module PGW_Tests { import from TCCEncoding_Functions all; import from General_Types all; import from Osmocom_Types all; import from Native_Functions all; import from Misc_Helpers all; import from GTPv2_Types all; import from GTPv2_Templates all; import from GTPv2_Emulation all; import from UECUPS_Types all; import from DNS_Helpers all; import from DIAMETER_Types all; import from DIAMETER_Templates all; import from DIAMETER_ts29_212_Templates all; import from DIAMETER_ts29_272_Templates all; import from DIAMETER_ts29_273_Templates all; import from DIAMETER_ts32_299_Templates all; import from DIAMETER_Emulation all; modulepar { charstring mp_pgw_hostname := ""; charstring mp_local_hostname_c := ""; charstring mp_local_hostname_u := ""; charstring mp_run_prog_log_path := "/tmp"; charstring mp_run_prog_as_user := "laforge"; charstring mp_ping_hostname := ""; charstring mp_pcrf_local_ip := ""; integer mp_pcrf_local_port := 3868; charstring mp_ocs_local_ip := ""; integer mp_ocs_local_port := 3869; charstring mp_aaa_local_ip := ""; integer mp_aaa_local_port := 3870; charstring mp_diam_realm := "localdomain"; } /* main component, we typically have one per testcase */ type component PGW_Test_CT extends GTP2_ConnHdlr { var GTPv2_Emulation_CT vc_GTP2; port GTP2EM_PT TEID0; /* emulated PCRF */ var DIAMETER_Emulation_CT vc_Gx; port DIAMETER_PT Gx_UNIT; port DIAMETEREM_PROC_PT Gx_PROC; /* emulated OCS */ var DIAMETER_Emulation_CT vc_Gy; port DIAMETER_PT Gy_UNIT; port DIAMETEREM_PROC_PT Gy_PROC; /* emulated AAA-Server */ var DIAMETER_Emulation_CT vc_S6b; port DIAMETER_PT S6b_UNIT; port DIAMETEREM_PROC_PT S6b_PROC; /* global test case guard timer (actual timeout value is set in f_init()) */ timer T_guard; } /* global altstep for global guard timer; */ altstep as_Tguard() runs on PGW_Test_CT { [] T_guard.timeout { setverdict(fail, "Timeout of T_guard"); mtc.stop; } } type component DIAMETER_ConnHdlr_CT extends DIAMETER_ConnHdlr { port DIAMETER_Conn_PT DIAMETER_CLIENT; } function f_diam_connhldr_ct_main(hexstring imsi) runs on DIAMETER_ConnHdlr_CT { var PDU_DIAMETER msg; if (DIAMETER_PROC.checkstate("Connected")) { f_diameter_expect_imsi(imsi); } while (true) { alt { [] DIAMETER_CLIENT.receive(PDU_DIAMETER:?) -> value msg { DIAMETER.send(msg); } [] DIAMETER.receive(PDU_DIAMETER:?) -> value msg { DIAMETER_CLIENT.send(msg); } } } } /* per-session component; we typically have 1..N per testcase */ type component PGW_Session_CT extends GTP2_ConnHdlr { var SessionPars g_pars; port DIAMETER_Conn_PT Gx; port DIAMETER_Conn_PT Gy; port DIAMETER_Conn_PT S6b; /* GTP-U IPv4 address remote sie */ var OCT4 g_gtpu4_remote; var OCT16 g_gtpu6_remote; /* Address allocation */ var OCT4 g_ip4_addr; var OCT16 g_ip6_addr; var integer g_ip6_plen; /* Store last received Gy message */ var PDU_DIAMETER g_rx_gy; /* number of programs started, used as identifier. */ var integer g_start_prog_count := 0; } type record BearerConfig { /* EPS Bearer ID */ uint4_t ebi optional, /* TEI (Data) local side */ OCT4 teid_local optional, /* TEI (Data) remote side */ OCT4 teid_remote optional }; type record SessionParsGy { /* In seconds. 0 => disabled, !0 => grant over CC-Time period */ integer validity_time, /* Result-Code to use when sending Gy CCA, usually DIAMETER_SUCCESS */ DIAMETER_Resultcode cca_res_code }; /* configuration data for a given Session */ type record SessionPars { hexstring imsi, hexstring msisdn optional, // serving network GTP2C_RAT_Type rat_type, // flags? charstring apn, /* Apn subscribed or non-subscribed */ boolean selection_mode, BIT3 pdn_type, /* PAA */ /* Max APN Restriction */ /* APN-AMBR */ octetstring pco optional, octetstring epco optional, /* TEI (Control) local side */ OCT4 teic_local, /* TEI (Control) remote side */ OCT4 teic_remote optional, /* Bearer Contexts to be created */ BearerConfig bearer optional, charstring tun_dev_name, charstring tun_netns_name optional, SessionParsGy gy } template (value) SessionPars t_SessionPars(hexstring imsi, charstring tundev, template (omit) hexstring msisdn := '1234'H, GTP2C_RAT_Type rat_type := GTP2C_RAT_EUTRAN, charstring apn := "internet", boolean selection_mode := false, BIT3 pdn_type := '001'B) := { imsi := imsi, msisdn := msisdn, rat_type := rat_type, apn := apn, selection_mode := selection_mode, pdn_type := pdn_type, pco := omit, epco := omit, teic_local := '00000000'O, teic_remote := omit, bearer := { ebi := 5, teid_local := omit, teid_remote := omit }, tun_dev_name := tundev, tun_netns_name := tundev, gy := { validity_time := 0, cca_res_code := DIAMETER_SUCCESS } } type function void_fn() runs on PGW_Session_CT; friend function DiameterForwardUnitdataCallback(PDU_DIAMETER msg) runs on DIAMETER_Emulation_CT return template PDU_DIAMETER { DIAMETER_UNIT.send(msg); return omit; } friend function f_init_diameter(charstring id) runs on PGW_Test_CT { var DIAMETEROps ops := { create_cb := refers(DIAMETER_Emulation.ExpectedCreateCallback), unitdata_cb := refers(DiameterForwardUnitdataCallback), raw := false /* handler mode (IMSI based routing) */ }; var DIAMETER_conn_parameters pars; /* Gx setup: */ pars := { remote_ip := mp_pgw_hostname, remote_sctp_port := -1, local_ip := mp_pcrf_local_ip, local_sctp_port := mp_pcrf_local_port, origin_host := "pcrf." & mp_diam_realm, origin_realm := mp_diam_realm, auth_app_id := omit, vendor_app_id := c_DIAMETER_3GPP_Gx_AID }; vc_Gx := DIAMETER_Emulation_CT.create(id); map(vc_Gx:DIAMETER, system:DIAMETER_CODEC_PT); connect(vc_Gx:DIAMETER_UNIT, self:Gx_UNIT); connect(vc_Gx:DIAMETER_PROC, self:Gx_PROC); vc_Gx.start(DIAMETER_Emulation.main(ops, pars, id)); /* Gy setup: */ pars := { remote_ip := mp_pgw_hostname, remote_sctp_port := -1, local_ip := mp_ocs_local_ip, local_sctp_port := mp_ocs_local_port, origin_host := "ocs." & mp_diam_realm, origin_realm := mp_diam_realm, auth_app_id := c_DIAMETER_CREDIT_CONTROL_AID, vendor_app_id := omit }; vc_Gy := DIAMETER_Emulation_CT.create(id); map(vc_Gy:DIAMETER, system:DIAMETER_CODEC_PT); connect(vc_Gy:DIAMETER_UNIT, self:Gy_UNIT); connect(vc_Gy:DIAMETER_PROC, self:Gy_PROC); vc_Gy.start(DIAMETER_Emulation.main(ops, pars, id)); /* S6b setup: */ pars := { remote_ip := mp_pgw_hostname, remote_sctp_port := -1, local_ip := mp_aaa_local_ip, local_sctp_port := mp_aaa_local_port, origin_host := "aaa." & mp_diam_realm, origin_realm := mp_diam_realm, auth_app_id := c_DIAMETER_3GPP_S6b_AID, vendor_app_id := c_DIAMETER_3GPP_S6b_AID }; vc_S6b := DIAMETER_Emulation_CT.create(id); map(vc_S6b:DIAMETER, system:DIAMETER_CODEC_PT); connect(vc_S6b:DIAMETER_UNIT, self:S6b_UNIT); connect(vc_S6b:DIAMETER_PROC, self:S6b_PROC); vc_S6b.start(DIAMETER_Emulation.main(ops, pars, id)); f_diameter_wait_capability(Gx_UNIT); f_diameter_wait_capability(Gy_UNIT); f_diameter_wait_capability(S6b_UNIT); /* Give some time for our emulation to get out of SUSPECT list of SUT (3 watchdog ping-pongs): * RFC6733 sec 5.1 * RFC3539 sec 3.4.1 [5] * */ f_sleep(1.0); } private function f_init(float guard_timeout := 60.0) runs on PGW_Test_CT { T_guard.start(guard_timeout); activate(as_Tguard()); var Gtp2EmulationCfg cfg := { gtpc_bind_ip := mp_local_hostname_c, gtpc_bind_port := GTP2C_PORT, gtpc_remote_ip := mp_pgw_hostname, gtpc_remote_port := GTP2C_PORT, gtpu_bind_ip := omit, /* using gtpu daemon */ gtpu_bind_port := omit, /* using gtpu daemon */ sgw_role := true, use_gtpu_daemon := true }; vc_GTP2 := GTPv2_Emulation_CT.create("GTP2_EM"); map(vc_GTP2:GTP2C, system:GTP2C); connect(vc_GTP2:TEID0, self:TEID0); connect(vc_GTP2:CLIENT, self:GTP2); connect(vc_GTP2:CLIENT_PROC, self:GTP2_PROC); vc_GTP2.start(GTPv2_Emulation.main(cfg)); if (mp_pcrf_local_ip != "") { f_init_diameter(testcasename()); } } function f_start_handler(void_fn fn, template (omit) SessionPars pars_tmpl := omit) runs on PGW_Test_CT return PGW_Session_CT { var charstring id := testcasename(); var DIAMETER_ConnHdlr_CT vc_conn_gx, vc_conn_gy, vc_conn_s6b; var PGW_Session_CT vc_conn; var SessionPars pars; if (isvalue(pars_tmpl)) { pars := valueof(pars_tmpl); } else { /*TODO: set default values */ } vc_conn := PGW_Session_CT.create(id); connect(vc_conn:GTP2, vc_GTP2:CLIENT); connect(vc_conn:GTP2_PROC, vc_GTP2:CLIENT_PROC); if (isbound(vc_Gx)) { vc_conn_gx := DIAMETER_ConnHdlr_CT.create(id); connect(vc_conn_gx:DIAMETER, vc_Gx:DIAMETER_CLIENT); connect(vc_conn_gx:DIAMETER_PROC, vc_Gx:DIAMETER_PROC); connect(vc_conn:Gx, vc_conn_gx:DIAMETER_CLIENT); vc_conn_gx.start(f_diam_connhldr_ct_main(pars.imsi)); } if (isbound(vc_Gy)) { vc_conn_gy := DIAMETER_ConnHdlr_CT.create(id); connect(vc_conn_gy:DIAMETER, vc_Gy:DIAMETER_CLIENT); connect(vc_conn_gy:DIAMETER_PROC, vc_Gy:DIAMETER_PROC); connect(vc_conn:Gy, vc_conn_gy:DIAMETER_CLIENT); vc_conn_gy.start(f_diam_connhldr_ct_main(pars.imsi)); } if (isbound(vc_S6b)) { vc_conn_s6b := DIAMETER_ConnHdlr_CT.create(id); connect(vc_conn_s6b:DIAMETER, vc_S6b:DIAMETER_CLIENT); connect(vc_conn_s6b:DIAMETER_PROC, vc_S6b:DIAMETER_PROC); connect(vc_conn:S6b, vc_conn_s6b:DIAMETER_CLIENT); vc_conn_s6b.start(f_diam_connhldr_ct_main(pars.imsi)); } vc_conn.start(f_handler_init(fn, pars)); return vc_conn; } private function f_handler_init(void_fn fn, SessionPars pars) runs on PGW_Session_CT { g_pars := valueof(pars); /* allocate + register TEID-C on local side */ g_pars.teic_local := f_gtp2_allocate_teid(); g_pars.bearer.teid_local := g_pars.teic_local; fn.apply(); } private function f_concat_pad(integer tot_len, hexstring prefix, integer suffix) return hexstring { var integer suffix_len := tot_len - lengthof(prefix); var charstring suffix_ch := int2str(suffix); var integer pad_len := suffix_len - lengthof(suffix_ch); return prefix & int2hex(0, pad_len) & str2hex(suffix_ch); } function f_gen_imei(integer suffix) return hexstring { return f_concat_pad(14, '49999'H, suffix); } function f_gen_imsi(integer suffix) return hexstring { return f_concat_pad(15, '26242'H, suffix); } /* S6b emulation (AAA-Server) */ private altstep as_DIA_S6b_AAR() runs on PGW_Session_CT { var PDU_DIAMETER rx_dia; [] S6b.receive(tr_DIA_S6b_AAR()) -> value rx_dia { var template (omit) AVP avp; var octetstring sess_id; avp := f_DIAMETER_get_avp(rx_dia, c_AVP_Code_BASE_NONE_Session_Id); sess_id := valueof(avp.avp_data.avp_BASE_NONE_Session_Id); S6b.send(ts_DIA_S6b_AAA(sess_id, "aaa." & mp_diam_realm, mp_diam_realm, mp_diam_realm, rx_dia.hop_by_hop_id, rx_dia.end_to_end_id)); setverdict(pass); } [] S6b.receive(PDU_DIAMETER:?) -> value rx_dia { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Received unexpected DIAMETER ", rx_dia)); } } /* Gx emulation (PCRF)*/ private altstep as_DIA_Gx_CCR(DCC_NONE_CC_Request_Type req_type) runs on PGW_Session_CT { var PDU_DIAMETER rx_dia; [] Gx.receive(tr_DIA_Gx_CCR(req_type := req_type)) -> value rx_dia { var template (omit) AVP avp; var octetstring sess_id; var AVP_Unsigned32 req_num; avp := f_DIAMETER_get_avp(rx_dia, c_AVP_Code_BASE_NONE_Session_Id); sess_id := valueof(avp.avp_data.avp_BASE_NONE_Session_Id); avp := f_DIAMETER_get_avp(rx_dia, c_AVP_Code_DCC_NONE_CC_Request_Number); req_num := valueof(avp.avp_data.avp_DCC_NONE_CC_Request_Number); Gx.send(ts_DIA_Gx_CCA(rx_dia.hop_by_hop_id, rx_dia.end_to_end_id, sess_id, req_type, req_num)); } [] Gx.receive(PDU_DIAMETER:?) -> value rx_dia { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Received unexpected DIAMETER ", rx_dia)); } } /* Gy emulation (OCS) */ function f_tr_DIA_Gy_CCR(DCC_NONE_CC_Request_Type req_type) runs on PGW_Session_CT return template (present) PDU_DIAMETER { var template (present) PDU_DIAMETER tpl; var charstring smf_origin_host := "smf." & mp_diam_realm; var template (present) octetstring imsi := ?; var template (present) octetstring msisdn := ?; var template (present) octetstring rat_type := ?; var template (present) OCT4 charging_char := ?; var template (present) OCT1 nsapi := ?; imsi := char2oct(f_dec_TBCD(imsi_hex2oct(g_pars.imsi))); //msisdn := char2oct(f_dec_TBCD(substr(ctx_val.msisdn, 1, lengthof(ctx_val.msisdn) -1))); rat_type := int2oct(enum2int(g_pars.rat_type), 1); charging_char := char2oct(oct2str('0000'O)); // f_s5s8_create_session() uses hardcoded chg_car := '0000'O nsapi := int2oct(g_pars.bearer.ebi, 1); select (req_type) { case (INITIAL_REQUEST) { tpl := tr_DIAMETER(flags:='11000000'B, cmd_code:=Credit_Control, avps := superset( tr_AVP_SessionId, tr_AVP_OriginHost(smf_origin_host), tr_AVP_OriginRealm(mp_diam_realm), tr_AVP_DestinationRealm(mp_diam_realm), tr_AVP_AuthAppId(int2oct(c_DIAMETER_CREDIT_CONTROL_AID, 4)), tr_AVP_ServiceContextId, tr_AVP_CcReqType(req_type), tr_AVP_CcReqNum(?), tr_AVP_EventTimestamp(?), tr_AVP_SubcrId({tr_AVP_SubcrIdType(END_USER_IMSI), tr_AVP_SubcrIdData(imsi)}), tr_AVP_SubcrId({tr_AVP_SubcrIdType(END_USER_E164), tr_AVP_SubcrIdData(msisdn)}), tr_AVP_RequestedAction(DIRECT_DEBITING), tr_AVP_3GPP_AoCRequestType, tr_AVP_MultipleServicesIndicator, tr_AVP_Multiple_Services_Credit_Control(content := superset( tr_AVP_Requested_Service_Unit, tr_AVP_PCC_3GPP_QoS_Information )), tr_AVP_3GPP_ServiceInformation(content := superset( tr_AVP_3GPP_PSInformation(content := superset( tr_AVP_3GPP_ChargingId, tr_AVP_3GPP_PDPType((IPv4,IPv6,IPv4v6)), tr_AVP_3GPP_PDPAddress(tr_AVP_Address((IP,IP6), ?)), tr_AVP_3GPP_SGSNAddress(tr_AVP_Address(IP, f_inet_addr(mp_pcrf_local_ip))), tr_AVP_3GPP_GGSNAddress(tr_AVP_Address(IP, f_inet_addr(mp_pgw_hostname))), tr_AVP_3GPP_CalledStationId, tr_AVP_3GPP_SelectionMode, tr_AVP_3GPP_ChargingCharacteristics(charging_char), tr_AVP_3GPP_SGSNMCCMNC, tr_AVP_3GPP_NSAPI(nsapi), /*We