#pragma once /* CCID Protocol related Definitions * * (C) 2019-2020 by Harald Welte * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #include #include #define USB_CLASS_CCID 11 /* Identifies the length of type of subordinate descriptors of a CCID device * Table 5.1-1 Smart Card Device Class descriptors */ struct usb_ccid_class_descriptor { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint16_t bcdCCID; uint8_t bMaxSlotIndex; uint8_t bVoltageSupport; uint32_t dwProtocols; uint32_t dwDefaultClock; uint32_t dwMaximumClock; uint8_t bNumClockSupported; uint32_t dwDataRate; uint32_t dwMaxDataRate; uint8_t bNumDataRatesSupported; uint32_t dwMaxIFSD; uint32_t dwSynchProtocols; uint32_t dwMechanical; uint32_t dwFeatures; uint32_t dwMaxCCIDMessageLength; uint8_t bClassGetResponse; uint8_t bClassEnvelope; uint16_t wLcdLayout; uint8_t bPINSupport; uint8_t bMaxCCIDBusySlots; } __attribute__((packed)); /* handling of bulk out from host */ enum ccid_msg_type { /* Section 6.3 / Table 6.3-1: Interrupt IN */ RDR_to_PC_NotifySlotChange = 0x50, RDR_to_PC_HardwareError = 0x51, /* Section 6.1 / Table 6.1-1: Bulk OUT */ PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOn = 0x62, PC_to_RDR_IccPowerOff = 0x63, PC_to_RDR_GetSlotStatus = 0x65, PC_to_RDR_XfrBlock = 0x6f, PC_to_RDR_GetParameters = 0x6c, PC_to_RDR_ResetParameters = 0x6d, PC_to_RDR_SetParameters = 0x61, PC_to_RDR_Escape = 0x6b, PC_to_RDR_IccClock = 0x6e, PC_to_RDR_T0APDU = 0x6a, PC_to_RDR_Secure = 0x69, PC_to_RDR_Mechanical = 0x71, PC_to_RDR_Abort = 0x72, PC_to_RDR_SetDataRateAndClockFrequency = 0x73, /* Section 6.2 / Table 6.2-1: Bulk IN */ RDR_to_PC_DataBlock = 0x80, RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus = 0x81, RDR_to_PC_Parameters = 0x82, RDR_to_PC_Escape = 0x83, RDR_to_PC_DataRateAndClockFrequency = 0x84, }; /* CCID message header on BULK-OUT endpoint */ struct ccid_header { uint8_t bMessageType; uint32_t dwLength; uint8_t bSlot; uint8_t bSeq; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* CCID Class-Specific Control Request (Section 5.3 / Table 5.3-1) */ enum ccid_class_spec_req { CLASS_SPEC_CCID_ABORT = 0x01, CLASS_SPEC_CCID_GET_CLOCK_FREQ = 0x02, CLASS_SPEC_CCID_GET_DATA_RATES = 0x03 }; /*********************************************************************** * Bulk OUT ***********************************************************************/ /* Section 6.1.1 */ enum ccid_power_select { CCID_PWRSEL_AUTO = 0x00, CCID_PWRSEL_5V0 = 0x01, CCID_PWRSEL_3V0 = 0x02, CCID_PWRSEL_1V8 = 0x03, }; /* Section 6.1.1 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_icc_power_on { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t bPowerSelect; uint8_t abRFU[2]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_DataBlock */ /* Section 6.1.2 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_icc_power_off { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t abRFU[3]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus */ /* Section 6.1.3 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_get_slot_status { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t abRFU[3]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus */ /* Section 6.1.4 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_xfr_block { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t bBWI; uint16_t wLevelParameter; uint8_t abData[0]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_DataBlock */ /* Section 6.1.5 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_get_parameters { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t abRFU[3]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_Parameters */ /* Section 6.1.6 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_reset_parameters { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t abRFU[3]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_Parameters */ /* Section 6.1.7 */ enum ccid_protocol_num { CCID_PROTOCOL_NUM_T0 = 0x00, CCID_PROTOCOL_NUM_T1 = 0x01, CCID_PROTOCOL_NUM_2WIRE = 0x80, CCID_PROTOCOL_NUM_3WIRE = 0x81, CCID_PROTOCOL_NUM_I2C = 0x82, }; enum ccid_clock_stop { CCID_CLOCK_STOP_NOTALLOWED = 0x00, CCID_CLOCK_STOP_LOW = 0x01, CCID_CLOCK_STOP_HIGH = 0x02, CCID_CLOCK_STOP_EITHER = 0x03, }; enum ccid_t1_csum_type { CCID_CSUM_TYPE_LRC = 0, CCID_CSUM_TYPE_CRC = 1, }; struct