--- - name: install jenkins packages include_tasks: debian.yml when: ansible_distribution == 'Debian' # Raspbian default user "pi" has uid=1000, which we need for the jenkins user. # When the ansible playbook is running, root access via ssh is already # configured, so we don't need the user "pi" anymore. - name: delete raspbian default user user: name: "pi" remove: true state: absent - name: add user jenkins user: name: "{{ jenkins_user }}" generate_ssh_key: yes ssh_key_bits: 4096 ssh_key_type: rsa shell: /bin/bash uid: 1000 - name: setup jenkins ssh key (authorized_keys) authorized_key: user: "{{ jenkins_user }}" key: "{{ lookup('file', 'jenkins.osmocom.org.pub') }}" - name: setup gerrit ssh key (known_hosts) known_hosts: name: '[gerrit.osmocom.org]:29418' key: '[gerrit.osmocom.org]:29418 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQDI4wZwtcGz2V98iZWWEtsA162PolLtgQTBjnC14ONzZGQkTh9bTPsoSxnM5TKOm4F2bzq7gb+Qrsj4ZECD19qztmD37kMP9jn7/2i1V8oLAy9ojyklXAdBVTliQteVI7ieDOyKCnGbszvFWXY2isoO1k7yJLv0QyL7F5AuZlxeHw==' path: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts state: present - name: install ttcn3 dependencies include_tasks: ttcn3-slave.yml when: ttcn3_slave and ansible_distribution == 'Debian' and ansible_distribution_version|int >= 9 and not (ansible_architecture == "armv7l" or ansible_architecture == "arm64") - name: include generic slave include_tasks: generic-slave.yml when: generic_slave - name: set-up osmo-ci repo include_tasks: osmo-ci.yml when: generic_slave - name: copy .gitconfig copy: src: gitconfig dest: "/home/{{ jenkins_user }}/.gitconfig" - name: call fstrim periodically cron: name: "fstrim" hour: "*/12" minute: 0 job: "fstrim / >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || true" when: osmocom_jenkins_slave_fstrim - name: add tmpfs for /home/osmocom-build/jenkins when: jenkins_tmpfs ansible.posix.mount: boot: true path: /home/osmocom-build/jenkins src: tmpfs fstype: tmpfs state: mounted opts: "uid=1000,gid=1000" - name: add tmpfs for /home/osmocom-build/ccache when: jenkins_tmpfs ansible.posix.mount: boot: true path: /home/osmocom-build/ccache src: tmpfs fstype: tmpfs state: mounted opts: "uid=1000,gid=1000"