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E1TS(%u:%u) unsupported E1 TS type %u /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-bts-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hmsgb->l2hAssert failed %s %s:%d abis_sendmsg: msg->dst == NULL: %s e1_input.c:306ts->type == E1INP_TS_TYPE_RAWts->type == E1INP_TS_TYPE_HDLC%s:%u%u:%ustruct e1inp_lineclone->nameclone->sock_pathline->rate_ctre1_input.c:687e1_input.c:689osmo_use_count_get_put(&(clone)->use_count, use, 1) == 0unknownosmo_use_count_get_put(&(line)->use_count, "unknown", 1) == 0osmo_use_count_get_put(&(line)->use_count, "unknown", -1) == 0struct e1inp_sign_linke1inp_sign_linkosmo_use_count_get_put(&(link->ts->line)->use_count, "e1inp_sign_link", 1) == 0Fix your application, caught reentrant e1inp_sign_link_destroy(%p)! osmo_use_count_get_put(&(link->ts->line)->use_count, "e1inp_sign_link", -1) == 0e1_input.c:836E1TS(%u:%u) didn't find signalling link for tei %d, sapi %d E1TS(%u:%u) Fix your application, no action set for signalling messages. 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%s%s/opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-bts-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/utils.h:127e1_input%s e1_line %u driver %s%s e1_line %u port %u%s e1_line %u name %s%s e1_line %u connect-timeout %u%s no e1_line %u keepalive%s e1_line %u keepalive %d %d %d%s e1_line %u ipa-keepalive %d %d%s e1_line %u pcap %s%s0.0.0.0 ipa bind %s%s ipa ip-dscp oml %u%s ipa ip-dscp rsl %u%s ipa socket-priority oml %u%s ipa socket-priority rsl %u%sE1 Line Number %u, Name %s, Driver %s%sKeepalive: disabled%sKeepalive: enabled%s Number of probes: %d(driver's default)%s Idle timeout: %ds Probe interval: IPA Keepalive: disabled%sIPA Keepalive: enabled%s Interval: %us%s Timeout: %us%sPCAP %s%s statsE1 line %s is invalid%sE1 timeslot %s is invalid%s%% Driver '%s' does not support keep alive%s%s(config-e1_input)# show e1_timeslot [<0-255>] [<0-31>]Show running system information Display information about a E1 timeslot E1 Line Number E1 Timeslot Number show e1_line [<0-255>] [stats]Show running system information Display information about a E1 line E1 Line Number Include statistics show e1_driverShow running system information Display information about available E1 drivers ipa socket-priority (oml|rsl) <0-255>ipa driver config Set socket priority value for outbound packets Set socket priority for OML link Set socket priority for RSL link socket priority value to use (>6 requires CAP_NET_ADMIN) ipa ip-dscp (oml|rsl) <0-63>ipa driver config Set IP DSCP value for outbound packets Set IP DSCP for OML link Set IP DSCP for RSL link IP DSCP Value to use ipa bind A.B.C.Dipa driver config Set ipa local bind address Listen on this IP address (default e1_inputConfigure E1/T1/J1 TDM input no pcapNegate a command or set its defaults pcap .FILELegacyno e1_line <0-255> pcapNegate a command or set its defaults Configure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Disable