don't yet send MS_Tz in CreateSessionReq: tr_AVP_3GPP_MS_TimeZone,*/ tr_AVP_3GPP_ULI, tr_AVP_GI_3GPP_RatType(rat_type)/*, We don't yet send IMEI in CreateSessionReq: tr_AVP_UserEquipmentInfo({ tr_AVP_UserEquipmentInfoType(IMEISV), tr_AVP_UserEquipmentInfoValue(imeisv) })*/ )) )) )); } case (UPDATE_REQUEST) { tpl := tr_DIAMETER(flags:='11000000'B, cmd_code:=Credit_Control, avps := superset( tr_AVP_SessionId, tr_AVP_OriginHost(smf_origin_host), tr_AVP_OriginRealm(mp_diam_realm), tr_AVP_DestinationRealm(mp_diam_realm), tr_AVP_AuthAppId(int2oct(c_DIAMETER_CREDIT_CONTROL_AID, 4)), tr_AVP_ServiceContextId, tr_AVP_CcReqType(req_type), tr_AVP_CcReqNum(?), tr_AVP_DestinationHost(?), tr_AVP_EventTimestamp(?), tr_AVP_SubcrId({tr_AVP_SubcrIdType(END_USER_IMSI), tr_AVP_SubcrIdData(imsi)}), tr_AVP_SubcrId({tr_AVP_SubcrIdType(END_USER_E164), tr_AVP_SubcrIdData(msisdn)}), tr_AVP_RequestedAction(DIRECT_DEBITING), tr_AVP_3GPP_AoCRequestType, tr_AVP_Multiple_Services_Credit_Control(content := superset( tr_AVP_Requested_Service_Unit, tr_AVP_Used_Service_Unit, /* tr_AVP_3GPP_Reporting_Reason, can be sometimes inside UsedServiceUnit */ tr_AVP_PCC_3GPP_QoS_Information )), tr_AVP_3GPP_ServiceInformation(content := superset( tr_AVP_3GPP_PSInformation(content := superset( tr_AVP_3GPP_ChargingId, /* tr_AVP_3GPP_PDPType, Only in INIT */ tr_AVP_3GPP_PDPAddress(tr_AVP_Address((IP,IP6), ?)), tr_AVP_3GPP_SGSNAddress(tr_AVP_Address(IP, f_inet_addr(mp_pcrf_local_ip))), tr_AVP_3GPP_GGSNAddress(tr_AVP_Address(IP, f_inet_addr(mp_pgw_hostname))), tr_AVP_3GPP_CalledStationId, tr_AVP_3GPP_SelectionMode, tr_AVP_3GPP_ChargingCharacteristics(charging_char), tr_AVP_3GPP_SGSNMCCMNC, tr_AVP_3GPP_NSAPI(nsapi), /*We don't yet send MS_Tz in CreateSessionReq: tr_AVP_3GPP_MS_TimeZone,*/ tr_AVP_3GPP_ULI, tr_AVP_GI_3GPP_RatType(rat_type)/*, We don't yet send IMEI in CreateSessionReq: tr_AVP_UserEquipmentInfo({ tr_AVP_UserEquipmentInfoType(IMEISV), tr_AVP_UserEquipmentInfoValue(imeisv) })*/ )) )) )); } case (TERMINATION_REQUEST) { tpl := tr_DIAMETER(flags:='11000000'B, cmd_code:=Credit_Control, avps := superset( tr_AVP_SessionId, tr_AVP_OriginHost(smf_origin_host), tr_AVP_OriginRealm(mp_diam_realm), tr_AVP_DestinationRealm(mp_diam_realm), tr_AVP_AuthAppId(int2oct(c_DIAMETER_CREDIT_CONTROL_AID, 4)), tr_AVP_ServiceContextId, tr_AVP_CcReqType(req_type), tr_AVP_CcReqNum(?), tr_AVP_DestinationHost(?), tr_AVP_EventTimestamp(?), tr_AVP_SubcrId({tr_AVP_SubcrIdType(END_USER_IMSI), tr_AVP_SubcrIdData(imsi)}), tr_AVP_SubcrId({tr_AVP_SubcrIdType(END_USER_E164), tr_AVP_SubcrIdData(msisdn)}), tr_AVP_TerminationCause(?), tr_AVP_RequestedAction(DIRECT_DEBITING), tr_AVP_3GPP_AoCRequestType, tr_AVP_Multiple_Services_Credit_Control(content := superset( /* tr_AVP_Requested_Service_Unit, Only in INIT and UPDATE */ tr_AVP_Used_Service_Unit, tr_AVP_3GPP_Reporting_Reason(FINAL), tr_AVP_PCC_3GPP_QoS_Information )), tr_AVP_3GPP_ServiceInformation(content := superset( tr_AVP_3GPP_PSInformation(content := superset( tr_AVP_3GPP_ChargingId, /* tr_AVP_3GPP_PDPType, Only in INIT */ tr_AVP_3GPP_PDPAddress(tr_AVP_Address((IP,IP6), ?)), tr_AVP_3GPP_SGSNAddress(tr_AVP_Address(IP, f_inet_addr(mp_pcrf_local_ip))), tr_AVP_3GPP_GGSNAddress(tr_AVP_Address(IP, f_inet_addr(mp_pgw_hostname))), tr_AVP_3GPP_CalledStationId, tr_AVP_3GPP_SelectionMode, tr_AVP_3GPP_ChargingCharacteristics(charging_char), tr_AVP_3GPP_SGSNMCCMNC, tr_AVP_3GPP_NSAPI(nsapi), /*We don't yet send MS_Tz in CreateSessionReq: tr_AVP_3GPP_MS_TimeZone,*/ tr_AVP_3GPP_ULI, tr_AVP_GI_3GPP_RatType(rat_type)/*, We don't yet send IMEI in CreateSessionReq: tr_AVP_UserEquipmentInfo({ tr_AVP_UserEquipmentInfoType(IMEISV), tr_AVP_UserEquipmentInfoValue(imeisv) })*/ )) )) )); } } return tpl; } function f_ts_DIA_Gy_CCA(PDU_DIAMETER rx_gy) runs on PGW_Session_CT return template (value) PDU_DIAMETER { var template (value) PDU_DIAMETER tx_dia; var template (omit) AVP avp; var octetstring sess_id; var AVP_Unsigned32 req_num; var DCC_NONE_CC_Request_Type req_type; var DIAMETER_Resultcode cca_res_code_success := DIAMETER_SUCCESS; avp := f_DIAMETER_get_avp(rx_gy, c_AVP_Code_BASE_NONE_Session_Id); sess_id := valueof(avp.avp_data.avp_BASE_NONE_Session_Id); avp := f_DIAMETER_get_avp(rx_gy, c_AVP_Code_DCC_NONE_CC_Request_Type); req_type := valueof(avp.avp_data.avp_DCC_NONE_CC_Request_Type); avp := f_DIAMETER_get_avp(rx_gy, c_AVP_Code_DCC_NONE_CC_Request_Number); req_num := valueof(avp.avp_data.avp_DCC_NONE_CC_Request_Number); if ( != cca_res_code_success) { tx_dia := ts_DIA_Gy_CCA(rx_gy.hop_by_hop_id, rx_gy.end_to_end_id, sess_id,, req_type, req_num); } else if ( > 0) { tx_dia := ts_DIA_Gy_CCA_ValidityTime(rx_gy.hop_by_hop_id, rx_gy.end_to_end_id, sess_id, req_type, req_num,; } else { tx_dia := ts_DIA_Gy_CCA(rx_gy.hop_by_hop_id, rx_gy.end_to_end_id, sess_id,, req_type, req_num); } return tx_dia; } private altstep as_DIA_Gy_CCR(DCC_NONE_CC_Request_Type req_type) runs on PGW_Session_CT { [] Gy.receive(f_tr_DIA_Gy_CCR(req_type := req_type)) -> value g_rx_gy { var template (value) PDU_DIAMETER tx_dia; tx_dia := f_ts_DIA_Gy_CCA(g_rx_gy); Gy.send(tx_dia); } [] Gy.receive(PDU_DIAMETER:?) -> value g_rx_gy { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Received unexpected DIAMETER Gy", g_rx_gy)); } } /* GTPv2C */ private function is_s2b_iface() runs on PGW_Session_CT return boolean { return (g_pars.rat_type == GTP2C_RAT_WLAN or g_pars.rat_type == GTP2C_RAT_Virtual); } /* find TEID of given interface type (and optionally instance) */ private function f_find_teid(FullyQualifiedTEID_List list, template (present) integer if_type, template (present) BIT4 instance := ?) return template (omit) FullyQualifiedTEID { var integer i; for (i := 0; i < lengthof(list); i := i+1) { if (match(list[i].interfaceType, if_type) and match(list[i].instance, instance)) { return list[i]; } } return omit; } /* process one to-be-created bearer context */ private function process_bctx_create(BearerContextGrouped bctx) runs on PGW_Session_CT { g_pars.bearer.ebi := bctx.bearerContextIEs.ePS_Bearer_ID.ePS_Bearer_ID_Value; /* FIXME: Cause */ var integer exp_fteid_if_type; var BIT4 exp_fteid_instance; if (is_s2b_iface()) { exp_fteid_if_type := 33; exp_fteid_instance := '0100'B; } else { exp_fteid_if_type := 5; exp_fteid_instance := '0010'B; } /* find F-TEID of the P-GW U side */ var FullyQualifiedTEID rx_fteid; rx_fteid := valueof(f_find_teid(bctx.bearerContextIEs.fullyQualifiedTEID, exp_fteid_if_type, exp_fteid_instance)); g_pars.bearer.teid_remote := rx_fteid.tEID_GRE_Key; if (rx_fteid.v4_Flag == '1'B) { g_gtpu4_remote := rx_fteid.iPv4_Address; } if (rx_fteid.v6_Flag == '1'B) { g_gtpu6_remote := rx_fteid.iPv6_Address; } var UECUPS_CreateTun uecups_create := { tx_teid := oct2int(g_pars.bearer.teid_remote), rx_teid := oct2int(g_pars.bearer.teid_local), user_addr_type := IPV4, user_addr := '00000000'O, local_gtp_ep := valueof(ts_UECUPS_SockAddr(f_inet_addr(mp_local_hostname_u))), remote_gtp_ep := valueof(ts_UECUPS_SockAddr(g_gtpu4_remote)), tun_dev_name := g_pars.tun_dev_name, tun_netns_name := g_pars.tun_netns_name }; /* create tunnel in daemon */ if (isbound(g_ip4_addr)) { uecups_create.user_addr := g_ip4_addr; f_gtp2_create_tunnel(uecups_create); } if (isbound(g_ip6_addr)) { uecups_create.user_addr_type := IPV6; uecups_create.user_addr := g_ip6_addr; f_gtp2_create_tunnel(uecups_create); } } /* create a session on the PGW */ private function f_create_session(template (value) FullyQualifiedTEID fteid_c_ie, template (value) FullyQualifiedTEID fteid_u_ie, template (omit) UserLocationInfo uli_ie := omit, template (omit) APCO apco := omit, template APCO exp_apco := *) runs on PGW_Session_CT { var PDU_GTPCv2 rx; /* Defaults used for s5/s8: */ var boolean do_s6b := false; var template APN_Restriction apn_restriction := ?; /* Change behavior when on S2b: */ if (is_s2b_iface()) { do_s6b := true; apn_restriction := omit; } var template (value) PDU_GTPCv2 g2c := ts_GTP2C_CreateSessionReq(imsi := g_pars.imsi, msisdn := g_pars.msisdn, rat_type := enum2int(g_pars.rat_type), sender_fteid := fteid_c_ie, apn := f_enc_dns_hostname(g_pars.apn), pdn_type := g_pars.pdn_type, teid_list := { fteid_u_ie }, chg_car := '0000'O, bearer_id := g_pars.bearer.ebi, uli := uli_ie, apco := apco); g2c.gtpcv2_pdu.createSessionRequest.servingNetwork := ts_GTP2C_ServingNetwork('001'H, '01F'H); GTP2.send(g2c); if (do_s6b and S6b.checkstate("Connected")) { as_DIA_S6b_AAR(); } if (Gx.checkstate("Connected")) { as_DIA_Gx_CCR(INITIAL_REQUEST); } /* FIXME: When on S2b interface, SMF is not using the Gy interface, unknown reason. */ if (Gy.checkstate("Connected")) { as_DIA_Gy_CCR(INITIAL_REQUEST); } alt { [] GTP2.receive(tr_GTP2C_CreateSessionResp(d_teid := g_pars.teic_local, cause := Request_accepted, apn_restriction := apn_restriction, exp_apco := exp_apco)) -> value