[[ussd]] == Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD) The _Unstructured Supplementary Services Data (USSD)_ is one service within 2G/3G networks next to other services such as circuit-switched voice, packet-switched data and SMS (Short Message Service). It is on an abstract level quite similar to SMS in that USSD can be used to send textual messages. However, there are the following differences: * USSD is between the MS (phone) and an USSD application on the network, while SMS is primarily between two subscribers identified by their MSISDN * USSD is faster, as it doesn't suffer from the complicated three-layer CP/RP/TP protocol stack of SMS with it's acknowledgement of the acknowledged acknowledgement. * USSD is session-oriented, i.e. a dialogue/session between subscriber and application can persist for the transfer of more than one message. The dedicated radio channel on the RAN remains established throughout that dialogue. === USSD in Osmocom Until August 2018, OsmoMSC contained some minimalistic internal USSD handling with no ability to attach/extend it with external USSD applications. From August 2018 onwards, OsmoMSC doesn't contain any internal USSD handlers/applications anymore. Instead, all USSD is transported to/from OsmoHLR via the GSUP protocol. OsmoHLR contains some intenal USSD handlers and can route USSD messages to any number of external USSD entities (EUSEs). The EUSE also use GSUP to communicate USSD from/to OsmoHLR. Each EUSE is identified by its name. The name consists of a single-word string preceding a currently fixed ("-00-00-00-00-00-00") suffix. There is no authentication between EUSE and OsmoHLR: Any client program able to connect to the GSUP port of OsmoHLR can register as any EUSE (name). NOTE:: We plan to remove the requirement for this suffix as soon as we are done resolving all more important issues. === USSD Configuration USSD configuration in OsmoHLR happens within the `hlr` VTY node. `euse foobar-00-00-00-00-00-00` defines an EUSE with the given name `foobar` `ussd route prefix *123 external foobar-00-00-00-00-00-00` installs a prefix route to the named EUSE. All USSD short codes starting with *123 will be routed to the named EUSE. `ussd route prefix *#100# internal own-msisdn` installs a prefix route to the named internal USSD handler. The above command will restore the old behavior, in which *#100# will return a text message containing the subscribers own phone number. More information on internal USSD handlers can be found in <<iuse_handlers>>. `ussd default-route external foobar-00-00-00-00-00-00` installs a default route to the named EUSE. This means that all USSD codes for which no more specific route exists will be routed to the named EUSE. [[iuse_handlers]] === Built-in USSD handlers OsmoHLR has an Internal USSD Entity (IUSE) that allows to handle some USSD requests internally. It features a set of simple handlers, which can be assigned to one or more USSD request prefixes: * `own-msisdn` returns subscriber's MSISDN (if assigned); * `own-imsi` returns subscriber's IMSI; * `test-idle` keeps the session idle until the MS terminates it, or the guard timer expires (may be useful for testing). Additional handlers can be added on request. === Example EUSE program We have provided an example EUSE developed in C language using existing Osmocom libraries for GSUP protocol handling and USSD encoding/decoding. It will register as `foobar` EUSE to OsmoHLR on localhost. You can run it on a different machine by specifying e.g. `osmo-euse-demo 5678` to make it connect to OsmoHLR on IP address and GSUP/TCP port 5678. The idea is that you can use this as a template to develop your own USSD applications, or any gateways to other protocols or interfaces. You can find it in `osmo-hlr/src/osmo-euse-demo.c` or online by following the link to http://git.osmocom.org/osmo-hlr/tree/src/osmo-euse-demo.c This demonstration program will echo back any USSD message sent/routed to it, quoted like _You sent "..."_.