/*! \file gsm48_ie.h */

#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>

#include <osmocom/core/msgb.h>
#include <osmocom/core/defs.h>
#include <osmocom/gsm/tlv.h>
#include <osmocom/gsm/mncc.h>
#include <osmocom/gsm/protocol/gsm_04_08.h>

/* decode a 'called/calling/connect party BCD number' as in */
int gsm48_decode_bcd_number(char *output, int output_len,
			    const uint8_t *bcd_lv, int h_len)
	OSMO_DEPRECATED_OUTSIDE("Use gsm48_decode_bcd_number2() for improved bounds checking");
int gsm48_decode_bcd_number2(char *output, size_t output_len,
			     const uint8_t *bcd_lv, size_t input_len,
			     size_t h_len);

/* convert a ASCII phone number to 'called/calling/connect party BCD number' */
int gsm48_encode_bcd_number(uint8_t *bcd_lv, uint8_t max_len,
			    int h_len, const char *input);
/* decode 'bearer capability' */
int gsm48_decode_bearer_cap(struct gsm_mncc_bearer_cap *bcap,
			     const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'bearer capability' */
int gsm48_encode_bearer_cap(struct msgb *msg, int lv_only,
			     const struct gsm_mncc_bearer_cap *bcap);
/* decode 'call control cap' */
int gsm48_decode_cccap(struct gsm_mncc_cccap *ccap, const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'call control cap' */
int gsm48_encode_cccap(struct msgb *msg,
			const struct gsm_mncc_cccap *ccap);
/* decode 'called party BCD number' */
int gsm48_decode_called(struct gsm_mncc_number *called,
			 const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'called party BCD number' */
int gsm48_encode_called(struct msgb *msg,
			 const struct gsm_mncc_number *called);
/* decode callerid of various IEs */
int gsm48_decode_callerid(struct gsm_mncc_number *callerid,
			 const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode callerid of various IEs */
int gsm48_encode_callerid(struct msgb *msg, int ie, int max_len,
			   const struct gsm_mncc_number *callerid);
/* decode 'cause' */
int gsm48_decode_cause(struct gsm_mncc_cause *cause,
			const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'cause' */
int gsm48_encode_cause(struct msgb *msg, int lv_only,
			const struct gsm_mncc_cause *cause);
/* decode 'calling number' */
int gsm48_decode_calling(struct gsm_mncc_number *calling,
			 const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'calling number' */
int gsm48_encode_calling(struct msgb *msg, 
			  const struct gsm_mncc_number *calling);
/* decode 'connected number' */
int gsm48_decode_connected(struct gsm_mncc_number *connected,
			 const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'connected number' */
int gsm48_encode_connected(struct msgb *msg,
			    const struct gsm_mncc_number *connected);
/* decode 'redirecting number' */
int gsm48_decode_redirecting(struct gsm_mncc_number *redirecting,
			 const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'redirecting number' */
int gsm48_encode_redirecting(struct msgb *msg,
			      const struct gsm_mncc_number *redirecting);
/* decode 'facility' */
int gsm48_decode_facility(struct gsm_mncc_facility *facility,
			   const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'facility' */
int gsm48_encode_facility(struct msgb *msg, int lv_only,
			   const struct gsm_mncc_facility *facility);
/* decode 'notify' */
int gsm48_decode_notify(int *notify, const uint8_t *v);
/* encode 'notify' */
int gsm48_encode_notify(struct msgb *msg, int notify);
/* decode 'signal' */
int gsm48_decode_signal(int *signal, const uint8_t *v);
/* encode 'signal' */
int gsm48_encode_signal(struct msgb *msg, int signal);
/* decode 'keypad' */
int gsm48_decode_keypad(int *keypad, const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'keypad' */
int gsm48_encode_keypad(struct msgb *msg, int keypad);
/* decode 'progress' */
int gsm48_decode_progress(struct gsm_mncc_progress *progress,
			   const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'progress' */
int gsm48_encode_progress(struct msgb *msg, int lv_only,
			   const struct gsm_mncc_progress *p);
/* decode 'user-user' */
int gsm48_decode_useruser(struct gsm_mncc_useruser *uu,
			   const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'useruser' */
int gsm48_encode_useruser(struct msgb *msg, int lv_only,
			   const struct gsm_mncc_useruser *uu);
/* decode 'ss version' */
int gsm48_decode_ssversion(struct gsm_mncc_ssversion *ssv,
			    const uint8_t *lv);
/* encode 'ss version' */
int gsm48_encode_ssversion(struct msgb *msg,
			   const struct gsm_mncc_ssversion *ssv);
/* decode 'more data' does not require a function, because it has no value */
/* encode 'more data' */
int gsm48_encode_more(struct msgb *msg);

/* structure of one frequency */
struct gsm_sysinfo_freq {
	/* if the frequency included in the sysinfo */
	uint8_t	mask;

/* decode "Cell Channel Description" ( and other frequency lists */
int gsm48_decode_freq_list(struct gsm_sysinfo_freq *f,
			   const uint8_t *cd, uint8_t len,
			   uint8_t mask, uint8_t frqt);

/* decode "CSN.1 encoded Classmark 3" ( */
int gsm48_decode_classmark3(struct gsm48_classmark3 *classmark3_out,
			    const uint8_t *classmark3, size_t classmark3_len);