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R P 0 06`  $'6 PspW P 0`p6> & ~PWPR06l 0 0 6`  @&5T50S Po 5 %5g5 R P^ 5 %5V40S P P5 t%D5P 0`004<0Sh R  PHX  90P0 pW P 4$HX`Px4(l4$ PV 3L38PC <3m 3d 0` p3N 0`00D<3HX :9 0`p<303"830HX  `20 0t2t 0` 2 0`004,2h2 dFH2Hx,2 (`)60Z HXw\PU P d1d1!HX`P  1F#PlHX`100 08 0(18!  HX0 0xJl@K4|/`Xd jpP+  $h;DgLd ,  $P, Pl R P T0T HX`0h  0 x0x P0`HX0P> GHrsl_rx_paging_cmdrsl_rx_sms_bcast_cmdrsl_rx_notification_cmdrsl_rx_osmo_etws_cmdrsl_rx_bs_pwr_ctrlrsl_rx_encr_cmdrsl_rx_ms_pwr_ctrlrsl_rx_meas_preproc_dftrsl_rx_bcch_inforsl_rx_sacch_inf_modrsl_rx_ipac_dlcxrsl_rx_mode_modifrsl_rx_sacch_fillrsl_rx_ipac_XXcxrsl_rx_imm_assrsl_rx_chan_activ%s Channel Mode IE is not present rsl.c%s Training Sequence IE is not present %s Channel Mode IE contains unknown 'Channel rate and type' value 0x%02x %s Channel Mode IE contains an unknown/unhandled combination of 'Speech or data indicator' 0x%02x and 'Speech coding algorithm/data rate' 0x%02x %s Channel type=0x%02x/mode=%s is not supported by the PHY %s BTS doesn't support cipher %s %s Encryption Info cannot have len=%d %s Setting lchan cipher algorithm %s %sunknown chan_nr=0x%02x %s %smismatching chan_nr=0x%02x %s This PHY does not support lchan TSC %u != BSIC-TSC %u, sending NACK %s Missing MultiRate conf IE (TCH mode is %s) %s Unexpected MultiRate conf IE (TCH mode is %s) %s Error parsing MultiRate conf IE RSLmsgb(%p): Not enough headroom msgb_push (allocated %u, head at %u < want headroom %u, len %u, tailroom %u) msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) ACTDEACT%s Tx PDCH %s NACK (cause = 0x%02x) %s (ss=%d) %s Tx CHAN ACT ACK %s 0x%02x: Tx MODE MODIFY NACK (cause = 0x%02x) Sending Channel Activated NACK: cause = 0x%02x Tx RSL Error Report: cause = 0x%02x /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-bts-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hmsgb->l2hAssert failed %s %s:%d size >= headroomRSL Radio Link Layer message too short Rx RLL %s for unknown lchan %s Rx RLL %s for lchan which isn't active %s Rx RLL %s Abis -> LAPDm RSL rx RLL: msgb->l3h%s %s(): rsl_tlv_parse() failed BTS paging table is full%s %s(): chan nr is not Downlink CCCH FACCH copyETWS Primary Notification OFF rsl.c:979ETWS Primary Notification: %s rsl.c:989rsl.c:991%s Fast Power Control is not supported %s Failed to parse BS Power Parameters IE %s BS POWER CONTROL: attenuation change %u -> %u dB msgb(%p): msgb too small to pull %u (len %u) %s Fwd RSL ENCR CMD (Alg %u) to LAPDm %s Rx MS POWER CONTROL %u %s Failed to parse MS Power Parameters IE %s Unable to calculate power levels to dBm: %u -> %d, %u -> %d %s Rx Measurement Pre-processing Defaults rsl.c:1346rsl.c:1351rsl.c:1364rsl.c:1369struct gsm_power_ctrl_params Rx RSL SI 0x%02x not supported. Truncating received Full BCCH Info (%u -> %zu) for SI%s Rx RSL BCCH INFO (SI%s, %u bytes) Rx RSL SI2quater count updated: %u -> %d Rx RSL SI2quater with index %u > count %u Rx RSL SI2quater with impossible parameters: index %u, count %ushould be <= %u BCCH INFO Rx RSL BCCH INFO (SI%s) RX RSL Disabling BCCH INFO (SI%s) %s Starting time not supported %s Rx SACCH SI 0x%02x not supported. Truncating received SI%s (%u -> %zu) to prepend LAPDM UI header (2 bytes) %s Rx RSL SACCH FILLING (SI%s) %s Rx RSL Disabling SACCH FILLING (SI%s) %s RSL Tx %s %s RSL Tx IPAC_DLCX_NACK %s RSL Tx IPAC_DLCX_ACK Closing RTP socket on DLCX %s Tx MODE MODIF ACK Rx SACCH SI 0x%02x not supported. Rx RSL SACCH FILLING (SI%s, %u bytes) Rx RSL Disabling SACCH FILLING (SI%s) CRCXMDCX0.0.0.0%s IPAC_%s: connect_ip=%s connect_port=%u speech_mode=%u payload_type=%u payload_type2=%u osmux_cid=%u rtp_extensions=%u %s Rx RSL IPAC %s, RTP_PT and RTP_PT2 in same msg !?! csd_fmt_d=%d csd_fmt_ir=%d %s Rx