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Py 4  6 ZM )ZI;00SD 0;3 4  ᴓᴛ1; 00 13 !"4410 4!"441040X0 *APR괛ᴓ up h   ^O-P$$0PU P $0 0 4d$ލЍ0T$TT`P4Qp  ,<Qn  *2#TTX%X\4SWE  ,d똀3 Rw `P44S <4S \4Sv ލЍX0P#0h 0 0",3`$ PA P$ 2z'20S| P` , 2 0 Pp2H"`lR00 (2(i`8 #4<`4#,0x 2 10 0hp20p1|`80#<@P;ڶ30z 3< x80#<@PD+ڶ303%$~0<P 0a80#<AQ"ڶ3 030< ,0 L,0 0  0`l t@@ 1c@0  0 0 0 0Z\ p0p8 P   (h h `  , $WOMLOC=%s INST=(%02x,%02x,%02x)msgb(%p): Not enough headroom msgb_push (allocated %u, head at %u < want headroom %u, len %u, tailroom %u) /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-bts-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hmsgb->l3hAssert failed %s %s:%d %s: Sending FOM failed (no related BTS object found) oml.c%s: Tx %s %s: Sending %s to BSC: msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) %s AVAIL STATE %s -> %s %s OPER STATE %s -> %s %s ADMIN STATE %s -> %s msgb(%p): msgb too small to pull %u (len %u) %s: Sending FOM NACK with cause %s %s: Sending FOM ACK %s: Failed to send ACK/NACK %s: Rx SET BTS ATTR New value for Attribute not supportedGiven ARFCN %u is not supported%s: Given ARFCN %u is not supported NM_ATT_START_TIME Attribute not supportedoml_bts_attroml.c:940oml.c:945%s: WARNING: Radio Link Timeout explicitly disabled, only use this for lab testing! %s: Given Conn. Failure Criterion not supported. Please use criterion 0x01 with RADIO_LINK_TIMEOUT value of 4..64 %s: Ignoring T200 BTS attribute. %s: T3105 must have a value != 0 %s: SET BTS ATTR: this BTS model does not support TSC %u != BSIC-BCC %u (TSC %u) %s: Rx SET RADIO CARRIER ATTR New value for Set Radio Attribute not supportedoml_trx_attroml.c:1138oml.c:1143%s: Set RF Max Power Reduction to %d dBm %s: Expecting only one ARFCN, because hopping not supported Given ARFCN %u is unsupported%s: Given ARFCN %u is unsupported OML-ack_nackUnknown/unhandled PCHAN type: %u %s %s: Rx SET CHAN ATTR New value for Set Channel Attribute not supported%s: SET CHAN ATTR: Frequency hopping not supported %s: SET CHAN ATTR: HSN and/or MAIO is missing: hsn=%u, maio=%u %s: SET CHAN ATTR: ARFCN list is missing %s: SET CHAN ATTR: ARFCN list is too long %s: SET CHAN ATTR: ARFCN list has odd length %s: SET CHAN ATTR: Starting time not supported oml_chan_attr%s: SET CHAN ATTR: invalid attribute value, rc=%d oml.c:1363oml.c:1369%s: SET CHAN ATTR: invalid Chan Comb 0x%x (pchan=%s, handle_chan_comb() returns %d) oml.c:1379%s: SET CHAN ATTR: this BTS model does not support TSC %u != BSIC-BCC %u oml.c:1397%s: SET CHAN ATTR (TSC=%d pchan=%s hsn=%u maio=%u chan_num=%u) Initializing OML attribute definitions Unknown%s: Rx GET ATTR %s: Get Attributes for unknown Object Instance Get Attribute parsing failureGet Attribute without Attribute List1.9.0osmobtsmsgb(%p): msgb too small to get %u (len %u) %s: O&M Get Attributes [%u], %s is unsupported %s: Responding to O&M Get Attributes message with NACK 