pcap recording of E1 traffic for line e1_line <0-255> pcap .FILEConfigure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Setup a pcap recording of E1 traffic for line Filename to save the packets to e1_line <0-255> connect-timeout <0-60>Configure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Set connect timeout Connect timeout in seconds (0 to disable) e1_line <0-255> name .LINEConfigure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Set name for this line Human readable name no e1_line <0-255> ipa-keepaliveNegate a command or set its defaults Configure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Enable IPA PING/PONG keep-alive e1_line <0-255> ipa-keepalive <1-300> <1-300>Configure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Enable IPA PING/PONG keep-alive Idle interval in seconds before probes are sent Time to wait for PONG response no e1_line <0-255> keepaliveNegate a command or set its defaults Configure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Enable keep-alive probing e1_line <0-255> keepalive <1-300> <1-20> <1-300>Configure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Enable keep-alive probing Idle interval in seconds before probes are sent Number of probes to sent Delay between probe packets in seconds e1_line <0-255> keepaliveConfigure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Enable keep-alive probing e1_line <0-255> socket .SOCKETConfigure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Set socket path for unixsocket socket path e1_line <0-255> port <0-255>Configure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Set physical port/span/card number E1/T1 Port/Span/Card number e1_line <0-255> driver (misdn|misdn_lapd|dahdi|e1d|ipa|unixsocket)Configure E1/T1/J1 Line Line Number Set driver for this line mISDN supported E1 Card (kernel LAPD) mISDN supported E1 Card (userspace LAPD) DAHDI supported E1/T1/J1 Card osmo-e1d supported E1 interface IPA TCP/IP input Unix socket input GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE (+05:@(M R(H`hTeTrh((P(0 \|((88($&<,<(>HDdJT(l]pcp(sy( p|(Ldl|  \( &0,H2`8x>|DJPV\bd0h0(tz(8 (pxx((T<0|<((( ((4P(Kx(b(|(((@(h(((/(L(j0(X((((( ((   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K!1 804@ `1`@ 0B| @00X1@ 0 @! 00,,10 `$ @1@ 0?  0$,  $L4th(0 8D$$$xH<$ipaccess_bsc_conn_closed_cbL E1L(%u) Failed to enable TCP keepalive: %s input/ipaccess.cE1L(%u) TCP Keepalive is enabled E1L(%u) TCP keepalive idle_timeout=%us, interval=%us, retry_count=%u user_timeout=%ums E1L(%u) Failed to set TCP keepalive idle time: %s E1L(%u) Failed to set TCP keepalive interval: %s E1L(%u) Failed to set TCP keepalive count: %s E1L(%u) Failed to set TCP user timeout: %s E1L(%u) Failed to set TCP_NODELAY: %s e1i_ts->driver.ipaccess.ka_fsm == NULLAssert failed %s %s:%d E1TS(%u:%u) Failed to allocate IPA keepalive FSM ipa_bfdcould not clone E1 line ts-%u-%u-rslconnipa-rslE1TS(%u:%u) could not send ID REQ. Reason: %s ts-%u-%u-omlipa-omlline->opsilcliE1TS(%u:%u) ipaccess_close() on