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More pending.oml.c:785%s End of SAPI cmd queue encountered.%s Failed to find lchan for hLayer3=0x%x %s MPH-ACTIVATE.conf (%s Successful activation of L1 SAPI %s on TS %u Error activating L1 SAPI %s on TS %u: %s %s Got activation confirmation with empty queue %s Confirmation mismatch (%d, %d) (%d, %d) RX_REQ -> RX_CONF RX_CONF_TX_REQ -> RXTX_CONF RXTX_REQ -> RX_CONF_TX_REQ unhandled state %u %s Got ciphering conf with empty queue %s MPH-DEACTIVATE.conf (%s Successful deactivation of L1 SAPI %s on TS %u Error deactivating L1 SAPI %s on TS %u: %s %s Got de-activation confirmation with empty queue %s Trying to activate lchan, but commands in queue %s is now broken. Stopping the release. Rx %s, status: %s 0====> trying to activate lchans of BCCH Rx MPH-INIT.conf (status=%s) Rx MPH-INIT.conf status=%s MPH-INIT failureUnsupported GSM band %s Init TRX (ARFCN %u, TSC %u, RxPower % 2f dBm, TxPower % 2.2f dBm Discarding adm change command: pending procedure on RC %d %s modifying channel for handover %s already in release request state. %s TS disconnect Set NB TSCSet Tx power levelSet logical channel paramsConfigure ciphering paramsGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE  $$p.1`G.U|.`l.Pdd.4.|.( 4 4 .   .   \. < .((|.t.....$ .4.L$#d"T.!*2|?,Th' "g "\z|"T."#".#x:0$##@.##.L%p%p%H.%%%8.%%%x.D'h'.,,.--.D22.78.88.L:x:.;;;.L>>#>.d@@5@ .@@. 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