rx { /* extract TEIDs */ var CreateSessionResponse resp := rx.gtpcv2_pdu.createSessionResponse; g_pars.teic_remote := resp.fullyQualifiedTEID[0].tEID_GRE_Key; /* extract allocated address[es] */ var PDN_Address_and_Prefix paa := resp.pDN_AddressAllocation.pDN_Address_and_Prefix; if (ischosen(paa.iPv4_Address)) { g_ip4_addr := paa.iPv4_Address; } else if (ischosen(paa.iPv6_Address)) { g_ip6_addr := paa.iPv6_Address.iPv6_Address; g_ip6_plen := paa.iPv6_Address.prefixLength; } else if (ischosen(paa.iPv4_IPv6)) { g_ip4_addr := paa.iPv4_IPv6.iPv4_Address; g_ip6_addr := paa.iPv4_IPv6.iPv6_Address; g_ip6_plen := paa.iPv4_IPv6.prefixLength; } var integer i; for (i := 0; i < lengthof(resp.bearerContextGrouped); i := i+1) { var BearerContextGrouped bctx := resp.bearerContextGrouped[i]; select (bctx.instance) { case ('0000'B) { // created process_bctx_create(bctx); } case ('0001'B) { // removed Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, "We don't expect removed bearer contexts yet"); } } } } [] GTP2.receive(tr_GTP2C_CreateSessionResp(d_teid:=g_pars.teic_local, cause:=?)) -> value rx { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Unexpected CreateSessionResp(cause=", rx.gtpcv2_pdu.createSessionResponse.cause.causeValue, ")")); } [] GTP2.receive { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, "Unexpected GTPv2 while waiting for CreateSessionResp"); } } } /* create a session on the PGW on a S5/S8 interface (from SGW )*/ private function f_s5s8_create_session() runs on PGW_Session_CT { var template (value) FullyQualifiedTEID fteid_c_ie, fteid_u_ie; var template (value) UserLocationInfo uli_ie; fteid_c_ie := ts_GTP2C_FTEID(FTEID_IF_S5S8_SGW_GTPC, g_pars.teic_local, 0, f_inet_addr(mp_local_hostname_c), omit); fteid_u_ie := ts_GTP2C_FTEID(FTEID_IF_S5S8_SGW_GTPU, g_pars.bearer.teid_local, 2, f_inet_addr(mp_local_hostname_u), omit); /* open5gs up to 1.2.3 won't accept it without ULI, despite not mandatory */ var template (value) TAI tai := { '0'H, '0'H, '1'H, 'F'H, '0'H, '1'H, '0001'O }; var template (value) ECGI ecgi := { '0'H, '0'H, '1'H, 'F'H, '0'H, '1'H, '0'H, 23 }; uli_ie := ts_GTP2C_UserLocInfo(tai := tai, ecgi := ecgi); f_create_session(fteid_c_ie, fteid_u_ie, uli_ie); } /* create a session on the PGW on a S2b interface (from ePDG)*/ private function f_s2b_create_session(template (omit) APCO apco := omit, template APCO exp_apco := *) runs on PGW_Session_CT { var template (value) FullyQualifiedTEID fteid_c_ie, fteid_u_ie; var template (value) UserLocationInfo uli_ie; fteid_c_ie := ts_GTP2C_FTEID(FTEID_IF_S2b_ePDG_GTPC, g_pars.teic_local, 0, f_inet_addr(mp_local_hostname_c), omit); fteid_u_ie := ts_GTP2C_FTEID(FTEID_IF_S2bU_ePDG_GTPU, g_pars.bearer.teid_local, 5, f_inet_addr(mp_local_hostname_u), omit); var template (value) TAI tai := { '0'H, '0'H, '1'H, 'F'H, '0'H, '1'H, '0001'O }; var template (value) ECGI ecgi := { '0'H, '0'H, '1'H, 'F'H, '0'H, '1'H, '0'H, 23 }; uli_ie := ts_GTP2C_UserLocInfo(tai := tai, ecgi := ecgi); f_create_session(fteid_c_ie, fteid_u_ie, uli_ie := uli_ie, apco := apco, exp_apco := exp_apco); } /* delete the session from the PGW */ private function f_delete_session(template (omit) GTP2C_Cause tx_cause := omit, template (present) GTP2C_Cause exp_cause, boolean expect_diameter := true) runs on PGW_Session_CT { var template (value) FullyQualifiedTEID fteid_c_ie fteid_c_ie := ts_GTP2C_FTEID(FTEID_IF_S5S8_SGW_GTPC, g_pars.teic_local, 0, f_inet_addr(mp_local_hostname_c), omit); var template PDU_GTPCv2 g2c := ts_GTP2C_DeleteSessionReq(d_teid := g_pars.teic_remote, cause := tx_cause, sender_fteid := fteid_c_ie, teid_list := {}, bearer_id := g_pars.bearer.ebi); GTP2.send(g2c); if (Gx.checkstate("Connected") and expect_diameter) { as_DIA_Gx_CCR(TERMINATION_REQUEST); } if (Gy.checkstate("Connected") and expect_diameter) { as_DIA_Gy_CCR(TERMINATION_REQUEST); } alt { [] GTP2.receive(tr_GTP2C_DeleteSessionResp(d_teid := g_pars.teic_local, cause := exp_cause)) { setverdict(pass); } [] GTP2.receive(tr_GTP2C_DeleteSessionResp(?, ?)) { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, "Unexpected DeleteSessionResp"); } [] GTP2.receive { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, "Unexpected GTPv2 while waiting for DeleteSessionResp"); } } /* destroy tunnel in daemon */ if (isbound(g_pars.bearer.teid_local)) { var UECUPS_DestroyTun uecups_destroy := { local_gtp_ep := valueof(ts_UECUPS_SockAddr(f_inet_addr(mp_local_hostname_u))), rx_teid := oct2int(g_pars.bearer.teid_local) }; /* FIXME: what about IPv4/IPv6 differentiation? */ f_gtp2_destroy_tunnel(uecups_destroy); } } /* start a program on the user plane side; return its PID */ private function f_start_prog(charstring command, boolean redirect_output := true) runs on PGW_Session_CT return integer { var UECUPS_StartProgram sprog := { command := command, environment := {}, run_as_user := mp_run_prog_as_user, tun_netns_name := g_pars.tun_netns_name }; g_start_prog_count := g_start_prog_count + 1; /* Redirect stdout/stderr to the user-specified location */ if (redirect_output) { var charstring id := testcasename() & "-" & hex2str(g_pars.imsi) & "-" & int2str(g_start_prog_count); var charstring prefix := mp_run_prog_log_path & "/" & id; sprog.command := sprog.command & " 1>>" & prefix & ".prog.stdout"; sprog.command := sprog.command & " 2>>" & prefix & ".prog.stderr"; } log("Starting a program: ", command); var UECUPS_StartProgramRes res := f_gtp2_start_program(sprog); if (res.result != OK) { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Unable to start program '", command, "'")); } log("Started program '", command, "' with PID ",; return; } /* wait for termination of a given PID with specified exit_code */ private function f_wait_term(integer pid, template (present) integer exit_code := 0, float tout := 10.0) runs on PGW_Session_CT { var UECUPS_ProgramTermInd pti; timer T := tout; T.start; alt { [] GTP2.receive(UECUPS_ProgramTermInd:{pid := pid, exit_code := exit_code}) { setverdict(pass); } [] GTP2.receive(UECUPS_ProgramTermInd:?) -> value pti { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("Received unexpected ProgramTermInd := ", pti)); } [] T.timeout { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, log2str("timeout (", tout, " seconds) waiting for user-plane program PID ", pid, " termination")); } } } /* execute a program and wait for result */ private function f_start_prog_wait(charstring command, template integer exit_code := 0, float tout := 10.0, boolean redirect_output := true) runs on PGW_Session_CT { var integer pid := f_start_prog(command, redirect_output); f_wait_term(pid, exit_code, tout); } /* execute ping command and wait for result */ private function f_ping4(charstring host, integer interval := 1, integer count := 10) runs on PGW_Session_CT { var charstring ping :="ping -c " & int2str(count) & " -i " & int2str(interval); if (not isbound(g_ip4_addr)) { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, "f_ping4(): g_ip4_addr is unset!"); } ping := ping & " -I " & f_inet_ntoa(g_ip4_addr); ping := ping & " " & host; f_start_prog_wait(ping, tout := int2float(5 + interval*count)); } /* send echo request; expect response */ testcase TC_tx_echo() runs on PGW_Test_CT { timer T := 5.0; f_init(); GTP2.send(ts_GTP2C_EchoReq(0)); T.start; alt { [] GTP2.receive(tr_GTP2C_EchoResp) { setverdict(pass); } [] T.timeout { Misc_Helpers.f_shutdown(__BFILE__, __LINE__, fail, "timeout waiting for Echo Response"); } } } /* create a session, expect it to succeed */ private function f_TC_createSession() runs on PGW_Session_CT { f_s5s8_create_session(); setverdict(pass); } testcase TC_createSession() runs on PGW_Test_CT { var PGW_Session_CT vc_conn; var SessionPars pars := valueof(t_SessionPars('001010123456789'H, "tun22")); f_init(); vc_conn := f_start_handler(refers(f_TC_createSession), pars); vc_conn.done; } /* create a session, then execute a ping command on the user plane */ private function f_TC_createSession_ping4() runs on PGW_Session_CT { f_s5s8_create_session(); f_ping4(mp_ping_hostname); setverdict(pass); } testcase TC_createSession_ping4() runs on PGW_Test_CT { var PGW_Session_CT vc_conn; var SessionPars pars := valueof(t_SessionPars('001010123456789'H, "tun23")); f_init(); vc_conn := f_start_handler(refers(f_TC_createSession_ping4), pars); vc_conn.done; } testcase TC_createSession_ping4_256() runs on PGW_Test_CT { var PGW_Session_CT vc_conn[256]; var integer i; f_init(); for (i := 0; i < sizeof(vc_conn); i:=i+1) { var charstring tundev := "ping" & int2str(i); var SessionPars pars := valueof(t_SessionPars(f_gen_imsi(i), tundev)); vc_conn[i] := f_start_handler(refers(f_TC_createSession_ping4), pars); } for (i := 0; i < lengthof(vc_conn); i:=i+1) { vc_conn[i].done; } } /* create a session, then delete it again */ private function f_TC_createSession_deleteSession() runs on PGW_Session_CT { f_s5s8_create_session(); f_delete_session(omit, Request_accepted); setverdict(pass); } testcase