ts with no srv_conn, probably called during sign_link_up() or sign_link_down() user cb. E1TS(%u:%u) ipaccess_close() for line with unknown role %d osmo_use_count_get_put(&(line)->use_count, __func__, 1) == 0osmo_use_count_get_put(&(line)->use_count, "ipa_bfd", -1) == 0osmo_use_count_get_put(&(line)->use_count, __func__, -1) == 0e1i_tsE1TS(%u:%u) Delaying Tx on ts with no srv_conn msgsign_linkE1TS(%u:%u) Drop Tx msg for unknown sign_link type %d: %s /opt/poky-sdk/2.3.4/sysroots/armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/local/jenkins-build/inst-osmo-bts-sysmo/include/osmocom/core/msgb.hmsgb->l2hE1TS(%u:%u) TX: %s E1TS(%u:%u) Unexpected return from ipa_ccm_rcvmsg_base (ret=%d) E1TS(%u:%u) ID_RESP E1TS(%u:%u) IPA response message with malformed TLVs E1TS(%u:%u) IPA response message without unit ID E1TS(%u:%u) IPA response message with too small unit ID E1TS(%u:%u) Failed to parse unit ID '%s' E1TS(%u:%u) Unable to set signal link, closing socket. oml_bsc_to_btsE1L(%u) Unable to set signal link, closing socket. E1L(%u) Fix your BSC, you should use the E1 line used by the OML link for your RSL link. osmo_use_count_get_put(&(new_line)->use_count, "ipa_bfd", 1) == 0newbfd != bfdbfd->data == connsite.%u.bts.%u.ipa-rsl.%ursl_bsc_to_btsE1L(%u) Unknown IPA message type e1i_ts->lineE1TS(%u:%u) want_write for ts with unknown role %d! E1TS(%u:%u) failed reading from socket: %d len > 0tmp_ofd.fd >= 0e1i_ts->num != 0received ID_GET for unit ID %u/%u/%u Failed parsing ID_GET message. msgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) Failed allocating ID_ACK message. E1TS(%u:%u) no matching signalling link for ipa_proto=0x%02x E1TS(%u:%u) Fix your application, no action set for signalling messages. E1TS(%u:%u) RX: %s E1TS(%u:%u) Timeslot is not configured. E1TS(%u:%u) Bad signalling message, sign_link returned error: %s. E1L(%u) cannot close RSL BTS link: trx_nr (%d) out of range struct ipaccess_linets-%u-%u-rsl-trx%uE1TS(%u:%u) cannot open RSL BTS link: %s rsl_bts_to_bscipainput/ipaccess.c:11940.0.0.0E1L(%u) ipaccess: OOM in line update E1L(%u) enabling ipaccess BSC mode on %s with OML %u and RSL %u TCP ports oml_linkts-%u-omlE1L(%u) cannot open OML BTS link %s:%u (%s) rsl_linkts-%u-rslE1L(%u) cannot open RSL BTS link %s:%u (%s) E1TS(%u:%u) enabling ipaccess BTS mode, OML connecting to %s:%u E1TS(%u:%u) cannot open OML BTS link: %s oml_bts_to_bscGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE  )<4?D,ITNS$X]bdg@ lP$<| <h  @4201xMXS$Y`_P e <p <48 P|<X x<%t+1 7l<MDS|Yl_pek8q<w4 } <#X`$d <%<%<(,  X)X)<P1&,28d>DJp P V \  42<6b h` n4  d7<8t  8<;z <    <<h<L  |<<<P  <<<h  <<<D  8 D t p     , << <0<   '<GWhqw#D]y 9Us0F[t $BXid7`8X ) B [ t      " F e      < $<X  3 D |<X\ i w <(     $ B c     