0%x %s: Rx CHG ADM STATE %s: Rx CHG ADM STATE: error during TLV parse %s: Rx CHG ADM STATE: no ADM state attribute %s: ADM state already was %s %s: ADM STATE %s -> %s %s: Rx IPA SET ATTR New value for IPAC Set Attribute not supported oml_ipa_attroml.c:1849Manufacturer O&M message too short Manufacturer OML message != ipaccess not supported OML message with %u extraneous bytes at end: %s msgb(%p): Negative length is not allowed Unexpected BTS %d in manufacturer O&M %s (exp. 0 or 0xFF)%s: TLV parse error %d %s: Rx IPACCESS(0x%02x): %s Rx IPA RSL CONNECT IP=%s PORT=%u STREAM=0x%02x for unknown TRX_NR=%u %s: Rx IPA RSL CONNECT IP=%s PORT=%u STREAM=0x%02x unknown Manufacturer O&M msg_type 0x%02xmsgb->l2hOML message too short Unsupported segmented O&M message Short OML message: %u < %u Formatted O&M message too short%s: GET ATTR with off-by-3 length: Fixing up for OS#3799 %s: OML message with %u extraneous bytes at end: %s Unexpected BTS %d in formatted O&M %s (exp. 0 or 0xFF)%s: Rx OPSTART %s: ... automatic ACK, OP state already was Enabled mo->fiunknown Formatted O&M msg_type 0x%02xunknown O&M msg_disc 0x%02x GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE  48      , P  , 4     ( (  D!D\ X    ` ,<7<  ()) T*t* ,,L, |- 0 <l< L L\ L$ O0Pq0P |WWW (__ hf    88`P&1CS_od& 8 DI^qP 4   ( 4 7APfv0/9PN cr)t*8*l -?TcJdt_H *oml.c$a$doml_rx_set_bts_attroml_rx_set_radio_attroml_rx_set_chan_attroml_rx_get_attroml_rx_chg_adm_stateoml_ipa_set_attrdown_mommo_bufabis_nm_att_tlvdef_ipa_localoml_msgb_allocgsm_abis_mo_nameget_value_stringsnprintfabis_nm_obj_class_namesoml_send_msgabis_oml_sendmsgmemcpyosmo_panicabis_nm_ipa_magicoml_mo_send_msggsm_bts_numlog_check_levelabis_nm_dump_fohlogp2logp_stubg_bts_smosmo_log_infoabis_nm_msgtype_namesoml_tx_failure_event_reposmo_vlogpabis_nm_fail_evt_vrepabis_mm_event_cause_namesoml_tx_state_changedoml_mo_state_initoml_mo_state_chgosmo_signal_dispatchabis_nm_avail_nameabis_nm_opstate_nameabis_nm_adm_state_namesoml_mo_fom_ack_nackoml_mo_statechg_ackoml_mo_statechg_nackoml_mo_opstart_ackoml_mo_opstart_nackoml_fom_ack_nackmsgb_lengthabis_nm_nack_cause_nametlv_parseosmo_tlvp_copytalloc_set_name_constosmo_tlvp_mergebts_model_check_oml_talloc_freebitvec_get_bit_posgsm_ts_apply_configured_tsc_osmo_fsm_inst_dispatchload_timer_is_runningload_timer_stopload_timer_startoml_fom_ack_nack_copy_msgmsgb_copyoml_mo_tx_sw_act_repconf_lchans_as_pchangsm_pchan_nameabis_nm_pchan4chcomboml_inittlv_def_patchabis_nm_att_tlvdef_ipaabis_nm_att_tlvdefabis_nm_osmo_att_tlvdefgsm_mo_initgsm_objclass2mogsm_bts_trx_numbtsatttr2strabis_nm_put_sw_fileabis_nm_att_namesabis_nm_chcomb4pchanbtsvariant2strgsm_objclass2objbts_model_chg_adm_stategsm_gprs_nse_get_btsmemsetstrncmpmsgb_hexdumposmo_hexdumposmo_sockaddr_str_from_in_addrgsm_trx_nameinet_ntoaget_signlink_remote_ipdown_omlmsgb_freeoml_default_t200_fn 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