */
	TestSet_PR_m2,	/* Member m2 is present */
	TestSet_PR_m3,	/* Member m3 is present */
	TestSet_PR_m4,	/* Member m4 is present */
	TestSet_PR_m5,	/* Member m5 is present */
	TestSet_PR_m6,	/* Member m6 is present */
	TestSet_PR_m7,	/* Member m7 is present */
	TestSet_PR_m8,	/* Member m8 is present */
	TestSet_PR_m9,	/* Member m9 is present */
} TestSet_PR;

/*** <<< TYPE-DECLS [TestSet] >>> ***/

typedef struct TestSet {
	VisibleString_t	 m0;
	VisibleString_t	*m1	/* OPTIONAL */;
	VisibleString_t	 m2;
	VisibleString_t	 m3;
	VisibleString_t	*m4	/* OPTIONAL */;
	VisibleString_t	 m5;
	VisibleString_t	 m6;
	VisibleString_t	 m7;
	VisibleString_t	*m8	/* OPTIONAL */;
	VisibleString_t	 m9;
	 * This type is extensible,
	 * possible extensions are below.
	/* Presence bitmask: ASN_SET_ISPRESENT(pTestSet, TestSet_PR_x) */
	unsigned int _presence_map
		[((10+(8*sizeof(unsigned int))-1)/(8*sizeof(unsigned int)))];
	/* Context for parsing across buffer boundaries */
	asn_struct_ctx_t _asn_ctx;
} TestSet_t;

/*** <<< FUNC-DECLS [TestSet] >>> ***/

extern asn_TYPE_descriptor_t asn_DEF_TestSet;

