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Failed to get the trx number. sysmobts-mgr [-nsD] [-d cat] -n Do not write to EEPROM -s Disable color -d CAT enable debugging -D daemonize -c Specify the filename of the config filenhsd:c:Cannot parse config file misc/sysmobts_mgr.cError initializing telnet localhostCan't connect to CTRL @ localhost:%u CTRL connected to localhost:%u Error during daemonizeDTEMPTemperature monitoringDFWDSP/FPGA firmware managementDFINDipaccess-find handlingDCALIBCalibration handlingsysmobts-mgr.cfg/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/hwmon/hwmon0/temp%u_%sError reading temperature misc/sysmobts_misc.cCurrent %s temperature: %d.%d C New maximum %s temperature: %d.%d C error writing new %s max temp %d (%s) Unable to read operational hours: %d (%s) Total hours of Operation: %u /lib/firmware%s/%sunable to open firmware file %s: %s unable to open firmware device %s: %s error %d during read from %s: %s short write during fw write to %s /dev/fpgadl_par0/dev/dspdl_dm644x_0sysmobts-v2.bitsysmobts-v2.outdigitalrfinputlowesthighestT\hx  /sys/devices/platform/i2c_davinci.1/i2c-1/1-0050/eepromComputed CRC(%d) wanted CRC(%d) sysmoBTS 1002sysmoBTS 1002+GPS+PoEsysmoBTS 2050 (master)sysmoBTS 2050 (slave)sysmoBTS 2050 (unknown)Unknownethaddrclk-factorytemp-dig-maxtemp-rf-maxserial-nrhours-runningboot-countkeymodel-nrmodel-flagstrx-nrnl socketshort writeshort readMessage MicrocontrollerError creating msg misc/sysmobts_mgr_2050.cmsgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) msgb(%p): msgb too small to pull %u (len %u) Error requesting power status. ONOFFError switching off some unit. Switch off/on success: MASTER %s SLAVE %s PA %s Temperature Board: %+3d C, Tempeture PA: %+3d C Failed to read current power status. Failed to open the serial interface Going to enable the PA. /dev/ttyS0(C) 2012 by Harald Welte (C) 2014 by Holger Hans Peter Freyther License AGPLv3+: GNU AGPL version 2 or later This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. %s%s threshold warning %d%s threshold critical %d%sno %spa-off%s %sbts-service-off%s %sslave-off%sconnecteddisconnectedmasterslaveON BTS Control Interface: %s%sTemperature control state: %s%sCurrent Temperatures%s Digital: %f Celsius%s RF: %f Celsius%s sysmoBTS 2050 is %s%s sysmoBTS 2050 PA: %d Celsius%sPower Status%s Main Supply :(ON) [(24.00)Vdc, %4.2f A]%s Master SF : %s [%6.2f Vdc, %4.2f A]%s Slave SF : %s [%6.2f Vdc, %4.2f A]%s Power Amp : %s [%6.2f Vdc, %4.2f A]%s PA Bias : %s [%6.2f Vdc, ---- A]%s%%Failed to start calibration.%ssysmobts-mgr%slimits rflimits digitallimits boardlimits paactions normal %spa-on%s %sbts-service-on%s %sslave-on%sactions warnactions criticalFailed to parse the config file: '%s' trx 0 calibrate-clockTransceiver commands Transceiver 0 Calibrate clock against GPS PPS show managerShow running system information Display information about the managerno slave-offNegate a command or set its defaults Power-off secondary device on sysmoBTS2050 slave-offPower-off secondary device on sysmoBTS2050 no bts-service-offNegate a command or set its defaults Stop the systemd osmo-bts-sysmo.service bts-service-offStop the systemd osmo-bts-sysmo.service no pa-offNegate a command or set its defaults Do not switch off the Power Amplifier pa-offSwitch the Power Amplifier off no slave-onNegate a command or set its defaults Power-on secondary device on sysmoBTS2050 slave-onPower-on secondary device on sysmoBTS2050 no bts-service-onNegate a command or set its defaults Start the systemd osmo-bts-sysmo.service bts-service-onStart the systemd osmo-bts-sysmo.service no pa-onNegate a command or set its defaults Switch the Power Amplifier on pa-onSwitch the Power Amplifier on Configure Actions Critical Actions Configure Actions Warning Actions Configure Actions Normal Actions threshold critical <0-200>Threshold to reach Severe level Range threshold warning <0-200>Threshold to reach Warning level Range Configure Limits Power Amplifier Configure Limits Board Configure Limits Digital Configure Limits RF sysmobts-mgrConfigure sysmobts-mgr %s(limit-pa)# %s(limit-board)# %s(limit-digital)# %s(limit-rf)# %s(action-critical)# %s(action-warn)# %s(action-normal)# %s(sysmobts-mgr)# 1.9.0Failed to read from socket errno(%d) misc/sysmobts_mgr_nl.cReceived request from: %s size %d ipa get responseFailed to allocate msgb %.