ccid_proto_data_t0 { uint8_t bmFindexDindex; uint8_t bmTCCKST0; uint8_t bGuardTimeT0; uint8_t bWaitingIntegerT0; uint8_t bClockStop; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct ccid_proto_data_t1 { uint8_t bmFindexDindex; uint8_t bmTCCKST1; uint8_t bGuardTimeT1; uint8_t bWaitingIntegersT1; uint8_t bClockStop; uint8_t bIFSC; uint8_t bNadValue; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_set_parameters { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t bProtocolNum; uint8_t abRFU[2]; union { struct ccid_proto_data_t0 t0; struct ccid_proto_data_t1 t1; } abProtocolData; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_Parameters */ /* Section 6.1.8 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_escape { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t abRFU[3]; uint8_t abData[0]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_Escape */ /* Section 6.1.9 */ enum ccid_clock_command { CCID_CLOCK_CMD_RESTART = 0x00, CCID_CLOCK_CMD_STOP = 0x01, }; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_icc_clock { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t bClockCommand; uint8_t abRFU[2]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* response: RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus */ /* Section 6.1.10 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_t0apdu { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t bmChanges; uint8_t bClassGetResponse; uint8_t bClassEnvelope; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus */ /* Section 6.1.11 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_secure { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t bBWI; uint16_t wLevelParameter; uint8_t abData[0]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct ccid_pin_operation_data { uint8_t bPINOperation; uint8_t abPNDataStructure[0]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct ccid_pin_verification_data { uint8_t bTimeOut; uint8_t bmFormatString; uint8_t bmPINBlockString; uint8_t bmPINLengthFormat; uint16_t wPINMaxExtraDigit; uint8_t bEntryValidationCondition; uint8_t bNumberMessage; uint16_t wLangId; uint8_t bMsgIndex; uint8_t bTecPrologue; uint8_t abPINApdu[0]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_DataBlock */ /* Section 6.1.12 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_mechanical { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t bFunction; /* ccid_mech_function */ uint8_t abRFU[2]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); enum ccid_mech_function { CCID_MECH_FN_ACCEPT_CARD = 0x01, CCID_MECH_FN_EJECT_CARD = 0x02, CCID_MECH_FN_CAPTURE_CARD = 0x03, CCID_MECH_FN_LOCK_CARD = 0x04, CCID_MECH_FN_UNLOCK_CARD = 0x05, }; /* Response: RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus */ /* Section 6.1.13 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_abort { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t abRFU[3]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus */ /* Section 6.1.14 */ struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_set_rate_and_clock { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t abRFU[3]; uint32_t dwClockFrequency; uint32_t dwDataRate; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Response: RDR_to_PC_DataRateAndClockFrequency */ union ccid_pc_to_rdr { struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_icc_power_on icc_power_on; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_icc_power_off icc_power_off; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_get_slot_status get_slot_status; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_xfr_block xfr_block; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_get_parameters get_parameters; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_reset_parameters reset_parameters; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_set_parameters set_parameters; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_escape escape; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_icc_clock icc_clock; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_t0apdu t0apdu; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_secure secure; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_mechanical mechanical; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_abort