/*** <<< STAT-DEFS [TestSet] >>> ***/

static asn_TYPE_member_t asn_MBR_TestSet_1[] = {
	{ ATF_NOFLAGS, 0, offsetof(struct TestSet, m0),
		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (0 << 2)),
		.tag_mode = -1,	/* IMPLICIT tag at current level */
		.type = &asn_DEF_VisibleString,
		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer constraints checking to the member type */
		.per_constraints = 0,	/* PER is not compiled, use -gen-PER */
		.default_value = 0,
		.name = "m0"
	{ ATF_POINTER, 1, offsetof(struct TestSet, m1),
		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (1 << 2)),
		.tag_mode = -1,	/* IMPLICIT tag at current level */
		.type = &asn_DEF_VisibleString,
		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer constraints checking to the member type */
		.per_constraints = 0,	/* PER is not compiled, use -gen-PER */
		.default_value = 0,
		.name = "m1"
	{ ATF_NOFLAGS, 0, offsetof(struct TestSet, m2),
		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (2 << 2)),
		.tag_mode = -1,	/* IMPLICIT tag at current level */
		.type = &asn_DEF_VisibleString,
		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer constraints checking to the member type */
		.per_constraints = 0,	/* PER is not compiled, use -gen-PER */
		.default_value = 0,
		.name = "m2"
	{ ATF_NOFLAGS, 0, offsetof(struct TestSet, m3),
		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (3 << 2)),
		.tag_mode = -1,	/* IMPLICIT tag at current level */
		.type = &asn_DEF_VisibleString,
		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer constraints checking to the member type */
		.per_constraints = 0,	/* PER is not compiled, use -gen-PER */
		.default_value = 0,
		.name = "m3"
	{ ATF_POINTER, 1, offsetof(struct TestSet, m4),
		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (4 << 2)),
		.tag_mode = -1,	/* IMPLICIT tag at current level */
		.type = &asn_DEF_VisibleString,
		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer constraints checking to the member type */
		.per_constraints = 0,	/* PER is not compiled, use -gen-PER */
		.default_value = 0,
		.name = "m4"
	{ ATF_NOFLAGS, 0, offsetof(struct TestSet, m5),
		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (5 << 2)),
		.tag_mode = -1,	/* IMPLICIT tag at current level */
		.type = &asn_DEF_VisibleString,
		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer constraints checking to the member type */
		.per_constraints = 0,	/* PER is not compiled, use -gen-PER */
		.default_value = 0,
		.name = "m5"
	{ ATF_NOFLAGS, 0, offsetof(struct TestSet, m6),
		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (6 << 2)),
		.tag_mode = -1,	/* IMPLICIT tag at current level */
		.type = &asn_DEF_VisibleString,
		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer constraints checking to the member type */
		.per_constraints = 0,	/* PER is not compiled, use -gen-PER */
		.default_value = 0,
		.name = "m6"
	{ ATF_NOFLAGS, 0, offsetof(struct TestSet, m7),
		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (7 << 2)),
		.tag_mode = -1,	/* IMPLICIT tag at current level */
		.type = &asn_DEF_VisibleString,
		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer constraints checking to the member type */
		.per_constraints = 0,	/* PER is not compiled, use -gen-PER */
		.default_value = 0,
		.name = "m7"
	{ ATF_POINTER, 1, offsetof(struct TestSet, m8),
		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (8 << 2)),
		.tag_mode = -1,	/* IMPLICIT tag at current level */
		.type = &asn_DEF_VisibleString,
		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer constraints checking to the member type */
		.per_constraints = 0,	/* PER is not compiled, use -gen-PER */
		.default_value = 0,
		.name = "m8"
	{ ATF_NOFLAGS, 0, offsetof(struct TestSet, m9),
		.tag = (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (9 << 2)),
		.tag_mode = -1,	/* IMPLICIT tag at current level */
		.type = &asn_DEF_VisibleString,
		.memb_constraints = 0,	/* Defer constraints checking to the member type */
		.per_constraints = 0,	/* PER is not compiled, use -gen-PER */
		.default_value = 0,
		.name = "m9"
static const ber_tlv_tag_t asn_DEF_TestSet_tags_1[] = {
static const asn_TYPE_tag2member_t asn_MAP_TestSet_tag2el_1[] = {
    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (0 << 2)), 0, 0, 0 }, /* m0 */
    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (1 << 2)), 1, 0, 0 }, /* m1 */
    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (2 << 2)), 2, 0, 0 }, /* m2 */
    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (3 << 2)), 3, 0, 0 }, /* m3 */
    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (4 << 2)), 4, 0, 0 }, /* m4 */
    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (5 << 2)), 5, 0, 0 }, /* m5 */
    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (6 << 2)), 6, 0, 0 }, /* m6 */
    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (7 << 2)), 7, 0, 0 }, /* m7 */
    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (8 << 2)), 8, 0, 0 }, /* m8 */
    { (ASN_TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT | (9 << 2)), 9, 0, 0 } /* m9 */
static const uint8_t asn_MAP_TestSet_mmap_1[(10 + (8 * sizeof(unsigned int)) - 1) / 8] = {
	(1 << 7) | (0 << 6) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 3) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 1) | (1 << 0),
	(0 << 7) | (1 << 6)
static asn_SET_specifics_t asn_SPC_TestSet_specs_1 = {
	sizeof(struct TestSet),
	offsetof(struct TestSet, _asn_ctx),
	offsetof(struct TestSet, _presence_map),
	10,	/* Count of tags in the map */
	asn_MAP_TestSet_tag2el_1,	/* Same as above */
	10,	/* Count of tags in the CXER map */
	1,	/* Whether extensible */
	(unsigned int *)asn_MAP_TestSet_mmap_1	/* Mandatory elements map */
asn_TYPE_descriptor_t asn_DEF_TestSet = {
	0, 0,	/* No PER support, use "-gen-PER" to enable */
	0,	/* Use generic outmost tag fetcher */
		/sizeof(asn_DEF_TestSet_tags_1[0]), /* 1 */
	asn_DEF_TestSet_tags_1,	/* Same as above */
		/sizeof(asn_DEF_TestSet_tags_1[0]), /* 1 */
	0,	/* No PER visible constraints */
	10,	/* Elements count */
	&asn_SPC_TestSet_specs_1	/* Additional specs */