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x:%.2x%dFailed to determine local source msgb(%p): Not enough headroom msgb_push (allocated %u, head at %u < want headroom %u, len %u, tailroom %u) Failed to send with rc(%d) errno(%d) creation8@PXPA can only be switched-off on the master misc/sysmobts_mgr_temp.cFailed to switch off the PA. Stop BTS? Switched off the PA due temperature. Slave off only possible on the sysmoBTS2050 Failed to switch off the slave BTS Switched off the slave due temperature Going to switch off the BTS service /bin/systemctl stop osmo-bts-sysmoTemperature CriticalTemperature WarningGoing to check the temperature. Failed to read the digital temperature. rc=%d Digital temperature is: %d Failed to read the RF temperature. rc=%d RF temperature is: %d Failed to read the temperature! Reboot?! SBTS2050 board(%d) PA(%d) Moving from state %s to %s. System is back to normal temperature. PA can only be switched-on on the master Failed to switch on the PA Switched on the PA as normal action. Slave on only possible on the sysmoBTS2050 Failed to switch on the slave BTS Switched on the slave as normal action. Going to switch on the BTS service /bin/systemctl start osmo-bts-sysmoSystem has reached temperature warning. System has reached critical warning. OML alert creation failed for %s. oml-alertOML alert sent: %d misc/sysmobts_mgr_temp.c:237NORMALWARNING (HYST)WARNINGCRITICALScheduling BTS connect misc/sysmobts_mgr_calib.cFailed to acquire GPRS fix. Control interface not connected. Calib is already in progress. 2947Failed to connect to GPS %d Failed to register GPSD fd Opened the GPSD connection waiting for fix: %d Going to calibrate the system. updownBTS connection %s Failed to connect to BTS. gpsd vanished during read. Fix mode not enough: %d Not enough satellites used: %d Got a GPS fix continuing. CTRL SETSET %u %s %s1trx.0.clock-infoRequesting current clock-info. CTRL GETGET %u %sReceived data from BTS: %s Invalid IPA message from BTS (rc=%d) Failed to parse command/response Unexpected variable: %s ,Parse error on clock-info reply Calibration CUR(%s) SRC(%s) ERR(%s/%d) RES(%s) SRC(%s) Invalid clock resolution. Giving up Going to apply %d as new clock correction. SET %u %s %dtrx.0.clock-correctionUnhandled response in state: %d %s/%s successUnexpected reply: %s Reset the calibration counter. Waiting 60 seconds. Calibration process completed Unhandled CTRL response: %d. Resetting state misc/sysmobts_mgr_calib.c:443Unhandled osmo ID %u from BTS Unhandled stream ID %u from BTS Calib is only possible on the sysmoBTS2050 master Failed to create IPA connection r+/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-1/1-0050/eepromeeprom fopeneeprom fseekeeprom fread %.4x| %.2x BDFH468:456789:;Incorrect OM hdr length value %d %zu msg_utils.cFOM header insufficient space %zu %zu %s failed to decode AMR RTP (length %zu, %p) %s unsupported AMR FT 0x%02x %s Have to send %s frame on TCH but SID buffer is empty - sent nothing /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-bts-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hmsgb->l1hAssert failed %s %s:%d Ipa header insufficient space %d %zu Incorrect ipa header msg size %d %zu IPA length shorter than OSMO header msgb->l2hOm header insufficient space %d %zu Incorrect om mdisc value %x Incorrect om placement value %x %x Incorrect om sequence value %d No ManId Length Indicator %zu Insufficient message space for this ManId Length %d %zu Manuf Label Unknown msgb->l3h % -%s AMR MR Conf: num_modes=%uamr.c, mode[%u] = %u/%u/%uAMR CMI %u not part of AMR MR set RTP->L1: overriding CMR %u AMR Multirate IE is too short (%u) AMR Multirate Version %u unknown AMR Multirate with %u modes len=%u not possible l>&&QcKVi%0  oH E 0DHooo<N<N<N<d @HPhHpGpG|4GDGH4,HDTFIM$F(`FLMhM$)LF*8G+($G%HGtO|$P0P4PLLPXO&4lG'pDGGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE %<d,&$KD.PLD@\d$C`%&../sysdeps/arm/start.S/usr/src/debug/glibc/2.25-r0/git/csuGNU AS 2.28.0 X%YJMLointGyS`N[R../sysdeps/arm/crti.S/usr/src/debug/glibc/2.25-r0/git/csuGNU AS 2.28.0dD../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/libgcc/config/arm/ieee754-df.S/usr/src/debug/libgcc/6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/build.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/libgccGNU AS 2.28.0xL../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/libgcc/config/arm/ieee754-sf.S/usr/src/debug/libgcc/6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/build.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/libgccGNU AS 2.28.0LD../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/libgcc/config/arm/ieee754-sf.S/usr/src/debug/libgcc/6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/build.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/libgccGNU AS 2.28.0D@../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/libgcc/config/arm/ieee754-sf.S/usr/src/debug/libgcc/6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/build.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/libgccGNU AS 2.28.0@../../../../../../../work-shared/gcc-6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/libgcc/config/arm/ieee754-sf.S/usr/src/debug/libgcc/6.4.0-r0/gcc-6.4.0/build.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi.arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/libgccGNU AS 2.28.0k %dlint<,K\\b w % w w}S (Q W*Q ,Q .Q 0 1 _6C`},C%FCwCw<1V7Z8siW,|PwQxRy}@@7[(../sysdeps/arm/crtn.S/usr/src/debug/glibc/2.25-r0/git/csuGNU AS 2.28.0%% $ > $ > &I4: ; I?U%%%%%%% $ > : ; I&I$ > I! 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