abort; struct ccid_pc_to_rdr_set_rate_and_clock set_rate_and_clock; }; /*********************************************************************** * Bulk IN ***********************************************************************/ /* CCID message header on BULK-IN endpoint */ struct ccid_header_in { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t bStatus; uint8_t bError; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Section 6.2.1 RDR_to_PC_DataBlock */ struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_data_block { struct ccid_header_in hdr; uint8_t bChainParameter; uint8_t abData[0]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Section 6.2.2 RDR_to_PC_SlotStatus */ struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_slot_status { struct ccid_header_in hdr; uint8_t bClockStatus; } __attribute__ ((packed)); enum ccid_clock_status { CCID_CLOCK_STATUS_RUNNING = 0x00, CCID_CLOCK_STATUS_STOPPED_L = 0x01, CCID_CLOCK_STATUS_STOPPED_H = 0x02, CCID_CLOCK_STATUS_STOPPED_UNKN = 0x03, }; /* Section 6.2.3 RDR_to_PC_Parameters */ struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_parameters { struct ccid_header_in hdr; union { struct ccid_proto_data_t0 t0; struct ccid_proto_data_t1 t1; } abProtocolData; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Section 6.2.4 RDR_to_PC_Escape */ struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_escape { struct ccid_header_in hdr; uint8_t bRFU; uint8_t abData[0]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Section 6.2.5 RDR_to_PC_DataRateAndClockFrequency */ struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_data_rate_and_clock { struct ccid_header_in hdr; uint8_t bRFU; uint32_t dwClockFrequency; uint32_t dwDataRate; } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Section 6.2.6 */ #define CCID_ICC_STATUS_MASK 0x03 #define CCID_ICC_STATUS_PRES_ACT 0x00 #define CCID_ICC_STATUS_PRES_INACT 0x01 #define CCID_ICC_STATUS_NO_ICC 0x02 #define CCID_CMD_STATUS_MASK 0xC0 #define CCID_CMD_STATUS_OK 0x00 #define CCID_CMD_STATUS_FAILED 0x40 #define CCID_CMD_STATUS_TIME_EXT 0x80 /* Table 6.2-2: Slot Error value when bmCommandStatus == 1 */ enum ccid_error_code { CCID_ERR_CMD_ABORTED = 0xff, CCID_ERR_ICC_MUTE = 0xfe, CCID_ERR_XFR_PARITY_ERROR = 0xfd, CCID_ERR_XFR_OVERRUN = 0xfc, CCID_ERR_HW_ERROR = 0xfb, CCID_ERR_BAD_ATR_TS = 0xf8, CCID_ERR_BAD_ATR_TCK = 0xf7, CCID_ERR_ICC_PROTOCOL_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0xf6, CCID_ERR_ICC_CLASS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0xf5, CCID_ERR_PROCEDURE_BYTE_CONFLICT = 0xf4, CCID_ERR_DEACTIVATED_PROTOCOL = 0xf3, CCID_ERR_BUSY_WITH_AUTO_SEQUENCE = 0xf2, CCID_ERR_PIN_TIMEOUT = 0xf0, CCID_ERR_PIN_CANCELLED = 0xef, CCID_ERR_CMD_SLOT_BUSY = 0xe0, CCID_ERR_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x00 }; union ccid_rdr_to_pc { struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_data_block data_block; struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_slot_status slot_status; struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_parameters parameters; struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_escape escape; struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_data_rate_and_clock rate_and_clock; }; /*********************************************************************** * Interupt IN ***********************************************************************/ /* Section 6.3.1 */ struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_notify_slot_change { uint8_t bMessageType; uint8_t bmSlotCCState[0]; /* as long as bNumSlots/4 padded to next byte */ } __attribute__ ((packed)); /* Section 6.3.1 */ struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_hardware_error { struct ccid_header hdr; uint8_t bHardwareErrorCode; } __attribute__ ((packed)); union ccid_rdr_to_pc_irq { struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_notify_slot_change slot_change; struct ccid_rdr_to_pc_hardware_error hw_error; }; extern const struct value_string ccid_msg_type_vals[]; extern const struct value_string ccid_class_spec_req_vals[]; extern const struct value_string ccid_power_select_vals[]; extern const struct value_string ccid_clock_command_vals[]; extern const struct value_string ccid_error_code_vals[];