/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ATMEL Microcontroller Software Support * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 2009, Atmel Corporation * Copyright (c) 2018, sysmocom -s.f.m.c. GmbH, Author: Kevin Redon * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. * * Atmel's name may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * DISCLAIMER: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY ATMEL "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, * OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * \file * * Implements UART console. * */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Headers *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "board.h" #include #include #include "ringbuffer.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Definitions *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Variables *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Is Console Initialized. */ static uint8_t _ucIsConsoleInitialized=0; /** Ring buffer to queue data to be sent */ static ringbuf uart_tx_buffer; /** * \brief Configures an USART peripheral with the specified parameters. * * \param baudrate Baudrate at which the USART should operate (in Hz). * \param masterClock Frequency of the system master clock (in Hz). */ extern void UART_Configure( uint32_t baudrate, uint32_t masterClock) { const Pin pPins[] = CONSOLE_PINS; Uart *pUart = CONSOLE_UART; /* Configure PIO */ PIO_Configure(pPins, PIO_LISTSIZE(pPins)); /* Configure PMC */ PMC->PMC_PCER0 = 1 << CONSOLE_ID; /* Reset and disable receiver & transmitter */ pUart->UART_CR = UART_CR_RSTRX | UART_CR_RSTTX | UART_CR_RXDIS | UART_CR_TXDIS; /* Configure mode */ pUart->UART_MR = UART_MR_PAR_NO; /* Configure baudrate */ /* Asynchronous, no oversampling */ //pUart->UART_BRGR = (masterClock / baudrate) / 16; if ((masterClock / baudrate) % 16 >= 7) { pUart->UART_BRGR = ( masterClock / baudrate) / 16 + 1; } else { pUart->UART_BRGR = ( masterClock / baudrate) / 16 + 0; } /* Disable PDC channel */ pUart->UART_PTCR = UART_PTCR_RXTDIS | UART_PTCR_TXTDIS; /* Reset transmit ring buffer */ rbuf_reset(&uart_tx_buffer); /* Enable TX interrupts */ pUart->UART_IER = UART_IER_TXRDY; NVIC_SetPriority(CONSOLE_IRQ, 15); /* lowest priority */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(CONSOLE_IRQ); /* Enable receiver and transmitter */ pUart->UART_CR = UART_CR_RXEN | UART_CR_TXEN; /* Remember the configuration is complete */ _ucIsConsoleInitialized=1 ; } /** * \brief Disables the USART peripheral and related IRQ */ void UART_Exit(void) { if (!_ucIsConsoleInitialized) { return; } Uart *pUart = CONSOLE_UART; pUart->UART_IDR = UART_IDR_TXRDY; pUart->UART_CR = UART_CR_RSTRX | UART_CR_RSTTX | UART_CR_RXDIS | UART_CR_TXDIS | UART_CR_RSTSTA; PMC->PMC_PCDR0 = 1 << CONSOLE_ID; NVIC_DisableIRQ(CONSOLE_IRQ); } /** Interrupt Service routine to transmit queued data */ void CONSOLE_ISR(void) { Uart *uart = CONSOLE_UART; if (uart->UART_SR & UART_SR_TXRDY) { if (!rbuf_is_empty(&uart_tx_buffer)) { uart->UART_THR = rbuf_read(&uart_tx_buffer); } else { uart->UART_IDR = UART_IER_TXRDY; } } } /** * \brief Outputs a character on the UART line. * * \note This function is asynchronous (i.e. uses a buffer and interrupt to complete the transfer). * \param c Character to send. */ void UART_PutChar( uint8_t uc ) { Uart *pUart = CONSOLE_UART ; /* Initialize console is not already done */ if ( !_ucIsConsoleInitialized ) { UART_Configure(CONSOLE_BAUDRATE, BOARD_MCK); } if (!rbuf_is_full(&uart_tx_buffer)) { rbuf_write(&uart_tx_buffer, uc); if (!(pUart->UART_IMR & UART_IMR_TXRDY)) { pUart->UART_IER = UART_IER_TXRDY; CONSOLE_ISR(); } } } /** * \brief Outputs a character on the UART line. * * \note This function is synchronous (i.e. uses polling and blocks until the transfer is complete). * \param c Character to send. */ void UART_PutChar_Sync( uint8_t uc ) { Uart *pUart = CONSOLE_UART ; /* Initialize console is not already done */ if ( !_ucIsConsoleInitialized ) { UART_Configure(CONSOLE_BAUDRATE, BOARD_MCK); } while (!(pUart->UART_SR & UART_SR_TXRDY)); /* Wait for transfer buffer to be empty */ pUart->UART_THR = uc; /* Send data to UART peripheral */ while (!(pUart->UART_SR & UART_SR_TXRDY)); /* Wait for transfer buffer to transferred to shift register */ while (!