ipaccess.c$aipa_bts_keepalive_send_cbupdate_fd_settings$d.LC8.LC1.LC7.LC0.LC6.LC5.LC4.LC3.LC2ipaccess_bts_connect_cbipaccess_bts_keepalive_fsm_allocipa_bts_keepalive_timeout_cb.LC11.LC9.LC10ipa_bsc_keepalive_timeout_cbipaccess_bsc_rsl_accept_cb.LC12.LC14ipaccess_bsc_conn_read_cbipaccess_bsc_conn_closed_cb.LC16.LC13.LC17.LC15ipaccess_bsc_oml_accept_cb.LC18.LC19ipa_bsc_keepalive_send_cbipaccess_close.LC24.LC23.LC20.LC21.LC22_ipaccess_bts_down_cbipaccess_bts_disconnect_cbipaccess_bsc_keepalive_fsm_alloc.LC25.LC26.LC27ipaccess_bsc_write_cb.LC35.LC32.LC30.LC31.LC33.LC34.LC29.LC28ipaccess_bsc_rcvmsg.LC46.LC50.LC51.LC36.LC37.LC38.LC44.LC52.LC42.LC41.LC39.LC47.LC48.LC49.LC40.LC43.LC45ts_want_write.LC54.LC53ipaccess_bts_read_cb.LC58.LC56.LC57.LC55.LC60.LC59.LC62.LC64.LC61.LC63.LC65.LC67.LC66.LC68.LC70.LC72.LC71.LC69.LC73.LC74.LC75ipaccess_line_update.LC86.LC79.LC82.LC83.LC84.LC76.LC77.LC85.LC78.LC80.LC81__func__.10993tall_ipa_ctxipaccess_driverosmo_stream_cli_sendsetsockoptlog_check_level__errno_locationstrerrorlogp2logp_stub_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_osmo_log_infoosmo_stream_cli_get_dataosmo_stream_cli_get_fdosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_startosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_allocosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_set_ping_intervalosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_set_pong_timeoutosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_set_dataosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_set_send_cbosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_set_timeout_cbosmo_panicosmo_stream_srv_destroyosmo_stream_srv_link_get_datae1inp_line_clonee1inp_ts_config_signsnprintfosmo_stream_srv_create2osmo_stream_srv_set_nameosmo_stream_srv_set_read_cbosmo_stream_srv_set_closed_cbosmo_stream_srv_set_segmentation_cbosmo_fd_setuposmo_stats_tcp_osmo_fd_registeripa_ccm_send_id_reqosmo_ipa_segmentation_cbosmo_stream_srv_sendosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_stope1inp_int_snd_eventosmo_stream_cli_closeosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_freeosmo_stream_srv_get_data_osmo_use_count_get_putosmo_stats_tcp_osmo_fd_unregisterosmo_stream_srv_set_datae1inp_tx_tsipa_prepend_headerosmo_hexdumpmsgb_lengthmsgb_freememsetipa_ccm_rcvmsg_baseosmo_ipa_ka_fsm_pong_receivedipa_ccm_id_resp_parseipa_parse_unitide1inp_lookup_sign_linkipa_ccm_rcvmsg_bts_baseipa_ccm_make_id_resp_from_reqipa_msg_alloce1inp_ipa_bts_rsl_close_nosmo_stream_cli_destroye1inp_ipa_bts_rsl_connect_nosmo_stream_cli_createosmo_stream_cli_set_nameosmo_stream_cli_set_dataosmo_stream_cli_set_addrosmo_stream_cli_set_portosmo_stream_cli_set_protoosmo_stream_cli_set_nodelayosmo_stream_cli_set_priorityosmo_stream_cli_set_ip_dscposmo_stream_cli_set_reconnect_timeoutosmo_stream_cli_set_segmentation_cbosmo_stream_cli_set_connect_cbosmo_stream_cli_set_disconnect_cbosmo_stream_cli_set_read_cb2osmo_stream_cli_open_talloc_zerog_e1inp_ipaccess_parse1inp_ipa_bts_rsl_connecte1inp_ipaccess_inittalloc_named_conste1inp_driver_registerlibosmo_abis_ctxe1inp_ipa_set_bind_addr_talloc_freetalloc_strdupe1inp_ipa_get_bind_addrosmo_stream_srv_link_createosmo_stream_srv_link_set_nameosmo_stream_srv_link_set_protoosmo_stream_srv_link_set_addrosmo_stream_srv_link_set_portosmo_stream_srv_link_set_dataosmo_stream_srv_link_set_nodelayosmo_stream_srv_link_set_priorityosmo_stream_srv_link_set_ip_dscposmo_stream_srv_link_set_accept_cbosmo_stream_srv_link_openosmo_stream_srv_link_destroy\$8DP|<XdpP(LT`,48< @ L P T X \ ` hl tx |              `|$Lt|    D X h x        T        @ \ h l p t   "  #  $   %  $  #    L ` p        0 \      Hdptx|)*#  %$ $ # `$h,48</@ H0L P T1X` d/h l2pt x3| 04<Tp PXd hlpt (|  ; 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E1TS(%u:%u) PH_ACTIVATE_IND: channel(%d) sapi(%d) tei(%d) E1TS(%u:%u) PH_DEACTIVATE_IND: channel(%d) sapi(%d) tei(%d) E1TS(%u:%u) PH_DATA_IND but kernel LAPD ?!? msgb(%p): msgb too small to pull %u (len %u) E1TS(%u:%u) MPH_INFORMATION_IND E1TS(%u:%u) TX %u/%u/%u: %s E1TS(%u:%u) TX channel(%d) TEI(%d) SAPI(%d): %s E1TS(%u:%u) sendto error: %s mISDN TSxE1TS(%u:%u) recv error: %s E1TS(%u:%u) <= BCHAN len = %d, prim(0x%x) id(0x%x): %s E1TS(%u:%u) BCHAN RX: %s E1TS(%u:%u) BCHAN TX: %s E1TS(%u:%u) send returns %d instead of %zu mISDN TS RAWE1TS(%u:%u) <= RAW CHAN len = %d, prim(0x%x) id(0x%x): %s E1TS(%u:%u) RAW CHAN RX: %s E1TS(%u:%u) RAW CHAN TX: %s E1TS(%u:%u) send returns %d instead of %d mISDN TS HDLCE1TS(%u:%u) <= HDLC CHAN len = %d, prim(0x%x) id(0x%x): %s E1TS(%u:%u) HDLC CHAN RX: %s E1TS(%u:%u) HDLC CHAN TX: %s E1TS(%u:%u) unknown E1 TS type %u misdn_lapdmisdnPH_CONTROL_INDPH_DATA_INDPH_DATA_CNFPH_ACTIVATE_INDDL_ESTABLISH_INDDL_ESTABLISH_CNFDL_RELEASE_INDDL_RELEASE_CNFDL_DATA_INDDL_UNITDATA_INDDL_INFORMATION_INDMPH_ACTIVATE_INDMPH_DEACTIVATE_INDGCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE   P @ % * >p C H hMh0f kh pt u< H       02pD    d      D  & ,l 2 84 > D Jx P LV \LD HsH(l p  (  <0       H        d L l   X  d ! 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E1TS(%u:%u) rs232 TX: %s msgb(%p): Not enough headroom msgb_push (allocated %u, head at %u < want headroom %u, len %u, tailroom %u) E1TS(%u:%u) rs232: short write rs232GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE   $  $ $x27\ DI,N<S`X]  b hnty`D H 8D0  /@IOU_u8rs232.c$ars232_want_write$drs232_line_update.LC4serial_fd_cb.LC0.LC1.LC2.LC3.LC6.LC5.LC12.LC15.LC11.LC8.LC14.LC13.LC16.LC17.LC7.LC9.LC10rs232_driverosmo_fd_update_whenopentcgetattrcfsetispeedcfsetospeedtcsetattr_talloc_zeroosmo_fd_setuposmo_fd_registerlog_check_level__errno_locationstrerrorlogp2closelogp_stub_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_osmo_log_infoe1inp_tx_tsmsgb_freeusleepreadosmo_hexdumposmo_panicmsgb_alloce1inp_rs232_inite1inp_driver_register*`+x,-./0<1D2|3456345(6L3X4d5673564588@4L5p8|736458$5H8l8x"|9 :  $*0;X3<=>T?3(3@4H5|6=@6?h33 6$ 3< 4D 5x 6 3 6 @8 6T @| 8 A 3$ 6, =D Bh 4p 5 8 A @ 8$ 4, 5T 8 A 6 8, 8h 8 8 9 :                        $(,04@DD"%  .symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rel.text.data.bss.rel.data.rel.local.rodata.str1.4.comment.note.GNU-stack.ARM.attributes4H @p %|+|4|00 @8 D2FS0\lp+0P * P|unixsocket.o/ 0 0 0 644 12184 ` ELF(@-4(0@- :< @-8@80@00   0 @0($3p@-@PM0 # P 8Q "0 Rc PЍp2 0  "2 Ѝp P&#@`v@ VЍ R= P 1 0 01`0  0 Ѝ@ `0 0 `0  @ 00|0 0hЍC9L0L0H 00<00 pdD,480@ @-B^Mڶ3@B03@@B@ 80B^ڶ3@B03@@BЍ@j#<A\D@D B0C #<A D@D B0C @O-Df@,MP`,Ѝ@$0PP 60`V Pa$0 <@,Ѝ pPB c.