RSL IPAC %s, csd_fmt_d=%d is not supported %s Rx RSL IPAC XXcx without Osmux CIDgoes against configured Osmux policy 'only' %s Rx RSL IPAC MDCX, but we have no RTP socket! %s Rx RSL IPAC XXcx with Osmux CIDgoes against configured Osmux policy 'off' %s Rx RSL IPAC MDCX with Osmux CID, CRCX was configured as RTP! %s RSL Tx IPAC_%s_ACK (local %s:%u, remote %s:%u) Tx RSL RF RESource INDication Early IA check: %s (ss=%d) PDCH release: not in PDCH mode %s PCU rel ack for unexpected lchan kind %s %s not sending REL ACK %s (ss=%d) %s Tx CHAN REL ACK %s Sending HANDOver DETect %s Sending LISTENER DETect %s Sending TALKER DETect NACKACK%s not sending CHAN ACT %s %s missing Activation Type %s error: lchan is not available, but in state: %s. %s error: reactivation on inactive lchan. %s rx chan activ but TS not in nm_state oper=ENABLED avail=OK, nack! chan nr 0x%x not covered by dyn_pchan_from_chan_nr() %s rx chan activ %s dyn_ts_l1_reconnect %s Cannot reconnect as pchan %s %s Disconnect lchan->pending_chan_activ == NULL%s Missing Handover Reference IE %s BS Power attenuation %u dB %s Error parsing SACCH INFO IE %s chan_nr=%s type=0x%02x=%s mode=%s %s Cannot send act ack: %d %s Activate via PCU %s Activate via PCU when PCU connects %s Sending Connection Failure: cause = 0x%02x Sending Channel Required %s Sending RTP delete indication: cause = %s PDCHTCH/Fts%s Internal Error: both PDCH ACT and PDCH DEACT pending PDCH %s on dynamic TCH/F_PDCH returned error %d %s %s switched to %s mode (ts->flags == %x) %s Tx PDCH %s ACK Failed to transmit PDCH %s ACK, rc %d %s PDCH DEACT operation: channel disconnected, will reconnect as TCH %s PDCH ACT operation: channel disconnected, will reconnect as PDTCH %s Disconnected %s Dyn TS disconnected, but invalid desired pchan: %s %s Connect %s PDCH ACT IPA operation failed (%d) in bts model %s PDCH DEACT error: timeslot connected, so expecting lchan type TCH/F, but is %s %s PDCH DEACT operation: timeslot connected as TCH/F %s PDCH ACT error: timeslot connected, so expecting lchan type PDTCH, but is %s %s PDCH ACT operation: timeslot connected as PDTCH %s PDCH ACT OSMO operation failed (%d) in bts model %s Connected %s chan_num:%u Tx MEAS RES valid(%d), flags(%02x) %s Send Meas RES: NUM:%u, RXLEV_FULL:%u, RXLEV_SUB:%u, RXQUAL_FULL:%u, RXQUAL_SUB:%u, MS_PWR:%u, UL_TA:%u, L3_LEN:%u, TimingOff:%u []msg%s (%s) is not active. Dropping message (len=%u): %s %s RLL EST IND without contention resolution. %s Short GPRS SUSPEND REQ received, ignoring %s Fwd GPRS SUSPEND REQ for TLLI=0x%08x to PCU %s Fwd RLL msg %s from LAPDm to A-bis %s Scheduling %s to L3 in next associated TCH-RTS.ind %s Dropping pending release indication message ACT DEACTtrxRSL message too short RSL Common Channel Management message too short RSL rx CCHAN: Rx RSL %s for unknown lchan %s Rx RSL %s %s unimplemented RSL cchan msg_type %s %s undefined RSL cchan msg_type 0x%02x RSL Dedicated Channel Management message too short %s ss=%d Rx RSL %s %s ss=%d state=%s Rx RSL RF Channel Release, but is already inactive; just ACKing the release %s Request to PDCH %s, but PDCH%s%s is still pending %s Request to PDCH %s, but lchan is still in state %s %s Attempt to PDCH %s on TS that is not a TCH/F_PDCH (is %s) %s Request to PDCH %s, but is already so %s unimplemented RSL dchan msg_type %s %s undefined RSL dchan msg_type 0x%02x undefined RSL TRX msg_type 0x%02x RSL ip.access message too short %s unsupported RSL ip.access msg_type 0x%02x unknown RSL msg_discr 0x%02x RSL rx DCHAN: RSL rx IPACC: GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE  !$?4!V!  f !9X! 8~8!DPP`pX!(6(! L d!`p[p!`}\!!T0!,"\"\"0"!x&&&'P!***!,, ,!l...!383683!6H6KH6! :\:^\:!<=n=!@@@!tDDD@ ! 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