(pUart->UART_SR & UART_SR_TXEMPTY)); /* Wait for transfer shift register to be empty (i.e. transfer is complete) */ } /** * \brief Input a character from the UART line. * * \note This function is synchronous * \return character received. */ extern uint32_t UART_GetChar( void ) { Uart *pUart = CONSOLE_UART ; if ( !_ucIsConsoleInitialized ) { UART_Configure(CONSOLE_BAUDRATE, BOARD_MCK); } while ( (pUart->UART_SR & UART_SR_RXRDY) == 0 ) WDT_Restart(WDT); return pUart->UART_RHR ; } /** * \brief Check if there is Input from UART line. * * \return true if there is Input. */ extern uint32_t UART_IsRxReady( void ) { Uart *pUart = CONSOLE_UART; if ( !_ucIsConsoleInitialized ) { UART_Configure( CONSOLE_BAUDRATE, BOARD_MCK ) ; } return (pUart->UART_SR & UART_SR_RXRDY) > 0 ; } /** * Displays the content of the given frame on the UART0. * * \param pucFrame Pointer to the frame to dump. * \param dwSize Buffer size in bytes. */ extern void UART_DumpFrame( uint8_t* pucFrame, uint32_t dwSize ) { uint32_t dw ; for ( dw=0 ; dw < dwSize ; dw++ ) { printf( "%02X ", pucFrame[dw] ) ; } printf( "\n\r" ) ; } /** * Displays the content of the given buffer on the UART0. * * \param pucBuffer Pointer to the buffer to dump. * \param dwSize Buffer size in bytes. * \param dwAddress Start address to display */ extern void UART_DumpMemory( uint8_t* pucBuffer, uint32_t dwSize, uint32_t dwAddress ) { uint32_t i ; uint32_t j ; uint32_t dwLastLineStart ; uint8_t* pucTmp ; for ( i=0 ; i < (dwSize / 16) ; i++ ) { printf( "0x%08X: ", (unsigned int)(dwAddress + (i*16)) ) ; pucTmp = (uint8_t*)&pucBuffer[i*16] ; for ( j=0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) { printf( "%02X%02X%02X%02X ", pucTmp[0], pucTmp[1], pucTmp[2], pucTmp[3] ) ; pucTmp += 4 ; } pucTmp=(uint8_t*)&pucBuffer[i*16] ; for ( j=0 ; j < 16 ; j++ ) { UART_PutChar( *pucTmp++ ) ; } printf( "\n\r" ) ; } if ( (dwSize%16) != 0 ) { dwLastLineStart=dwSize - (dwSize%16) ; printf( "0x%08X: ", (unsigned int)(dwAddress + dwLastLineStart) ) ; for ( j=dwLastLineStart ; j < dwLastLineStart+16 ; j++ ) { if ( (j!=dwLastLineStart) && (j%4 == 0) ) { printf( " " ) ; } if ( j < dwSize ) { printf( "%02X", pucBuffer[j] ) ; } else { printf(" ") ; } } printf( " " ) ; for ( j=dwLastLineStart ; j < dwSize ; j++ ) { UART_PutChar( pucBuffer[j] ) ; } printf( "\n\r" ) ; } } /** * Reads an integer * * \param pdwValue Pointer to the uint32_t variable to contain the input value. */ extern uint32_t UART_GetInteger( uint32_t* pdwValue ) { uint8_t ucKey ; uint8_t ucNbNb=0 ; uint32_t dwValue=0 ; while ( 1 ) { ucKey=UART_GetChar() ; UART_PutChar( ucKey ) ; if ( ucKey >= '0' && ucKey <= '9' ) { dwValue = (dwValue * 10) + (ucKey - '0'); ucNbNb++ ; } else { if ( ucKey == 0x0D || ucKey == ' ' ) { if ( ucNbNb == 0 ) { printf( "\n\rWrite a number and press ENTER or SPACE!\n\r" ) ; return 0 ; } else { printf( "\n\r" ) ; *pdwValue=dwValue ; return 1 ; } } else { printf( "\n\r'%c' not a number!\n\r", ucKey ) ; return 0 ; } } WDT_Restart(WDT); } } /** * Reads an integer and check the value * * \param pdwValue Pointer to the uint32_t variable to contain the input value. * \param dwMin Minimum value * \param dwMax Maximum value */ extern uint32_t UART_GetIntegerMinMax( uint32_t* pdwValue, uint32_t dwMin, uint32_t dwMax ) { uint32_t dwValue=0 ; if ( UART_GetInteger( &dwValue ) == 0 ) { return 0 ; } if ( dwValue < dwMin || dwValue > dwMax ) { printf( "\n\rThe number have to be between %d and %d\n\r", (int)dwMin, (int)dwMax ) ; return 0 ; } printf( "\n\r" ) ; *pdwValue = dwValue ; return 1 ; } /** * Reads an hexadecimal number * * \param pdwValue Pointer to the uint32_t variable to contain the input value. */ extern uint32_t UART_GetHexa32( uint32_t* pdwValue ) { uint8_t ucKey ; uint32_t dw = 0 ; uint32_t dwValue = 0 ; for ( dw=0 ; dw < 8 ; dw++ ) { ucKey = UART_GetChar() ; UART_PutChar( ucKey ) ; if ( ucKey >= '0' && ucKey <= '9' ) { dwValue = (dwValue * 16) + (ucKey - '0') ; } else { if ( ucKey >= 'A' && ucKey <= 'F' ) { dwValue = (dwValue * 16) + (ucKey - 'A' + 10) ; } else { if ( ucKey >= 'a' && ucKey <= 'f' ) { dwValue = (dwValue * 16) + (ucKey - 'a' + 10) ; } else { printf( "\n\rIt is not a hexa character!\n\r" ) ; return 0 ; } } } } printf("\n\r" ) ; *pdwValue = dwValue ; return 1 ; } #if defined __ICCARM__ /* IAR Ewarm 5.41+ */ /** * \brief Outputs a character on the UART. * * \param c Character to output. * * \return The character that was output. */ extern WEAK signed int putchar( signed int c ) { UART_PutChar( c ) ; return c ; } #endif // defined __ICCARM__