@@Pl ~T[ 80#<ATʶP5!<[ PP @ 30C3@P 3@ 0C[3@Q R P. 004 0 @  $m0 @80 p4`L4 0 @$p `@0 40 R{ PT@f>804p 3p @ 0h0S S R P \3 0  L#v0 @ 20 R PA @40 08 2  "00P0 02 0 @  "_0 @@ t2 0 d"e0  :@ 00442_0@~ @ 002 0 eD0CD B 0 00@0 00pp1m0@F R/ P= 81 0  (!z0 00@ @@40080 0000 000v0@ 000z0@ 0tD,T@lT$,`h0unixsocket_write_msgunixsocketE1L(%u) altc is only supported by unixsocket input/unixsocket.cE1L(%u) e1inp driver not yet initialized. ALTCmsgb(%p): Not enough tailroom msgb_put (allocated %u, head at %u, len %u, tailroom %u < want tailroom %u) E1L(%u) line update (line=%p) struct unixsocket_lineE1L(%u) OOM in line update (line=%p) /tmp/osmo_abis_line_%s%dE1L(%u) Cannot create default socket path: %s E1L(%u) Default socket path exceeds %zd bytes: %s%d E1L(%u) unable to open socket: %s (line=%p, fd=%d) E1L(%u) successfully opend (new) socket: %s (line=%p, fd=%d, ret=%d) E1L(%u) error registering new socket (line=%p, fd=%d) E1L(%u) Socket connection failure, reconnecting... (line=%p, fd=%d) E1L(%u) removing inactive socket from select loop... (line=%p, fd=%d) E1L(%u) tx msg: %s (fd=%d) E1L(%u) %s write failed %d msgb(%p): Not enough headroom msgb_push (allocated %u, head at %u < want headroom %u, len %u, tailroom %u) UNIXSOCKET TSread E1L(%u) received to small packet: %d < 2E1L(%u) rx msg: %s (fd=%d) msgb(%p): msgb too small to pull %u (len %u) E1L(%u) received message with invalid version %d. valid: %dE1L(%u) received (invalid) control message.E1L(%u) received invalid message.E1TS(%u:%u) no message available (line=%p) E1TS(%u:%u) sending: %s (line=%p) GCC: (GNU) 6.4.0A*aeabi 5TE ($(l"' < A<F|KPPU4 lz  Ph(pT$ $   l 8 T P#)/5 ;A   Pd(Xz0p)3>L`n",?KY^jw~unixsocket.c$ats_want_write$d.LC0unixsocket_write_msg.LC1.LC2.LC4.LC3.LC5unixsocket_line_updateunixsocket_cbunixsocket_write_msg_lapd_cb.LC6.LC13.LC14.LC9.LC10.LC12.LC7.LC8.LC11.LC15unixsocket_exception_cb.LC16.LC17.LC19.LC18.LC20.LC21.LC26.LC30.LC22.LC27.LC29.LC23.LC24.LC25.LC28__func__.10181osmo_fd_update_whene1inp_unixsocket_inittalloc_named_conste1inp_driver_register_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_libosmo_abis_ctxtall_unixsocket_ctxunixsocket_drivere1inp_ericsson_set_altclog_check_levellogp2msgb_alloclogp_stubosmo_panicosmo_log_infoosmo_sock_unix_initosmo_fd_setuposmo_fd_registere1inp_ts_namelapd_instance_alloc2snprintf_talloc_zero__errno_locationstrerrorclosee1inp_dlsap_uplapd_profile_abisosmo_fd_is_registeredosmo_fd_unregistermsgb_freeosmo_hexdump_nospce1inp_tx_tslapd_transmitreadmsgb_lengthmsgb_hexdumpperrore1inp_rx_ts_lapdDLFhGlHpIt xJ|KMN4OtPMNQ,Q\QQPHKR MXSxMTUV$W@LNMNP4P|NXM N<YdMNPMZZ([XNtMN\Z[ P, PP P P H R ] ^                      !      !    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