TC_createSession_deleteSession() runs on PGW_Test_CT { var PGW_Session_CT vc_conn; var SessionPars pars := valueof(t_SessionPars('001010123456789'H, "tun23")); f_init(); vc_conn := f_start_handler(refers(f_TC_createSession_deleteSession), pars); vc_conn.done; } /* send a DeleteSessionReq for an unknown/invalid TEID */ private function f_TC_deleteSession_unknown() runs on PGW_Session_CT { g_pars.teic_remote := f_rnd_octstring(4); f_delete_session(omit, Context_Not_Found, false); setverdict(pass); } testcase TC_deleteSession_unknown() runs on PGW_Test_CT { var PGW_Session_CT vc_conn; var SessionPars pars := valueof(t_SessionPars('001010123456789'H, "tun23")); f_init(); vc_conn := f_start_handler(refers(f_TC_deleteSession_unknown), pars); vc_conn.done; } /* Test charging over Gy interface. */ private function f_TC_gy_charging_cc_time() runs on PGW_Session_CT { var default d; f_s5s8_create_session(); /* We should receive an update even if no traffic is sent: */ as_DIA_Gy_CCR(UPDATE_REQUEST); f_validate_gy_cc_report(g_rx_gy, VALIDITY_TIME, (3..4), 0, 0); d := activate(as_DIA_Gy_CCR(UPDATE_REQUEST)); f_ping4(mp_ping_hostname); /* Let the CCA reach the PGW */ f_sleep(0.5); deactivate(d); f_validate_gy_cc_report(g_rx_gy, VALIDITY_TIME, (3..4), (28..1000), (28..1000)); as_DIA_Gy_CCR(UPDATE_REQUEST); f_validate_gy_cc_report(g_rx_gy, VALIDITY_TIME, (3..4), ?, ?); f_delete_session(omit, Request_accepted); f_validate_gy_cc_report(g_rx_gy, FINAL, (0..1), 0, 0); setverdict(pass); } testcase TC_gy_charging_cc_time() runs on PGW_Test_CT { var PGW_Session_CT vc_conn; var SessionPars pars := valueof(t_SessionPars('001010123456789'H, "tun23")); := 3; /* Grant access for 3 seconds, needs to be re-validated afterwards */ f_init(); vc_conn := f_start_handler(refers(f_TC_gy_charging_cc_time), pars); vc_conn.done; } /* Test Gy CCR rejected with CCA Result-Code DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED (5003) */ private function f_TC_gy_ccr_update_rejected() runs on PGW_Session_CT { var default d; f_s5s8_create_session(); /* We should receive an update even if no traffic is sent: */ as_DIA_Gy_CCR(UPDATE_REQUEST); /* Answer next CCR[Update] with CCA Reject: */ := DIAMETER_AUTHORIZATION_REJECTED; as_DIA_Gy_CCR(UPDATE_REQUEST); /* Expect PGW to tear down the connection as a result: */ as_DIA_Gx_CCR(TERMINATION_REQUEST); as_DIA_Gy_CCR(TERMINATION_REQUEST); setverdict(pass); } testcase TC_gy_ccr_update_rejected() runs on PGW_Test_CT { var PGW_Session_CT vc_conn; var SessionPars pars := valueof(t_SessionPars('001010123456789'H, "tun23")); := 3; /* Grant access for 3 seconds, needs to be re-validated afterwards */ f_init(); vc_conn := f_start_handler(refers(f_TC_gy_ccr_update_rejected), pars); vc_conn.done; } /* create a session, expect it to succeed */ private function f_TC_s2b_createSession_v4_noapco() runs on PGW_Session_CT { var template (omit) APCO apco := omit; var template APCO exp_apco := omit; f_s2b_create_session(apco, exp_apco); setverdict(pass); } testcase TC_s2b_createSession_v4_noapco() runs on PGW_Test_CT { var PGW_Session_CT vc_conn; var SessionPars pars := valueof(t_SessionPars('001010123456789'H, "tun22", rat_type := GTP2C_RAT_WLAN)); f_init(); vc_conn := f_start_handler(refers(f_TC_s2b_createSession_v4_noapco), pars); vc_conn.done; } private function f_TC_s2b_createSession_v4_apco() runs on PGW_Session_CT { var template (omit) APCO apco := ts_GTP2C_APCO('0000'B, {ts_GTP2C_PCO_P_DNS_IPv4(''O), ts_GTP2C_PCO_P_PCSCF_IPv4(''O)}); var template APCO exp_apco := tr_GTP2C_APCO('0000'B, {tr_GTP2C_PCO_P_DNS_IPv4(?), *, /* open5gs-smfd can contain several DNS servers */ tr_GTP2C_PCO_P_PCSCF_IPv4(?)}); f_s2b_create_session(apco, exp_apco); setverdict(pass); } testcase TC_s2b_createSession_v4_apco() runs on PGW_Test_CT { var PGW_Session_CT vc_conn; var SessionPars pars := valueof(t_SessionPars('001010123456789'H, "tun22", rat_type := GTP2C_RAT_WLAN)); f_init(); vc_conn := f_start_handler(refers(f_TC_s2b_createSession_v4_apco), pars); vc_conn.done; } control { execute( TC_tx_echo() ); execute( TC_createSession() ); execute( TC_createSession_ping4() ); execute( TC_createSession_ping4_256() ); execute( TC_createSession_deleteSession() ); execute( TC_deleteSession_unknown() ); execute( TC_gy_charging_cc_time() ); execute( TC_gy_ccr_update_rejected() ); execute( TC_s2b_createSession_v4_noapco() ); execute( TC_s2b_createSession_v4_apco() ); } }